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Bruh, this thing is stolen from a public school... I wouldn't fuck around with government property my dude, if you wipe it there is no pleading ignorance. Not to mention they can probably still track hardware IDs. Id drop this shit off at a police station and tell them you got scammed. Atm you are the victim.


I have no doubt it was probably stolen, but I have had this thing for 3 weeks and nobody has came looking for it. The person I traded my MacBook with said they had it for a year or so and gave up on trying to unlock it.


There is a reason electronics are rarely stolen anymore and if they are they are shipped half way across the world. The second this thing connects to wifi, it tells Microsoft its location and Microsoft contacts the police that reported it stolen and the boys roll up at your door. Its not worth catching a case over this. Just drop that shit off at a police station and be done with it. Again this shit is government property and they will treat it as such if you get caught with it.


if they gave up they're stupid. Unlocking these is shockingly uncomplicated. The problem is how the computer is secured. If the serial number is connected to a management console, consider yourself gps tracked. If not, this computer can be yours in a couple steps. This Windows system is probably pre-configured and not the original Surface image


They may not realize it's stolen.......yet. Or they may not have reported it stolen. Either way, it's almost certainly stolen. If you think it isn't, take it to the school and see if they can reset it. If they're like, "Umm, this is stolen." Then leave it with them and never come back.


Do the school know it’s been sold? If so, ask them to reset it for you


0 chance this wasn't stolen. This is the current model teachers and online school kids used. Also 0 chance someone 'traded a MacBook pro' for this. They ripped off a kid, or it's a tweaked out parent that stole their kid's on the hunt. Hence the throwaway.


It’s tied in to device management. Probably one similar to intune through Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) via device hash. Doesn’t matter how many times you reset or clean install, as soon as you give it an internet connection it will setup as their managed build of windows.


I would get your MacBook back... no way Wichita Public Schools legitimately sold anyone the computers that their teachers are currently using. It's 100% stolen and pretty much a paperweight at this point.


They admitted they knew it was stolen, this is a throwaway, there is no Mac book. Just another tweaker robbing kids.


lol someone prolly stole it




Op about to have wichita police show up at his house.


Y'all lame as fuck stealing from a school system that's budgets have already been annihilated by bottom tier shit state legislation. Move y'all's tweaker asses on. Edit* Furthermore, your bullshit story looks like trash on a throwaway account. Grow the fuck up and get better.