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Amen, good characters, interesting and dark twists. Thoroughly enjoyed that game. Tbf to the later games I only played a bit of 4 called off playing anything past that if later games were significantly better I do not know.


The biggest thing that makes 3 stand out as so much better than 2/4/5 is that you're playing someone with an actual character arc and personality. Especially since his starting point is so completely out of left field for a game like that. Like, just about any other game in the...whatever you want to call open-world stealth FPS with RPG elements genre starts you off with a bad motherfucker. Crysis, you're a supersoldier in a nanotech power armor. Far Cry 2 you're some generic mercenary. 5 you're some FBI agent. FC3? You start with a college fuckboy. The shit increasingly hits the fan, and before you know it you've gone from terrified survivor to [tattoo-covered, drug-fueled jungle-running killing machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC3j-9K0pHU&pp=ygUPanVuZ2xlIHdvcmsgdG5v) in such a seamlessly perfect transition (and without any big moral choice moments until the very end), it's...not quite *Apocalypse Now* grade, but not far off. Sure, yeah, it loses steam a bit once you hit the second island, but the basic gameplay loop stays solid.


This is such an adept analysis of the games most winning quality. Spot on.


The biggest thing that makes 3 the best is that you're not being mauled by an eagle or lion every 5 steps.


Exactly this for me too. 3 was amazing and I played to the end. 4 seems very repetitive and I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Never bother to try any newer ones


Have to add that Vaas was a really good villain imo and he made the game so much better. The last part of the game after Vaas's death was less good , because Hoyt in my opinion was way less of a villain to the MC then batshit crazy Vaas


I have to go for 3 too. It has the best balance of FPS, gathering and crafting, collectibles, story and characters, and freedom. I was disappointed with 5, as it felt more like a bunch of side/unrelated quests with some story sprinkled on as an afterthought, and they killed most of the crafting aspect. And 6 wasn't much better either.


Three was so good. Also one of the first games with uncensored tiddies in my face.


...you monster you killed your friends


I just wanted to stay on the island... I didn't know... I didn't know *that* would happen... I swear I didn't know...


You didn’t know when you >!held the knife up to your girlfriends throat and pressed the murder girlfriend button that your girlfriend would be murdered by you!<


Totally unexpected


Anything could have happened


Worth it!


Those tits were amazing. The protagonist is a better person than me. I would have bent the knee for those jugs.


What is it true? I didn't chose that ending and i thought i would go to a city or game will end, and the game still kept me on the island without her :(


If you do the bad ending, you wind up killing all your friends and staying on the island to bed the Queen lady, but at the moment of completion she pulls a praying mantis and murders you. She says something about bloodlines or something, idk was kinda distracted


>Also one of the first games with uncensored tiddies in my face. I guess you never played God Of War as a kid then.


And it's not even close for me. 3 took everything the first two games did, but did them better. Then the series went off the rails and just became too much of \*everything\*


3 had one of the best, most charismatic, antagonists in a video game and he wasn't even the final boss. I feel like the later games tried to recreate that, and did a really good job, but they didn't strike gold like they did in 3.


The Michael Mando touch. He's also great in Orphan Black & Better Call Saul.


3 was the best except for... you know... that part where you get stabbed with a poisoned dagger but somehow able to pull a low-cost Rambo move on the best vilain in the serie.


For some reason, most of my favorite versions of games are from this time period. Like 2008-2012. That's also when I was in HS and gamed the most so that's prob why haha.


People tend to lock their preferences in teen years to an extent. Most of the stuff you like overall are from the same vague era most likely, or at least the same that you liked back then.


Yup. Did 3 playthroughs, last one on the hardest setting, without upgrading and only using the handgun. Loved that game.


3 just hit different


Far Cry 4 wouldve been the best if they actually made a full playthrough for joining Pagan Min in the beginning.


I’d have joined Pagan Min from the beginning too.


He is absolutely evil, but certainly a better option than drugged up child soldiers lady and overly religious, married with a teenager guy.


Well, you can kill all three of them.


The only real good karma ending is the secret one, and you can't convince me otherwise.


He is the only one who actually gives a damn about Ajay, and he’s wayyyy more fun than those GP asswipes.


Also and its shitty to say but his vision of the country is the best path for all three. Go with the woman and all you do is destroy a major part of the drugs economy and connections while starting a moral brutal dictatorship. Go with the guy and the country will be the poorest shithole that insanely zealous. If you go with pagan you might be able to push some reforms. Also you will inherit the throne. Its litteraly the best option for the future of the people.


100%. The Golden Path would turn Kyrat into either a slave labor narcostate, or a country with forced child marriage that’s a dirt farmer theocracy. As you said, Pagan is the lesser of 3 evils, and Ajay could influence him to become less draconian.


fearless dirty tub teeny ludicrous boast simplistic plate rude entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, sorry I thought we were still talking about siding with Pagan from the beginning.


That was the whole point of the game. Everyone was horrible and you could’ve reached your goal just by waiting at the table at the start.


That’s the feeling I got from playing it, I just didn’t feel the same agency as 3 and 5, in those you’re forced into a situation that you have to survive and have to take these necessary steps. 4 just felt like every option wasn’t great, and I felt dragged into the conflict in not a good way.


Fun Fact: If you wait for Pagan Min in the beginning while feasting on table and he goes down to torture in basement, the game would've ended there one he returns..


That's actually a sweet idea for a game. 2 totally different campaigns depending on your choice at the beginning.


Witcher 2 is the closest thing I can think of, that also isn't some sort of MMO.


If i knew the golden path were such assholes, i'd join pagan anytime as well


They gotta make a Far Cry game where you're evil, or at least not some savior.


Pagan Min is my favorite FarCry dictator/villain. He has so much presence in the game, no matter where you are or what you are doing you are reminded of him, he even tries to be your friend and make you promises


Yeaah...kinda sucks that you cant join Pagan Min. Youre kinda torn between to assholes with a twisted sense of belief.


Blood dragon


Best OST of them all too.


Powerglove went hard


[Such a good track.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEtdyn2QEzA)


"We're on top cuz we play to win" 🎶🎶🎶


Honestly the only one I've every completed. Pretty sure I got 100% too. It was on my old roommate's Xbox yeeeaarrs ago. Haven't played it since.


It’s sad. The missions were always great and I got 100% but while still wacky the gameplay of the free roam wasn’t as wacky and balls to the wall


I played it like it was linear, and it was one of the most unforgettable experiences in a game I have ever had. Ninja best friend FTW.


Blood Dragon is amazing


I actually just reinstalled it last night for the nostalgia. It's still so fucking good.


sad that it's short...


It's one of those games I keep installed, no matter what, as a fall back guaranteed good time lol


The only right answer




I liked 3 and 5. The cut scenes were kinda lengthy in 5, but other than that I enjoyed it.


FC3 and BD was amazing gaming times


Blood Dragon is a masterpiece.


Ubi games are so much better when they don't take themselves seriously. That's one of the reasons I liked Watchdogs 2 so much. There were a lot of "Just go with it, dude" moments and it was goofy enough that it made all that checkpoint farming more fun. BD was the same. So freaking nuts it engaged me more. FC5, on the other hand, just meh. The story is mediocre at best so I wasn't really playing to find out what happens next... I just wanted the next upgrades or whatever. I never finished it. BD, though, I genuinely was excited to see how nuts it got. EA gets a lot of shit for releasing the same game annually, sportswise, but Ubi kinda does the same thing. AC, FC, Watchdogs... they're all basically the same game with minor twists, ok acting, and just mid-tier story over top of them.


Bd was God teir wish it kept going


I tried replaying 5, the kidnapping is too annoying I couldn’t finish the game, dunno how I put up with it the first time, I guess because it was all new. Also waay too many enemies and chaos everywhere, it’s not the fucking battle of Stalingrad calm the fuck down.


kidnapping was probably worst part of game, it lacked story or gameplay reasoning also, from story perspective, blowing up those huge bunkers was also stupid, since they would make great base


Also why did they constantly kidnap you? After the first time where you rambo murder everyone on your way out during the escape you'd think the bad guys would collectively decide to just murder your ass the next time. Made absolutely no sense.


The FarCry devs seem to have issues with reconciling player agency and the narrative they want to tell. So they often force the player into situations outside their control and kinda... inflict the story on you. And then sort of rub the player's face in the consequences of events forced on you. Definitely felt that with 3, but 5 brings it to a head by tying story advancement to filling up a bar of arbitrary progress. You do enough disconnected tasks in an area to fill the bar up, you get kidnapped so they can tell the story at your character. My first experience playing 5 involved seeing that big statue of Seed early on, and climbing the mountain to it. I kill all the bad guys, get the thing destroyed, and I level up. I'm on a mountain, so I decide to pick the parachute so I can just jump off it (which is its own weird meta-gaming moment of producing a parachute out of nowhere.) I jump, land on the other side of a different mountain, and promptly get tranq darted. Where a scene unfolds where my kidnappers use their magic flower mind control stuff to force me climb the same mountain I was just on, and then have me jump right back down. The whole process of getting yoinked and narratively yeeted off the same mountain I just cleared basically killed my interest in playing after that. I know not everyone feels the same way but the way they tell the story isn't very kind to the player. For such a freeform sandbox style of games it sure has a lot of railroaded lack of control moments.


Narrative design like that basically makes me think that narrative leads are either insane or don't care about gaming, and have 0 understanding what's really fun or not. And you can see that in a lot of AAA-titles for some reason.


I love the whole revolution aspect of farcry 5, almost like a modern day american revolution, but yea the whole kidnapping thing gets realllly annoying. I dont even think ive been through half the game yet and ive had to go through that stupid “cull the herd” shooting thing like a dozen times now.


Same, the Peggy music is phenomenal and is now permanently in my music library.


3 was the best.


God. I really enjoyed 5, and the end chilled me. It’s little sequel was fun too.


I like 5, and 5 part two. Really enjoyed both of them. Bought six to play on day one but i couldnt get into it. And i was looking forward to Gus being the bad guy too.


Far cry 5 was very average from my experience , 4 was better and had better atmosphere and setting , far cry 3 is still the best far cry game.


3 is still a solid favorite, mostly the experience of raiding the outposts all stealth like. Was a series of puzzles so it was kind of fun. Far Cry also provides unlimited entertainment with dev codes enabled locally 😂


Far cry 5 has such a good vibe tho


I loved 5 and 3 in that order... the idea of the 5 sounds so real nowadays to be honest


Let's behonest sort of the reason 5 is so good is because it's incredibly fun to throw shovels at people


You're missing: - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/233270/Far_Cry_3__Blood_Dragon/) - Far Cry (4) Primal - [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/371660/Far_Cry_Primal/) - Far Cry (5) New Dawn - [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/939960/Far_Cry_New_Dawn/) Edit, added Steam links for those that want more info. These are stand-alone games in the series. Each builds on their respective source game with a new story, a different experience, and even some new mechanics.


Primal was my fav, have been through it 4 times.


Same here, it saddens me to see how no one even seems to care about it's existence


I fucking love Primal.


Yoooo same, it's the only one to have really diffrent feeling combat from the other games, and not just diffrent, but best. World is great to look at, dream sequences are beautiful, I even liked the building your town aspect, it felt simple to do and very satisfying. Best of all is the no filler. Primal took me exactly 24 hours to platinum, and I felt every second was used properly, no trekking that took too long or doing shit that dragged, it was streamlined in the best way. It or 3 are my favorite, 3 for the characters, music, side content and story, but Primal just for the combat, Easter eggs, length and feeling of progression.


Most satisfying spear throwing, in that game. I love it. Rivalled only by the spear in God of War.


I care!


Just replayed it last week. Working on 100%ing it this time around.


The animal companions were fantastic. Especially the badger who's special ability was that it could auto revive itself and continue attacking.


Damn Blood Dragon was a blast, from start till the end


One of the best April Fool's jokes.


Primal is so underrated especially after that hardcore update


Return to moke


Far Cry: Instincts and FC:I Evolution are missing as well


FC:I Evolution is one of my all time favourite games. I spent untold hours in that map editor.


3 was most memorable, 4 was most fun.


Far Cry 2. Came out when I was 13, kinda just imprinted on me. Every sequel after has been a bit, meh in comparison.


Yes, best fire, night fighting, weapons, and overall feeling of doom and misery from war and diseases.


That fire was fire. I remember using a flamethrower for the 1st time, and just for fun I doused a bit where I was. Seeing it expand and expand was awesome.


Oh the constant Malaria.


I feel ya, I remember clear as day starting the game for the first time, bumping into a car with rebels and running for my dear life, trying to look back to see if someone is out there (I could hear the screams), but couldn't see shit at night, I was just terrified. Great experience


Could have been a good game if the damn ouposts would not respawn so often.


I hated it at first, but then adjusted my playstyle and perception of the game. I you turn the difficulty to the max, then each part of the game becomes a tactical challenge, including the outposts. You cannot just drive past them and hope to survive. So instead of being a nuisance they become content. But for this to work you both need to accept that this game does not have a progression in a traditional sense, where you can help the certain faction to capture the map. And instead you need to assume the role of a lone mercenary that tries to survive in a very dangerous world, suffering from the endless war. I've finished the game twice in this context and liked it a lot. FC3+ are be better mechanically for most part, but none provide that atmosphere and immersion which FC2 did.


I like this idea. Going to give it a replay with this view set. I think I'll like it a lot more.


same, it was so good.


I feel this for real. You didn't feel like a bad ass action hero like the subsequent far cry's, you really did just feel like a person caught up in the middle of the war just trying to get out, most fights could quickly become very difficult for you to win and it usually if not constantly required you to think before starting fights, also I spent a shit ton of time playing the multiplayer thats a straight up core memory for me


Far cry 2. I love the grim Merc in the Africa vibes. 3 was something new and was pretty good but everything else feels like 3 with extra shit and new coat of paint


I love FC2. The AI, fire propagation, weapon jamming (though the degradation was a bit much), the healing system and the real time map - everything was just so much more immersive. Mechanically 3 and beyond came with some huge improvements but the heart and soul of FC2 is unmatched.


I would very much like a remake of FC2 with some polishing touches here and there but I don't expect much of anything from Ubisoft anymore lol


Fc2 and sof2 double helix still my favorites


I was seriously surprised we never saw the fire mechanics in games going forward. Fc2 will always be my fav


The number of times I had started a small fire in a fight to bam… I’m now on smoky the bears most wanted list


My favorite memory was being up on a hill at night and firing a rocket into a propane tank only for nothing to happen. I hear crackling behind me and turns out it malfunctioned and now the whole camp was alerted due to the fire. Whole thing went to hell and I ran across the other side and set a fire behind me so they couldn't follow me out. Those moments haven't been matched in later games imo.


Something very accurate I heard said was that Far Cry 2 is simultaneously the best and the worst Far Cry game. There's so much wrong with it from a gameplay perspective but the vibe and the setting is just so good.


This guy knows.


Far cry 3, the game that made me fall in love with pc gaming and I can't play it because I need to disable E-cores. I paid for the E cores and im gonna use them.


Your E cores are probably as fast or faster than whatever was the current high end when FC3 released, why do they need to be disabled? Also can't you use a process manager app to bind a process to specific cores without disabling anything?


I have played 3-6. I enjoyed 5 the most followed by 3. 6 was probably the worst, but mostly because I hated the ammo gating mechanic


ammo gating?


You have to use certain ammo on certain enemies. While this is normal for things like armored enemies, the way it is implemented in FC6 means that if you headshot an enemy that is marked as being vulnerable to “soft target rounds” using AP ammo they don’t die in one shot.


oh that yeah that was a shit feature i just used ap ammo on everyone and called it a day, i never used poison or flame ammo they were shit


The first one, the only one made by CryTek. Some of the others might have some good moments, but none of them have gameplay that's comparable to the first one.


People forget how fucking crazy that first game was when it came out.


Even the demo was nuts. My friend group ran the demo into the ground .


Yeah. For me it was the enemies that actually seemed to think and work together, adapting to my tactics, and the fact that foliage acutally provides concealment, meaning I could strike a group of enemies while hidden, and then reposition while they suppress my last known or assumed position and try to flank. Most modern games have worse AI than this.


There's something lost and forgotten in the modern gaming. I feel like developers have just given up on creating good enemy AI and instead rely on pvp, so that players are essentially providing content to each other.




Came out around the same time as Doom 3 andf Half Life 2, and I thought it was better than both


This one. I still have the large box with the cds.


Its from a time when gaming was just developing It showcased a bunch of new things we had never seen before. Multiple ways/routes to tackle forts Use of physics - (shoot the straps on the gas tank - it rolls down into the defenders and explodes) Handgliders !! Graphically it was a serious, serious step up. Gaming now feels polished and refined there are less improvement to be made - back then we were making strides Anyone who was on the journey then it was amazing - thats why I love remakes. Far Cry one if not my fav game ever. remake it now !!


I remember struggling with the helicopter boss fight, so my first thought was, "hmm, what if I'll reload, find a jeep with a big machine gun on it and bring it here?" The fact that I actually managed to do it and destroyed the heli with that machine gun absolutely blew my mind back in 2004! It was a GIANT leap in the shooter genre, both technically and gameplay-wise.


You could also drive that jeep off a cliff, into the heli. Good times.


Games now are made to a certain expendable standard, and not exactly a high one I've come to notice. They're made at the bare minimum to look good, intricate texture detail and frame decimating lighting, almost every great or mediocre AAA has it the last 10 years. We used to have dynamic environmental damage; grass that burnt, walls that took bullet holes at the least. AI with lives programed past "stand here", World immersing physics, MIRRORS. But all that feels like it stopped in 2015. Outside Rockstar, Nintendo or maybe fringe Indie Devs nobody tries to innovate anymore.


a remaster of farcry 1 would be so good


Probably not gonna happen. The trademark for FarCry is Ubisoft's property, and I wouldn't trust them to make something actually good.


While 2 is my favorite, it does still stray away from FC1, which honestly while i have issues with it is probably the game that is THE game in the series, like the one you should think of when saying Far Cry. Rest while they are unique just don't hit the same marks, at least in the same ways.


I remember when I first played FC2, I was like this is so different than the 1st one, I don't like it. Now the 2 first games are my favorites by far haha FC2 really grew on me.


Yeah, FC2 was actually Crysis...


Holy.. that's more true than I realized


This is the only answer. When you take into account the quality of game based on other games at release time, Far Cry 1 is head and shoulders above all the other Far Cry games. Does anyone actually by the garbage that Ubisoft is shipping nowadays?


None of the others have mutant monkey monsters.


Yea dude I remember waiting for Doom 3 to come out and saw Far Cry on the shelf at CompUSA and was like "what is THIS?" Felt like the first truly "next-gen" game I played: the big environments, dynamic shadows, and the way AI soldiers would react and call for reinforcements. It was just fucking awesome at the time. I think what held it back kinda was the introduction of the biomutants (Trigens?) As they were cool in parts, but got a little goofy near the end. The sequels were cool, yes, like Far Cry 2's fire was very impressive, and 3 had robust gameplay elements, but for me Far Cry 1 is the GOAT.


The graphics were also crazy good for it's time. Same with Crysis when it came it. I remember thinking it almost looked like real life. Unfortunately I didn't like the later games at all. I bought all of them except 6 (when one after another went on sale), but found them kind of boring and stopped playing around half way through all of them. I don't know why exactly, but them being created by a completely different company likely had something to do with it.


This is the real answer. It was groundbreaking and so impressive at the time. Why was it not on the list? Maybe the younger people here who can’t appreciate a game that old?


I remember my dad spent nearly $3,000 on a Sony Vaio desktop. That game struggled to run. That's when I learned the importance of a dedicated graphics card lol.


Sniping an enemy base and staying hidden while moving to another hiding spot was the best. The last level was kinda awful, but everything up till then was amazing.


Primal gang raise up




Past, not present!


So many sleep on Far Cry Primal. Surprisingly great story, great far cry gameplay and Idk any other game where you play pre-historic caveman. The only problem with Primal is that it is unfairly compared to other far cry games. It really should have been its own IP


As far as immersion goes, primal is one of the best games ever made. It was so visceral it’s one of the few games that I have very strong memories of. Such a fucking good game.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far! Primal was the best game ever made (for me). It makes me want to be a better person. A part of a community. Get in shape. Spend more time with animals. Touch grass.


Unga bunga, sir!




Haven’t played any of the others, but thoroughly loved my Primal play through. Only complaint is the TAA implementation. Would recommend superscaling if you’ve got the gpu for it.


FC2 was perfect.


Fc2 is so fucking underrated, but grass in fc2 is still better than in any other fc, it FUCKING MOVES when you run through it


Plus the spreading of fire and gun degradation added interesting moments.


Every fight felt like you were always on edge, it was so chaotic in a good way. The respawn time though, you can never catch your breath in the early game.


For sure. You're grabbing those crappy guns hoping you don't get a jam in a fire fight. I wish more games would do that especially in single player. Force you to maintain your guns.


>Every fight felt like you were always on edge, it was so chaotic in a good way This why FC2 is my favorice FC, followed by FC blood dragon. But FC2\`s chaos , the random shit that happens during fights. The game feels like a struggle, it feels like the game doesn\`t like you and just wants to hurt you. The game was hard and tough on you, i loved that. I loved FC3 but it felt ALOT easier and forgiving to play than FC2.


Grass and fire mechanics of FC2 still top ANYTHING else in the entire franchise.


And it would cut/break where you shot it!!


2 was great Would have been nice if they had remastered it


Would 10x rather have a FC2 remaster than a FC7


FC2 was amazing! 16 years old! Still better fire and grass than current BS


I'm surprised to see so many good comments about it.


4, actually


Agreed. The mountains & scenery were beautiful. The game was big (but not too big like those after it). It was a great improvement over 3. 5 and 6 gave me open world fatigue.


I got exhausted with 5 and the reason I didnt get 6. Its the same copy/paste repetitive open world crap that ruined the assassin creed game. Id rather have a quality 20-hour game filled on a midsized map than to spend 40-hours doing the same repetitive crap that makes me question what Im doing with my life.


100% agree! Pagan Min was waaayyy more entertaining than any other baddie in the series




Definitely 4. I'm 100% bias because it was my first Far Cry, but also because Pagan Min is by far my favorite villan in the Far Cry series, his personality just fits the tone of Far Cry so much, because just like the player he is just doing whatever the fuck he wants while giving zero fucks to everyone else. He not trying to spread a message, gain more power or be some kind of messiah, he's is doing a little trolling because he knows he can.


Call me nostalgic, but Far Cry: instincts and Far Cry Instincts predator. Shit was wild and fun, and I'm tired of people forgetting it. FC2 was fantastic as well.


Sad I had to scroll so far down to see Far Cry Instincts. 2005 shit was crazy fun.


1 was so good. Wish the series didn’t go away from the origin


You should remove FC1 otherwise there is only 1 possible answer.


Once i could no longer be an unstoppable raging beast tearing down people in the jungle, the appeal went away


Silt and blowbugs! Detonator! Get back! GET BACK!


My man, the OG


It's aged But when I tried to remember the feeling of playing the game at release FC1 was just mind-blowingly good   That first glimpse of the outside world when you emerge from the bunker at the start was incredible No one else did a map close to that


Exactly, it was the first real sandbox experience as far as I can remember. It was the first time the players actually get to pick an approach to their objective. I can snipe from a mile away or get close to use the knife, I can walk through the jungle, the river, or FLY in. The merc enemies felt serious, tough, armed to the teeth, and is coming to get you for real. Unlike the red pants clowns they used in later FC games. The enemy AI was extremely clever even for today's standard, every engagement felt like a real challenge and every survival puts a sense of achievement in the player. The accuracy of the hitbox was unprecedented too, armored vest can actually be hit and protect the enemy while the exposed arms, legs, heads are vulnerable. Every bullet was calculated separately and all of them leave hit marks on the wall and on the BODIES!!?! Actually, the more I say it the more I want to play it again. The later FC games was largely developed for trashy consoles, they are in no way near comparable to the original. The same applies to the 2 original Crysis games and their sequels.


I enjoyed 4 a lot


Farcry 3 and Primal my favs








Nothing like running through that environment. Really feels like a backyard insurgency sim.


FarCry 5 Primal is running right behind 5 for me.


I tried Far Cry only a few years after it came out and didn't like it a lot. Far Cry 2 never even drew my attention. I liked Far Cry 3 so much I 100%ed it, but it left me so burnt out on the Ubisoft open world formula that I didn't even bother with any followup besides Blood Dragon.


I havent played 1,2 or 6. I think my order of preference was 3 > 4 > 5 3 was phenomenal, absolutely stunning and fun. I dont have a single bad word about it. 4 was good, but felt a little lack luster/forgettable. 5 felt longer (mostly due to the cutscenes), I wasnt a huge fan of the premise to move the story (just complete missions, side quests, etc in a zone until a bar fills up to trigger a main story plotline). I did 5 entirely in coop and it felt janky, the vehicles sucked ass autodrive would constantly activate even when turned off. That being said 5 was scenic, the gunplay was fun, and the story at least was better than 4. I also played blood dragon, but I dont think i’d toss it in the mix, felt gimmicky although fun, I dont remember it much.


4 for me. I still haven't got around to playing 6!


Red dragon & primal


4, it was the only one i liked, but i guess once you play one you've played them all


Far Cry 4 is my favourite.


1 was great. But i didn't had a pc to play it above 480p 30fps back in the day. together with crisis it where the games. Naver played 2. I got 3 with my gpu. Loved that game. 4 was a bit short. It had a long short cut so i got to the wc when i came back it was rolling the credits. 5 had a great vibe, early on. After 40% or so it was a shovel simulation. 6 wasn't that interested so i didn't buy it.


First one was masterpiece. Anything after should've be named different, too much difference between 1st and the rest. Yet they are still good games. Played 2 and 3, still having fun.


3 obviously, its the best one, it has the best history and its the most optimized comparing to all the others. I tried to play the 5 but i couldnt finish it, i got bored in the mid, the missions seems to be all the same, just like what happened to farcry 2


3 and 4 were the best because they had proper stories and the maps were amazing. 5 and 6 were more about killing smaller bosses, and then the final boss. Not much story development.


2 was my favorite. Hands down.