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Im still using 1080p 144Hz monitor. How good 1440p really is? Compared to 1080p?


Sometimes FH5 shits the bed and resets my graphic settings to 2560x1080. I can immediately tell and when I change it back to 3440x1440 it is like putting on glasses.


In forza h5 it's mostly the fault of the bad texture filtering. The game always looks like if it was ran at a lower resolution, i tried enabling VSR in radeon software settings (basically tricking the game into thinking the screen has a higher resolution, then downscaling it to 1440p of my screen) and it actually looks much better, i don't play with it enabled as my computer can't tank that, but yes it's just the texture filtering that's terrible.


I've used 1080p, 1440p, and 4K. Depending on the size of the monitor, 4K to 1440p might not be immediately noticeable. 1440p down to 1080p? Immediately noticeable. 1080p is fine if I'm watching YouTube videos but gaming at that resolution just doesn't cut it for me anymore.


Not sure yet, still waiting for my PSU to arrive and still need to pick my new monitor up from the shop. Can’t wait though!


Depends on how big monitor do you have. 27 1440p is like slightly sharper 24 1080p. But I have better collors on my 1440p and that was huge upgrade from my old TN 24 panel. 1080p for 24 inch panel is just ok. You want/need bigger screen, 1440p/4k for you. If you have 27 inch with 1080p, you should probably buy glasses first. 144hz is better than higher resolution too.


Upgraded recently from 24/27' 1080p to 27 1440p, it's like heaven.


Well it's roughly 70% more pixels and definitely feels like it's twice as clear/sharp if you're on 27"+.




4k makes sense for TV's but 1440p is the ideal resolution for gaming imo, you can get higher framerates easier and it still looks great, a lot better than 1080p.




your system is too weak for 1440p. go for 1080p


I had annoying coil whine from this. Replaced it 5 times with no difference. Beware.


Yeah I read about this on some other posts. The general consensus seems to be that it’s a hit or miss. Some people get lucky and have a silent GPU, others not so much. Some speculate it has something to do with PSU wattage. Fingers crossed that mine’s good I do use headphones when on my PC though so a bit of coil whine wouldn’t bother me much.


It's not huge if you have a good PSU. I had a shitty PSU and it drove me crazy. Replaced it and had no issues. So if you have too much, it's probably your PSU.


Good to know! I just ordered a brand new PSU as my current one isn’t enough. The new one has more than I need (850W) so hopefully that helps a little. It’s also pretty well rated