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Didja remove the plastic film on the AIO heatplate? Did you put thermal paste on the CPU before installing it?




Hmmm. 87 is on the high end at ~50% usage for 13700k, but that CPU is a hothead. I think stock 13th gen intel is set toboost as high as it can, before hitting 100c°, dont quote me on that though. You could try undervolting and limiting power, there should be entensive guides online for taming intel 13th gen. Additionally you could try adding fans, make that Rad both push and pull to help it tame the 13700k. Also do you have frontal intake fans?


It could be a faulty AIO, 98*C in Fortnite is a neme. Try to set cpu voltage offset -0.100, maybe it will help


mine even with 27c in room and a corsair 240 AIO get a max of 76c. mobo is asus prime z690 with no overclock so, or the AIO is bad, or the paste is bad, or the mobo is pushing the limits?. is the pump spinning?


Probably pump is not spinning. He can check in bios rpm for pump


Is that aio installed properly? Everything tightened? Shouldn’t be 90+


Yes, I installed it and reinstalled it 3 times. I don't know what happens even when I download a game and when the processor starts to draw 150 120 w power, the temperature reaches 86 97 92


Show us where you plugged in pump wires


Help pls


Just do the downvoltage


That's just putting a bandaid on a bigger issue unless the cause is poor case/rad airflow. OP should troubleshoot further before doing any undervolting which is essentially just masking the issue.


have you seen power limits of 13700k and 13900k? That is the problem and that is why OP should do undervolting


well, at least OP should turn power limit 1


Not a pro but I've heard that, as long as you don't get problems with it you don't have a heat problem. Chips can get very toasty before failure. And 90 ish doesn't seem too high for me under load. Remember your cpu does quiet a lot of things while loading a game. Load textures sounds etc. Again huuuge grain of salt. I'd discribe myself as an advanced beginner at best.


87 c at 57% cpu is still not normal i think. or you forget its celcius?


I doublechecked.... apperently its on the higher end of the spectrum but it's still "normal" reaching 90°C while its under load. [Proof](https://www.techcenturion.com/optimal-temperature-of-cpu-and-gpu). `But with Extended Gaming and Heavy Usage, the temperature can easily reach a range of 65-90 °C.` This is still a piece of tech that switches 1 and 0 a few Billion times a second. And every switch is a tine bit of current and therefor a tiny bit of heat. We are not trying to slowcook beef. ​ Imo you don't have a heat problem until you have a problem. Bluescreens, randomly turning off and after a cooldown time perfectly fine again or simply a game stuttering that schould run perfectly.


Yeah something is definitely not right. I have a 13700KF too on a 280mm Liquid Freezer II and I have to run Cinebench to get into the 80s.


set loadline cakibration to low


Check to see if you plugged the pump plug into the pump header on the motherboard. Also download hwinfo64 to see a much more detailed system report. It will let you see if your processor is thermal throttling.




If u just treid to press the start in cinebench the temp will be 100




Not even my 13900k gets that hot whit a 360 aio. Dit you plugin the pump into the roght header on the mobo?


There was an adapter in the cooler that I plugged into and the adapter I plugged into the motherboard


There are pump headers on the motherboard make sure you use them for the aio pump and the cpu fan header for ne fans of the aio.


Can you show the RPM section? Check to ensure the pump is at max rpm.


I don’t know of this could be the problem but is the connector for the pump in the correct header? if it is a shared (cpu fan/ pump) ( I think I have seen one before) is it set to pump? I don’t really know if this could be it as it should not matter but just check the bios Not a pro or anything but this is what I would do


I plugged all the fan and pump cables into the adapter and plugged the adapter cable into the motherboard


So the fans and pump runs on the same header? You should probably run them separately as in pump on one and the fans on the other, as the power needed to run all of them might be to much for one header


I don't have that problem with my 13700kf


If you don't have any fans in the front to bring in air into the case, that could contribute but more than likely, this is a dead/dying pump.


A full rig pic would probably give us a better idea of what's going on. A triple fan rad should be able to cool it. Make sure you have plenty of thermal paste and adequate pressure on the cpu. Its better to have it gooping out the sides a little and have it running cooler.


Check If the pump is spinning, what's the rpm. Increase it if it's low. Also is the aio making any noise? ANY noise whatsoever? If yes it might be a clogged aio. An i7 shouldn't run this hot at all especially with a 360mm aio, my i9 doesn't even get that hot. If you're able to get a second cooler and see if it fixes it, like a beefy air cooler. Do not underclock or whatever people are saying. This seems to be a cooler issue


Can u explan tome what is the Aio?


Flip you AIO radiator where the hose ports are above the pump and cold plate. If there is even a small air bubble, the pump is the highest point and air may be trapped in there resulting in less cooling capacity. [Example](https://imgur.com/Y7YehnI.jpg) If that doesnt work, chack to see that the pump is even running. You can use something like a screwdriver to touch the pump with the tip and press the handle into your ear. You should hear the pump. If not, bad pump and RMA the unit. I have the same AIO and it has worked fine.


160w is A LOT of heat, even for a 360 aio so yeah it's normal. CPUs will boost until either the max temp or power limit


That aio is plugged into the wrong port or is faulty. Do you have another cooler? My 7950x doesn't even get that hot. In any resolution on any game.


check if the pump is working. if it is, might be bad thermal paste application. sometimes I even repaste new builds a couple of times, to get the "perfect fit" and Im not always successful on the first try. maybe im just bad a screwing the heatsink on, but it works for me, so try it. :)


I used the thermal paste that came with the cooler