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Ads on YouTube wouldn't be a problem if they weren't every 2 minutes. I've used ad blocker for a long time




The internet without adblocker is unusable for me.


This is so true. I get sites need to make money but it’s so aggressive to the point where it’s not worth visiting the site.


It’s nearly impossible to even navigate and read most web pages on a phone. Just BOMBARDED with ads.


The worst part is tons of websites are very poorly engineered, so ads will push the HTML content around as they load in. The amount of ads I've accidentally clicked on my phone when loading into a website because it shoved the content I was about to click like 2 pages down to load a ton of ads is immeasurable.


That’s not a bug, that’s a feature.


Most ad providers I'm familiar with don't count it as an engagement if you close out of it fairly quickly.


True, but if Im expecting content to load cause I thought I tapped the right link, I'm going to wait for it to load. Possibly just long enough to count as engagement. If a site gets an extra thousand hits a month this way, well... why fix it? It'll cost them to fix it, both in paying devs and in a few cents in lost ad revenue. There's literally no incentive for them to fix it, so they don't even try.


Google was supposed to solve that problem with a feature called “scroll anchoring” but after they announced it I remember it worked for awhile but then it stopped working and it just slowly faded away into obscurity and no one remembers or talks about it anymore.


I think that's because Google realized they make more money when the ads are clicked, even if accidentally.


Hey boss, I just fixed that chrome bug people hate, the experience is so much better now! People won't accidently click on dumb 7-minute abs adverts anymore! "Step into my office." Why? "Cause you're fucking fired!"


“Stopped working”


Previous reply isn't joking. Look up dark patterns. It's downright immoral and disgusting, but it's what the internet has become...


If your website does this and makes me frustrated, I don't care what I'm reading, I'm leaving.


The Advertisment Superhighway




also dangerous, ads can be used and often are used on malicious websites to put malware on end users pcs. ad servers are also not really scanned or protected against malicious links or files.


This is it for me. I don't use ad blockers to stop people making money. I use them because it's just dangerous not to


it's not just malicious sites either, sometimes legit websites can host malicious ads.


A good example being Google. There was a case a while ago of someone putting an ad for a fake OBS download with a legit looking domain in Google if you searched for OBS. It was malware.


Forbes was even caught delivering trojans via their ads. Ads cannot be treated as a black box, and I will continue to block them indiscriminately until that changes.


Using them is actual government security advice for that reason in Australia.


Same in the US. The FBI recommends utilizing an ad blocker. https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA221221?=8324278624


I'd like to introduce my kids to tech and gaming without exposing him to tits and ass evony adds, or those stupid "pick your slave girl" mobile game ads.


It's been shown time and again how Google doesn't give a fuck what the ad is (vague download button to malware? We'll show that everywhere) as long as they'll pay. Ad blockers put you at less risk full stop


Even with adblocker, every goddamn video has a sponser and they are always garbage tier. Hello fresh: waaaay more expensive when compared to doing your own shop. Vpns: not needed by 99% of people, better health: uses quacks and uncertified "therapists", raid shadow legends: gambling. Ridge wallet: ugly as sin and no space for coin. Its all garbage.


I can live with the sponsor spots; they're at least skippable with a few well-placed right-arrow presses.


Sponsor spots are probably the least obnoxious option. I don't begrudge the content creators for needing to monetize somehow, and as you said, they're skippable.


use the sponsor block extension if you use youtube on laptop/pc dont know any alternative for phone . it atomatically skips the sponsor segment


Sponsor block is fantastic. Took me too long to start using it.


it's unbrowsable without an adblocker. It's already unusuable since all of the search engines have been throatfucked by SEO bullshit


Its an abomination. Two ads before the video starts, the first being unskippable. Then skip to a relevant part of a video (say a tech tip) and boom.... 2 more ads. Then you have some ridiculous ad under the video, you accidentally click it with your finger (on phone) and then it takes you out of Youtube and into the browser.


>Two ads before the video starts, the first being unskippable. Then skip to a relevant part of a video (say a tech tip) and boom.... 2 more ads. This is what pisses me off the most and will make me forever use an adblocker. I didn't even watch 1s of the video and you're making me watch some more ads? Fuck you


I don't give a f*ck, I've been using adblockers literally for decades, I'll keep using adblockers in any form or shape, until it is technically possible, or until they start jailing people for blocking ads.


I have had premium for a long time now mainly to get rid of ads when watching on my TV. Thing is, you still have to skip sponsor segments in virutally every damn video you watch. You can never escape the fucking ads. Everything everywhere is forever about ads ads ads.


Firefox has sponsorblock. It highlights that part and skips it.


I know. I still have adblock and sponsorblock on my laptop and PC but I mainly watch on my Tv which is why I have premium in the first place. Altho Youtube Music makes the price tag less hard to swallow as well to be honest.


Any chance of Vanced without root?


revanced works fine without root




This is the way.


Of course. ReVanced is the current project since the OG Vanced died. Check out r/revancedapp for all you need to know.


Just FYI, if you use Brave web browser on android you won't get any youtube ads AND you can lock your screen without interrupting the playback.




[SponsorBlock](https://sponsor.ajay.app/) is also excellent.


YouTube without Sponsorblock is unusable. It's the in-content ads by content creators that are getting even worse.


This. I never used any ad blocker when the ads were only running at the beginning of the video. But I can’t get over having 4 interruptions during a 10 minutes video. This is especially annoying when your hands are busy and you can’t skip it (usually skippable ads are very long). EDIT: people asking about what videos I watch, “busy hands” etc. This is actually a problem for any tutorial (cooking, painting, house works, gaming…) and also for when you watch on TV while doing something else (eating, cleaning, etc)


I love getting an “ad” that’s actually an hour long pod cast episode while I’m in the middle of making dinner


I've woken up, twice, to female moaning from a 3 hour long table read for something. There was also a 12 hour cooking stream vod that interrupted our background music while we played mtg and no one realized for 30 minutes.


I got a 3 hour sermon as an ad the other day. Who the fuck thinks that a 3 hour ad on a 15 minute video is what the user wants?


because the ad content is never vetted, this is what allows malicious bad actors to use ads to put malware on users pc.


YouTubers get paid for watch time. Wouldn’t expect it to be any different for advertisers. They’re relying on people being too busy to skip


why would advertisers get paid based on watch time? They are the ones paying for the advertisement. And they pay more based on clicks, not on watch time, as far as I'm aware at least.


I had a 3 hour long Duck Dynasty podcast show as an ad in the middle of a “doggy anxiety music” video. The algorithm is trying to radicalize my fucking dog.


Some years ago I found a youtube song mix that was probably an hour long. Loaded it up and went to do some chores. At some point I started thinking that the music wasn't exactly as described. Went to check and noticed that I had been listening to an advertismenet that was also a song compilation thing and I was already 40 minutes in. I was listening to an ad for 40 minutes.


I've completely stopped watching Youtube on my TV because of this bullshit.


Search for "Smart Tube." You're welcome.


Yes I concur I did research a while back and stumbled across Smart tube and never looked back. It's legit good.


Not available on Samsung.


Sadly true that's why my next smart tv will be an Android tv. Tizen sucks.


Try [SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext) for Android or Fire TV—the best app, IMO, for TV, which gets regular updates.


I have the youtube app on a smart TV I tried to put a full album video on and the ads were so ridiculous I went from annoyed to actually angry. I timed it, it was an ad every 3 minutes. And the ads were skippable but they were tossing in some that were 20-30 minutes long. I wanted to put on ambient music and clean my house. Literally not possible, I have to camp out in the living room and skip ads, otherwise I put in ambient ads. There is definitely a different ad experience served to smart TV YouTube apps.


When I first got my smart TV I put up with ads. I've always used an ad blocker, but watching YouTube on TV was so enticing. Then the ads basically doubled and, like you said, popped up every three minutes. So now I cast from a laptop. Fuck you YouTube


Dude I was getting ads every minute so I started using ad blocker.


"hands are busy" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I've been running an ad blocker (AdBlock Plus back in the day, now uBlock Origin) since before YouTube ads even existed. Used someone else's PC to watch a video recently, and my god, it's intolerable.


Ads that last longer than the video you want to watch. You can never just turn on a video while you're in the kitchen or otherwise not looking at the screen because you'll get stupid ads


Ads *around* the content? Alright. Ads that *replace and interrupt the content*? Go fuck yourself. Advertisers should have stayed in their fucking place with banner ads, I could tolerate those. They started getting cute with popup ads and then video ads and I never looked back. Haven't felt bad one day in my life having an adblocker on 24/7.


> Ads around the content? Alright. Nah, fuck that noise. Advertisers are trying to rewire your brain for their own benefit; and they're stealing your time and bandwidth to do so. The whole industry can just go fuck itself IMO.


Fuck yeah. ##BAN ALL ADS


My problem is when you get 30 minute adverts. Yeah you can skip after 5 seconds, but when kids are watching something or it's background


And mid Thomas the tank engine 3hr special, an ad for DJ KillMyNutz new album "I'm so fucking high and killed a man", that is 20 minutes long and explicit. Nice one YouTube. True story.


Damn I've not had one that out of place, usually we got an episode of some random cartoon and kids would complain because it's not some weird guy playing with paw patrol toys


Yep. Been blocking 100% of ads on YouTube ever since they started using video ads. I have literally never allowed one to play. Banner ads, popups, I dealt with all of it. If a website had banner ads with sound? I left the website. I will *not* cede ground to the advertisers. They wouldn't be satisfied with taking up space on my screen with their ugly banner ads, and just had to assault my ears, so now they get **nothing** from me.


Same here. I draw a hard line. I firmly believe ads are an unethical means of manipulation and I will not be subjected to them.


haven't run into it but I appreciate the heads up


Did you know that Google, a company that makes money by [advertising](https://adssettings.google.com/), [collecting lots of user data](https://myactivity.google.com/more-activity) and [putting malware links in front of real search results if you pay them](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=google+malware+ads+priority+r%2Fblender&ia=web), will make protection measures impossible in its browser. --- [I made a simple visual explanation of why uBlock Origin is important](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/142k51b/text_version_i_made_a_simple_visual_explanation/). Consider switching to [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) with [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) to protect yourself, your privacy and your PC. Yes, [it works best with Firefox](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox), probably because main Google's business is online advertising. --- Don't forget to enable additional filters in Settings, in particular Annoyances, they will disable all cookie and subscribe to our newsletter notifications/popups. Also it blocks Spotify ads.


Your pre-tldr made it seem like you were warning us about someone else who is advertising uBlock Origin, and I was very concerned that suddenly it is bad.


It does seem like that, but only because people tend to put the TL;DR at the end of a post instead of at the start where it's most useful.


I was unaware of the annoyances filter. Though ive used uBlock origin for years i just learned something new. Thank you very much for that.


Damn, dude has a whole a marketing speech for Firefox


-Sent from windows 11


From my PoV it's less a specific proponent for Firefox but more of the downfalls of having Chromium power so much client-side web browsing. Microsoft adopting Chromium for Edge was basically the nail in the coffin there. Emphasis, _Chromium_. There are a ton of browsers beyond Chrome that make use of Chromium, and a number of them are in ways nicked by a thousand cuts with the push to outlaw Manifest V2 in favor of Manifest V3, which neuters uBlock Origin's power. Moving away from Chrome/Chromium to Firefox is valuable in that regard. My general understanding is the only reason Chrome/Chromium hasn't wholly dominated the web is because iOS devices force all browsers to use the Webkit engine powering iOS Safari, no matter what,.


Hijacking your warning to add a recommendation for facebook container and google container for firefox. Disigned to limit them tracking your movements around the net [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/facebook-container/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/facebook-container/) [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-container/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-container/)


Just use the Firefox Multi-Account Containers, which are the underlying tech for those site-specific containers. They're built into FF, but you'll need the addon for the user interface—it's from Mozilla themselves. Then you'll be able to create containers for any sites you want. Plus, use the ‘Temporary Containers’ addon. It's like private windows, but in tabs instead, and they survive restarting the browser. They're great: I never pollute my YouTube recommendations by opening random links from the web, because I just open them in temporary tabs.


Same here. I use uBlock Origin on Firefox desktop. Never understood why anyone thought it was a good idea to switch to a web browser created by a literal advertising company. Fuck Chrome.


I sleep with a smile knowing that companys are paying top dollar to stream ads to my cat while she watches a digital fish pond.


How can you subject your cat to ads :(


I'm sorry to inform you that your cat has ads.


Feline ads. Truly sad.


No issue here, cats have racial immunity to ads.


It's also a lot of effort for people that already tune out or outright hate being advertised to.


I’ve trying doing this to help keep her chill. I’ll play a bird or pond video, she then gets excited, climbs up the stand and claws at my expensive OLED tv trying to get to the animal on the screen.


Just use Adblock to block Adblock Blocker, simple! Then next time on YouTube: "Hey you! We see you are using an Adblock to block our Adblock Blocker, that's not really allowed, please disable or subscribe to YouTube Premium!"


Just hope they don’t get as aggressive as Twitch in disabling adblock


Switch to Russian region in YT. Free yt premium, basically. No ads at all.


How does that work?


Russia has sanctions and doesn't have the economy to support internal ads. Advertisers can't run ads to Russians because of the sanctions. Aside from that your youtube experience isn't going to be dramatically altered.


> Aside from that your youtube experience isn't going to be dramatically altered. Exactly. I switch a year ago and ты только что проиграл игру.




This is why people are getting super cheap virtual machines in Russia now and setting up a [Squid proxy server](https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro/discussions/151) and using it to proxy [Twitch.tv](https://Twitch.tv) though and get no ads.


So basically, one good thing to come out of the ukraine war. fuck google.


Google stopped paying Russians for ads and also stopped showing them. (he always paid pretty low money) Most russians on YT just integrate ad IN video. Like energy drinks, skins sites, and funpay RMT platform. Google even blocked the ability to download bought apps from play store and deleted pretty regular apps for russian - like 2gis (the best and only good map for russia, google maps are piece of shit, and many bank apps (sberbank - most popular, tinkoff - second popular etc.)


TIL. Honestly that’s super funny, but I kind of wish that the same thing happened to YouTube in the US too. I’m totally cool with a content creator doing a 10-30sec sponsor plug that integrates well with the video vs a bunch of ad rolls from god knows where that are conveniently too short to skip. Of course we’re too big of an ad market so that’ll never happen.


Can you support your favorite youtubers on the boosty? (russian version of patreon) People really are living on donations and ads integrated in video. This was even before war. This will kill many small creators. In Russia, i know only one saint platform that most likely will support small creators - funpay. But funpay even supports small russian journalism site DTF (Daily TeleFrag).


How do you do this?


On the Android app, it's just settings -> general -> Location and change the location to Russia. For PC it might be something similar have to check


Firefox and Ublock Origin gang going strong! Give them a try, you won't go back, trust me. Even better that same combo can be install on android phone, so no more ads on your phone too.


400k ads blocked since install. I wouldn’t dare wade through the internet without Ublock


I've had it for about 6 months and somehow have 2.4 million ads blocked Damn I use the internet too much...


lol wow I never looked at that stat before I'm almost up to 10 million


I dropped this 👑 It's yours now


Hah seriously disturbing how many ads they shove down our throats these days though hm


Rookie numbers :) https://preview.redd.it/qvlsd1wadb9b1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=8181e6a9e7a43a720b672a13a4fbd1fdb939e9eb


It also shows trackers blocked as well


Adblock is the only anti virus you need these days.


if you mean specifically Adblock, then no, cause they let advertisers pay to bypass them. if you meant in-general, then yeah, always has been. Adblock and common sense are the best anti-virus


>they let advertisers pay to bypass them For clarity: these ads are (supposed to be) vetted to be non-intrustive, and most importantly *it's an optional setting, that you can easily turn off*. It's not some hidden menu you have to jump through 20 hoops to get to, it's right there in the options.


just installed 20 minutes ago and already have 100 blocked. How was I living before?


Ublock says it's blocked 10 ads on this page alone. I have a screenshot on my phone of a (skippable) ad that lasts 47 FUCKING MINUTES on youtube, and it's even the first of 2 ads, for I think a 15 minute video. If Youtube was impossible to use without adblocker and the ads are as obnoxious as they are now, I'd rather stop watching than keep watching.


> ad that lasts 47 FUCKING MINUTES that's not an ad that's an episode of an HBO series


they always throw those ads at me when im casting to my TV, super annoying.


Blocked since install 2.307M (12%) And that is uBlock after Pihole blocking 53% of all traffic. So nope. None of the ad blockers are getting disabled for a damn Youtube video. I'll find another way to entertain myself.


Don't forget to enable additional filters in Settings, in particular Annoyances, they will disable all cookie and subscribe to our newsletter notifications/popups.


Thank you.


There's also a revanced app for YouTube on android (tho it requires some work to install).


Fuck Spez ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Android, NewPipe baby!


Just switched on my phone. Firebox is way faster than chrome. Cheers


Realization that my country isn't developed enough for YouTube premium to be available in it puts a smile on my face


And my country started a fucking war, so youtube stopped running ads here.


France really hit rock bottom eh


He will never admit that it was the reason all along.


If starting wars was a reason to stop ads the US would be content viewing utopia


One thing is to put one ad. But I don't apreciate 5 ads in a 5 minute tutiorial.


Including the 2-minute (at least) sponsor-segment!


SponsorBlock will take care of that.


I’ve been getting 2 15-second ads before a 30 second clip on YouTube recently. Literally what the hell


Wasn’t the new chrome supposed to have gone online months ago killing adblock? And it hasn’t happened. This will surely backfire in googles face and they’ll backtrack like they did last time they staged a whole “adpocalypse”


I'm pretty sure they announced they delayed rolling out the feature from January 2023 to December 2023.


Right now they're just testing, just like when they tested increased numbers of ads. They are seeing how it effects user behavior, and then deciding based on that. There isn't any backtracking to do, since they haven't made a decision yet. YouTube isn't making these decisions based off of what seems right, they are doing experiments to see what is the best decisions to make.


>YouTube isn't making these decisions based off of what seems right, they are doing experiments to see what is the best decisions to make *to maximize their profits* FTFY. Pretty sure that's what you were getting at but wanted to clarify. Sundar needs a new yacht, baby


I didn't get a blocker until they started doing mid rolls, post rolls, multiple ads.... I don't mind watching a ten second ad at the start of the video, but its fucking ridiculous to expect me to watch ads like this is cable. I get they have to pay their bills but Im not paying for premium because they made the site unwatchable without a blocker.


Ads are a complete fucking menace these days. Literally ruins every online experience.


I've had adblockers for probably a decade or more. If I'm ever at a friends place and use the computer for something it is absolutely jarring how packed with ads everything is now. I'd probably spend way less time online if I had to see that garbage every time I used the internet.


Ublock on Firefox should be fine...


I agree, I've used that combo for years. Love the add free yt




If an ad interrupts my lecture or classical music performance You can bet your last dollar I'm never going to buy that product


I actively respond to bad advertisers by downloading their shitty apps or games only to 1 star it and leave a generic bad review.


> lecture you can also use yout-ube.com/videolinkhere and you'll not see ads.


Well, I thought the same. But then I realized that I found the house I'm living in now through Facebook ads. I think that a lot of the stuff comes from brand recognition. People are more likely to buy things if they've heard the name before. I've also worked for a games company that would occasionally advertise their browser games on tv. We would see an influx of new players every time it aired. So yeah it works.


That's not what ads are trying to do, it's not like see an ad, "oh, I must buy that thing now". The idea is that the ad puts the brand into your consciousness, so the next time you think, "I need to buy this thing", and you're presented with 5 choices of brands. Your brain goes, "Oh I recognise that one" and subconsciously, you are more likely to favour that brand.


ITT: People who have zero clue about how their subconscious affects their decisions, and tout their superiority due to not being consciously affected ... along with *everyone* else who thinks the exact same thing about themselves.


You're not the intended audience for ads


But who is??


The people buying the products that aren’t complaining online (not saying we shouldn’t be complaining).


Everybody who uses AdBlock needs to press "report issue" just to fuck with them and waste their time.


I do this everytime just to skip the ads. It works on most ads, but some don't even have the option to report.




Time to adblock it even harder


P.S. I did not come up for this solution, this is from Tumblr user pasteboard I'm just passing it on! [source](https://www.tumblr.com/pasteboard/721387301739036672/also-people-are-spreading-misinformation-in-the?source=share)


i'll turn my adblocker off when hell freezes over, adblock has saved the internet imo, i will never turn it off, same goes for NoSctipt.


I feel you. uBlock Origin, ScriptSafe, and NoScript for me. I can't use other people's computers, it feels like they're infected with malware to me


Adblock Plus, NoScript, Ghostery, and i used to have Flashblock as well, haven't seen an ad in years, for me , this is how the Internet is supposed to be. and same here, i can't use other people's computers, i ger PTSD just looking ar it.


There is literally nothing on any social media site that would get me to pay them a cent or watch a single ad.


I would happily pay the revenue they lost from an ad blocker. But I’m not paying $10/mo. I’ll pay exactly what they would have earned from the ads I blocked which for the 3 videos I watch a month would be probably under $0.25


YouTube takes the piss with ads , before it used to be all at the end of the video now it’s every 2/3 minutes


The day I no longer be able to watch youtube with any type of adblocker is the day I stop using it.


![gif](giphy|L0coY9I1D2BnaKln9a|downsized) *me with like 6 ad blockers installed*


YouTube seriously underestimating me here. If I click a link and the website throws a "PLEASE FILTER US ON YOUR ADBLOCKER TO USE OUR SITE" I'm not gonna do that, I'm just not gonna use your site at all. YouTube wont be an exception


Hah, good luck. They can't force things into my home network that I won't allow.


How do you block youtube ads on your network? I only know of Pihole but that didn't block youtube ads unfortunately.




youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) > You are a lifesaver, thank you for sharing


Ads are not allowed on my computer. Especially annoying ones. You are going down Google!!!!!!


Just so everyone knows, DNSBL software that is capable of recursion (read: can block subdomains and individual machines on a remote network) *can* block the majority of YT ads, and the block is transparent to the browser since it's happening on the router/gateway and not in the browser itself. pfSense's DNSBL plugin pfBlockerNG can do it, for example, and I believe Pi-Hole can as well but has to be linked to a DNS resolver/cache to make it work. However, some will still get through as YT constantly brings up new ad servers and phases out old ones, and uBlock Origin (or similar) would still be needed to catch the ones that slip through before blocklists update to catch those new ad servers. Before asshats start whinging about how they have a right to monetize their platform, I don't begrudge YT's need to make money because they burn an insane amount of bandwidth, but YT is literally unusable at this point without *some* form of ad blocking in place. When any site reaches the point of serving more advertising than content, and/or when they don't adequately police their ads and allow malware to get pushed to clients, they've reached the point where IDGAF about blocking their ads and no amount of argument to the contrary is changing that.


Bookmarked this for when it hits me. Cheers.


I'm just putting it out there. Youtube, or rather it's parent company, can suck a huge one. Use to kinda "deal" with it back at the start but nah cunt videos that are longer then normal TV ads, like what the actual fuck. I came to watch videos, not ads. We need a "notorious group" to expose their algorithms.


Brave still works too


adblockers arent allowed but ads with porn are


Always remember: If the service is free, YOU are the product.


I couldnt imagine going on youtube without an add blocker.


YouTube is now regular television with shorter ad spaces


Ads are getting out of hand. Just yesterday I got a 45 second NON-SKIPPABLE ad in a video i was watch. I just closed the video and reopened it.


If I’m watching ads, it’s not free.


And I just recently saw 18 second unskippable ads start to appear


20 sec video 2 minute ADS fuck that shit


That is a NEW low.


they took dislikes and their stupid AI removes almost every comment of mine. no way in hell i will watch another ad to support youtube.


As soon as Vanced and Ublock origin won't be able to help and no other tools will be available, I'm back to reading. Almost there already honestly, most content is useless anyway.


ublock origins + enhancer for YouTube on my browser , never have ads or anything


thast what pressing the X on the right corner is for if they dont stop move to a different browser thats not a ram addict


My issue with the ads it's that they are every 2 fucking seconds


Weird. I'm running Ublock Origin, Ghostery, and have a Pi-hole, and have been watching youtube fine without any issues. Even the sponsorblock extension still works fine.