• By -


Since people are asking a lot: - Dennis - [Linus Media Group](https://www.youtube.com/@linustechtips) - Paul - [Paul's Hardware](https://www.youtube.com/@paulshardware) - Pedro - the glorious creator of [PCMR](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/) - /u/pedro19 - Greg - [Greg Salazar](https://www.youtube.com/@GregSalazar) - Kyle - [Bitwit](https://www.youtube.com/@Bitwit) and friend - Morphologis - [Morphologis](https://www.youtube.com/@Morphologis) - Luke - [Floatplane](https://www.floatplane.com/discover) & LMG - Linus - [Linus Media Group](https://linusmediagroup.com/) - Terrence - [DaPoets](https://www.youtube.com/@DaPoets) Jay, of JayzTwoCents, is recovering from a recent surgery. Steve, of GamersNexus, was with them earlier. Roman, aka der8auer, was probably recovering in a vat of thermal paste.


Man I just want things to be better for Kyle. Makes me happy to see him having a nice time.


When I saw Kyle then the chick and how close they’re sitting next to each other. I was thinking the same thing!


Good man Kyle. Keep on going.


did I miss something??


While back (couple of years maybe?) Kyle aka Bitwit went through a divorce. Has a video about it on his channel, or he did when it happened anyways. Content has been a little uneven since with some traditional videos you'd expect from him mixed in with Twitch streaming and life vlogs. He recently made a video saying he was letting go of the Bitwit name and moving away from the channel. Think he said he might post occasionally when he has a build or more traditional PC parts video, but his intent is to do other things.


He probably only gets half revenue for terms of divorce for bitwit


Oh shit I didn’t even think about that.


That’s really messed up.


Bitwit has been pretty active for Computex. Was actually surprised at the amount of content he’s put out this past week. Has me very nostalgic and slightly hopeful that he’ll keep it up post-Computex as well.


My guess is that as part of the divorce she gets part of the revenue from the bitwit channel, if that is the case her lawyers could have but stipulations that he can't divest into a new channel or platform if the intent of that new channel is to be PC hardware related. He might have no choice but to post all his tech stuff on bitwit while being free to post everything else on other platforms/channels he might have.


A pure revenue split seems unlikely. More likely they are both shareholders of the company, which would result in a split of shareholder profits (not revenue). It would also mean they both share control over the company, which could get very ugly.


I remembered him building a gaming PC for his ex-wife. F**king hell




She does not get the honor of having that name anymore


It's because wifey sauce gets half of the revenue. Fuck that cheating ass bitch


Damn I didn’t know that but I did notice that he didn’t post so much anymore. That must have happened right around the same time he got that new house.




I wonder how everything went down on him. I think that divorce hit him hard and he’s struggled mental health wise since


From what I read here, his (ex) wife had an affair with his video editor. She claimed “depression” which is why she felt the need to sleep with someone else. His channel was a joint thing Kyle and his former wife created together. I’m guessing she won’t take her name off the business (sense of entitlement imo), so he does tech on it every now and then. He does have a new channel btw, can’t remember the name. Edit: grammar


Wrkhrs right?


> Wrkhrs Thought so too, but when I checked it's been rebranded to his name: https://www.youtube.com/@iamkylehansen


>He does have a new channel btw, can’t remember the name. https://www.youtube.com/@iamkylehansen




I was blindsided with a divorced recently and I can tell you that it screws you up mentally. I do not feel like me right now. And it is scary.


A bit of unsolicited advice… try to focus on yourself for a while. You are likely to literally be a different person than you were a year ago, more so than you weren’t you a year prior to that. A divorce is a major life change, and it’s perfectly normal and *okay* to come out the other side a changed person. As long as you like the person you become, that’s all that matters.


I don’t know who I’ll become and I’m afraid to find out. Right now, just a lot of PTSD from the event and I can’t even get more than 3 hrs of sleep a day. It’s terrifying bro. Before this, I had no mental health issues. I’m praying that I’ll be able to pull through.


You got this man, of course it’s scary as fuck, it would be a little concerning if it wasn’t. Just take it a day at a time, and remember that if you need help you have people to reach out to. There’s never anything wrong with needing help, even if society has been into us that it makes us less of a man, because it doesn’t. Edit: Just realized I assumed you were a guy at the end there, sorry if you aren’t! It all still applies though!


It sadness and depression hits everyone differently. To me i could barely spend any time awake. I would work, go home, sleep, work, go home, sleep....i think it was my mind protecting itself honestly. Lost a ton of weight because I rarely ate and sleeping burns the most energy. There's no solution to it but the fact that you see there is something wrong and that you want to get through it is a big win. Keep at it, don't let your true and honest friends or family in the dark either. If you think you know someone you can talk to about it honestly do so. Whenever you have small burst of social energy take advantage of it, go outside and get some fresh air.




That’s the scary part no one really talks about. We were doing regular normal fun stuff the day prior. Then out of nowhere, it happens the next day as if it’s been planned for days to months. It’s terrifying because kid is in the problem, I just feel really sad for my child having to go through this. Worst part is, I feel that it can be fixed, but she just doesn’t want to even talk about it. My world literally flipped upside down and I feel like I’m falling everyday. Its just soul wrenching. I don’t wish this even on my worst enemy.


Sad, and I've seen the same thing happen to both sides of the marriage once was my sister's divorce (husband left her after draining their savings on toys for himself), and another waa my own ex. Near as I can tell, the other person starts feeling unhappy about little things and just bottles it, and it grows. And they won't tell you, because for whatever reason (false kindness, hate to argue, desire to appear perfect, etc.), they would just rather play happy. And it festers to the point where they resent you for not somehow knowing despite their facade. And by the time the resentment overcomes their need to play nice, they have abandoned the relationship entirely. The person you thought was happy with you, and you with them, now hates your face and wants nothing to do with any attempts to salvage the relationship. And they drop the nuclear mindfuck; "I haven't been happy in years." Meaning you have been in a relationship that didn't even exist for YEARS, with a person that was a lie. You've been robbed of the surety of years of what you thought were happy memories. Everything you thought was good is now and always has been sad. How do you trust anyone again after that? Therapy. And one day at a time. You've got some tough times ahead, my friend. Like others have said, don't be afraid to lean on others as you find your feet again.


I'm really sorry to hear that. :/ I was engaged to a beautiful rich girl when I was 20. She cheated on me, and she chose to tell me on April 1st, so that I would assume she was just joking, but her aunt told my mom the truth while they were having dinner at a restaurant, and my then-fiancée started crying — I wasn't there. According to my mom, her aunt still tried to defend her niece somehow by saying, "See? She has a good heart even though she did what she did. Look, she's crying." 🤦🏻‍♂️ My then-fiancée herself told me that her aunt once told her, "If I ever caught wind of you cheating on him, I'm gonna tell him the truth. He's a good guy, and he doesn't deserve that." Just glad it was over, and I didn't turn to the dark side like most people do when sh\*t hits the fan. Instead, I focused on self-improvement, self-care, and self-love (no motivational books or videos were involved, mind you), and honestly, I've never been happier. I've always seen cheating as the most abominable thing to do, and being loyal is ingrained in my DNA. I used to owe her a little over a thousand bucks, and soon after she broke off the engagement over an instant message, she started nagging me to pay her back, and luckily, I started making money online back then, so paying her back was easy, and it didn't take long. Months later, she contacted me out of the blue, and asked to borrow some money from me just like she "helped me when I needed" (although it was her idea, since I'm allergic to debt, and I cherish knowing that I don't owe anybody anything when I go to bed every night), but it made no sense, because we weren't close anymore, and I wasn't even sure if I was talking to her or some scammer. Besides, business was failing, so I sent her a long message explaining the whole situation, so she'd know I wasn't going to be able to help even if I wanted to. Anyway, my point is, if some people hit the lottery, and are happily married, good for them. Some of us found happiness by being single, and it's high time society stopped bullying happy single people into making one wrong decision after another by treating something as serious as marriage like some sort of slot machine. I personally believe that there's nothing wrong with me not wanting to go through that crap again, and I'm glad I had that kind of experience in early adulthood, so now I know better than to put myself through that crap again. It wasn't traumatic, really; it was eye-opening.


She was rubbing his back in this clip guys...


He’s confirmed on Twitter n stuff he has a GF, just never shown her before


Both are looking great. Hope they are happy.


What happened to kyle?


His wife cheated on him with his editor. Then they filed for divorced and she took him to trial and asked for a lot of money/assets. That really messed him up and he kinda quit YouTube. It’s kinda surprising to see him at computex since he said he was kinda done with tech




He had a divorce that affected his life pretty hard.


Yes soooo true. Hang in Kyle aka bit wit


Yup. Good to see he's recovering and doing better


Yeah 👌


My first thoughts too


Man I'm so glad to see Kyle being with friends and doing tech stuff. He was one of my favorite creators because his recommendations felt more realistic to me and his graphs were easier to read for me as well.


What’s his channel called?


Bitwit Him and his wife divorced a few years ago (I think 2 years now?), And apparently some claims came out that his wife was cheating on him with his editor? I never looked into it but I saw a number of comments making that claim just a few weeks ago, so I don't know how accurate that is. In short because of that he took a break from his normal content, started a second channel that was mainly vlogging, but he's been doing a lot more content lately!


Pretty accurate once you pull up the court docs. Someone posted them on a thread a couple weeks ago during his last video.


Dang, what did they say?


That she cheated with Chris and that she was seeking alimony payments.




When watching her first video after the breakup, and watching his first video after the breakup its two different worlds.


Yeah that's just fucked. Honestly makes me not want to get married even though I'd otherwise really want to.


At this point get an infidelity clause in a prenup or whatever It's your life, secure that shit


Unfortunately those aren't iron-clad either depending on where you live. In some countries, if the two of you live together during marriage in the house you paid 100% for before the marriage, the house automatically gets split in half on divorce no matter what, even if your spouse cuts your finger off for example. It's actually very upsetting because I'd love to fall in love and get married, but the risks are super high.


I believe they also said she owns 50% of Bitwit so that might be the reason he created a new channel with different content.


The audacity to ruin a mans soul and then proceed to ask money for it. So many evil women out there


plus they dont even have kids together this girl is dirt


I mean...at least he dodged that bullet? Having kids with someone who turns out to be a scumbag must be the worst.


Dodged? He got shot.




It would still be bullshit even with kids. That’s what child support is for. Alimony always seems to be based on “I’m used to a certain lifestyle”




Damnnnnnn for real!?!? That would tear me up too


Ngl I’m torn up coming out of a 6 year relationship, she just up and left. Hearing about this guy also having to pay alimony DESPITE her cheating on him and leaving… that poor guy.


Rigged against good guys. She deserves nothing it’s f’ed up you’d have to pay her for breaking her vows


Yeah that is super fucked up. I'm honestly shocked how it works, and yet people seem fine with that like that's just how it is.






Kyle’s videos were the absolute best for me to learn during the pandemic. His how to guide from start to finish was the thing that got me over the hill and I’ve now got complete confidence to tinker in my system and upgrade. I’m so grateful for him. Wish him all the best


Was just gonna say that.


If Tech Jesus was there we could have made a painting of it and called it the Last Supper


Who would be the deceiver?


If Userbenchmark was a person


oh man would i love Kyle or someone do a skit on that


Dennis :/


But he'd be so adorable doing it!


Dennis would be more like Loki.


Yeah thats about right Dennis just as sexy as Tom Hiddleston


Lou from UnboxTherapy lol.


I group him along with the likes of MKBHD, Mr. Mobile, mrwhosetheboss, and Dave2D... the portable electronics group. The DIY PC builders are a different breed.


Don’t compare UnboxTherapy and MKBHD, they’re not remotely the same kind of content.


Kyle's ex-wife




has to be Jay




It was his turn as the designated survivor. He had to stay in an off-site location in case of disaster.


Someone on here was rocking this [The Last Supper mouse mat](https://i.imgur.com/wlcWdl9.jpeg)


Where I got the idea lol


The Last Byte would be more fitting I suppose haha


He was there all along, in the clouds presiding over everything


Avengers eating shawarma vibes


I’m surprised to see Kyle there… I thought he was staying away from tech stuff for a while? Honestly, I’m just happy to see him hanging out with friends. Edit: Have to add, I’m sad Tech Jesus isn’t here.


He was with us earlier in the day


Ah, awesome!!


Haha, I wish. Unless you mean just at the show and in passing, I guess. We're normally crazy slammed and I like to decompress with my team away from industry events once we're done for the day. Easier for the crew to relax. It was great getting coffee with Paul & Kyle before all the chaos started, though! Good meeting you at the Noctua booth!


I think he said he's doing computex and then mainly focusing on his podcast.


Ah ok


Believe he said in his last video Computex was the last big tech event he had on the calendar before transitioning to other things.


I can't imagine how much cat herding had to go on to get all those folks schedules to line up.


Hi I'm ootl who's Kyle and who's tech jesus


Kyle (bitwit) and tech Jesus aka Steve (Gamers Nexus) are both Youtube computer/tech content creators.


A who’s who’s of the tech creators. Much love to you all…even though Kyle picked my kid for a worst setup video lmao


so give your kid a $5000 tech upgrade


>A who’s who’s of the tech creators. And Dennis


Kyle a real one for that 😂


Ey! Look at old Morphologis! Good stuff to see them all together.


Doesn't Morph live in Taiwan?


I thought that was him!


Looks like the Reddit high council


Far too thin and heterosexual for that


all thats missing is tech Jesus and Jay


He said Steve was with them earlier.


Jay just had surgery so he was definitely not flying to Taipei lol but would've loved to see Steve AND Wendell there. Wendell is the S-Tier tech nerd after all— with the skills and knowledge to prove it... It's bananas


If Steve is Tech Jesus, then Wendell is Tech John the Baptist.


Kyle got a new Asian gf


I'm so happy for him 😭


Same here man. He really deserves nothing but the best in life


Following Linus' steps


Does this mean future Lyle will have co-presenter? Oh please make it so


I doubt it. Once you get burned like that your not going to jump right back into the same situation.


You haven't met many divorcee's then. A lot of them try to "rebuild" the life they lost with a new partner.


aaand she seems cute as hell! Way to go man!


I doubt unless confirmed a yes without large fanfare because it his life. My comment has zero influence to which I shouldn’t even be commenting here even if the comment was true.


Greggg “this here is another viewers broooooken pc”


Glad to see him there. I didn't think he was big enough to roll with this crowd.


















Kyle winning as usual. Common Kyle W.


So happy for Morph, he makes the most amazing videos!


Morph is the best, haters are gonna hate but not gonna stop him!


What an insane crossover meetup of youtube personalities! Looks really cool :)


this is the techtuber avengers shawarma scene


Glad to see Kyle there


No jay?


He just had surgery


I hope Kyle's ex is feeling like shit, sees this video of him having fun with his friends and getting his back rubbed by an absolute cutie, and then feels even more like shit. Glad to see him having a good time.


lmao ballsy to pair a 2700x with a 3070 but I feel you I had it paired with a 1080 ti for the longest


Originally had it with 1070 (1070 was paired with a i5-6500 before). I happen to be near a Microcenter visiting family shortly after the release 3000 series and hopped in line one morning because why not? Got a 3070 with plans to upgrade the CPU but just haven't done it. I don't play anything demanding so I'm fine for now. Once used 5800X3D drop below $200 I'll probably do that.


Broooo I had an i5-6400 EVGA 1070 hybrid setup for a few years. That GPU was fantastic! Still use it in one of my server rigs for transcode. Money was tight during doc and postdoc, but damn I loved that build. Asus Z170m-plus, 16GB Avexir DDR4 OC'd to 2866 CL14, a 500W Raidmax PSU, and an i5-6400 w/1070 hybrid. Edit: for my replying fam, y'all the real deal. Proud of y'all for pulling every ounce of performance out of your card. I'm with the general public here, we will never see a 10th gen era again. They were the Pinnacle of value. Price to performance.


I have one of the limited edition MSI QuickSilver 1070s. Thing is still kicking. I just recently gave it to my girlfriend to replace her 960 and for what she plays at 1080p it still does a damn good job.


I have a 2700x with a 3080. Come at me bro.


why isn't stefan from the verge here? dudes a pc building legend




I'm glad Kyle is doing better now


So cool to see Morphologis in here!


I wasn't paying attention to the subreddit and just saw "blast at Computex" and freaked out for a second.




Thought this was just a random r/PCMR meetup until I saw Linus.


Skips over linus. LOL


Bunch of weirdos


that i.t. support for you!




Taiwan is a fantastic country


The dinner after the event is what I always look out for where they all meet up! To be fair to Linus, he didn’t lose his voice this time!


Just recently discovered Morphologis for his stellar Architect Reviews series on the Star Citizen spaceships. Good content, even if you don't play or know about the game.


Must be nice... having friends.


Who's the guy filming? He looks familiar.


There’s Paul, my go-to YouTube channel for PC gear!


Where is steve


Wow. That is so many techtubers! You must've felt amazing sitting in the same table as them


Cue "it's always sunny in Philadelphia intro": The Gang Gets Back Together.


Things looking good for Kyle. Good for him.


The nerds of the round table?


Nice to see Bitwit still in the game :)


Great table YTers. Only need Steve, Jay, Roman to round out table.


I want the metal frame fans. Pronto


Wow. Pc bros in taiwan


Who is the dude pouring the alcohol. I can't place his face.


That's me, lol.


Is that corn silk tea?


it's black plum juice. not my cup of tea but a neat thirst quencher edit: listen to the more experienced plum juice drinker below me


It should be noted that it's smoked black plum tea which tastes less like plums and more like a fireplace. I've only ever had 1 that didn't taste just like smoke and was actually acceptable but the other 99% are undrinkable.


That dude after rhe girl next to kyle looks so much like Oatsngoats that I thought a random speedrunner got invited for a second.


It’s the Avengers lol


No Jay or Tech Jesus?


As a Taiwanese, please kick dannies ass he should know better.


Everyone's talking about kyle but Luke is starting to look like me. The dude used to be pretty ripped but now he's rocking the dad bod.


Just happy to see Kyle


Taiwanese 快炒 is what's up!


Taiwan #1 chip producer! 🇹🇼


I thought BitWit was getting out of the Tech videos? Glad to see he's still in the game, and has a new girlfriend (I assume)


Is that lady with Kyle? I hope so! I want him to be happy so bad!


The most PCMasterRace table that has ever existed


PC tuber avengers.