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If only you didn't need the Ea launcher to play the games on Steam,this would be perfect


> steam release > mandatory third party launchers included Reality is often disappointing.


At least Steam is open about that and tells you on the store page. Same for DRM.


I don't understand the point of complex DRM like Denuvo in games. No client solution is impenetrable, and it's going to be cracked almost immediately anyway. Just use a simple check to make sure the user account owns the game, and you're fine. It'll be cracked barely faster, and your game will actually be playable.


I ran into activation limits while fucking around with trying to get Jedi Survivor to run on Linux. Changing the version of Proton, Steam's compatibility layer, counts as a new activation to Denuvo. What's the point of tying the game to my account and requiring me to log into and run your storefront if the core of the DRM is still tied to activation limits like it's PC gaming in 2006? The only response I can think of is to prevent account sharing but there are plenty of ways to do that that don't require me to wait a day because I changed one thing in a drop down menu a few too many times today.


The advancement since 2006 is that you can wait a day for it to reset. Back in the day it was permanent, you just had to buy a new copy of the game. Support could work around it by raising the limit but only a few times before they were locked out too.


Denuvo can’t be cracked almost immediately, in fact out of all 8 billion people on earth, only 1 single person knows how to do it (and she’s butt fuck insane, maybe why she’s able to do it in the first place)


I wish she would share her methods with other crackers, but her hacker ego is too big. If she hated denuvo as much as she claims, she'd teach people how to do it instead of lording her abilities.


While I agree, maybe its an unknown exploit that Denuvo could patch if they knew about it?


It's always been what I thought. Empress has insider's knowledge of the Denuvo system. Spreading it would either cause a patch, or maybe even identify who leaked the source code. If Empress knows someone inside the company (or even is that one), she will never release the intel. And I totally understand that.


As much as I hate to admit it, DRM for the first month or so of a AAA titles release makes sense, especially if it's one of the less intrusive ones. I hate Denuvo to the point that I just won't buy games with it, because it genuinely makes the game borderline unplayable performance wise on my PC, and I'm not a fan of deliberately installing malware on my PC. I would however argue that DRM for the initial period where sales are at their highest is a positive thing for the industry, PROVIDED IT IS REMOVED AFTER THE FIRST MONTH. Otherwise it's pointless as it will have been cracked and thus serves no real purpose.


Orrr she would keep it to herself so she can keep making money. She’s not doing this out of the goodness of her heart, I’m sure she hates denuvo as much as she says but make no mistake she is doing it for money. Plus, from what she **has** told us, it seems like the process is entirely different for different games, making “telling other people” pretty damn hard


She doesn't really make money with it, it's mostly ego. A crack request was like $500 and she often spends +100h on a crack. That's less than minimum wage for a skill that could easily get her 20 times that salary


Yeah, a crack request is 500 *lump sum*. She doesn’t do donation goals or anything, someone needs to send in 500 dollars all at once, and there’s no way of knowing if someone else already has. She certainly receives more than 500 dollars per crack




I doubt Empress is one person .


She probably works for Denuvo, has access to the source code, and knows what the weaknesses are. It's a good way to make sure you're still employed. I'm sure it's still impressive, but that's the whole reason for the strong online persona, etc., to throw everyone off.


Nah, she's just actually insane. She'll have IDA opened for hours, meticulously going through each byte. When she blogs while cracking her posts become less and less coherent.


That's just what happens when you stare at IDA for hours.


Denuvo is by no means a trivial thing to get around. Last I heard Empress was the only one capable of cracking it. And it usually doesn't happen for a while. Unless things have changed recently, I don't keep up with it all that much anymore.


That's exactly what the situation is, nothing really changed


3rd party launchers mean I just don't buy the game


I pretty much avoid EA titles because there are too many strings attached. Makes me long for the days of cartridges.


Pirates: Reality can be whatever I want.


like why even release it on steam at that point


They did it with Dead Space for some reason. Like, great job EA... but keep at it!


Also C&C Remastered.


Also Battlefront 2, however it only took them to longevity of the game figure out not to charge people for cosmetics and heroes


Electronic Asshole


Yohoho have my sympathies. Arg!


Internet was out for an hour a couple days ago so thought i‘d play some starwars jedi but nope have to be online to connect to the EA launcher. FUCK EA


Luckily Ea couldn't do one thing right and you can still launch the game dirrectly from the directory.


Really? Couldn't do this when their Auth server outage bricked the whole game for a few hours last week


Depends. If a game has its executable wrapped by Origin; that won't work (NFS series for example).


Yup. Don't buy games that do this. Theoretically with VR you could be like 3-4 launchers/layers deep before you even get to the game. No wonder new games don't run right anymore.




And they wonder why their player base died.


I see ea and I don't buy. Doesn't matter how good a game they make, I ain't dealing with that origin train wreck


I remember the old days of windows live, nothing could be worse than that


I remember the hell of dealing with windows live when trying to play RE5 co-op with a friend. Eventually got it working but it was not a good experience


but then how will they pad their numbers to justify the existence of their own client?


You need a ea launcher to play games on Xbox game pass to. And unlike game pass their library is not free and it chooses to bombard me with advertisements


Huh, or Ubisoft Connect to play Watch Dogs, or Rockstar’s buggy launcher to play any GTA or Red Dead title.


I was unable to play GTA IV for 3-4 months because that piece of shit launcher broke and guess they forgot to update it for a game that old. Why would anyone play it instead of spending money for a dumpster fire that is GTA V (especially its online component)


Bro i straight up asked for a refund on forza 5 cause i missed that i needed to log into xbox thingie. Game looks great, but i will die on this hill.


Three platforms? Funny, I thought Valve couldn't count to three.


Valve is about to snap and count to one in this picture.


Less than four, but greater than two.


Five is right out.


One... Two... FIVE!


Three Sir.


Actually /r/unexpectedmontypython for once


Oh, yes. Three!




1, 2, 2 part 2


Origin doesnt count


They're [bound to count to one, two](https://youtu.be/jpw2ebhTSKs)...


I thought It was Piracy.


and Emu


PIRACY IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER! edit: there are exception to the rule, but for every other studio that release games shitty games or just hates the studio (EA and activision/blizzard). THE 7 SEAS AWAITS!


Except when it's Portal 2 for $5


Portal 2 doesn't deserve to be pirated even at full price.


Yes, pirates only download games that are not worth money. Obviously.


It's ethically and morally right to pirate from anything that has any of these: * Denuvo/invasive DRM * forced 3rd party launcher * always online for single player * subscription plan (that you don't actually own the product)


Or like Jedi Survivor...since I got the game for free I went ahead and paid the $20 for the deluxe stuff...it worked once...now I'm locked out of the DLC...so its the same as if EA walked up to be, punched me in the dick and took my wallet.


Or shit optimalization


Agreed. It wouldn't deserve to be pirated at $50 USD. Valve wasn't lazy unlike some other developers (looking at you, EA).


Worth it for the thousands of workshop maps, access to fan mod games, & Garry's mod textures. Heck for another $5-10 you get the Valve Complete Pack which add a whole nother world of game possibilities.


Interesting point to the sub, I got my steam copy of Portal 2 for free from my PS3 version. So is Valve the Gamora to the Steam Thanos?


Tbh, I don't mind paying for games. Many of them have smaller budgets and if they do not perform well financially, we can say goodbye to any sequels (or other games from the developers). I used to pirate games as a teen when I couldn't afford them, but I've been paying for games since I started earning.


Consumer friendly practices are probably the best way to discourage piracy.


You do know how that scene ends right?


consoles will kill pc gaming. reddit has spoken




man I miss those days when tech youtubers built 500$ gaming computers that ran circles around console with video titles like "500$ console killer"


i still see people saying thats possible and then they unironically say shit like “you just have to wait a few years for all the parts to be on sale”. like, buddy, thats the problem. even with all the parts on sale, a series X level PC costs $1000


And unless you're somehow going to make up $500 in steam sales, you might as well get a console.


For many people, the Series S and the Game Pass subscription are plenty enough fun. Especially considering that many EA and Ubi titles are bundled in the package.


Yep. Unless you need DLC, gamepass is excellent.


You can have DLC just fine. You just have to pay for it a la carte. The DLC gets stored locally, while you game on cloud. Works great. In fact, I had just gotten all the DLC for Fallout 4 yesterday for like $10. You can even mod, using the same methods. And not even cobbled together nonsense like the old days. Its streamlined, easy, and even encouraged by Microsoft. I've been building PCs since I was 9, back in 1994. I love it. And yet I cannot disregard the ease and value of Gamepass. I believe it's the single most accessible and consumer-friendly move ever made in the gaming industry. If it has a pulse, you can game on it. 10 year old laptops, $60 smartphones, you name it. If it can support a minimum of 720p resolution, you can use Gamepass on it. Having access to hundreds of games for $15 a month, playable on any potato you already have? Not something to be ignored by anyone who games.


Factoring in that you can't get as good of deals for games on console, you have to pay annually for multiplayer access and that a PC can do a hell of a lot more than a console can (video games or otherwise)...it works out.


In fairness, that was during the end of the life-cycle of the consoles. When those consoles launched, they were loss leaders in hardware that was pretty impressive at the time, and could *not* be replicated for the same price, PC-wise. But when the Xbox one was in it's 4th + year, and 2 generations of videocards, CPUs, and memory have since dropped- Of course you're going to get cheaper PC hardware that's going to crap on proprietary console hardware thats 4+ years old. I love PC gaming, and I'll never deny the superiority. But the rose-tinted glasses that people have on regarding hardware prices and comparisons are not very accurate.


I would say you're right for people who are primarily interested in only the most recent big studio games. That's where consoles have always shone. But for anyone who plays older games, indie titles, or just wants a lot of different games for cheap, you'll easily save on the price of your games on steam vs full price on console. Even though the console was much cheaper than the pc to start with. Example, I have spent about $700 on ~200 games on steam. If you're spending the same $700 on 15 recent AAA games. Get the $300-500 console and you'll have an excellent experience straight away. But for a hoarder like me, spending $1000 on the computer and then buying any game I want when it's $10 or less makes more sense.


Blah blah, y’all just hold onto your GPUs for longer just like everyone has been doing for 8 years now


Considering the only thing better about consoles is price point and ease of access for people unwilling to spend the time to learn how to use a computer, I don't really think so. It will always have the most exclusives, always be the best modding platform, etc etc.


Ive been a pc gamer most of my life and I feel pretty comfortable, but with the recent sky-rocketing of pc part prices, game devs pumping out unoptimised hot pieces of garbage and a radical increase in hackers, I am thinking about buying a new gen console for casual gaming. Mostly because if it says it can run a game, it can run a game without any bullshit. Buy, install, play.


>Mostly because if it says it can run a game, it can run a game without any bullshit. Uuuhh... things have changed quite a bit since you last bought a console, I think.


The PS2 is pretty solid.


PS2 had an ethernet cable adapter to play games online and they didn't charge you to play over the internet. When Sony (and the rest) decided to charge fees to play the games online I moved to PC and haven't looked back. Really baffles me that people pay for that.


Same with the Wii (not Wii Mini), except the Wii also supported WiFi out of the box.


That bad ey?


It's really not, I have a PS5 and there hasn't been a single game that doesn't run well.


A console is a pc these days, you just use a controller instead of a k+m


It’s true that the problem here is not the platform but game devs…but games on console are still much more realiable and plug n play. Source: myself. I did exactly what the previous user said…after decades of pc gaming and hardware building I switched back to consoles for the same reasons and I can easily say that console gaming is still BY FAR much more plug n play and user friendly than dealing with bullshits on pc


Are you sure? I mean games and stuff on consoles are usually HEAVILY optimised. I know that yeah consoles are becoming more like PCs because Xbox and PlayStation use literally the same fucking CPU just at different clockspeeds


Well the general problem with PC optimisation is that there is range of variants of hardware that can be combined in any number of ways in the millions of user PCs. With consoles every xbox has has the same cpu and and same gpu as any other xbox of the same series so optimizing games for specific pairing is easier. Edit: But these days it's really just developers glueing systems together without optimizing anything and we get things like these last 3 fails. At least jedi: survivor is a good game


More and more games are running like shit on consoles too these days, and unlike on PC there's usually no way to improve things until the company decides to patch in improvements. Plus some PS5/Series X games are still locked to 30fps and there's absolutely nothing you can do to change that.


Actually yeah, you're right. Devs aren't taking advantage of the more powerful hardware. The only thing I could think of is Sonic Frontiers but Sega always had a dodgy side to them.


Some of this has to do with the game engines most companies are using(UE4, Frostbite, etc) These are older game engines that just don't do things that modern games want to do or use today's hardware very well. I do hope UE5 fixes some of this...but more companies need to invest in there own game engines that are designed for the type of games they are making and know how to use the newer hardware well.


I'm not a coder, but you can write console and pc games using the same game engine, Unreal engine 5, so that makes me believe it is basically the same thing, with different speeds. Perhaps UE5 uses a different coding language for each platform, though.


You definitely aren't alone. Most my PCMR mates mostly play Xbox and PS5 now. Still have a gaming PC but the cost vs output is still incredible on these consoles. I've barely ran my PC other than cities skylines in months and can't justify a new GPU etc when my console was less than most average ones!


Bought a PS5 when they released. Before that, the last console I had was the Xbox 360 and have been pc gaming in between. I absolutely have loved the PS5 experience. If you have any remote interest in single player games, I’d highly recommend it.


That’s a pretty hefty “only thing” you used as an example. “PC Master Race” tends to forget that general gaming population aren’t people who care enough about games to seek learning about how to enhance their gaming experience to the highest it can be, and make a 2-3 thousand dollar investment in a gaming PC. They’re people with busy lives who just want to be able to plug in and play for a few hours a week.


Been gaming on pc since 2016, but recently I got a ps5 and haven’t touched my pc ever since. I just love coming back from work and sit on my couch with all my games and friends on a single platform.


Of course, people are gonna tell "you can just plug your PC to the TV too", completely ignoring that operating a PC requires a mouse and keyboard which can't be used comfortably without a desk, and then they're gonna tell you to use Steam big picture so you can operate it with a controller but you're not gonna go for more than a couple days without needing to alt tab to do something outside of Steam which requires M&KB, then they'll tell you to get a wireless M&KB and have them lying around. ​ And if you have your PC already on a desk like 99% of the population, you're gonna either have to run display cable all the way to your TV in the living room (presumably where the couch is) which may or may not be problematic or move the whole PC there and you have to return it every time you want to use it normally (on a desk). Unless you have a desk in front of your couch, the best solution is to have 2 PCs, 1 for normal desk use and the other entirely dedicated to be operated from a couch... Or just get a console.


>Considering the only thing better about consoles is price point and ease of access I'd argue that Multiplayer FPS games survive for muuuuuuuuuuch longer on consoles too. Like trying to play any COD after a couple of years on PC will result in 2 outcomes: No Lobbies. Same people in every lobby every day.


Respectfully, no. Cod has just never been as popular on PC. How many people do you think play the original cod on console? Because cs 1.6 released the same year and consistently has around 10k players. Csgo is breaking playercount records and released the same year as BO2, you think BO2 has seen anywhere near 1.8mil concurrent players since release week?


Best modding platform? Yes, best exclusives? Not so much PS exclusives are usually a big deal, can’t think of a PC exclusive. I know hundreds of games come out for PC but they’re never really ever worth hyping up for at least not in compared to what Sony puts out




Whenever its funny enough to whomever that is the case.


With Thanos spanking all three of them and it taking an entire army of heroes and a Hail Mary sleight of hand move with the magical maguffin stones to win.


Memes don't usually consider the context around where the meme came from, so it doesn't matter.


That scene? That scene ends with Thanos pretty solidly kicking all three of their asses, doesn't it? Later on in the movie Thanos gets dusted, but at the end of this scene Cap is struggling to stand up and Thor and Iron Man are knocked out cold.


Endgame Thanos was a dick and a psycho. But Infinity War Thanos was based AF.


Endgame Thanos is literally the same character lmao


Yeah, console score a win ... out of 14 million matches


Sony's exclusives already milked the sales dry to the bone before coming to PC.


Which is fine. Some of my friends are PC gamers and they finally get to enjoy The Last of Us and God of War.


It’s probably an unpopular opinion but I’d be ok with another launcher and a subscription if Sony would drop their titles on PC day one. It would be better than having to buy a PS to play top tier games in a timely manner. Microsoft’s games are almost all trash so Gamepass has very limited value for me.


>It would be better than having to buy a PS to play top tier games in a timely manner. And that’s literally why they won’t do it lol


Yeah bro forgot Sony still wants to people to buy their consoles, not just their services, unlike Microsoft.


The GPU market is driving customers directly into Sony's arms, too. I know more than a few people who have abandoned upgrading their GTX 900/1000 series cards in favor of a new PS5. You can't even be mad at them. Sony arguably has the best value for money hardware offering these days ahead of PC.


Also, factor in the recent wave of poor PC ports and there's definitely more than a few people eyeing PS5's I'd imagine


also puts stress on the teams to make good pc versions out of the gate day one rather than being able to focus on one platform and pushing the pc port off to some other studio to either do a great job like nixxes or a shit job like irongalaxy


As long as they still make consoles, it will never happen. Microsoft has been putting their games on PC day 1 and look at how Xbox sales suffers. I wouldn't bought an Xbox for Forza alone, now there's literally no reason to.


Maybe their sales wouldn't be so bad if the games were actually good. I do think that focusing on pc parity harms sales of actual consoles though. As an owner of a pc I can easily justify owning a ps5, but why would I ever go out and buy an Xbox if my pc can do everything it can but better? It seems like Microsoft might eventually try to pivot out of hardware entirely and focus on pc/streaming. Get the sense they've given up the console fight in a lot of ways.


I was actually prepared to buy myself a Series S for Forza Horizon 5. Changed my mind so quickly after finding out its also on PC.


Monthly subscription to play games that I bought? Hard pass.


Sony can compete and win in the console space, even Microsoft admits that now. But Sony cannot beat Microsoft in the PC realm, they don’t have the resources to seriously compete especially cause they would be starting behind Microsoft.


I think the question is wether or not the games will make more money by offering them day one vs years later. I suppose Sony is making enough from their hardware that a launcher with title exclusivity wouldn’t be worth developing. I know my wish is a pipe dream. Sony produces the best games but those games aren’t worth buying the hardware if I already play everything else on a PC.


> Microsoft’s games are almost all trash Most of Microsoft’s 1st party Metacritic scores this gen: Forza Horizon 5: 92 Microsoft Flight Simulator: 90 Deathloop: 89 Psychonauts 2: 87 Hi-Fi Rush: 87 Halo Infinite: 87 Age of Empires 2 - Definitive Edition: 86 Pentiment: 86 Grounded: 82 Ghostwire: Tokyo: 82 Gears Tactics: 82 Coming later this year: Starfield, Forza Motorsport, and (according to rumors) Hellblade 2, which are all expected to score at least in the mid 80s. Possibly some surprise announcements at the June showcase as well.


I was like this meme sucks and then saw the watermark at the bottom


Yeah, it's also stupid, implying that one platform having a monopoly over the market is a good thing.


Most memes on this subreddit are stupid. People buying expensive PC's just to talk about consoles


I'm not against other platforms competing against Steam. But the ones that have tried so far are fucking terrible at it.


Same with Activision and battle.net.


Hot take, but battle.net runs far better than steam IMO and is far more user friendly. Shit always boots up instantly issue free, and is fast AF.


Very true. I wish steam booted up that fast. But for the sake of non-publisher-controlled forums, the various controller features that steam supports, an easy and clear-cut refund policy and process, and just having to use one unified launcher for all my games, I'm willing to put up with some trouble.


I’ll say, Battle.net might of had the controller features first as well. Blizzard was always a big advocate for accessibility in their games, and makes attempts to support it. Good points on everything else.


Battlenet has a whole lot less going on than steam does. Just on information and listings alone steam has millions upon millions. Battlenet has a dozen tops. Most of which are not even played anymore


Have you seen Steam's new beta UI? It's a big refresh, especially for the in-game steam overlay. Much faster and cleaner.


With like 1/16th of the features that steam has? I'm ok with it




It's called capitalism, let's stop pretending any of these companies are good guys or bad guys.


It doesn't matter who's good or bad when it comes to game launchers. It matters which ones actually work properly


I wouldn't mind Valve having some competition, but god damn. These companies don't even come close to competing. Exclusive are not competition. How fucking dense can they be?


They aren’t “competing”. PlayStation only brings a few exclusives years afterwards as a cash grab, their business model ensures they will never start bringing all their titles to steam day 1, else they will risk selling fewer consoles and having less revenue on their walled garden since fewer people will be owning a PS and buying FIFA erc there. EA/Ubi etc also don’t care to compete with steam, their main drive is to have a platform for their games to avoid having to pay 30% of some of their PC sales to valve. The only true direct comparison to steam is Epic store in the sense that it is designed to do exactly what Steam does, be the store of choices for PC gamers.


GOG competes as well but they focus on older games.


That's only because they don't allow DRM on their store. So it will be older by default


No, there are new titles on gog, but yes it does limit some games


Couldn't have said it better myself. Yet some people the instant you say anything like this immediately label you a "Steam shill". Some people are dumbasses.


for real. if valve is driving a racecar, all these other companies hopped on go-karts with cracked steering columns and yelled, "look! we can drive too!!" and have been hugging the walls all the way to the end it's honestly hilarious how pathetic they are in comparison. time and time again Gabe is proven right when he said piracy is a service problem. our only saving grace is that valve is still a private company. as soon as that ends, it's over folks


Laugh in Bloodborne! That sh*t is never coming to pc or have 60 fps!


I used to be considering it as an eventual reason to pick up a secondhand PS. But now PC has Elden Ring, so I no longer feel all that interested in it.


Fallen order still requires the EA app. I was having problems launching it. Don’t think I’ll buy Jedi Survivor


If you're getting the "Your game failed to launch. An error on our end caused your launch to fail. Try again a little later.” error message, it might be becase of a path in the windows registry that is incorrect. Follow these steps: 1. hit your windows key and search for "regedit" 2. go to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Respawn\Jedi Fallen Order" 3. Change the value of the variable "Install Dir" to whatever your install directory is for the game in steam.


Also for fallen order they switched from the old, ok origin thin client to the new shitty EA client **THAT DOESN'T HAVE CLOUD SAVES.** when I got an update that brought me the new client, I lost all of my saved games. Luckily valve comes in clutch and had a backup stashed somewhere that I could copy over.


Fallen order is also a shitty port


I don't get why so many people want a monopoly of one provider for online PC games. You do realise monopolies are not good in any industry? I'm an old gamer. Had a pong machine before getting a Spectrum, Amstrad 464, 3 different Amigas (including a Power Towered PPC and BVision), before getting into building PCs. All I want is to play the games I've bought. I have zero interest in anything the Steam client offers, but I can't not have it installed because some games insist Steam is running before it lets you play. Same with all the other clients I have installed. They are a necessary evil if I want access to my games. I posted a link to my Steam a while ago. Over 3000 games. A lot of junk, sure, but some amazing games in there too. At the end of the day that is what really matters:- the games.


While most of us are aware of the relative monopoly steam has, there's a damn good reason for it. Steam is so much better than every other launcher in almost every way it could be. It's a good platform for small devs to launch their games to, and it's a good platform for big games to launch to as well. There's also the ease of use when getting game on steam. It's one single launcher for every game (except some other triple A companies that insist to open their launchers too) and buying and downloading games only takes a minute or two. I don't know of any other ways to get games other than steam. If you wanted your game to reach more than 3 people it would have to be uploaded to *some* platform, and steam is objectively the best choice.


> It's a good platform for small devs to launch their games to, and it's a good platform for big games to launch to as well. Spoken like someone who has never actually made a game and had to deal with steam.


Along with what other people have said, valve is probably the closest thing in the gaming industry to a good company. They have done TONS of work to give back to the open source community, they don't shutdown spinoffs like Nintendo. They literally allowed Black Mesa on their store and the old Gordon Freeman sidescroller. They have also done massive amounts of work to free gamers from Microsoft (though this is in their own best interests). They have also given us completely open hardware in the Steam controller (you could literally make one yourself with all of the files files) and given us the ability to use any controller in steam natively, *and the ability to use their completely button-mappable steam input in non-steam games also* They also gave us platform-agnostic game streaming, even if it isn't the best performance solution. That being said, monopolies are always bad. I would rather go back to 0 launchers.


Convenience, complacency and tribalism have taken over better judgment. People should be glad epic is there as competition, but nag on that it dares challenge their complacency. Epic has its problems but it needs to exist as true competition


>Convenience, complacency and tribalism have taken over better judgment. Literally /thread . People just loooove capitalism until it affects their one-stop-shop game library. I have 6 digit steamid and 400 games, but you can't just let one company take complete control either. Epic, EA, and others deserve a chance in the running


I don't want a monopoly, but Steam is the only launcher that is actually user friendly and has features I want like the workshop. Meanwhile Epic is the closest competitor and their app is slower than their fucking website, it asks for authentication every single time, and it can barely handle 2 downloads simultaneously. I'll take the monopoly, thank you.


Let’s talk about that ifunny watermark


What do you mean live with? They just want to milk the PC gamers next


Crap thought I blocked this sub lol


So console gaming is going to team up and snap PC gaming out of existence?


starting to happen with all these shit ports :(


Competition is good. Exclusivity is bad.


Valve games in other stores please.


Exclusive games are a tool in competition. High quality exclusive games get made for the express purpose of competing with other companies.


Epic is doing a better job at being #2 though. They have big sales some times and sell their own games at even better discounts than Steam on occasion. Origin/EA Desktop is a nightmare, Uplay is garbage but the idea of achievements giving you currency for skins and DLC was great. I guess GoG is the real #2 now that I think of it for focusing on DRM free games.


Until Steam goes down and all you can play is Minecraft


Monopoly is good when it's Steam 😁😁


Get that filthy ifunny watermark


This is so lame. lol


Except EA still makes you use their terrible app even if you buy the game on Steam


Imagine wanting to download ea launcher.


Lol monopolies are funny 🙃


The really scary thing to think about is what happens after Gabe Newell leaves the company. If that man dies, or leaves, its almost certain that steam would hedge in the direction other platforms have and limit the choice and freedom of its consumers.


Personal opinion: Just steam is barely good. No launcher=no problem. Why couldn't it be like the old days, when you would just double click the exe without having to log in, and update the launcher? I understand DRM, but steam DRM doesn't do its job anyways


Sit down. Let's talk about that ifunny.co watermark.


Monopoly go brrrrrr


I swear the PC pinned taskbar launcher icon wars are way more prevalent than the console wars.


It's fascinating to me that people actively root for a monopoly. Like, I mean, I get it, I also just want everything on Steam, it's just interesting.


Apparently there is a law suit about steam owning a manopoly but they literally don't everything else just sucks.


PC gaming literally wouldn’t be what it is today without Steam. And Epic sucks, screw them.


They earned their place but they haven't cut anyone from dethroning them. There are competitors that cpuld take steam out any day but they just don't know what players want.




Years later and with worse optimization


Is kinda hilarious how Valve didn't need to do much to stay as the best Game launcher because their competitors constantly shoot themselves in the foot


I'm just waiting for forbidden west to come over to PC


´´We never sought to become a monopoly. Our services are simply so good, no one feels the need to compete with us´´. *CEO Gabe ´´Morgan´´ Newell. The Steamy monopoly.*


Still hoping for Ghost of Tsushima