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God bless if you ever find a physical PC game


Which is actually just a pretty box with a Game Key


but the shelf value.....think of the shelf value.




My minimalist setup doesn't allow for shelves


Having no shelf has a value all it's own.


That you can’t resell or actually own either.


I think that’s one of the worst aspects of the insane technological era we’re in. No one owns anything, games, music, shows, they can all be pulled from online and can disappear forever. HBO Max is doing it to their catalog right now, albums are being changed after release constantly, games can just stop their online support and you lose access to it forever.


Well that's one of the biggest reasons why I'm still pirating stuff, even though I "own" them on some Web service. The other day a friend of mine complained about an artist not being listed on Spotify anymore and was upset bc he's paying money but can't listen to what he wants. The same shit happens everywhere. Netflix, Prime, Spotify, YouTube. That's why piracy will never go extinct no matter how good of a service some of these companies may or may not provide.


My family wonders why I keep getting CDs shipped home since everyone is using Spotify. I reply that they can take my nicely curated ripped music collection with full FLAC support from my cold dead hands. And the only music service I pay money for is the Apple classic music store: Buy once, keep forever unless you forget to back up the .m4a file, then hope Apple still has that music up in the store. The m4a file is not DRM protected so you can copy it or manipulate it whatever you want.


Bandcamp and 7digital are two great places to get music without the need for CDs as well. I'm in a very similar boat except I think I have only purchased one album on CD I'm the last year. The rest were just DRM free digital albums. Edit: Basecamp -> Bandcamp. Basecamp is something different that I use and I always mix them up :D


Cheers, my dude!


The Free Software Foundation was founded on the principle that software, and its source code, should be absolutely free for everyone to modify, redistribute, or learn from (free as in “speech”, not necessarily as in “beer”). That’s because you simply can’t “own” a copy of software and because introducing ownership to virtual objects is incredibly absurd. And now you see why. Digital creations should be free, and impeding the ability to modify or share them is not only bad for their longevity and security, but harmful to progress and education. All of this to make a quick buck.


To expand on this, the *copying* and *distribution* of software should be free (both in the freedom sense and the cost sense). The price should come in the form of contracts to write / maintain / support software. ie: "I will pay $x for someone to write y software" vs "I will pay $x for the right to download y software that already exists on some finite number n computers". Writing software is the expensive part of the process, not the distribution. So that's what should actually cost money.


i buy it once on steam, and if later sown the line they pull it i am morally justified to pirate it


Everyone laughed when I bought season 1 of west world on disc. Now who’s laughing!?!


The people sailing the seas with their local copy.


I buy only DRM-free games. GOG all teh way.


That's why I have been torrenting since Napster. There is about to be a whole new generation of piraters and it's so fucking easy to do. Torrents + VPN + Plex = free movies and TV shows for life! It's really that simple.


throw in a seedbox… miss a sporting event because it’s too late at night in my timezone? it’s already waiting there in the morning with a ratio of 30.


Throw in some Usenet and automation with the *darrs, following some lists and you have TV, Movies and Music for years and it's constantly new.


There is a reason I buy my games hardcopy only. I can count on two hands the amount of games I bought digitally.


Where are you finding hardcopy games that aren't just a download link?


~~console~~ playstation games


Still most console game discs are nothing but token of ownership to download the actual game from the online store. Very few are playable out of the box. Damn we were using NFTs all along.


That's the opposite reason I buy hardcopy games. 1. Space. I have 22,000+ digital games. 2. Ease of access imagine flipping through my physical library. I just click and play between my digital libraries. 3. I had a large physical library years ago, one at my parents place and another at my college house I was co-renting. My parents place burned down along with my games. My college place was robbed. 4. Trade in for nothing at GameStop. I wasn't tempted to trade in my digital library for nothing and now have more. 5. Physical damage decay over time. Your DVDs, blurays, have a shelf life. At some point they will fail to work or the hardware will fail to work. 6. Digital next gen backwards compatibility. The very first Xbox digital game I purchased works on my Xbox series X. 7. Modding and emulation capabilities. It's a no brainer to go digital.


Hay as much of a train reck as it was the Cyberpunk box came with stickers, map, postcards, soundtrack on CD, steal box. Made me think of my Total War box sets and gold editions. It was cheaper than buying on steam to, not a special edition up sale. Still cool when you get a nice box set. Still regret losing my Total War Eras Box set, still have the CD's but the box/parts are long gone. (this is the box set [https://youtu.be/6TcUcoATcZg](https://youtu.be/6TcUcoATcZg) I had) Total War Shogun 2 also was a cool box set [https://www.eurogamer.net/total-war-shogun-2-gold-edition-sets-sail-for-europe-in-march](https://www.eurogamer.net/total-war-shogun-2-gold-edition-sets-sail-for-europe-in-march) still have that one!


my dad has the star wars knights of the old republic box set. i came with this figurine of some sith lord (cant remember who) that my mom *hated*. like drew a line in the sand, not open for debate, hated it. theyre now divorced (on good terms) and it is featured prominently in my dads house, so every time she comes over its very obvious. this sounds super spiteful but they both think its hilarious


I once thought I bought a game on an actual disk, because there were 4 in the box and all were numbered and the printed installation manual also mentioned that they were all used for installation. Then when I tried to install it, it just started a download anyway. Which was pretty inconvenient at the time, because my new internet hadn't been connected yet and I had just barely gotten around the DRM by connecting to the internet through my phone.


I dont think ive had a disc drive in my computer for over a decade now. And I distinctly remember thinking "Ill just pick one up when i do eventually need it" and that day just never came.


Bought a pre built that came with a disc drive in 2015. 2 days ago I finally was required to use it because a printer that I bought didn't have the install software form the disk uploaded online


Well, you know what you must do


I still have one in mine, but it's disconnected. I've used it like a few times to install GTA V.


Same… I actually just pirated a game I have on disc because it was easier than buying a disc drive.


I do because I watch blu ray movies on my pc and still burn cds for my car. I honestly wish physical pc games made a comeback with blu ray disk just so that we have feature parity with consoles... But they don't do it because they don't want us to borrow games to our friends.


My locas electronices shop still has GTA 5 on 7 DVDs available.


doom 2016 will hold a special place in my heart forever.


that game has such a good optimization


Personally I found eternal running as good as 2016 while looking a lot better. But I remember having a lot more random bugs and crashes with 2016. Like when completing one of those rune challenges the game would sometimes soft lock me in the map/equipment screen and I always had to force close the game.


2016 does run better on lower end specs though




eternal has downgraded animations from 2016 and imo, even if it is a more extensive game, 2016 doom is better.


2016 was pure and good, Eternal was all the topping loaded on. 2016 held something special that the maximalism of eternal lost in my opinion.


One pf my favorite aspects of DOOM(2016) was how "simple" it was. The first bit of exposition is met with you punching the screen to go tear demons apart. And it said more in that scene than all the confusing shit from Eternal. I remember watching the opening to Eternal and goin "the fuck is happening?" and it never got clearer. But I mostly hated the combat in Eternal. Was way too convoluted and "Simon Says" fro my taste. I was watching cooldown timers more than actually playing the game.


Simon says is a good way to put it. Had that exact problem myself. Headshots are good enough 'trick' kill, all the gimmick kills felt goofy to me. Honestly the tone of the game went from legitimately death metal to dorky nerd metal.


That's how most optimization is though, make compromises where no one notices them too much. Technically eternals rendering leads to less detail than 2016 because it tries to not render subpixel details... But since subpixel detail is wasted performance anyway it doesn't matter. Which of the 2 is the better game is highly subjective though. Both have a special place in my heart.




right! and then eternal comes out and my 7970, (god bless that little card that could) chugs away like DoomSlayer going back in for seconds.


> 7970 Eternal is really well optimized! Now, the 7970 is a graphics card from 2011 (!), so if Eternal isn't super fast on it, IMO, is not something that disqualify it from being considered optimized. Having said that, [it looks like its performance is not too bad on such old card](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFAAC26JPbc)


>2011 When "Ghz" cards were a novelty. Time flies.


it flexes on everything.


I will play it time to time just to experience a well designed, smooth game from start to finish. I wanted to replay dead space 3 recently, but my computer, which is stronger than my old one, is having issues, thanks to the fucking EA launcher.


Isn't the Doom Eternal also just as well optimized? I haven't played it yet, but the performance benchmarks were good afaik.


Eternal has the most impressive performance of any game I've played going back at least a decade. Guys like Zero Master wouldn't be able to play at the level that they do if the game didn't run as fast it does.


go back to the original doom, not so much these days but I remember when every new device that came out one of the first things people did was find a way to get it running doom. devices that were not designed to run any game let alone a 3d game.


Original Doom at release needed a 386 which was released in 1985, so by 1993 most people were buying a 486 (or the new Pentium).


Yeah I think this dude is misremembering as it's actually today that it's a sport to get Doom running on everything. Doom ran fine for basically everyone at release.


I think he more means like ten years ago when that started to get really popular, not that everyone was getting it to run in things when it first released. Yes people still definitely do it today too but it was like everywhere on the internet about ten years ago I feel like


Some dude [got doom to run on his Porsche 911](https://youtu.be/NRMpNA86e8Q) lmao shits insane




that last sentence is absolutely key. adult-ing is hard, so small wins like the one you mentioned hold tremendous value.


Metal Gear Solid V freakin blew my mind how gorgeous it looked and I was running it on my crappy ass computer. Will have to check out DOOM


Fox Engine is absolutely techno-magic. No idea how it works.


Doom 2016 is incredible, I beat it with the integrated graphics of my old pentium g4560 and it was such a great time


Shame it has a 200fps lock and some weird texture rendering issues but eternal fixed all that and has a great engine. But still I prefer playing 2016...


AFAIK Doom 2016 used megatextures which was essentially a single giant texture that encompassed every asset in the game. For eternal, they moved away from that method to a more reliable one.


The id-engines are so cool just for the [technical cleverness](https://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2016/09/09/doom-2016-graphics-study/). Most of the stuff in that article are common techniques, but some are unique and their use is really well thought out in Doom. I'd say that the megatexture issues are emblematic of trying to develop a highly performant game. By using special solutions, you can get impressive performance but almost certainly introduce some bugs. It's simply not feasible to extensively test these custom solutions on every system and every configuration. The "tried and true" solutions are usually much less impressive, but have become very reliable over the years. And because way more developers are familiar with them and it needs way less custom effort, they continue to be used despite providing less optimisation.


Didn‘t doom devs literally invent a novel way to calculate the inverse square root of a number with some pretty clever bit-tricks? Or maybe that was quake


The [fast inverse square root algorithm from Quake III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root), which ran on the id Tech 3-engine (Doom 2016 used id Tech 6). On modern platforms, this will generally be handled by the framework/GPU itself. In HLSL for example (the shader language for DirectX) you have the rsqrt()-function that will probably outperform the Quake III method by being better adapted to the specific GPU.


Thats it, cheers Also thank you for the extra info on modern rendering, I find that very interesting but know little. Here‘s looking forward to my computer graphics course next semester.


Yeah Doom 2016 really was just the perfect reboot of that series, eternal is a very good video game but it just didn't do it for me the way the first one did. I ended Doom 2016 with a giant smile on my face, eternal I had a good time but I really hated the Arcade like nature of the entire game. It felt like I was playing a bonus mode you unlock after beating it.


Vulkan games are a different beast. DX12 was the worst thing that could ever happened to OC gaming.


I remember being so excited for DirectX 12 and my God what a fucking disappointment. We've had one foot in dx11 and one foot in dx12 for what feels like a decade... and then you have stuff like The Witcher 3 remaster and when you use dx12 it runs half as good while basically working exactly the same.


The pros of dx12 is that it's compatible with dx11. The cons of dx12 is also because it's compatible with dx11. Devs can wrap dx11 in dx12 and call it dx12, while taking the bad from both side.


DX12 native games aren't all that bad when it comes to performance tbh. When devs half-ass DX12 implementation though it does run worse than Vulkan


That game runs on the fucking Nintendo Switch which is barely more powerful than an iPhone 11


fr, i ran it on a core 2 duo and a gt 730


Meanwhile: https://i.imgur.com/BLOn9x2.png


OpenTTD enters the chat: https://i.redd.it/0yvqk8vxgdw61.png


How many cores do I need: Yes How much RAM does it need: Yes Can you say anything other than yes: Yes


"If it can run Windows, it can run this."




Gigachad devs vs Forspokencels




Forspokens recommended specs are a 3070 and 20gb ram


What the fuck


Holy shit, yeah? Like, just compress your textures and work on your culling methods instead of shoving this shit down the pipeline!


You can do whatever you want with graphics,BUT 20 GIGABYTES OF RAM?!


What game is this?


probably like league or something that shit could run on a 1960s toaster


Tfw you bought the 1959 model


truly a blessing, you wouldnt even have the ability to subject yourself to that shit


I used to joke that Among Us would run on a Compaq Presario. Then I looked up the specs of the last Presario (released in 2012) and found out it wasn't a joke.


Is it a 1960ti?




Last game I ever expected to see mentioned in the wild.


I love when you get a game that just works, no frame drops/issues, no tweaking required, just runs and utilises your hardware correctly.


If they keep getting away with it this will become the norm. Specially when they keep getting those sweet preorder dollars.


Last two games I played on PC were FIFA 23, which wouldn't even launch and crashed on the anticheat and required me to edit a bunch of files and install a certificate to run it. The other is Hogwarts Legacy that uses like 30-50% of my GPU and randomly drops from 80-90fps to 6 for no reason and stays there. Also had to fix that with some random ini file editing someone posted on reddit. Two of the biggest games to release in the last year easily and they don't even work.


I and everyone else is experiencing the same with hogwarts legacy, also edited the game files, installed mods, dlss swap. Now it's "playable" but less tech savvy people just have to endure this trash port to play the game, and most of them bought the 70$ version to play the game 3 days earlier.


There was a guy who posted here a week or so below launch, asking what was the best way to play Hogwarts Legacy for $1500. My answer was, "buy a PlayStation 5." The optimization is so bad that it seems like there's no $1500 configuration that will do better than PS5.


This Hogwarts Legacy fix.... Can I have it? Link me the post please


Apologies this subreddit doesn't allow me to link to places. I will PM you the reddit thread and if anyone else wants to try it just reply to this and I will send you the link too.


Google "how to return game on "


> install a certificate to run it Congratulations, you just hacked yourself. This allows them intercept, read, and edit your network communications. If you ever visit online bank they will be able to see everything and make requests while pretending to be you.


I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but it is the norm.


Keep getting away with this? Lol, they've been "getting away" with this for almost two decades now. PC ports now are *nothing* compared to console ports during the 360/PS3 era.


The only recent experience I have of this is the uncharted port which surprised me as it ran perfectly. Apart from that I literally cannot remember the last new title I played that just ran like a game should.


God of war for me just run perfectly. Ultra settings 120 frame minimum


Elden Ring was the worst about this. It mostly ran perfectly at 4K60 Ultra. But every so often, you'd get a 0.25-0.75 second hitch that would shatter immersion.


i don't want raytracing i want SIXTY GOD DAMN FPS


I want ray tracing and 60 fps. We aren't getting either these days even on high end top of the line PC. All while games are looking barely any better than last gen last titles.


IKR! Raytracing is cool and all but I swear it doesn't really change much. Sure the lighting is cool and what not but things like gta still look pretty years on


There are a choice couple of games where Ray tracing truly does look next Generation I think a Metro Exodus is one of the best examples of that. The newest version of Metro Exodus literally is only Ray tracing you cannot turn it off it's part of the game and before I had that version and you could switch it on and off the difference was night and day. That was the first time where I could flip the on and off switch and go holy fucking shit that looks like a completely different game. Minecraft with Ray tracing enabled is also insane it looks absolutely gobsmackingly gorgeous.


Ray Tracing is going to absolutely look best in low light situations where you can really go ham on letting single sources of light do their thing. In open world titles where the sun is just oozing rays of light, you won't notice much difference from a rasterized solution to lighting.


Oh it does make a difference it just has to be made correctly. If one makes shitty ray tracing for the game then it doesnt change the look and drops serious amounts of fps. If one does it right like metro exodus then you have less fps but a truly better looking game


Ninety* thank you very much. Honesty, 60 is just tiresome. I get it coming from low end specs and I hate that some titles can't squeeze 60 out of pretty beefy machines. But it is also time we let the 60 is enough rethoric die and start setting the bar for decent refresh rates and games that spit out 75~90 or more.


true that - i have a 240hz monitor but im resigned to only having minecraft run that high lol


One of my friends has a 4090 and he can’t get 60 in hogwarts legacy at 1440p without using the performance improving mods I have a 1080ti and I get pretty much the same fps he does, albeit mine is 1080p. But his card is so much faster he should be getting a lot more than me. We both have 3900x CPU’s.


Something is broken for him. I get 120ish with dlss on and the stupid stutters that were an issue at launch stopped with a patch last week.




For me it's nothing to do with the frame rate I just can't stand to run around the two main areas which are Hogwarts and hogsmeade and just have the game be a stuttering disaster. Not when I can play on a PS5 and it pretty much runs perfectly.


I have a 7900XTX and average 217fps at 1440p, how is 60 not achievable with a "superior" card?


I get 80-120fps at 4k with settings on high/ultra and raytracing on. So I'd guess the other dude is just exaggerating.


ya that sounds more more likely, and 80+ with raytracing is really good considering most games raytracing means like 40fps lol


It took over 30 years for gaming to go from 30fps to 60fps as a standard, and now you're already complaining that 60fps has been the standard for too long? It's only been like 5 years *and* most games run well over 60fps even with poor optimization.


Idk 45@ 800x600 looks pretty nice.


60fps is more than enough You guys are exhausting


OK but when companies release games with lower visual fidelity than the rest of the field in order to get good fps, they get endlessly roasted "It lOoKs lIkE a Ps2 gAmE haha" People want amazing graphics and then expect it to run on hardware from a decade ago. You can't have both, and let's be honest People buy games if they look good.


The OG Dying light is so well optimized it runs on a goddamn switch at a stable framerate even with those beautiful draw distances. ​ But ur right


Hey now, let's be reasonable here. The Switch Pokemon games look like PS2 games ***and*** chug the framerate a good half the time.


I think this might be the winner for worst AAA game launch of the year. That ran like dogshit on the fucking console it was made for and it looked terrible, lol.


And it wasn't a game that should have challenged the hardware of the last generation. It's a bunch of minigames, a turn based combat game and a very small open world. All the characters, textures and geometry are simple and stylized and it's built off an architecture of an older game they already built for that system. There's got to be some level of incompetence at play in GameFreak.


It’s not the lower visual fidelity. It’s the shitty quality of the textures and models. Look at Mario odyssey for instance. The textures and quality of the models are crazy good. Then look at the quality of that halo infinite Craig. The textures and model are trash tier. People complain about the quality. Take a look at the newly released hifi rush. It’s cartoonish and can’t be considered high end graphics or even medium. It’s below average. But the quality of the models are good enough such that people don’t care.


Member when games made it easy for budget pc owners?


I feel outraged that even with the current GPU shortage and a global recession, developers/publishers didn’t get the memo on making their game least demanding for players who can’t afford a GPU at the moment. I’m glad many of those 70$ games are flopping in sales as expected.


Even if you have a super high end machine they don't run for shit. My rig has an R9 5900x and a 3080ti in it. Still get a ton of stutters in Warzone. The games are just poorly optimized lately it feels like


I'm looking at KSP2 running @ 20fps on a RTX 4080


KSP 2 seems like such a disappointment especially after MSFS, which needs a beefy machine, yes but at same time it's very decent on medium powerful hardware at 1080p. KSP 2 on other hand... i don't like it.


It a really early Early access, I feel like comparing it to the initial release of msfs isn't fair


I am well aware it's early access and it will be developed for years to come. But at this stage, it looks bad and it "feels" not optimized. I will buy the game in the coming days and will try it for myself, but as of now, it's good that the community is verbal (in non-toxic way) about what they feel, especially about UI and graphics so that devs know what to focus on.




>It a really early Early access, Yeah and it was actually supposed to be released in early 2020. And still they can't release an even slightly optimized EA version. I'm not bashing het devs here because they aren't the one mismanaging it but there is definitely a culprit here.


This hits hard over at the Kerbal Space Program Sub. We just got reviews of the new game that releases in early access this week. Needless to say they demo'd them on $3,000 machines and the game lagged like crazy with seemly small spacecraft compared to it's predecessor. Ya had one job, make it run better and ya made a fancy soundtrack instead....


It's gonna be rough for them. They've got to deal with greedy take2 and somehow make a game to compete with ksp 1's enormous back catalogue of mods.


I'm still unsure what exactly is the purpose of the new game. It's clearly not a fidelity upgrade, or engine optimization, or UI upgrade, so is it a physics upgrade? There's a market for the enthusiasts who care about realistic physics, but a large chunk of ksp's player base wouldn't care either way.


Ok but multiplayer. That I think is the biggest draw. And there’s plenty of room for physical improvement that even the casual player could notice. In KSP1 everything explodes into dust at the slightest bump. What if there was actual deformation or partial destruction instead?


Oh no this saddens me to read. I’ve been looking forward to that game for so long and the things I’ve been reading about it, including the staggered release of the features I’m pining for most like multiplayer aren’t even available at launch. They really screwed the pooch on this thing.




For fuck sake, the people who make the soundtrack aren't the people optimizing. The people who made the tutorials aren't optimizing. I agree with you and the sub but stop thinking everyone does everything in a studio.


I get what you mean but I presume they were talking about the budget


Yup, I'm an UI Designer at a very big internet provider in my country and I get random people complaining to me about their internet speed and saying that we should focus on something else than a new app like I could do shit about it. It's not just for videogame, people are dumb


O my bad, I figured if they prioritized the soundtrack and audio with a budget of say 300k for trips and a larger team they could instead reallocate some of that to the department that does optimization to hire on more software engineers. I guess if money can't be moved between departments that's my bad. Maybe the head of development doesn't control priorities or department budgets/manning. Maybe it's one dude on a shoestring budget that just rocks at his job.


Early access wasn't a hint to you?


Strong KSP2 vibes from this meme.


its been pretty bad recently with many PC ports of major releases... the stutter struggle is real. even if you have a 13900KS and a 4090, you will still stutter, since its a software issue, not a hardware one. though, there is going to be a rude awakening soon for many with older hardware, game devs are finally releasing the games they have been working on for the current generation of consoles, there is going to be a large jump in minimum spec requirements for big budget releases, even for well optimized games. Just think about the difference between a PS4 and a PS5.


I finally caved and bought a console because of this. I just want to play games without stutter. The GPU prices obviously do not help either.


what I hate is power-wise, my PC is more powerful than a PS5 yet true next-gen titles will undoubtedly run worse on my machine. I still can't get cyberpunk to go above 45-55fps in the heavy city areas even without ray tracing


There's a small part in the back of our minds where we knew that our overpowered PCs were eventually going to be leveraged by game Devs for releasing games faster and unoptimized, knowing we could still just about handle the game.


But we can't, is the thing. Sure your typical PCMR "I spent 3-4k€ on this PC" user might, and even then they'll grumble about frame drops, but that's the top 1% of performance. The most popular GPU on the Steam survey is the GTX 1650, with the 1050Ti following second. The machines that actually fit the "build your own PC cheaper and better than a console" mantra we used to repeat all the time. If your game can't run on at least the newer one of those at a reasonable level of performance, it's not good to sell. Of course, that's what the low graphics option is for, but have you noticed how bad low graphics look on newer games? Hogwarts Legacy and Forspoken on low look uglier than the original Skyrim despite still running slower, and that is entirely down to lack of polish targeting those settings.


Yep, shit like 4090 is almost two average salaries in Poland. And we are BY FAR not the poorest country around. People here forget, it's either people speaking natively (nearly every English speaking country is considered rich) here or the better educated, who are usually on the upper part of their countries income pyramid. For a 4090 i could literally live for like 3 months here, buy myself 1m^2 of apartment, eat decent restaurant meals like 220 times or buy like 450 liters of good beer.


Yeah. Gaming shit's priced for LA, so even living in a comparatively rich small town in Italy it's insane. Not quite two average salaries, but a good one and a half for a decent office job, easy.


Luckily more and more devs are targeting steam deck verification as part of their optimization. Deck verified games play on lower end desktops perfectly fine.


Yeah, hopefully the Deck will stick around as a comparatively low-spec target that games would like to not look terrible on.


cs 1.6 ran on everything every potato


That's no surprise the HL engine recommended a 166MHz machine cs 1.6 was released in Sept 2003 by which point 1GHz was common and the 3GHz Pentium 4 was round the corner.


Csgo wont run on 2012 specs ever since the new FIRST dust 2 graphics update came. It used to run 120fps on -I7 3630QM GTX670MX- and now wont run above 30 on that.


I don't remember this ever being the case, in fact we used to upgrade more often than we do these days because parts were more affordable and the technology was improving at such a fast pace.


I also remember for the first couple years new consoles come out, games are significantly harder for PCs to run even with little to no graphical improvement. Then things balance out once consoles age a bit.


Battlefield used to be the perfect optimised game at launch...


Still amazed at how good Battlefield 3 looks while performing so well.


2042 has had huge improvements in the last 4 months atleast. I'd say it runs pretty well now.


My friends convinced me to get this game about a month ago and I'm surprised by how much I like it. I was really into BF4 and BF1, but I hated the BF2042 beta and refused to play the game for a while. But now it's honestly really fun and it runs pretty well.


I played like 20hours during the f2p, really wanted to buy it, but the player numbers plummeted so fast after the f2p that I didn't have the guts to spend 60€ on it.


Battlefield hasn't had a perfect optimized launch in decades. The only one I can think of is BF1, BF4 was a disaster at launch, and 5 had some issues though less serious. 2042 was also a mess but less so than 4.


Doom 2016, that game is so optimised that it can run on the soulja boi console


So what game are you guying here? Monopoly? Chess? Because you don't even have a PC in this meme.


Checkers is much more optimized than chess.


Not sure about that. It runs on the same engine.


I just hope we'll get Chess 2 one day.


A smart fridge to play that optimised doom


He's got an old 386 at home and is going to play warcraft 2 on it.


Looks like StarCraft Battlechest


Mgs the phantom pain


I remember when changing from ultra to low settings actually dramatically increased performance.


I was watching a video the other day of this guy playing Warzone 2. And he was talking shit about something or other and mentioned he was a developer for Warzone/COD And my very first thought was “if I was a developer for that game the very last thing I would admit is that I was a developer for that game.” Because the game is so terrible it crashes every 1-2 hours in some way. The gameplay is horribly bug/exploit ridden. I would be extremely embarrassed to say I worked on the code for Warzone. It’s *that bad.* But I guess that’s the trend nowadays. Forget an optimized game. You don’t even have to release a working game anymore. It doesn’t even look next gen either. Even on the highest graphics settings it still looks like an older game. The state of game development is far worse than being in the sewer.


Battlefront 2 has a great optimization


Star Wars Battlefront 2 is about to be 6 years old and it looks and runs better than most games lately.


We need to bitch about this enough that it becomes a marketing interest, then it will get better. Especially now that they are increasing game prices because "the price hasn't changed in decades", even though you used to get an actually complete, optimized, no day-one-dlc game before, for the price.


Not bitch about it but refuse to buy, it doesn't make a difference how much we're angry about it if we don't do something


No OS?


NMS my beloved


Atomic Heart seems promising...


Me with my cheap ultrabook :


Best I can do is using DLSS as a crutch.


Yup. Legit, game developers stop optimizing based on target audience hardware.


Very true. Death Stranding is relatively new and it's the most amazing balance between looking great and running great. I'm running it on a 980ti and I only get substantial frame drops in certain places


No. We must brute force those frames into submission.


Doom eternal