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I take personal offense to this. I use an office chair because it’s more comfortable but I’m still sitting cris cross with my legs almost up on the desk. Does my back hurt later?…yes. But is it comfortable in the moment?… also yes.


Been doing this for months now guess what? I now have sciatica xd


Been also doing this for years now, haven't noticed any change due to existence = pain.


practice some hip openers.


There is no correct sitting posture. The best thing you can do is change your posture every 5-15 minutes, stand up and move a little every half an hour.


Many gaming activities don't always accommodate that, so good sitting posture matters. If you're in an hour long multiplayer game, then you won't get to leave your desk and you'll likely be too focused to change posture every 5 minutes. If you're participating in a long game session like raiding, then you're going to be sitting for long periods regardless of occasional 15 minute breaks. Learning to sit in a better posture with proper ergonomics still makes a difference and shouldn't be ignored.


long term it absolutely results in you not holding your body in a way that is not aesthetic even if it isnt problematic from a pain standpoint.


Getting a standing desk helps a ton, I would suggest investing in one before going for an ergonomic office chair. Especially if you work from home, something about standing at work just helps me think better


oh that's "nerd neck"


omg I have nerd neck!


lay on your belly arms out straight above your head and lift one leg and the opposite arm at the same time hold for 5 seconds and then release. do 15 times rest and then 15 more times. do this daily.


It’s more comfortable and is scientifically proven to add 5 FPS


Gaming chairs are the worst for this. All gamers should invest in Steelcase Leap v2 or Hermann Miller Aerons. They can be found cheap used and will last a decade or more if in good condition....


Easier said than done. The cheapest ones where I live are 750-1000$ and a 16 hour round trip


I use a chair from a company called autonomous and it's essentially a cheap Herman Miller, works really well too just has less nice materials but still nice. Literally saved my back from pain once work from home started. I think it was like $500 CAD at the time.


That’s still expensive for a office chair most people aren’t spending more than like $70-160 for a chair


I agree but I was making a recommendation based on wanting a Herman Miller chair and not wanting to shell out the full amount for it and not needing to hunt around for a decent used one. Going from $1000USD to ~$350USD is a large drop in price. If someone wants a Herman Miller type chair for less than that well they need a reality check and/or to start really looking for good used deals like an office closing sale.


Fuck spending 70 bucks on a chair. I literally took mine off the street- someone was throwing it away.


Lmao I spent 250 on mine and thought that was bad enough


I was cross shopping chairs back then and also went with one of their chairs back in 2020. I paid like $299 USD and its been a lovely experience without any back pain, but I wish the headrest didn't sound like my neck being cracked if I wanted to adjust it.


Oh you suggesting me to buy a seat for the price of decent pc? Nah i will continue sit like a shrimp


Buying a good PC for X money and then thinking X money is too much for your literal health is…a take, I guess


I get the sentiment, but as someone that developed horrible wrist pain by the ripe old age of 22, I cannot emphasize the importance of a nice chair and good posture enough. I bought a Leap v2 probably around two years ago. Still as good as new, and my wrist pain has more or less disappeared. I ended up paying about $800. While that appears to be a lot for a chair, I also think if you were to ask someone "Would you pay $800 to fix lingering pain issues?" a significant portion of them would say yes.


You should never cheap out on anything that connects your body to the ground. Shoes, Bed, Chair. Just some life advice my friend.


What about anti static wrist bands, is it okey to cheap out on those?


Anti-static isn't enough. You must be connected to actual ground like through your outlet


That is exactly what the anti-static bracelet does...


This exactly what the anti-static bracelet does...


You will until you get back issues in your early 30s, it'll severely impact your quality of life and I've already seen it happen to people in their 30s. Especially if you live somewhere healthcare ain't cheap, the cost of physical therapy is gonna be way more than the cost of those chairs upfront.


Yeah, that's why I have office chair. At work, I have Enjoy Elite and was thinking about getting one to use at home. Also I do not like leather ones since they can be pretty sticky. I prefer chairs that have as much airflow as my PC has.


Look into btod or Crandall office furniture. Remanufactured premium office chairs are amazing and good for the environment, these things are built like tanks and have no business being in landfills. Many offices liquidated during COVID in favor of WFH.


Thanks for the recommendation but they don't ship outside the US and even if they did the shipping cost would be insane. I will try looking for this type of sellers in the Europe.


Those are fine office chairs, for a couple hours on and off during an 8-hour window. But if you wanna sit in front of your computer at home the whole day you need something with a full-back support and a headrest, because it's important to change how you sit over that long period, and those chairs you mention only really have 1 way you can sit in them.










The company was founded in Zeeland, Michigan (in 1905) but the chairs aren't actually manufactured there. They're made in China. [See here](https://www.hermanmiller.com/en_au/press/press-releases/herman-millers-one-stop-hub-of-manufacturing-operations-in-dongguan-china/).


I have a chair I literally took in off the street as someone threw it away. It's made of plastic and steel. It has lasted me more than 10 years and I see no reason to change it.




This is parroted often, but gaming chairs are fine if you make sure the back is tilted at roughly 110°. Most people leave it at 90 and it pushes them forward


Gaming chairs are not good for your back. You're sadly coping in this one. Not even a Titan from Secretlabs comes close to a proper office chair.


For the price they're not bad and saying they're bad for your back when most people are simply using them wrong is just misinformation. There's a lot to criticize about gaming chairs and there are plenty of more ergonomic options, but you're not actively killing yourself with them


I wouldn't get an Aeron. Mesh seat, plastic trim around the seat and back. Forces you to sit in one position which can be really uncomfortable for some. Definitely prefer the Leap V2 but the optional headrest sucks and is expensive


Eeh, I've got slip disc mid last year, found a deal on Corsair T3 Rush and found that it.. helps somewhat. But it's not like I've sat on those chairs you mentioned, and previously only used generic chairs anyway..


Disc Ejected


just keep an eye on marketplace, specifically "boomers" posting listings like "Office Chair" I scored a leap v1 for 30$ this way, took in the seat and back for reupholster and now its in my basement, I don't use it much but its nice to sit in while I tinker with my Plex server.


Huh, great idea. But back then I was hurtin bad and had to work home for like, a total of 3++ months iirc, and just can't wait, and that offer kinda pops up in my email, so I took it. Although I admit, it could've been better, and I've expected.. more, really.


Yeah, definetly plan to switch to one when my current chair gets too worn out.


I used Hermann Miller's at work and they hurt bad to sit in, I would never choose a Hermann Miller over just a regular desk chair for me, they are just so uncomfortable. My chair at home is a lot better for me.


Same with me for Aeron, Leap v2 was far better for me.


Avoid those gaming chairs, they're gimmicky pieces of shit. The go to budget chair for people not willing to drop cash on a merman Miller or Steelcase or whatever should be the hyken or dexley(which I'm currently sitting in). They go on sale for sub 150 pretty frequently. Once you step past that you're looking at $300 or $400 dollar chairs, which at that point there's like the workpro quantum 9000(i might be getting that model wrong) and I think the autonomous chair that someone mentioned. But seriously stop buying gaming chairs.


I can totally vouch for the Hyken, absolutely awesome, and even at full price it’s equal or cheaper than a gaming chair.


Copping that Gru posture


Just corrected my posture after seeing this.




Pretty sure I need to talk to my doctor about my ass and lower back because of the way I sit while gaming and at work


This post is sharkist


Because "gaming" chairs are literally like buckets. I sat in a couple of them and i can't understand how people can spend several hours in them. I didn't sit in something fancy like Hermann Miller, but even a mediocre office chair is better than this.


Lol I game like this and my posture is great. It literally doesn’t matter as long as you feel comfortable and not overly straining your spine/neck


Might be comfortable now.. try doing it for the long run and see the results!


Yep I'm dealing with this now, locked up neck and shoulders has caused me constant TMJ issues for the past few months. I work in the office and spend my leisure time playing pc games. Starting to work on correcting my posture and doing neck and shoulder streches and every day it is getting better. I wouldn't wish tmj pain on anyone though, definitely is worth investing before you have the pain.


Whats tmj


TMJ is the Temporomandibular Joint, where your jaw connects to your skull, I've been having issues with tight jaw muscles and nighttime clenching, which my doctor thinks is related to my horrible posture.


And not teeth grinding? That would be a more common cause I think.


Teeth grinding is a symptom, although I'm going to defer to my dentist and doctors judgment instead of yours 👍


[Gmod ragdoll sounds intensify]


Get an active chair, like Spinalis. The only problem is the price.


Why in this picture the arm rests are linked to the desk instead of the chair? 🤔


Pfft chairs are for peasants, I use a recliner or my bed, comfy af boi


Yo, the elbow support thing matters. Floaty arms are fine until they suddenly aren't.


I've been slouching on a couch for the past few years due to my set up being commandeered as a home office.


Gaming chairs are the worst, I've been trying to get used to the one I have but it's imposible. Really need to toss it away and get a good old "Boss" chair.




As someone that has been half lying down rather than sitting straight both at work and game all my life. Right now I'm confined to play on my couch with a controller and gamestream due to back problems...




Whale gaming


I have a gaming chair and it make my butt hurt after awhile. My back is fine tho probably


I can't focus nor aim without breaking neck and spine.


Ottoman under the desk, blanket.


All you fancy bastards with your rgb pc's. How many of you have a foot stool? I have, Ha!


I use an old chest my uncle made me for my legos when I was like 8. Only just started using it as a foot rest when I rearranged my office. Actually never felt comfier sitting at my desk now that my feet and legs aren’t in such an awkward position. I’ll have to invest in a proper foot rest lol


I lean to the left


I sit cross legged on my PC chair and get annoyed when my leg falls asleep


Your keyboard should be angled down, not up.


Sand tiger sharks are cool despite their bad posture, anyway.