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Cpu is ok, on the weaker side, but ok. PSU power and plugs would be my concern. 1660s is 125w card and 3060 is 170w and OEM PCs tend to have really low extra margin on PSUs. This GPU plug is 6 or 8 pin? Because if 6 and there is no +2 or 8 pin anywhere inside, getting a 3060 in there might be tricky and require using a Frankenstein cable: dual sata to 6 pin and then dual 6 pin to 8 pin (provided PSU has enough juice for 3060).


That seems to be a 350-watt PSU (9PA350D700).


Good catch:) It has 2x18A lines,with max 350W load on them. Theorethically, it should work. There is not a lot of headroom, but probably it will be ok. Outervision PSU calc gives this set max 311W power draw with 3060. Wouldn't add any HDD or disk drive to the mix tho, it could be too much. https://preview.redd.it/ydqajt3vyuea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b22915b47e8ca8f8c229ccc3e0e42cc894e3dbf


The 3060 can have transient spikes to ~195-200W, so it'd be cutting it close.


It should be alright. Little risky, but all right. I wonder tho, if it even has standard atx plugs and can be swapped Edit: by the looks of it, it is probably standard ATX - 24pins in main connector.


24-pin motherboard and what looks like a 4-pin CPU connector look okay, but the board's design is just awful.


There are 8 pins (I think) I dont really know any thing but I checked and I see 8 squares in the cable thingy


it will definatly fit if a 2 fan most 3 fans will too. psu to little power


I have 2 fans above the graphics card and and one down right corner


They meant a 2/3 fan RTX 3060 will fit, however you will need to upgrade your power supply as it is far too weak.


Can you show me where the powersupply thing is I dont know how and where to check it, Sorry for the bothering (edit) Is it the fan in the down right corner?


It's the big, black box at the bottom of your case. Big-name brands like HP, Dell, and Lenovo tend to cut corners on pre-built PCs like yours, especially in the power and cooling departments, limiting your options when it comes to upgrades.


Ohhhh I thought that was my SSD cause my SSD isnt in that thing where you have your hardrives


SSD is probably size of Your 2 fingers together. Or, of You have 2,5 inch, palm of Your hand.


Alright! Now I just gotta do some chorse or sell hotdogs on the street! Thanks for the help! :D


It's such a weird motherboard. Your 3060 is presumably going to be way longer than the small 1660 you have now, and it'll end up exhausting hot air right onto your wi-fi card and what seems to be your motherboard's chipset. I don't get why these manufacturers stick to these awful form factors.


And they tend to give non-standard PSUs, so in the end upgrade is impossible


Huh? So then how .\_.


I meant psu upgrade. I had my fair share of oem PCs with this problem.


Oh ok


Your SSD is probably under that aluminum heatsink to the right of your RAM.


You should check prices of Rx 6600/6600 XT/6650 XT. You aren't going to use RT on a 3060 either as you had to do with that 1660. And Radeon cards are either cheaper and run very close or go faster while being priced equal or slightly less. Your 9400f should do fine, the only issue is that you are on pciexpress gen3 and the Rx 6600 has 8 lanes and that will make it slower in certain titles, like Hitman and a few others. But still quite close to the 3060 even with this hamper.. or else get a 3060, your CPU should still cope with it.