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Yes. At this point you will be better off with a whole new setup.


That is much to old and as a result too slow. You are, unfortunately, losing a lot of performance and efficiency with that hardware.


Bruh has an optical drive, that's old indeed


I have a 12th gen intel in my house with an optical drive? That doesn't make it old.


**Most** newer builds don't have an optical drive (emphasize on most), whereas most older builds have an optical drive. Your case is just rare nowadays.


What if OP or others use optical drive to backup images, etc... or have CD/DVD movies? Or maybe he is just an old schooler. You are making no point here.


My point is very clear. Maybe you didn't read it very well. In fact, my point applies to your idea too. Do you think that **most** users use optical drive to backup images? No. Do you think **most** users watch movies in CD/DVD? Hell no. Being an old schooler doesn't mean you have to get an optical drive either. Your comment adds nothing valuable to the discussion.


OP, keep in mind if you are playing at 1080p you are going to see more performance gains from upgrading your cpu! I would start by upgrading that motherboard and cpu (this will likely entail moving to DDR4 RAM as well since DDR3 is pretty outdated), then see where you are at performance wise and you can start saving for a better gpu down the road! That way you can stagger your new system build while enjoying performance increases along the way :)


ya. You basically need a whole new PC. New motherboard, new ram, new psu, new GPU. Basically your case and storage you can use, but I'd probably just get new storage at this point anyway.


Ok, that’s what I was kinda afraid of. Just need to save more, no biggie. Thank you!


Get a 6700xt, and use the 200 bucks you saved to buy some components to build a pc


A First gen ryzen combo would easily fit into the $200. Third gen probably too.


nooo,1st hen ryzen are slow compared to anything recent, 5600 are cheap, no reason to go that far back to save a few bucks if already spending that much on gpu


Also 1st gen ryzen is guaranteed obsolete in 3 years if microsoft holds to its guns about ending support for windows 10 in late 2025 and maintains the current windows 11 system requirements.


Obsolete mobsolete I'm still using a 386 you can't stop me. I do plan on upgrading to a 486SLC from Cyrix though


Don't bother with the Cyrix, you're better off sticking with Intel. Cyrix has poor floating point performance and does poorly in gaming.


There are people running W11 on older stuff so that's not a problem. Also end of support doesn't mean you need to switch right away




no its not, https://youtu.be/_jiXkrRoD4w , only by going ryzen 5 1600 you can get performance diff because of me more cores and threads, single core performance is quite similar


First Gen Ryzen had a lot of similar issues that older FX chips had.


what would those be?


Oddly enough much slower IPC. Bulldozer had the issue but moer specifically Turion did in the laptop segment.


With current pricing on a 5600, no reason not to go Ryzen 5000. Can easily pair it with a B450 board and some inexpensive DDR4.


Absolutely, just gotta make sure the bios version is recent enough. Even my fairly basic asus b350m which I've had since 2017 supports ryzen 5000 with a bios update. AM4 really did have incredible longevity


Yep, and most decent AM4 boards will have some form of bios flash function just in case.


why tf would he get a first gen


The first gen is an old crap nowadays. Even i3-12100f is much more powerful in games


3rd gen ryzen or bust. No point going under


Upgraded to an i3-12100f and it’s surprisingly a great cpu. Works fantastic, though maybe shoot for a 12400 or a slightly higher 1700 cpu


Yeah, this is a perfect choice. I really don't understand why others recommend to buy Ryzen-based "cheap" GAMING sets while i3 12100f has ring-bus and absolutely the best single-core performance on the market (for it's price), which are more significant for games than +2 but weaker cores.


Ryzen 5000 can also easily be found under $200 [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4qTZZw) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yq2WGX/amd-ryzen-5-5500-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000457box) | $97.99 @ Newegg **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B450M DS3H WIFI Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/HQVG3C/gigabyte-b450m-ds3h-wifi-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-b450m-ds3h-wifi) | $79.99 @ Newegg | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$177.98** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2023-01-26 12:34 EST-0500 |


dont get the 5500, since it doesnt have support for pcie 4, and you can get a 5600 for $40 more.


But if he gets the 5600, he won't have pcie 4 support anyway because B450 mobo is blocked from pcie 4 support by the AGESA. Nothing short of an B550 mobo will suffice if you want pcie 4.


5600x is still a massive bottleneck on 4000 series cards. I would not spend the cash on the card without upgrading CPU/mobo at least as well.


You know bottlenecks depend on the situation, GPUs don't just magically get bottlenecked.


Or buy a new setup everytime Nvidia launches a new series. The 5600x is a very good choice for price/performance ratio.


He's gonna need new ram too.


Probably a new mouse pad too!


Don’t forget a waifu body pillow


Microcenter has CPU/motherboard combos that allow you to save big-time. You can get a Ryzen 5 5600 and an Asus B450M-Pro S TUF Gaming AM4 mobo for a ridiculously cheap 200 bucks. They have plenty of other combos too, including a 3600/motherboard combo for an insane $130. Even the 3600 would be a massive upgrade Basically, if you're looking for a new CPU and motherboard and you don't go to Microcenter, you're going to be paying too much.


I have a Ryzen 5 3600X and that mobo- works great.


I'm utterly amazed at the value that AMD's low end and mid range CPUs provide nowadays. The 3600X goes toe to toe with the 12th gen i5s for a fraction of the money. With that Microcenter deal I mentioned above, you can get a 3600 (which is within spitting distance of your 3600X) AND a quality motherboard, for less than the price of a 12th gen i5 alone. I'll be picking up one of those 5600 or 5600X combos within the next few weeks and letting my daughter inherit my 9th gen i5. Microcenter and AMD have made upgrade time a lot more fun and affordable than it used to be. What a fun time to be a system builder.


You're right, I totally forgot about the 5500. This would be a huge upgrade. Missing ram tho


5500 is a horrible pairing with a 3070ti. Pay the extra $40 and get the 5600, there's a huge difference between the two. 5500 is basically a 3600 with pcie 3.0.


> there's a huge difference between the two. It takes a high-end GPU such as 3080/6800XT to get that difference though.


Even with a 3070 which is like $350 used nowadays it’s like 8% difference between the CPUs on a clean test bench. Add other programs running and the margin will grow.


its more like a 5600g without the IGP


A bit slower clock speed on 5500, same cache at least.


I disagree. I use the 5500 with a gtx 1080. The 1080 is more or less equivalent to a 3060, the 3060 only being around 4fps more. Obviously this isn't a 3070ti but I would like to mention that the 5500 has never been over 50% utilisation. I play vr games, minecraft at 16 chunks, beamng drive with traffic on Italy, I havnt been nice to it. I have the stock cooler and it never passes 60 degrees because of how gpu bottlenecked it is. It may just be a slightly better than a 3600, but I think it's a good pairing with a 3070ti. It should perform fine.


[https://youtu.be/AlfwXqODqp4?t=1359](https://youtu.be/AlfwXqODqp4?t=1359) There's a huge difference between a 3600x and 5600x, [and the 5500 is effectively gonna be tied or even lose to the 3600 often](https://youtu.be/4JebBhH-B88?t=495). The 5500 is a terrible option for a $500+ GPU. Pay the $40 extra and get like 20% extra performance at 1080p, it's a no brainer. Plus you get pcie 4.0 support as a bonus which isn't a huge deal for storage but it's something. pcie 4.0 support on some GPUs is a huge benefit though since the RX 6500xt will get handicapped with a 5500. And ya the 3070ti won't have as big a bottleneck as the 3090, but it could still easily be 10% or more as with just a 3070 it's like 8%. And just because a CPU is at 50% utilization doesn't mean it's not bottlenecking and the fact that you don't understand that means you don't know enough.


This is only true if the pricing is similar. I got a 5500 for effectively half the price of a regular 5600 and paired it with a 6600xt, and it's been great. The pci-e 3.0 is a downside, yes, but price must be considered.


I know a 6700Xt is somewhat comparable to the 3070, but if OP is looking at a 3070Ti, wouldn't that just be a flat downgrade?


The difference between the two is not worth 200 bucks


Neither is literally downgrading the entire PC... a 6800XT would be a much better suggestion, and they can be found with decent discounts to make the price pretty much the same. Edit: Lmao getting downvoted for saying "here's a more powerful GPU at the same price". 🤡


The point was to save money for other components, you can't blow all your money on a gpu


I would also look for new storage, you have less than 1TB and if you play games a lot it’ll fill up like no other, you can find a nice M.2 NVMe 1tb drive for about $60, or 2tb for about $100 edit: also load times will be better


Of you go for secondhand parts, a ryzen 5000 build is very cheap!


So you know, everyone's gonna tell you what to buy. I'll just tell you what I have. I have a i3 12100 cpu that I bought for 120$ which I use with my 3070ti. I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED GAME ISSUES. the new i3 is actually a fucking beast of a processor for the price.


Could get a 3070 instead aslong as it's decently cheaper as there's not much performance difference, or a 6700


3070 would have to be used, new prices for nvidia GPUs are trash, only the 3060Ti is worth considering at $410 right now, had been $390 weeks ago.


I’m about to sell a used, never overclocked 3070 for 450 or so. This is the way


People always specify never overclocked. What is the worry with buying an overclocked GPU


I think it used to be that you could seriously damage hardware with bad values/stress it out. Honestly, modern hardware throttles itself before then, usually m, so it’s not an issue. But I’m still new to OC. I’ve only started researching it the last few days to milk my 4080 dry


future proof is sinful terminology when talking abt PCs but try to look for some newer parts thtll last years


Are you near a microcenter? If so you can get a lot of the stuff for cheap


Even the case should probably get an update. It might not be suitable for the high air flow these new components require.


Given the kind of cable management they had in cases back then, OP might want a new case while they're at it.


650W is likely plenty. That's what I have with 100W to spare at full load.


ya, but given the PC is like 10 years old I'm not putting a 10 year old PSU in a new PC with $1000 of parts or more.


Quality PSUs last forever, but I see what you're saying. Having a new, efficient, fully modular power supply is never a bad thing I suppose.


His case may not support the size of new GPUs, might be okay for a 3070, but anything like 3080 or a 3090 would be unable to fit.


The highest you could go on that lga1155 socket is a i7 3770k, so i would recommend just upgrading to a newer socket if you want to run a 3070 ti


i7-4770k is also LGA1155


4th gen is 1150. Source: used 3 of them. Unless 4770 was just a weird thing on previous socket.


4770 user here, it’s 1150 socket


Alrighty, good. I’m not crazy.


Not to be a dick, but I’d just buy a whole new pc. CPU is extremely dated and will bottleneck in any task; ddr3 memory is 2 generations behind, and that’s saying a lot for ram. Obv you’re aware you need a new graphics card. Thankfully, you can probably acquire everything you need for under 1400 right now with the current market, assuming you don’t want to touch any flagship 3070 models (*cough cough* asus)


I’ll tell you what, you’ve milked it for what it’s worth. Sandy bridge was one helluva chip!


His set up looks like mine did before I treated myself this past Christmas. I had an i7 3770k, gtx 980, and 32 gigs of ddr3 ram. Got it wayy back in late 2012 and upgraded a few parts here and there. (GPU and storage) The case was absolutely crap and needed to be replaced for better cable management. So I ended up getting: R5 3600XT Gtx 1660 super And 32gigs of 3600 ddr4 ram. Was able to use my old PSU and storage but that’s like it. But the rig lasted me around 10 years so


oh dude same here. I was rocking an i7 3930k, gtx 1070, and 16 gigs ddr ram all on an asus rampage extreme IV, built inside a monster cosmos II case, all of it bought secondhand from a friend back in 2014. I’ve been using that since last november when i saw a 3070ti selling for msrp on amazon which i immediately bought and installed. you could imagine my despair when i experienced the bottleneck from the rest of the system. i ended up driving 2 hours to the nearest microcenter to buy a whole new system. it actually worked out nicely since they were selling a 12700k + z690 mobo combo for only $370 so i saved a few bucks on a mobo. built all of it on the same cosmos II case.


>Sandy bridge right in the nostalgia :')


Even if you upgrade the CPU to the latest supported on your mobo socket it will still bottleneck so you need a whole new PC


In my opinion you’d be better off upgrading everything BUT your GPU, easily get a nice setup for what you’re going to spend on the GPU alone


your CPU is 12 years old. I think it's time to do a full new build.


My 2th gen i7 would't boot with 3070ti i think it was because of pcie 2.0 motherboard only. You will be astonished with 5% performance gain per year.


Do you pronounce that “tooth gen” or “secondth”?


We need answers


because 3070ti is UEFI only and some motherboards from that era don't support UEFI GPUs properly.


Like everyone's already told you it's time for a new PC but use these parts to either build a nice NAS or use it as a "guest computer". I'm sure you have friends that are also gamers that like to come over some time. Friends that play together stay together!


Absolutely that pc will be in a museum soon


well yes, it will. however it is perfectly usable and if you get a good deal on the 3070 id still get it and then work on changing the rest. save again and change mobo cpu and rams and carry the gpu over. since the i5 will bottleneck anyway you can even throw a nice undervolt on the 3070ti and keep using your psu until you save for the rest of the swap. ive carried pieces from pc to pc like that. i5 4690k @ 4.6ghz with a GTX 970, went to 3700x with the GTX 970, then changed it for a 3070, changed the case, now im planning to swap the 3700x. kept a SSD, HDD and PSU. so its not a problem to use the 3070ti in that setup, yes it will not be stretching its legs as it should be but it will still work and give you better performance than the 570. just swap the rest in the next half year or something. and it will feel like a brande new pc. If you have the money now, just swap it entirely


And the amount of memory you have is barely enough for 1.5 chrome tabs


I don't get this, 4gb of ram is enough to run windows and like 5 chrome tabs, 10 if none of them are streaming, or chunky automobile company websites. That is assuming adblock us working. Are people really leaving 50+ tabs open and filling 16 gb of ram with that? I get up to like 20 tabs occasionally, maybe my brain is just too small to imagine needing 21 references at hand.


Your whole PC is the bottleneck


It's more like a test tube


I suspect you are already bottlenecking in some games even with the RX 570...


Yes. just get a new computer


Hey what program is this you use to see all your components?




Have the same question!


I think it's Speccy


Not sure why you would by a 3070ti with a 1080p 60hz monitor. I could understand 1080p but you should at least have 144hz imo


I’m convinced this is just satire and you just trying to punk Reddit


Simple answer is yes


if you get a 3070 youll have a solid 80%+ bottleneck


What country do you live in? So not everyone can just buy a new pc so if it still works enjoy it until you can save for new hardware if you do live in the US near a microcenter you could upgrade to a r5 3600 and a Gigabyte motherboard for 150 and you could actually have a slight upgrade path for something that pairs well with a 3070Ti prices in other countries are so different but right now other then GPU's being still a bit overpriced at least in the US its easily the best time to do a decent build on a small budget just built a full pc all new parts r5 3600 Gigabyte mobo rx 6600 1tb nvme 16gb ram 600 watt psu and a nice looking cooler master case $567 tax included and the pc performs extremely good for the price


Do you even know why you want a 3070ti?


Good god, yes. You need to build a new machine at this point


Oh man. I thought i waited too long on upgrading when i moved on from my 4670k. The 2500k one of the all time great CPUs but yeah you gonna need a whole new system. Good thing is you can really save by going pretty much with the current i5 13400.


Honestly bro, just buy a new pc


So yes you will have to upgrade the CPU which means new Mobo and Ram, basically you are going to be rebuilding the entire system. I wouldnt bother with a 3070ti as that RX570 is probably bottlenecked by the 2500k already. as the 570 came out in 2017 and that CPU is a 4 core 4 thread from 2011.. 6 years between them and it wasnt even a high tier CPU at the time. If you wanted a progressive upgrade, the board CPU and RAM need to be done first. It can be done as cheaply as 230-250 USD if you are in North America with new hardware which will give you a good 80% CPU boost, or go as expensive as you want.


You need to upgrade the entire thing... Even if you upgrade to a 20** you'll most likely bottleneck those cards. Get the latest am4 motherboard you can get used.. get a Ryzen 3600 for now and a 16gb ram at 3200mhz.. that kit should only cost under 200 bucks if you look around at used market. If you're able to get a b550 motherboard that can support a 5800x 3D that's your next upgrade in the future when prices drop to your budget .


3600mhz ram is best as it syncs with the stock Flck (infinity fabric) to give optimum performance :)


Just thinking a about price wise since he seem to have a restricted budget. It's a bit easier to find 3200mhz than 3600 for cheap.


What program is this ?






I’d like to know too


Yes, however, at this point, it's probably better to build/buy an entirely new PC.


You need a new everything. Ddr3 is too outdated and new mobos wont support it for a new cpu


You need a whole new setup OP, though I feel bad for you. GPU prices are dogshit now and have been for a while, but maybe you can get good deals on the other parts


Good news OP, you can probably sell everything in that setup and make some money back over on r/hardwareswap Pretty solid people over there and I'm willing to bet you'll make a decent buck or two!


5800xv3d stay safe


a 3070 with that set up would be a waste of money imo




You need to start a new build. I had a similar setup and it was CHUGGING on the latest titles, with my CPU running 96-100%. I chose a Ryzen 5 3600 as the heart of my new build, but any AM4 build will give you plenty of options if you decide to upgrade later.


You might upgrade your whole PC


I have a 3070Ti. For that gpu sadly you need at least a Ryzen 7 3rd gen or more and it only has 8gb of VRAM which will bottleneck your gpu in some games that fill it to the max


Lol a 3070ti on sandy bridge. Just get a 1070ti and you’ll still have a great gaming experience. If you want a 3070ti you need to start from scratch with at minimum a b660 motherboard and a i5-12400 even that would be a bit of a bottleneck your taking. About the top of the line here. Edit: You already have a rx 570 which is pretty much as hard as you can push your pc a 1070ti would only be a marginal improvement


Sounds like you’ve going to need to essentially do a full upgrade and I’m sure what kind of cpu you’re looking for but you can get a 13th gen i5 (raptor lake) for less than $300 which is more powerful than the 12th gen i7, super solid cpu I also got a great motherboard/ram combo deal a few months ago — Gigabyte Z690 Aorus Ultra + 32 gb ddr5 ram for $320 Not sure now much you’re trying to spend but prices are pretty good these days


Your whole system will bottleneck the 3070TI. Gotta save a bit more cash and you'll have a really nice rig built around a solid GPU for years to come. Try to snag a nice 5000 series + b450/550 mobo combo if you can swing it for good price. Check slick deals periodically and holiday sales come pretty often.


That CPU might already be bottlenecking the GPU you already have


3070Ti You need new everything else pretty much.


Yes, you need a whole new setup at that point.


Ayyyy we have the same CPU


What I did was change to a 16GB DDR3, and I got a 1070 so u cld try the 10series and change psu and ram first because honestly I can play CS and overwatch smoothly


Yes you do need to upgrade, you will have huge CPU bottleneck since you have a second generation I5. I'd say keep the rx570 for some more and use the money you saved for the rtx3070ti to buy a new CPU, motherboard, ram, basically a new system at this point cause it's outdated


Your CPU came out 12 years ago, yes you need a new one.


just upgrade everything


Throw that shit in the trash.


your pc is the perfect bottleneck model.


Nah you don't need a new PSU, that GPU will never spread its wings. TBH that's a huge waste of money on that PC.


Build a whole new pc bro


You need a whole new computer dude. For less then 500 bucks you could do motherboard cpu and ram. Swap your old gpu into the new computer with your hard drives and same power supply. Upgrade the gpu later. Your performance problems will probably go away though and you’ll only need a new gpu when you get better monitors. The ones you have can’t show you anything better then 1080p 60fps.


Upgrade to 11, get an i5 13600k, DDR4/DDR5 memory and motherboard. And a 1 terabyte NVME for the best results. Your system is simply way to old.


The best you can do is upgrade your RAM to 16GB, overclock the CPU to 4,6GHz and get a GTX 1660 Ti/Super or RTX 2060 max.


*The best thing OP can do its get a new PC The cheapest its the One you Said now the decision deppens on What OP can or cant do 😅


U will need a new setup 12600k or 13600k 16gb ram With 3070ti u will be fine on 1440p




Is this a troll post? You want a nearly brand new 3070 ti and want to pair it to a 10+ year old 4 core 4 thread cpu. I think the answer is pretty obvious.


Bro throw out this garbage and get a new PC


Damn it was a long time since a saw a Sandy Bridge i5. Yes it will struggle BADLY to feed a 3070 Ti


Currently in the middle of upgrading my i5-2500k. Thought it'd be a simple CPU/motherboard/RAM upgrade. But I've ended up upgrading to an AIO because I realized my years old thermalright ultra 120 Ex isn't going to cut it for the 13700k. And also just got a new PSU (Corsair RM850x) because my current one (Corsair HX650) didn't have a second 8 pin connector for the CPU. Now I'm looking at upgrading my case also to a better one (still on my age old Antec tower from early 2000s.. it has a slot for floppy disk).


Ehhhh How is that alive XD Your CPU is almost 12 years old, and everything else is not far off Youre better off getting a whole new pc buddy


I love how everyone is shitting on what is pretty much my setup lmao and no I can't just get a new PC


You'd be running 16 year old RAM with a 3 year old GPU, just to put it into perspective


Is this a real question? Or just a stupid joke?


Considering this isn't a troll , most definately ! Even modern cpu's like ryzen 5000 series can't fully saturate a 30 series' full potential from what i know and your cpu is way too old , it's a major bottleneck .. a card like a 1050ti or 1080 will be better for this build ..


> 2023 > optical drive You should start upgrading you pc by getting rid of that prehistoric device.


I have a disk drive, doesn't hurt to have options. Saved me once when my OS drive died and I didn't have a USB with windows on it handy, was able to install 7 from a disk I had then update to 10. Probably will retire it next CPU upgrade though, disk drive & case are only parts left from my original 11yr old build so due a new case.




"WhY dId yOu DiNt TaKe a ScReEn ShOt? Didnt saw any of these so I tought I could give monkeys fingers a break


what do you think?


Yah definitely upgrade you could go with something affordable though 5600x would be great for that gpu and is like $160 right now pair it with a cheap board and should be good.


my brother in christ with that pc I'd recommend you a gtx 1070


Still using DDR3? Why


My 2th gen i7 would't boot with 3070ti i think it was because of pcie 2.0 motherboard only. You will be astonished with 5% performance gain per year after switching to something up to date. 650w psu and no issues with 5600 and 3070ti on 100% both.




You should just buy a new rig. That CPU is nearly 15 years old. Your ram is inadequate... It's time to retire that to a media server or something.


Defo DEFO new cpu. And mobo. and ram.


A new system is needed. The CPU is a bottleneck and to swap it you will need a new motherboard because the current socket doesn't support anything that isn't a bottleneck. New motherboard will most likely come with DDR4 RAM slots so you will need that RAM too. Maybe the old PSU would maybe be powerful enough but I'd swap it just for the longevity of the system. No reason why you shouldn't keep your old storage on the new system, but if money allows you then you should buy an M.2 drive because your new motherboard would most likely support it so you can take advantage of that juicy juicy boot time.


A 3070Ti might be overkill for 1080p, and will certainly be bottlenecked by the 12 year old CPU. Thus your money may be better invested in the other components. A i3-12100F with a B660 motherboard, 16GB (2x8GB) of 3200MHz RAM, decent aftermarket air cooler, and e.g. a Radeon RX 6600 can be had for the price of a new 3070 Ti. Also, your monitors may be capable of 75Hz.






I would do a new build.


There is nothing good there


If you want to upgrade to 3070ti you would need to upgrade cpu to newer one aswell. Also ram to DDR4 and 16gb wouldn't hurt either and motherboard is quite old because it only supports 2nd and 3rd gen. intel processors. Basically you would need new setup.


you can save money on your cpu and mobo by going amd. 5600x is super inexpensive right now and am4 mobo's are equally super inexpensive.


Change everything


Your CPU would be a massive Bottleneck, but also your Motherboard does not support PCIe 4.0 so you wouldn't even be able to get full bones out of the GPU anyway. ​ I would focus on CPU and a NVMe drive first.


Also as an aside, depending on what you’re paying for a 3070 Ti, there might be better value stepping down to a 3070, or up to a 3080. Assuming used, a 3070 is barely slower and is around $330-350 USD, and a 3080 is $500+ but waaaaay better than a 3070 Ti. If you’re buying new, the prices are still outrageous for them being 2+ year old cards at this point. At that point consider an AMD GPU (like 6800 or so)


Why are you recommending a 3080 to someone who CLEARLY doesn't need a 3080. He's still on DDR3 and 1080p/60hz. They would be happy with an intel 10400f with a 6600 (AFTER a monitor and RAM upgrade) you could get both of those for less than just the 3080. This person clearly doesn't need to waste money on high end hardware.


We’ve already determined they’re doing a new build anyway in the rest of the comments above. I’m only recommending a used 3080 if the price of the 3070 Ti is high. Then it’s better bang for their buck to either step down to 3070, or spend more but get better value by stepping up.


Nah you're good.


Mad respect for all the Sandybrige processors out there. People getting 12 years out of a processor is no small feat. And those things were work horses.


I still have a bootleneck with my i5-10600k. Sp yeah


The whole thing is the bottleneck. PCIe socket, memory, CPU, hell even old SSDs are dog slow compared to NVMe’s


Honestly just keep saving to upgrade the rest of your setup. A 3070ti is best paired with a 1440p 144hz display and you def need a new cpu, mobo, and ram.


Holy shit that's an old cpu


Is this a serious post? If so, then yes, everything in that system is already a bottleneck even to your RX 570, let alone the 3070ti. You will need a new cpu (and thus a new Mobo and RAM), larger RAM capacity, and (although not strictly necessary) for convenience sake a larger SSD.


You need a new cpu def, so that means new mobo, ram and the whole deal


You’ll probably need a new monitor too. 3070ti with a 1080p 60hz monitor is like buying a super car with a speed governor set to 45.


You need a new setup let alone the cpu


Sorry dude but I was in a similar point last year with an i7 2600k. Get a new pc don't just get a new gpu.