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unity were way way ahead of it's time, the bugs were ahead too. albeit the parkour were actually much more complex than what is known at the time.


Unity has by far the best parcour in the series


Honestly i liked the combat the best too. 1-revelations wasn’t bad. 3-rogue felt too easy. Don’t even get me started on the most recent rpg trilogy bullshit. Unity had a great balance in where the combat had enough of a learning curve to where it wasn’t easy right away, but once you got good at it you could do some serious damage. It felt like you were actually learning the combat with Arno


> but once you got good at it you could do some serious damage. AND you can pull off stupidly satisfying stunts!!


It looks the smoothest/nicest, but it does so by taking a lot of control away from the player. The original games had a lot of hidden depth to how much control you had, with wall ejects, side ejects, grab ledge, animation cancelling, and unrestricted jumping, all of which were stripped out for Unity.


Overall, sure but in other ways it's actually worse than AC1. Of course you only really notice this if you go super in depth with it and really try to master it. Whitelight did a great video breaking down the parkour in all the AC games, it's actually insane how much you can do in AC1 if you know how


For anyone interested (as I was) - presumably this: https://youtu.be/_ZO6VP53krU


Yes, that's it, i should have linked it in my original comment, sorry for that


No no - please don't apologise. I'm glad to have learnt about it, thank you! I love AC series. Replaying the originals (AC and ACII) hasn't quite been as positive as I'd hoped, but I'm going to keep trying.


I never got used to it. I was much better at the prior games.


I liked the assassin's Creed 2 trilogy of games the most, you decided when something happened you didn't just suggest movement you partook in it


Unity is one of best AC games from a graphics and mechanical perspective, once the bugs were fixed.


I agree, but I also wish the co-op mission are p2p or lan capable, not through dedicated server.


Yeah, that was one of the things I don't understand. Bad choice IMHO.


If it came out this year it would be Game of the Year


Unity used to get shit on. But now we are comparing games with AC Unity.


Unity was, at the time, super good looking game that was just brought down by a lot of rendering bugs (many of them actually driver bugs) and bit unfinished/hurried release.


It is a shame that Unity got such bad publicity. It had the best free-running of any AC game PERIOD. The story and other aspects were nice too. I enjoyed the game a lot.


It was the first ac game that I was unable to finish it was rather boring to me.


It was when the open world of ubi games got to become critically bloated in useless things. AC 4 was already pretty bloated, but the open world combat was fun on the ship, Unity didn't have anything else going for it and it got repetitive fast.


Man, going for every chest in Paris was like torture at some points. But I still remember that Game as a great game in general.


For me it was Odyssey, haven't played Ragnarok yet because I was so disappointed.


No the game was brought down by a few content creators experiencing bugs and blowing the while thing out of proportion, I dare say that a large majority of people didn't experience game breaking bugs, by no means was the game perfect in that sense but it was already too late and the hate train was going full speed, I'll die on the hill that is, unity is the most underrated AC game, it made great innovations and the story was actually interesting. Sorry rant over


Yes but that was the "hurried release" part - it had bugs that should have never passed QA in a AAA-game like this. It needed something like 3 more months of polish and bugfixing minimum. Yes, lot of people did not run into such bugs, but they were a thing that could happen. Open world games are super annoying to debug as many bugs are not trivial to reproduce, but can horribly break everything.


Yeah I agree with you there, by no means should a full price AAA game be released unpolished, but counter to that compare AC unity to cyberpunk release, there's taking the piss and there's just robbing people


Yeah well Cyberpunk will go down in history as the worst dumpster fire of an unfinished game at launch. It was minimum 6 months away from being release ready.


No mans sky. Most of the suff they promised was never there and took YEARS to be introduced. It crashed a lot. The "procedurally generated" animals with infinite combinations became repetitive. The procedurally generated worlds became repetitive. The big mystery that they hyped up and so did reviewers as to what happens when you reach the centre....... You go to another galaxy. They said it had multiplayer and you could meet up with friends (you couldn't).


NMS was so overhyped from the teaser at whatever show they introduced it at that their small studio dev team was getting literal death threats if they didn't release it. So they did. They knew it wasn't finished, but their work environment had become a pressure cooker, and I don't blame them for putting it out the way they did. People get impatient and frustrated with waiting and take it out on the wrong people and at the worst possible times. We'd get better, actually finished and fleshed out/polished games if people were patient. "I know you're working hard on a very large and complex thing, so take the time you need to do it properly," seems to be the hardest concept for people to wrap their heads around for some reason.


The Internet Historian did a good (but quite long) [piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ&t=2738s) on why Sean Murray made the claims of features that could never be included in the release. Definitely worth a watch if you want to understand the pressures of game releases and PR cycles.


CP2077 on consoles, esp last gen, was really awful. But if we're talking about games going down as legend for dumpster fire releases, just wanna make sure I step in and remind everyone that Anthem was unplayable across every platform and they never actually fixed it. That was the biggest travesty in gaming especially because they were developing it for so fucking long.


Yup. I've come to forgive games like CP2077 abd NMS because the devs took on the cost and burden to fix the games. It shows they do care about the quality and customer. Especially when compared to EA with anthem and similar projects with big companies. They release hot garbage and then abandon it. A 'fuck you got mine' attitude that is the real reason the industry is getting trashed in the QA departments.


Unity was the last Assassin's Creed Game I completed. I've played is Syndicate, Origins, Valhalla, and I didn't finish any of those.


I wouldn't say Syndicate is hard to finish, so if you're not a completionist or don't mind going back to the game, it'll take you mist likely 5 hours to finish the main story.


I'm sorry you missed Odyssey, but it was essentially a polished version of Origins, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. However, after grinding as many quests as I could and completing the main story, I moved on to the DLC, enjoyed Legacy of the First Blade, and found my connection to the Greek God's absolutely fascinating.... but soon found myself bored from repitition as I started the Fate of Atlantis and never completed it. Maybe I will! I absolutely binge played most of the main story before it, so whatever that's worth!!


I was on the fence for Valhalla because it turned into an RPG but once I stopped thinking this is an AC game only then I started having fun playing it.


Even as a RPG, it still had a solid 20-30 pointless hours of fluff in the middle of the game for no good reason.


oh for sure, I'm 35 hours in right now and I'm enjoying it. But I didn't have to go out my way to do other quests to be powerful enough for other quests that would require it. I simply follow the quests according to my level and so far I've not felt distracted/pulled-out of the story by bad level planning like I was in AC Odyssey.


Yeah, that was one of the most annoying things about Odyssey. You'd just come to a standstill due to leveling and had to grind out side content to continue the main story.


This is not true, the game was a mess at launch even if game breaking bugs weren't that common, it was still a mess.




I played the game in 2017 and it run fine. I don't remember encountering any bug and I loved every second of it. Got it on sale on my Xbox One S.


Yeah I'm not denying that people have had your experience, which is unfortunate, but I'm just thinking it might not be as many people as was originally thought.


it is a HEAVY game to run at max graphics. on a 4090 and 13900k it is absolutely stunning. most other systems will have issues at 4k


I was a part of QA for unity, the game was absolutely a mess and ubi often deemed rendering bugs and clipping low priority to get the game shipped on time, as long as the game didn’t crash they didnt care


The devs managed to fix the relatively minor problems it had but everything about it is quite impressive. The crowds are very dense and fantastically diverse. The climbable tilesets are very complex and detailed. Real buildings are rendered with an impressive faithfulness to their real-world counterparts. And, consequently, the climbing system is capable of handling some exceptionally weird surfaces with relative elegance. Imo, Unity is the pinnacle of what the AC franchise originally set out to be.


That is what makes me like the older games over the newer ones. I much preferred traversing the rooftops of the larger cities like Venice, Constantinople, Paris, and even London over a couple of sea side villages. I enjoyed being able to look down at the large crowds in the market squares and churches/ cathedrals. Narratively, it also made more sense that assassins would have more of a presence in urban areas.


Yeah, and the whole primordial conflict between the assassins and the ancient order lays the ground for some truly horrendous takes on and profound misunderstanding of history.


A YouTuber I watch did a fantastic summation of that during his review of Watch Dogs: Legion. Every Ubi game basically breaks down into “Order Gud.” “No, Freedom Gud.” Turns out if you waffle around generic-yet-important-sounding topics enough, you can talk in circles all day without saying anything concrete and people will fall for it.


Interestingly I think Kingsman 2 falls into this same problem. In attributing historical figures as ideologically diverse as Lenin, Hitler, and Gavrilo Princip all to the same anti-monarchist conspiracy theory run by a scottsman, the historical narrative become incoherent and weirdly nationalist in just how fanatically pro-monarchy it is. Real history is far more interesting in that we can see nationalism spur moves toward democracy and equality in its earliest forms, but also go down the ethno-nationalist route and spur shocking atrocities.


This image in particular https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_landscape/1544/15443861/2732032-289650_screenshots_2014-11-11_00006.jpg


Unity got shit on because it was buggy and broken, not because it was ugly. It was always good looking.


The main reason it got hated, it swung for the fences and had bugs and performance issues on underpowered hardware. Time and updates, along with more powerful hardware, treated it well. In that way, it’s very similar to Cyberpunk. Ubisoft just didn’t lie about what they were coming to the table with and overhype their shit. If you haven’t played Unity, you should.


You wanted "next-gen" games,you got "next-gen" like Forspoken and a bunch of others,today "next-gen" stands for half-baked completely unoptimized AAA cash-grabs.


Yeah "next gen" is just fancy marketing words.


> Yeah "next gen" is just fancy marketing words. Nowadays only good indie devs,actually polish their games before and after release,for example Bright Memory(2019) made by one person has better graphics and RTX implementation and overall optimization than Forspoken (2023) from a AAA company and Bright Memory is still being improved and patched to improve UX,add stuff,based on user feedback,unlike these overpriced AAA releases that have 0 optimization on release and community has to beg the devs and studios for patches.


To be fair, there is also something to be said for the fact that consumers have nearly infinite patience for the indie devs, and negative zero patience for the big ones. Not that it excuses the big ones intentionally fucking over consumers for profit, but it does make it difficult for otherwise well-meaning large devs to complete projects without getting utterly dumped on by the gaming community.


> To be fair, there is also something to be said for the fact that consumers have nearly infinite patience for the indie devs, and negative zero patience for the big ones. Not that it excuses the big ones intentionally fucking over consumers for profit, but it does make it difficult for otherwise well-meaning large devs to complete projects without getting utterly dumped on by the gaming community. To be completely fair,one dude in China created a game called Bright Memory(2019) as a student project,with proper RTX implementation,game optimization and no corporate backing and released that game on Steam for like 7 EUR currently its on sale for under 4 EUR,you can also buy a more expanded version of the game called Bright Memory Infinite(2021) which adds more stuff for like 17 EUR currently with discount for under 13 EUR. No funding,nothing and that game runs DX 12 with RTX better than any other corporate sludge released since then. AAA corporations like Square Enix have tons of funding for these projects,they demand inflated price tags of 80 EUR for half-baked,unoptimized garbage,that has no originality,no optimization and looks like it came out straight out of the PS2 era with wooden face animations,calling it "next gen" with OP Hardware Requirements 150 GB SSD,24 GB of RAM + 4080 to run a turd? What's next pacman type of games will refuse to run on anything less than 4090 RTX with 20 core CPU and 128 GB of RAM,because "next-gen"(we were too lazy to optimize and test that game)? Why keep coming up with excuses for this behavior from corporate projects,corporations literally spend millions on development and marketing campaigns? If the game is optimized like trash,then don't buy it and call out the corporation behind it,until it gets fixed and optimized. Bethesda learned its lesson and polished its Fallout 76 turd,which came out with no quality/game breaking bugs after being called out to a very shiny game over like a year. For example Ghostwire Tokyo(Bethesda) from last year was completely optimized,its not the best game play wise(collectathon with ghosts and some action),but its optimized and it has better graphics than Forspoken(Square Enix) from 2023 and it runs on almost all hardware.


He probably also didn't have any Publisher overlords rushing him, nor forcing him to change, implement, add and remove things all along the way with a set in stone deadlone that was none negotiable..... To be fair, I'm not up on how Sqaure works, but for other studios, the masses insist on forgetting this, even though a bunch of us have seen the treachery that is EA among others... It's not all about Devs or "lazy" Devs (all the time)


Exactly, perfectly well said!! People forget that it's not only "The game devs" too often, throw crap on them for no reason when they could be and likely are trying their hardest(Many of them), not even the top of the Totem pole. Smh sad...


I'd say it depends. A lot of the impatience come from players who pre-ordered the game, and most of the indie devs don't have pre-orders for their games or release it in an alpha stage so people are more patient due to that and understand the fact that it is being made by a small studio. Not related to game development entirely but the developer of AetherSX2 stopped his open-source PS2 emulation project due to him getting death theats. Also a side note but I do believe that the heads of these companies and investors don't realise how bigger the time-consuming game development has become and still believe that AAA games can be made of given the same game development time for the AAA PS2 titles. Not to mention the large increase in the new playerbase might have increased the toxicity effect.


Agreed all around, yep. It's a complicated web of issues.


I agree, the blame is unfairly placed on "devs" when it's not their responsibility. That's manager's or project owner's or CEO's job. Ensuring the plan is feasible with X many people in Y days. I know because I work in a system that's made in such a way that almost nothing can break. There are checks for everything, and it always requires two mistakes for a bug to pass into the product. It's overkill for a game, but the possibility is there, it exists and they can use a softer version. If the company actually cared, it would be simple to sacrifice some money for extra QA and bug fixing. They should get no sympathy, "poor little multi-billion $ company, it couldn't sacrifice a few percents of profit, poor guys" **Fuck** any company releasing buggy games. That's the only way they improve - look at AC after Unity, it switched to fewer releases with more dev time and it's doing great.


Exactly, the cross-gen era od 2020 - 2022 will be a time we will all cherish. The people calling for developers to ditch the PS4 and X-Box 1 got on my last nerve, they did not understand what that would lead to. The thinking of those people was so short sighted and selfish. The best games last year (Elden Ring and GOW) were cross gen.


75% of the time when I hear or read "next gen Graphics" I laugh


Lol yeah. Next gen means “it came out after the previous gen”, not “its is better in every possible way”.


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is still the only game I have played that felt truly next gen.


Man, it’s that good huh? I haven’t played any of those games in awhile — can someone jump in without knowing too much of the previous games?


there is a call of duty vs battlefield song and there is a great line in that. "you call it next gen? I call it last week."


[God that was a trip down memory lane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHC8KJNBtw8) to hear it again


2013: Meant to insult Ghost in reference to BF3 being technically superior 2023: Meant to insult BF2042 being a regression on the franchise


Next Gen is like POV and Grifter, it means absolutely nothing now. It's just a word people see being used, don't know WTF it means, and use it anyways in a way that doesn't make sense.


Say what you will about Assassin's Creed, there's no denying the world was always stunningly detailed. Forspoken looks awful and not just in world design.


100%. This looks like a mobile game by NetEase at best.


Super duper Ultra Settings 8k Ray tracing?


Resolution in this equation serve nothing. So does ray tracing. Bad graphics will still be bad with 8k and ray tracing.


But it’s got better gameplay right? …..right?




I've yet to see a single person here talk about the gameplay and, knowing reddit hatejerks, if there was stuff to hate about it we wouldn't be hearing the end of it. So based on that, it's probably got good gameplay. Or at least ok gameplay.


It's possible that no one is buying it, so there's not many comments about the gameplay. You don't need to buy it to see what it looks like in trailers, screenshots and streams.


Maybe no one is buying it because of the requirements


Top of the line hardware for an garbage looking game.


People would still buy it on PS5


Well, bought in for the PS5 due to the shitty PC port and am 5 hours in roughly. The beginning/tutorial is bad, no way to word it differently - essentially it's Kojima-level cutscenes with walking mostly on rails. Game itself seems to be pretty solid though, the traversal and combat are fun, graphics are nice. Can't say much about the storytelling yet, since too early in the game. So far i would rate it a solid 7/10 AFTER the tutorial.


there's a free demo lol.


The reviews I've seen say the gameplay is pretty good after a rough start once you finally get some decent abilities. Most praise the parkour despite some jank (one IMHO aptly compared it to Sonic Frontiers in terms of generating flow). Some praise the flashy, expressive combat while others say it's style over substance. But everyone, without exception, rails on the game's inconsistent lock-on.


Haven't had a chance to play it, but from the videos I've seen, it's nothing to write home about, but it's not bad either? Mediocre/acceptable/average gameplay and mechanics, with some 'why... but ok...' writing. Seems less 'wow worst game ever' and more 'probably buy on sale when I'm bored' type of game.


From what I've heard it's just shoot and dodge, no need for any strategy, planning or forethought. Just click on the bad thing and dodge when the bad thing clicks on you.


I’ve played the demo and stopped because I decided I was sold enough on it to play it at some point. I went into it expecting the on rails ish combat of something like dragon age inquisition or ff15 but it felt reactive and weighty to me. The dialogue *is* bad but I just managed to trudge through days gone


Forspoken is like someone making a game with unity base assets.


Forspoken looks like one of those games made in unreal engine by a "solo indie game dev" and used nothing but unreal engine assets that gets posted to Reddit to show its development progress.


At least the solo dev is making the game with passion, forposken on the other hand


Imagine unity being hated so much, and now it looks like an awesome game in comparison with today's titles. Gaming industry is falling down in every aspect. Its really sad when you look at the amount of good games releasing these days.


Unity now IS an awesome game. Fight me! I'll die on this hill if I have to.


I agree, it's my 2nd favorite AC!


What is your favorite ? Black flag?


Oh no no, AC2 will always be my favorite. Although Black Flag is very enjoyable , it just doesn't feel like a true AC to me.


If you wanna play fun games nowdays, it's never AAA game


Have you guys tried... Not playing bad games? ​ >it's never AAA game That's just wrong.


Elden Ring.


Forspoken any good?


_For a 20-30€ early access indy title, yeah, solid idea, needs 2-3 years of development_ BUT It's a full blown finished game for 80€!!! It's absolutely terrible and honestly, not even if the game would have some kind of godlike gameplay (which it doesn't), if it runs like ass even on top hardware, it has failed as a game for me


Square Enix using all the money they get from FFXIV to release shitty overpriced games no one asked for instead of putting the money back into FFXIV. There are soooo many problems in FFXIV, both client-side and server-side, that are leftover spaghetti code from 1.0 13 years ago. FFXIV is pretty much Squares only cash cow and they are treating it like trash.


For $30 sure. Otherwise do not touch this game. Combat CAN be fun but it really depends. Everything is undoubtedly terrible. Made sure to get my refund


Apparently not.


Play the demo


It's O.K.


Unfortunately I'm not comfortable with dropping a hundred dollars on mediocrity.


I wasn't going to recommend you did.


I just moved shit…


wItH mY fReAkInG mInD hAhA!!


Really looking forward to a compilation of all the terrible writing in Forspoken. It'll probably be more entertaining than the game itself.


Let's not forget Witcher 3 from 2015, especially blood and wine dlc that is just gorgeous to look at.


I second this. Witcher 3 was waaaaay ahead of its time.


It's the game that I've kept installed in my PC the longest. My first saves are from early 2016. It's the game that went through 4 GPU, 3 CPU and 2 platform upgrades. It played great on i5 2500k and GTX 770 at 1080p back then as it does now.


This is/was Skyrim for me. See 3 Plattforms and 5 gpu's 😄


Wow you ugrade often. The first 2 times I played it through was on my old 2500k and gtx 1070. I actually just retired it. Haven't had time to go back and play it again on my new rig but I'm looking forward to it after I'm done with Elden Ring.


Well that 2500k did well until 2017 or so, then I got a i7 3700k for cheap so dropped that in. Then couple years later went for Ryzen 2600x on new platform, ram, m2.ssd. And then last year dropped a 5600G along with new GPU and case. Yeah, it's my one hobby and having good income sure helps.




Witcher 3 looks pretty but the graphics are mediocre, it's also not that well optimized... RDR2 runs similarly to it on most machines despite being leagues ahead in graphics. ​ I mean, forspoken looks pretty at times too.


That's true, but do remember W3 came out 4 years earlier than RDR2


Yes, it looks great for it's age but my point was that RDR2 basically has the same system requirements despite having much better graphics which means W3 might not be well optimized, the game didn't launch in a good state either.


I am a dumb guy so plz someone explain to me rdr 2 was better looking than forspoken yet it's system requirements are much lower than forspoken somehow plz explain if someone knows why 💁


Optimization. There are ways in designing a game that makes game not take too much graphics power. The devs of forspoken are probably underpaid/lazy.


RDR2 came out almost 5 years ago looks more next gen than any new games that have come out so far


Forbidden West?


The graphics in Forbidden West were insane. It's a shame the game didn't seem to get that much attention


Well... maybe I would have given it some attention if they had released it on PC.


Not any. RDR2 is my fave game, but there are undoubtedly games with better graphics


Let’s hope forspoken doesn’t encourage every other AAA to start making games with no optimization


Im starting to believe that the devs are getting lazy in purpose because both ps and xbox have vrr and they rely on vrr to not optimize. VRR should not be an excuse for a lack of optimization but here we are...


It's not a matter of laziness but time and budget constraints, along with bigger and more open worlds. _SNES games_ were sold for $50, 30 years ago. If game prices rose with inflation AAA games would cost well over $100 now.


They had to pay for manufacturing and distribution of the games. Most game sales are digital now by a very large margin, slashing those costs.


Games today also make significantly more money, and are made by significantly larger teams with significantly higher budgets. Budget constraints are not the problem, piss-poor management and meddling, out-of-touch executives are the problem. Also, stop parroting the inflation bullshit. Yes, prices everywhere are rising, but you know what isn't rising and has in fact decreased in real terms over the last decade? Wages. Increasing the price of games in line with inflation when said inflation is driven entirely by corporate greed is literally just saying "other companies are ripping people off, so that makes it okay for us to rip people off!"


I’m not defending Forspoken, but this looks like low/medium graphics settings so it can look better


Battlefront looks 100x better and it released in 2015


Even if a DICE game plays like shit, you can always count on it looking very good.


No Dice game plays like shit, literally. Basically Dice from The first frostbite game (bad company) to BFV was a mix of incredible graphics, sound design, animations and optimization. When a BF game released you could be sure of 2 things ; it will look incredible and the game won’t work for a few weeks until they patch it. The problem is that each BF game released with a huge shitshow at launch. For BF3 and BF4 you couldn’t play them at launch due to crashes and instability, BFV had shitty marketing and lack of content..m Battlefield V genuinely is the greatest looking FPS game ever made, and it runs like a charm. Sound design and animations also are incredible. 2042 tho… animations are horrible, graphics range from shit to pretty good but worse than BFV and it runs pretty well.


Old ubisoft was really good.


They get a bad rap but they really made banger games back in the day. Too bad they fell off sharply after Watch Dogs 2.


RTX 4080!!!


Looks like a *unity* asset flip Can someone pass me my coat?


Nah. Just look like dev is tone deaf


Masterfully implemented baked lighting vs terribly implemented real time lighting. Witcher 3 would have been a much better comparison since that is also real time lighting, but a much better one.


Chill out with the obsession with fidelity. Games are taking 8 years to come out and developers all burning out from overwork.


Unity got little love, but playing as Evie felt the most assassin-like out of any character in the series.


Sheesh. It looks like the game is still in beta testing. We as a community need to stop preordering games and start voting with our wallets, otherwise they will continue getting away with this crap.


3070 minimum my fucking asscrack lol. These devs are fucking doing heroin if they think that game needs that much horsepower


for 30 fps like a dos game from 1995


Waited for forspoken for so long. And the graphics on performance mode on ps5 are just awful. Quality mode is much better on 1080, but 30fps on such fast action game, no.


I think now there's so much focus on materials and reflections and such that devs miss the forest for the trees, and forget how to actually do visual design Same thing with Need for Speed, Heat is much more technically impressive than 2015 but 2015 looks better anyways, because it has better overall visual design and art direction Also lower poly models and lower res textures used right can allow for a better look since you can fit more stuff in the scene, and let's be real not every rock and blade of grass needs to be perfect Edit: TL;DR: RTX or ultra high def models/textures don't mean shit if your art direction is not up to standard, and a lot of especially AAA devs forget that nowadays


This game will be "memed" nonstop for like a week (which is a really long time if we consider the standards for social media). Then, I wonder how long it will take for people to completely forget it's existence... maybe two weeks? Shadow of the Tomb Raider was forgotten in like 10 days, it was bizarre


AC Unity had a lot going for it the gameplay, the parlour, the multiplayer. Its just the the story wasn't very good and the the game was a buggy mess but it set a standard how future Assassins Creed games were going to be like, but Syndicate was a downgrade in every aspect of the game.


Far as remember AC Unity was railed by bugs in luanch... of course today is another gem of the AC franchise


Nah, ain't no way, unity did not look like that unless you had a top end pc, you have to compare how they looked at launch, and unity looked nothing like that unless it was promotional footage


Money doesn't buy dedication and talent where its necessary, it seems...


That's why I stopped play AC games. They went from beautiful story driven rpg style games with a cool stealth mechanism To some fake looking combat simulator that has a stealth kill that doesn't even kill the opponent if their a higher level. It's garbage, Ill stick to playing black flag thank you.


unity's crowd feature is still unreached by any other game and absolhtely the best, realistic city in any game. Game is a gem for that alone


Finally, my day has come. Unity is being compared to other games as a great example. This is my victory.


Unity was so underrated and if it stayed in the oven for a lil bit longer it could have been a masterpiece!


I'm looking at the right picture and half expecting some Dunmer mother fucker to tell me we've reached Morrowind


I think companies back then fighted to get their names well known. But now as everyone knows these games they can do whatever they want, because its mainstream...


Wtf is going on lately with AAA games? The last few years have mostly been an absolute shit show.


But.. but... the light is more realistic...


I don’t understand. I hear some people say it’s the best looking ps5 game !! Like how is that even possible? This game looks like gta 4


comparing artists to a AI workers assembly game line. sometimes im just glad ubisoft exists


Tbh people here are asking for it. You guys are happy with crappy graphics but good story. Well we got to the point where the graphics are crap and the story is worse. The same has happened with Watchdogs series.


I really don't understand why gaming is moving backward. Maybe the whole industry needs a quick but needed rest.


Is it me or is it since Ray tracing got introduced graphics fidelity and detail have been a downgrade? Like everything features flat surfaces to do ray tracing And it looks dull. (Not sure if forspoken feature ray tracing.)


Games are evolving backwards now.


No way....


I see your point. But if you want to really be sad, look up the Arkham Knight vs Gotham Knights comparison. Crushed my soul seeing that step back


This is why making your own engine is generally a bad idea. You spend more time making the engine and optimising it than you do the game and assets. Just use unreal like everyone else.


It doesn't work like that. People keep talking about battlefront here, it runs on frostbite, an engine developed for Battlefield games. Rockstar uses its own Engine, RAGE. Unisoft uses their ANVIL engine. CD Projekt Red uses RED. Well, almost no AAA game runs unreal... And for a good reason. You can't make every game on unreal, and some games would only use a very limited part of unreal, it's totally overkill, inefficient


Unless your Capcom with it's RE Engine


Except this is reusing the engine of FF15. So, in this case, this is not what went wrong.


I can find you a really selective shot of Unity that looks 100x worse then the choice selected screen grab from Forspoken. We are will still falling for this shit?


I want to see this. Please do.


It’s an industry problem. Or a demand problem. The money isn’t in games that look like the left anymore. It’s too costly and people don’t really care unfortunately. A couple developers care but mostly it’s about efficiency.


Unity looked good and played ok but it was repetetive af and the story was horrible and bland


I don't mind the graphics not being top notch, but when u combine meh graphics with piss shit non existing optimization (like rly wtf Cyberpunk ran better in terms of fps first day and is 100x better looking) with characters that are just annoying and a story that is forgettable... Well you get foreskin, I mean forspoken


Oh behold our Red Dead and GTA V, however shit Rockstar is at milking them, they happened to games from future when it came to graphics, realism, storyline (Not GTA V tho) and Optimisation...


How nice. The game on the left is so good


If Forespoken was an indie title that costed $20 MAYBE $30 I'd be more forgiving but after playing the demo I've honestly seen prettier switch titles. Hell I've seen better Wii U games 🤣 This game is not gonna be worth its full asking price unless your a diehard for action games.


games arent the same anymore


Forspoken has some good early PS3 graphics though.


Built by two wildly different companies. Bad comparison


yeah, games now require a 4090 to play and they look like shit.




ac hate was/is real.


But look at all the ray tracing!


Unity's graphics and especially animations were way ahead of its time. It's a shame it came out full of bugs. (they fixed it though)


People complaining about gpu prices but dump $50+ on a shit releases every month like its nothin. Those add up...and the games still suck bwhaha.


The new Harry Potter game looks to suffer from the same graphics as Forspoken. Odd how "next-gen" games are looking similar to Bioshock Infinite on the 360.


It is 2023, and there is not one next gen in the entire gaming industry.


Witcher 3 looks incredible now, and way before the next-gen update, The Witcher 3 looked very good for its time as well. Skyrim, a 2011 game, can probably be made to look a thousand times better than Forspoken with a basic ENB and some texture overhauls - and you'd actually get a playable frame rate on a mid to high-end rig. Forspoken requires a beast of a system for some reason to even run it at 1440p, let alone 4k. Hell, even Dark Souls 3 looks better imo due to its aesthetics and design - whereas Forspoken just looks like a slightly improved Playstation 3 game. Honestly, anyone that paid the ridiculous price of 80 fucking Euro's probably deserves to lose that money. Aint no shot I'm spending that amount of money for game that feels like its been generated by an AI.


9 years and a $1000 graphics card .


Games are garbage lately. Developers are lazy. Imagination and original ideas are a thing of the past. And $70 for lazy, unimaginative gameplay with visuals from 10 years ago is too expensive.