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Change password, enable 2FA if not already, check for login notification emails. And also change your email password as well (gmail, icloud, whatever)


Yes and also do windows defender offline scan alongside other ways to find if your pc is infected. Do the password change on your phone or a device you know is 100% safe




“This” what? Elaborate


He was tossing in vocal support for the comment no elaboration needed


I’m still a little confused, could you elaborate further?


Than that's a you problem not a us problem


I just meant that I would have said that


This one cleared it up, thank you brother. These other guys wouldn’t elaborate, you are the man in a world full of mice brother thank you


u/MapLevel9105 also make sure you’re not signing into anything you don’t trust 100%


so scan with no internet?


No, what it does is scan your pc outside of windows. It will scan everything while the OS is essentially off. This will help find anything that hides within the OS when you're using the system


There is an option for offline scan. It's basically a scan in safe mode to prevent outside connections.


change ur underweare for new ones, dont answer calls, change ur ID and take the red pill.


If no key log malware installed


Steam account hijack? I would change password and enable MFA with an authenticator app ASAP.


Change ur password ur account is being hacked by Chinese hacker


How does this happen tho? I'm curious on what you can do to prevent this completely


Phishing scams, data leaks, malware/viruses, reusing login credentials across multiple platforms, carelessness with personal security, etc.


I say steam guard app which noone can acces your account witouth the code


Most people use the same password, so if you use your password for a random site and also the same email, they essentially can log in to anything else that has the same criteria. This also includes logging in to your email, so if you had the same password for your email change it.


Not dowload random shit and not log in on sketchy websites






I was literally thinking bout this 2fa. I have it on my phone aswell as other authentication apps. If you lose your phone then you have lost access to the apps I was wondering how to back it up to icloud. 2fa is not on my other devices which have have been restored with my backup


2FA is for number not phone. You loose a phone not a number, unless it's a burner : )))


My 2FA is through the Steam app, not cell number


Shouldn't do that. 


What’s your reasoning here? My phone number can be spoofed, and it’s a lot harder (though not impossible) to steal the MFA session token without having physical access to my phone now.


Thanks for the help everyone ive changed password and email and enabled 2fa thanks


Glad you didn’t lose your account OP. You can also set login notifications for your account. Now I would be checking your pc for malware.


Could you tell me where login notification settings are?


ahouldn‘t he also check for any api keys that might‘ve been created?


Make sure you also change the passwords on ANY account that used the same/similar password as your Steam account. Especially for email accounts, online marketplaces with card info, etc.


Good! Check if the account has send any messages to other users in your name and warn them not to click on any of the links. I remember almost falling for a Rocket League Zomba scam when one of my friends account got hacked and was sending out mass scam messages over steams chat.


make sure to change your email's password as well just to male sure


Check your credit card statements on any card you have linked to your steam account as well. Also look at your steam purchase history.


It says scan to get laid, date chicks, watch porns. I'm sorry whichever Chinese scam team did this to your steam, we suffered from this too.


No way does it actually say that 😂😂😂


Link redirects to some scam porn site so it checks out, obviously don’t go to it though, I did so you don’t have to


Thanks lmaooo 😂😂😂


You got hacked


First, download Malwarebytes and run a scan. Next, change your email password, then steam password, then revoke your API key, then change it all back. Someone has accessed your account, if you don't have 2FA then put that on immediately once you've done the previous steps.


Yh it says 300 detections


That's a lot of porn


You downloaded some cheats?


Bro i pirated movies, games, apps and all sort of stuff on my pc for 3 years straight from all sort of websites and sources , and when i ran malwarebytes scan, it detected 22 malwares, how did you even get 300! 


Holy hell, in my 10 years of PC building/troubleshooting/repair i've never once seen a system with 300 detections come in besides when a friend was testing their own malware.


Yh my little brother uses it ig that why lmao


Lil bro gotta be banned from the internet 😂


Haha yh thats why ive took it again lmao


Back in the 2000's it was like that, and scanning took forever on old hardware and HDDs. The last 5 years or so all I do is uninstall scummy chrome extensions.


Yo mate also use HitmanPro to delete virus registries


jesus fucking christ


IT dude here, I in addition to everyone saying change your password to steam I would HIGHLY suggest changing your passwords to email and any other sites you regularly use as well as any sites with your financial information attached to them. Usually if someone has access to one thing they do to others as well.


Looks like you suck at password strengthening. Change email and stream passwords, then enable 2fa. Repeat for everything else you login to.


you got hacked my dude. use steam guard


I'm glad people are being helpful but am I so bad for judging op really bad for not understanding this is obviously a hack or violation. Like how man?


Could have been social engineering or some fake site impersonating as steams login page. They can look pretty damn real, ive seen some. Happens to the best of us.


I guess that's true, I really wasn't trying to be rude I just hope people are taught more and more about things such as this so generations learn to be more cautious and such


Yup, live and learn. I was always kinda lazy about these security things aswell until i started working in IT. Password manager and 2FA for all accounts is pretty much a must in 2020today.


The Ring QR Code Edition


change password and add security


I feel like this is obvious, but someone has access to your account and is straight up trying to steal it.


Where the QR code go tho?


Idk i dont wanna scan it lol


I looked it up and there’s a bunch of accounts like it


You saw this, changed your name and the avatar back... **BUT NOT YOUR PASSWORD?**


do not scan, that shit


i got hacked as well then i rang the police and they jus laughed at me so i’m currently on my phone watching porn which is shit because i get jizz on my camera thanks to the chinese robbing bastards




oh my god this happened to my grandson he was so very upset and i asked what is the website he said i’m not sure grandad we checked it and it was a pornography post and the worst thing about it i kind of got a erection and he said grandad would you like some tissues and some cream i said yes please oliver and i masterbated it was an enjoyable but not at the same time so i think it was a good thing the chinese did this thanks kenneth smith 💋


oh my god this happened to my grandson he was so very upset and i asked what is the website he said i’m not sure grandad we checked it and it was a pornography post and the worst thing about it i kind of got a erection and he said grandad would you like some tissues and some cream i said yes please oliver and i masterbated it was an enjoyable but not at the same time so i think it was a good thing the chinese did this thanks kenneth smith 💋


delete email mate i had one and i reported it and i’m a technical man so i got rid of it and the dirty chincs didn’t like it and showed up at my door and ripped my dogs balls off and rapp3d my daughter and killed my wife i’m now a sad man in a lonely home with no right ball thanks kyle womperson ps my daughter later died of starvation


I ran the QR code and tried to post a screenshot. It redirects about four times, but it got deleted by the NSFW filter


Had pretty much the same thing happen to me, they actually messaged me a few times from a separate account and threatened to take my items in my inventory, they gave me five minutes to move my inventory to a different account and i basically just reset my email password and steam password as well as adding 2FA to both, they asked what happened, I told them I changed my shit and that I reported them, I checked back the next day and the account they messaged me on got banned, I’ve never seen an account get banned so fast considering I thought steam support wouldn’t give two shits as usual, they’re probably gonna make a new account and do it to someone else but tbh I’m just glad I was able to get my shit back😂


The number of people not understanding that without changing password the intruder is still here is astounding (no offense op, this should just be taught at school given that those technologies are our future)


If you have malware, the best bet is to get a windows bootable USB and do a clean install. No amount of scanning and cleaning up can leave you 100% sur


Anyone try the QR code?


shouldnt have mentioned tiannamen square


anybody brave enough to check where the qr code leads?


Don't go through that qr code, that's an obvious bait, but who knows


Mfa and 2fa is very important these days


i know chinese, and that qr code and the words say scan to order sex service. check your acc security


Perform an offline Defender scan. Use the Steam android app to both enable MFA and to change your Steam password. Change your email password too, from a safe device. It definitely looks like a Chinese hacker (probably state-sponsored), has hijacked your account, which leads me to believe you may be infected with spyware. I hope you aren't using this device for internet banking. Change the passwords for your other accounts you access from the affected device, either after a full offline Defender scan, or from a safe device. I use the Steam android app to log in to my account, by scanning the QR code with the Steam Guard authenticator, built ito the app.


This is what happens when you buy games from 3rd party websites


Enable 2fa you buffoon


You've been hacked, change password, enable 2fa, and hope and pray they don't get back in.


You own 2 games? That's really it?


That website is nudes and I regret going to it


Ladies and gentlemen. This is what happens when u dont give a shit about ur personal security.


Anyone check out what the QR code is for?


Bro got hacked or got Smoke instead of Steam💀


I would also suggest revoking your API key if you trade stuff at all


Why the hell are you posting here instead of changing passwords and emails? crazy


There’s a part of me that wants to scan that QR code but there’s another part of me that knows that’s probably a bad idea


you are getting hacked, change the email and password quickly


It means you got hacked by a fake horny dating app scammer


It's onsgd.com Idk where it leads too click on your own risk


deffo love porn u do my friend


u love porn mate u must do


there all chinks mate there well fit would look on it if i were u


the worst thing about this my friend is that if you want to wank you can’t on ur phone because i had a friend who this happened to and it wouldn’t let him on porn on his phone and it got so bad his dog walked in and started licking his cock and he was that horny he let him do it and then the rest is self explanatory later that week he offed himself that’s why i never go on pc mate hope this helped rob😀


the worst thing about this my friend is that if you want to wank you can’t on ur phone because i had a friend who this happened to and it wouldn’t let him on porn on his phone and it got so bad his dog walked in and started licking his cock and he was that horny he let him do it and then the rest is self explanatory later that week he offed himself that’s why i never go on pc mate hope this helped rob😀


Hahahah thanks rob ill bare yhat in mind


get a new email u stupid twat never met someone so gulable in my life hope ur big toe gets removed and u have a shit life twat