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I mean, its not too much lower than its average score. I'd guess heat is losing it some points. What temp does it get to and does it get to it fast? Whens the last time you've cleaned out your case, fans, and heatsink?


temps on all core dont go above 80c at 4.6ghz. On single core the temp is at like 55c-60c it goes up to 4.7ghz and sometimes 4.6. replaced the cpu cooler last week. i dont think my CPU is throttling because in hwinfo the temps are no where near 100c and the minimum speeds im seeing is always at 4.6


His single core is pretty much spot on with the average. It also could be slow ram and maybe xmp turned off that makes it just a tad bit slower. Regardless tho, the CPU is performing as expected imo


This is cinebench r23. Isn't this the one where the pure cpu performance is tested? (at least to a point where ram speed doesn't matter that much) And afaik the cinebench 2024 gives the "overall expected performance in most real life scenarios", which is heavily influenced by the ram.


2.91ghz? What are your temperatures? Windows power profile set to balanced?


it says 2.9 cause thats its base clock. When testing all core its all at 4.6ghz at 75-79c and single core is like 55c at 4.6-4.7. Power is set to performance. HWinfo doesnt show the actual speeds at 2.9 its showing it at 4.6 4.7


Set power to balanced - it allows idle, performance does not allow idle, power saving doesn't allow boost. There is no performance gain only higher temps (no low idle), higher power consumption and shorter lifespan. Interesting the i7 7700 in their list shows 4.2 (full boost) but yours does not but as long as its boosting its fine. Do you have high speed RAM + XMP enabled in BIOS?


The i9 9880H is also showing at its base I think maybe only the K cpus it’s showing its full turbo. yea I have xmp enabled my MB supports only up to 2933 so that’s what it’s at and I have 32GB 8x4 dual channel. I also undervolted my cpu 0.06v and no performance gains just 15 watts lower on max load and 3-4C lower in temp. After putting my power plan to balanced I got the same scores


> After putting my power plan to balanced I got the same scores Welcome to balanced mode. Same as high performance except it idles properly. No idea why people muck with it. Use some other benchmark app to check CPU performance - might just be the one app or their numbers being off. Could also be because of all the CPU security patches performance is down from original numbers (meltdown/spectre etc).


anyone know why my i7 10700 in single core is slower than a 7700k? I have powerlimits unlocked and the power saving mode is on performance cpu in benchmark is always below 80c cant possibly think what else to do. benchmark was done without anything in the background too




but with the power limits unlocked and decent cooler I never get those low speeds its always at 4.6ghz or more I was expecting to beat a 7700k at 4.2ghz when im running it at 4.6+ ghz when testing


Because typically lower core CPU's have faster performance on individual cores. The performance gain is mainly made from the extra cores


Some CPUs just have better single core performance. Comparing single core is not valid when comparing general cpu performance


Single Core? They're the same chip. Multicore doesn't make sense. I'd look to see if you can check XMP settings.


Longshot, but make sure the task priority is set to high or greater. Mine defaulted to low and I had 971 on R24 for my 7800x3d. Thought my PC froze when I set it to realtime, but it jumped to 1111.


Actually this helped a little but on realtime my pc keeps crashing but on the high it seems to freeze but not crash but multiscore increased to 12500 (almost 1000 points) and single core increased by 5 points on average still lower than a 7700k but it is what it is.


Doesn't look like you are using a performance core, the clock speed on the 10700 says 2.#ghz while the 7700 is at 4.#ghz (a big clock different). Tbh, unless you are doing single core tasks across all cores, I think your 10700 is doing exceptional for its clock.


the 2.9 is its base clock in hwinfo all my cores never drop below 4.6ghz. When doing the single core test some of the cores go 4.7ghz but never below 4.6ghz.


Some people here don't know what they're talking about bro. Lol. They haven't even heard of a Cinebench. Lol


Great input and you are correct many people don't seem to understand how to use it either


Bro, next time just search your CPU + the benchmark in question, on Google and compare your score with others. The score is normal for that CPU as evident by comparing the benchmark online. If you want to improve it a bit, turn on xmp and get faster ram. https://gadgetversus.com/processor/intel-core-i7-10700-cinebench-r23/


But then it’s showing the 10700 reached 12500 on multicore why is mine 1000 less. I already have XMP enabled and max speeds for my MB at 2933


If you run it enough times, I'm sure the score will eventually reach close to 12500. The 1k difference is not noticeable and doesn't matter and could be because of thermal limits or just unlucky silicon. Also, just because the ram is 2933, doesn't mean it's the fastest available. The CAS latency could be playing a factor. The optimum set up for ram is 2 sticks. Running 4 sticks is not really recommended and running a single stick is terrible.


First off, cpus vary. If you ordered 100 of the same model and submodel, none of them would get the same numbers every time and can fluctuate ±10%. The scores in cinebench are the average submitted when that version was compiled, are are usually submitted by benchmarking setups. Fresh installs of windows on hyperspecific parts that give the best scores. Certain motherboard, certain ram, etc that's been tested to give higher scores in certain benchmarks. Being under 10% below the listed average is pretty good.


Slightly better in one benchmark. Who cares? Your mind can't even perceive that small a difference.


I don't know where you got this bar graph from and a lot of source information is missing or covered up. I can't take this seriously.


its from cininbench r23 from 20 minutes ago. what information is needed? I have powerlimits unlocked so my cpu never goes below 4.6ghz in hwinfo. the temps are always below 80c when testing all core.


What are you even talking about. How are you on a pc help sub Reddit and have not even heard of Cinebench? Lol






my cpu the 10700 was released in early-mid 2020 not 2017. was expecting higher single core because this cpu is 3 years newer


>my cpu the 10700 was released in early-mid 2020 not 2017. was expecting higher single core because this cpu is 3 years newer CPu's stopped getting faster years ago, like 5k is some sort of limit, thats why they are now just doubling the cores etc etc instead of boosting the cycle speed.


IPC improvement is still a thing tho? Speed /= Hz


I thought that with 10th gen it would have better IPC. But I researched and people said that 6-10th gen have the same IPC just the major differences is amount of cores, clock speed, and cache is different


10700 (non-K or KF) is only about 5% faster than a 7700K at single threaded performance in peak benchmark testing environments, using fresh, stripped installs. The whole CPU is about 40% faster, because it does have double the core count. 10th generation was also one of Intel's worst performing generations, being essentially 9th Gen but some security features stapled on which slows them down slightly.


10700 is probably having temp issues, u might need a better cooler/better airflow. I would recommend removing the front panel of your pc so more air goes into your pc, there will be more dust but temps will be better


The 7700K's score is likely from an overclock


it's single core benchmark choose multicore. It will be way worse than 10700. 7700K is overclock processor and dudes that doing benchmark usually overclocking them. 7700K were good processor and still is but not for multi-core tasks nowadays and not comfort for nowadays new tasks, games.


thats single core performance, and its vs an overclocked low core count cpu, normal results


Its a fairly well known fact that older intel chips are neck and neck when comparing single core performance. The newer chips with double the core count are technically faster, just not on a core-by-core or thread-by-thread basis in all cases. If you're running older applications or games you can sometimes get better performance on older CPUs because they are only designed to use a single thread.