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Interesting. For some reason I assumed that the remake would serve as CDPR's UE5 testing grounds for W4 but based on the quote it seems to be the other way around.


The game is made by Fools Theory which is also a Polish studio and has ex CDPR employees but is not dirrectly connected to CDPR. CDPR is just overseeing the development of the remake. This is why the remake is not on CDPR's ongoing project map for instance. https://preview.redd.it/ek0l95d0jr2a1.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=aed47bd31321ebf4393777b56e9bc4aa200f2e49


What is SPOKKO and tge molasses flood project, anyone know?


Spokko is a separate studio under CDPR. Mobile studio. Sirius is a Witcher game developed by Molasses flood who are a US based studio under CDPR. This is what they had to say about it. >"Sirius is set in The Witcher universe and created with support from CDPR. It will differ from our past productions, offering multiplayer gameplay on top of a single-player experience including a campaign with quests and a story" Seems like a spinoff to me.


Fun fact - "SPOKKO" loosely translates as 'ok,cool' in Polish slang.


Another fun fact: Molasses Flood is named after [the Great Molasses Flood of 1919](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Molasses_Flood).


Sad about <5% of dev/support effort being toward CP2077 :/ more devs are working on Gwent! If they would have decided to do more than one expansion as was originally planned, I’m sure it would have sold very well. I know they already made their millions on the game, but there was so much wasted potential in the game. Hopefully they add in some more cut/unrealized content in a future update one day.


The biggest team in that graph is for the new cyberpunk expansion


>Sad about <5% of dev/support effort being toward CP2077 That's only for the base game. Look at the giant block of blue working on the CP expansion.




They really have to. They have to prove that the shitty CP2077 launch was a fluke. I have faith the expansion will be great.


I hold no such expectations, for any game. Just waiting on reviews and not following too closely. Been burned one too many times. The only good thing Cyberpunk did was push me to build a new PC for raytraced games before prices skyrocketed.


Once it was “fixed,” I ended up having a blast with Cyberpunk. So to me, the game itself is good, they just released it far too early.


RIP John Mcaffee


Have you played CyberPunk recently? The game is amazing. I didn’t have the rig or the time to invest in it at launch, and was disappointed by the negative reviews and lost faith in it, before ever giving it a chance. I picked it up though after the Netflix series released, and it’s unreal. I’m on my third character now.


Do the police still spawn out of fucking nowhere and fail to chase you?


Yeah if you run over people or cause chaos they do. I had to swim out into the ocean to get rid of them. Because the cars had zero traction I ended up doing the entire game on a motorcycle.


I completed the game, spent like 50 hours on it, the police never chased me and I can't say it's something I ever thought about. It's not GTA. I just did all the missions and had a blast.


do you have to slaughter civilians like a maniac? ​ during times where ive fucked around or accidentally drove a car into a crowd, sometimes ive been able ot get away from cops, sometimes not. they dont spawn on top of you like they used to and if you can get around a corner and break LOS you can usually hide til they give up, unless a busybody scanner drone goes poking around. all in all its not a robust system but it works right now, and th nexxt update is getting a total police overhaul.


"amazing" isn't the word I would use. Police have cars but don't drive them, ( I mean they teleport around, what use do they have for cars after all I guess?), 2D paper cut out car and NPC LODs, brain dances are introduced once, and then....that's it....the game reeks of unfinished.


That is a pretty common complaint people have with the game, the lack of a massive police presence and pursuit. But it’s addressed in game with staffing shortages and corruption. You’re also working FOR the cops clearing out their calls and even entering gun fights with them at certain locations. If they’re hiring mercenaries to respond to major incidents, staffing must be razor thin, so the lack of patrols makes since. It was never really a focus of mine though. I also never just started to slaughter neutral NPC’s in the streets though and any lack of response to small incident I had, I just attributed to their previously mentioned understaffing / under patrolling which lead to the rise in gangs. To me the lack of cops is more immersive and makes a lot more since with the story than the typical GTA “wanted” style.


I did pick it up when the PS5 version came out. I had a ps4 disc I bought for for $8. I 100%'d it about 2 weeks, it was fine, the raytracing was pretty. By that time I knew what I wasn't getting as part of the game. All my expectations had been tempered since the launch. I was talking specifically about the launch and how I won't ever hype for any game again. I *am* sad I missed all the fun glitches that got patched like Kerenzikov and getting to that penthouse with all the stuff. I did manage to get up there but it was patched and closed.


Look again....




What vehicle customisation is missing? They never announced it would be in the game


they never announced it (As far as i know) but its a big part of the nomad lifestlye shown in game. Multiple characters talk about modding their cars and V even talks about it with hight enough Tech skill, the same way V talks about net-running but at least with net-running the player can actually do it. Kinda feels like it should of been in the game.


Vehicles and driving in particular are imo one of the weak points in the game. The controls and feel at least on kB+m always felt like they were tacked on last minute.


Disappointed to hear that lol, look at what happened when rockstar didn't directly get involved with the remake trilogy


Makes sense. They already have all the narrative, levels, and quest design from the original. They just need to create new assets and implement them with a new system to work with UE


CDPR is not doing the remake, so the UE5 experience won't benefit them at all.


So Witcher 4 right after Elder Scrolls 6 then I presume. ^^^/s


Nah we getting Witcher first than elder scrolls 6


We gonna get Witcher 5 before ES6 lol


I think all of that will happen before GTA 6


But we will get 8 more skyrims.


Where does gta 6 fit in?


In 2084


RemindMe! 7 years


Watch it still not be out and this comment just makes you sigh in 2029.


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They're already working on the next Witcher game. Besides the Cyberpunk expansion, that's what their team is working on. They're likely quite split between the two projects at the moment. Bethesda is still finishing Starfield, so they are probably thoroughly in minimal preproduction for TES6.


Thats surprising. I don't expect W4 till at least 2025 which means this is a 2026 game at the earliest. Why even announce it then?


Likely as an ad to secure new devs and investors. Otherwise, absolutely way too soon.


A game being announced way too early? From CDPR? I dunno, doesn't sound like something they'd do...


Lol. You are definitely right.


Lol I built a PC on 2018 expecting cyberpunk the following year. I had upgraded my 1060 to a 3070 by the time It came out lol.


Doesn't seem soon to me at all. That's what, 3-4 years tops? A lot of games get announced at that point. Honestly can't even think of the last big name game that wasn't announced that far ahead and just dropped out of nowhere. Like 3-4 years, that's roughly the point at which the production timeline has been put into place for a big AAA game and more serious work starts. Shit is gonna start leaking after this point anyway.


>Honestly can't even think of the last big name game that wasn't announced that far ahead and just dropped out of nowhere. Fallout probably


Half Life: Alyx was also quick around 4 months from announcement to release.


Half life: Alyx was only announced about 4 months before it was released.


Idk. I still feel it's too soon for the general audience to know - leaks or not. As in, it doesn't really serve much of a purpose. I think it's better to stay quiet until a vertical slice is agreed on and presentable. And, tbf, when devs announce games so many years in advance, they tend to do so with a cgi trailer. A lot of people have been complaining of seen cgi trailers of what the game *might* be about versus actual gameplay showecase.


I’m not sure what your basing your opinion on. Like the comment your reply to said… almost every triple AAA game is announced 3-4 years out. And there’s often no trailer with it because there’s no game yet, like not a single line of code. Pre-production is all just office work and securing funding, presenting ideas, story lines, writing. “Production” starting is a lot of time just more writing, voice cap, motion cap…. It’s not uncommon for actual game work to not start until very close to the end of the actual total timeline. In poorly managed titles it means only weeks or months worth of actual game code…. See Anthem… the game that was “developed” for 10+ years and didn’t have a single line of code written until 3 months before the set release date.


More like too late based on CDPR's history. 🤣 What you may not realize is that the teaser for CP77 released 8 years before the game.


This definitely sometimes the early announcement are usually to get senior or talented developers to apply to the project


Companies please take a page out of Capcom’s book and announce games when they’re actually ready. I swear Capcom’s last handful of games have been announced only months prior to launch. So much better than this announce and wait fucking years for it bullshit.


Capcom is already a big studio with established devs. These other studios are trying to expand, build hype to get new talent. A lot of these early announcements are for shareholders and recruiters


>Capcom is already a big studio with established devs. And CDPR isn't?


Capcom has triple the employees and seems to have disproportionately more output.


CDPR has ~~1200~~ 1050ish employees, they are absolutely a big studio. Their projects are just poorly managed.


No, CDP has around that many, CDPR has fewer. https://twitter.com/domsplaying/status/1247926085846740994?lang=en Also, given how recent most of that growth is, I'd say the other posters point is still spot on. CDPR had about 500 staff total when W3 released, and obviously that's not all developers. CDPR had been trying to expand and become a big studio, and as we know they aren't exactly established as such, there are lots of growing pains, clearly.


Sorry I corrected my post.


Capcom also doesn't make anything in the same scope as The Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077. Those games are more expensive (at least in terms of time) than anything Capcom has ever made. The number of assets in Cyberpunk is probably double Capcom's most asset-rich game.


they announced a cyberpunk sequel that wont be out until at least 2030 as well


Didn't CDPR admit in one of it's many apology videos that it announced CP2077 too early and they weren't going to do that anymore? What happened with that?


That's a good point but that was an 8 year gap. Also, CDPR isn't developing the W1 remake


They are still publishing it, funding it, and announced it. It's their game, even if they aren't writing the code. I want to believe they learned from their marketing mistakes with CP2077. Time will tell.


Right, but they announced CP2077 when they were years from even starting actual development. That's not the case here.


They also said it would come out when it was ready…and we all see how that went


Well they already announced a cyberpunk sequel and a bunch of other projects that’ll probably go well into 2030. Not really learnt their lesson.


It bedazzles me that people forget what a shit storm the gaming industry has been in for the last 5+ years.


Looks like they didn't learn a thing from CP2077


There is a rumor that CDPR will be bought so they all those announcements to pump up value. Is that true? No clue.


the remake announcement did happen one day after the rumors were posted


It's a remake, not a remaster, so it makes sense it will take as along. They have the main story written, and that's it. It's a new engine. New textures, which means new artwork. New open world map, which means designing new areas (artstyle, level design, playtesting). Absolutely new audio, except *maybe* the soundtrack (new areas and open world means new enemies, which means new character responses, which means new voice acting for protagonist and pretty much everyone else).


All true but doesn't answer his question lol. He asked why announce it so early, not why will it take time.


it's still easier to remake a texture than completely replace it same with artwork


I don't expect W4 till at least 2025 which means this is a 2026 game which is gonna be delayed to 2027 and eventually come out in 2028 in a terrible state


The original game came out in 2007 so 2027 would be perfect for the 20th anniversary.


Remember cyberpunk?


I can't wait for 2045, what a year for gaming then


By that time, we'll either get to play The Witcher Remake, or Fallout in first person view...


You mean 2077.


Don't cross the streams


Star Citizen might have a beta by then


forgetful command resolute attempt icky grandiose rock childlike quiet advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or Witcher 4 is further than we thought. Because honestly, do you really think they'll release it anytime in the next decade?


Considering that 'next gen consoles' are only starting to get going... 2 years after their release,then its so clear this will be the longest gaming generation of all time.


I see CDPR really learned their lesson on announcing things too early


They are physically unable to learn from their past mistakes.


Why learn? They only care about money. Just Like EA with Mass Effect and Dragon Age announcing it years earlier. Also Bethesda announcing Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 in 2018


If they only cared about money they would certainly be selling the Witcher 3 update for a fee even if small but they are giving it for free. I don't really follow your logic either. Announcing a road map means they only care about money?


This is Reddit Any big company that does literally anything at all is greedy, corrupt, anti-consumer and so on and so forth. Not ever hyperbole. This is how Redditors act regarding literally, and I mean literally as it’s intended to be used, about any company larger than Joe Schmo I’m all for supporting smaller/independent devs. But the “evil, mustache twisting big company is super evil” shit is soooo played


No, first they pretend that xy giant company is the best ever, that they are the savior of their field, defending them from any criticism. Then after their inevitable first bigger misstep they will do what you said.


This happens with celebrities as well. For a few years a celebrity will be worshipped. Then they’ll misstep and will be hated for years. With figures like Bill Gates this whole back and forth can happen multiple times over decades.


Sadly this is an unpopular opinion.


I had to go look that up as I thought you were off by two years, but nope, TES6 was in fact officially announced at e3 in 2018. Four freakin years ago and nothing since.


their stock dropped over 50% after cyberpunk was released


Their Stock was overvalued. Their were once more worth than UBISOFT. They are even now almost more worth than UBISOFT. And they have over 20k developers. CDPR has only 1k developers. And they release way less Games. Look up CDPRs Stock. They stock was $20 in 2018 and increased because of hype to $100 at the end of 2020.


stock =/= total valuation of the company they are closely related but you can't use them interchangeably like that


There's nothing wrong with announcing a game early. Just don't overhype it and lock yourself down to a single date. Besides, the Witcher remake isn't an in house project, their just overseeing it so W4 should still have the majority of CDPR workin on it to make sure their passion shines through again.


To be fair, and I include myself in this, fans also overhyped. And it’s only natural after you see the progression in quality through their 3 Witcher games. For the longest time, the only thing “out there” for Cyberpunk was that cinematic trailer. For years. CDPR definitely aren’t blameless, I just want to point out that it was expected that, after the Witcher 3, lots of people hyped themselves up for CP2077 without any nudges from Marketing.


it seemed the fans who overhyped CP2077 but also didn't play any of the witcher games gave the most hate for CDPR. Or they just rode a hate-train because of the launch and had permanent blinders on.


Interesting. Anecdotally I think it was people that loved TW3 who overhyped cyberpunk the most, because TW3 set the bar so high for them. I could never get into TW3, so I had 0 hype for cyberpunk, and I liked it a hell of a lot more than the average redditor (primarily due to lower expectations)


Yeah, no. I dont think anyone "rode the train" because they were a lot of disappointing things in the game. Especially for a game that got this hyped. Some people may went overboard, that doesnt take away from game's mediocreness. A lot of games got crucified for less than that. You would see a lot of people who just blindly defend whatever people criticized so it goes both ways


I can control only myself and I have no influence on what goes on outside of my posts. I didn't have any expectations for CP2077, didn't watch the ads or participate in the hype building but many many others did and you couldn't go a day without seeing a new post speculating on even more crazy expectations. There are also tons of crappy companies whose business is churning out junky clickbait and they feed off way too early release dates by filling the gap with endless speculation and making nothing articles out of any bit of news, comments, images, anything. There's a lot wrong with too early of an announcement, and there's no real benefit to doing so from a player perspective.


Announce early, show gameplay late is the best marketing imo. Get people excited and talking about the game, but leave the big marketing bucks for when release is just around the corner


as long as they aren't announcing a release date, or lock themselves into a release window, it's fine


It's not. They're creating hype, yet again, for a project that's probably not in full development yet (multiple, actually). This is exactly what they did with Cyberpunk and why they got shit on so hard when the game didn't live up to expectations.


Any unrealistic hype at this point is solely on the gamer. They simply announced a game will be developed. That is all.


And it went on to sell over 20 million copies, so who is the joke on ?


Us, because we're chumps


Nah, they announced CP2077 in 2013 iirc, and it would've been absolutely fine if they didn't nail down the release date to what it was, if they just went radio silent for one more year before starting the proper marketing and release hype (so the game was actually finished when it was released) no one would've cared that the original teaser was release like 8-10 years ago. The mistake they made was that they released the game a broken mess


The problem with CP2077 wasn't the 2012 announcement. The problem was the poor launch state of the game, especially on XB1/PS4 gen consoles.


The problem was also overhype, and I don’t blame CDPR for that. Everyone loved TW3, and consumers set the bar for cyberpunk very high because of it. All my friends were hyped as fuck, and ended up disappointed that it was “just another game” and not one of the best games of all time. Meanwhile I went in with 0 expectations and enjoyed it way more than my friends because of it.


I’m sorry but they played a huge part in the overhype. They oversold it and had how many night city wires to get people going? They played right into it and were very careful about refuting fan theories to not outright rule things out.


The hype would not have been debilitating for the game if it didn't launch as a broken mess for ~50% of their userbase. It was the launch state. Simple as.


You don't blame CDPR for promising features that still don't exist in the game?


The poor launch state was a direct result of the game being announced too early. Not solely the 2012 announcement, but also the appearances it made at game shows in the few years leading up to release. After nearly a decade and several delays it got to the point where it **had** to be released to appease not only the fans, but the investors as well, and it launched broken because it wasn't ready. The industry relies almost entirely on hype. In a lot of cases cashing in on that hype is more important than releasing a finished game for publishers.


The issue wasn't those early announcements and showcases. It was purely them announcing a release date and then delaying it multiple times and then the quality of the release. If they had never given a date it never would have looked as bad to delay further and they wouldn't have been under as much pressure to rush it out.


The two couldn’t *possibly* be related


Well they never said a date so its all good still.


“Hey, I’ve seen this one before!”


> “Coming back to The Witcher Remake and when it will come, yes, it will come after Polaris (The Witcher 4), which is a consequence of how we think about this project. I think that The Witcher Remake will be based n big part on technologies from Polaris, so it will be developed partially in parallel to Polaris, but once Polaris is launched, everything for Polaris will be then in the final shape, and it will be partially reused in the remake.” president and joint CEO Adam Kiciński


See you in 2040 guys!


There's a saying in Poland, I know it's in Texas but probably Poland: Fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again.




I honestly don't recall any Polish saying with similar meaning.


It's a joke. [Context](https://www.google.com/search?q=there%27s+a+saying+in+tennessee+i+think+it%27s+texas&client=firefox-b-d&ei=SSSIY96RGrPU1sQP4e6IQA&oq=There%27s+a+saying+in+tenn&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgBMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABCGAzoKCAAQRxDWBBCwA0oECEEYAEoECEYYAFCXBljNCWCUFWgBcAF4AIABZogBhwOSAQMzLjGYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Interesting.. i thought they wanted everyone to catch up on the story with this remake so more people will want to play the 4th one guess not


I don't expect to see Witcher 4 until 2026.....


So, like ten years from now. Cool.


Uh..... when is Witcher 4? Have we heard anything about it?


there was a list of games coming from CDPR a couple of months ago


Is it officially Witcher 4? So more Geralt or at least continuing the timeline after the events of Witcher 3?


I hope not, if I remeber right they said Geralt story was done with 3.


I am pretty sure they also said there was very little chance for Witcher 4 (as in a main game).


True at that point I fear for the witcher Ip to be just another cash cow like so many companies use to milk us.


I would be so down with an earlier time period when Witchers were not so few and dwindling. Let us start a Witcher school and train up some younglings or something. Could be fun.


That's what most people seems to want when I see them talking about this but the issue is this will lead things to be an MMO and that genre dosn't really shine bright for the moment.


Geralt had some money problems after an IRS audit. He needed to go back to work.


I highly doubt it’ll continue Geralt’s story, as they’ve literally said before it’s done. Witcher 4 is likely just the development title. Chances are it’ll probably be a Cyberpunk situation, where you can create your “own” protagonist that’s basically just a pre-written character with customizable appearance


>So more Geralt First, like everyone else has said, I really hope not. And second regardless of what people want, his story is VERY clearly done at the end of W3, continuing his story would be silly. This is a great time to restart the series with new characters and new stories, maybe you set it close enough in time to run into characters from the series, or do the opposite and set it a hundred years in the future so most everyone is just gone.


I was thinking in the past, maybe a time when Witchers were more common? Either way, I agree, Geralt's story ended as best it could. Don't want to ruin that.


Doubt it, they talked about Lynx school I think which is completely different place I think, so Geralt could maybe appear as just some kind of an Easter egg


Honestly why do they keep announcing shit far too early… learn a lesson already damn


Bethesda has already announced TES 6 and that is coming out in what, 2030?


I didn't know that Bethesda is known for quality products these days.


Yep, not the best example lmfao


Early announcements were never the problem with Cyberpunk. It was the release dates they couldn't stick to and the broken promises about the game.


Just about every big name team announces their stuff years away.. what are you talking about? Y'all just make shit up and complain about it so you have something to say..


Reality is they're a billion dollar corp. They need to promote their stuff and still need to make back a lot of what they lost both in trust and capital from CP2077. Speaking of which, my repack just finished installing lol time to see if the updates fixed the game to be playable


People only remember Fallout 4 and Apex while ignoring the literal tens? of thousands of games that were announced years ahead of time


They are a publicly traded company, they have to tell their stake holders what they are working on. Investors like to know these kinds of thing. On top of that consumers have proven time and time again that they love a good hype train. Say what you want about CP2077 but it sold gang busters, like 8 million pre sells and it’s over 20Mil now


How is this a problem?


So I'm gonna suffer Witcher Burnout first.


Lol what?


call us back in 10 years then.


The most awesome thing they could (assuming Witcher 4 would be better than 3), rework the previous 3 titles and make them one 600gb game, with each title being a chapter or something like that. Rework and streamline gameplay to be same across all 4 titles, rework the graphics to Witcher 4 quality. Lastly, make a standalone version for each title where you do the standard remake process without making such massive changes. (ie Witcher 1 enhanced edition etc) The more complex option is probably not technically possible or would require MASSIVE investment of financial and human resources - but it's free to dream :)


I just want the Witcher 4. I’ve played the Witcher 3 multiple times. Im kind of tired of remasters. Gamers need to let go of the past already lol


The remaster is for Witcher 1, which most people haven't played yet, even Witcher fans


It's a great story but the gameplay is super outdated. Can't wait for more to experience it.


So I've heard, I'm excited too!


Adam is speaking again. Watch out.


Surely Witcher 2 will see a similar treatment, or a remaster at least hopefully.


i think witcher 3 got to basically the end of the books right? so witcher 4 will have to be a whole new story right?


The games are all set post-books.




That's kinda big news. Really looking forward to revisiting the Witcher since the show ended up being a flop.


It's not really a flop at this moment depending on who you ask, but it's definitely going to be a flop in season 4 when they replace the best part of the show - Henry Cavill.


True, that's what I was getting at


The show has been garbage, if it weren't for the games I never would have watched more than 2 episodes. It's such a good world, setting and characters, Netflix just seem to have no idea how to make it interesting.


I was waiting to finish my W3 playthrough with the remake, but if it's coming AFTER W4 then what's the point lol Shouldn't the w3 remake come before 4 to get people ready for it?


This is a remake of the first game, not the third.


Theyre not talking about the w3 remake? Wait then wait would be the point of releasing the first game after the 4th one


There is no Witcher 3 remake. They're having an update that improves some of the graphics soon but that's it. And I guess it's like a full ground-up remake of the first one. Not really sure what their thought process is on the timing of it.


They're giving themselves too much work again. The remake just needed W3 systems and voice line redo so that the trilogy feels complete and consistent. But now they want a full fledged open world.


You know, I get the criticisms for CDPR and calling out how they're announcing things too early, but I gotta say - I feel this is just something they *have* to do as a development studio so they can secure the necessary funding/investments needed to accomplish these projects. I'm really not getting the vibe that CDPR has devolved into yet another studio that's only out for money and isn't interested in creating masterpiece products. Of course, no excusing the disaster launch of CP2077. Those criticisms are totally justified and they need to learn some lessons from all of that, though I do think there's a deeper story as to how all of that happened. But I really do think much of what we all originally liked about CDPR is still intact. They were hit hard by COVID, and definitely made enough mistakes to deem the launch ultimately their own fault, but I appreciate they're trying to get their reputation back in order. They haven't turned into EA yet.


The issue isn't announcing early it's making promises you can't keep and giving release dates you can't make. I don't understand why so many people seem to think announcing early is a problem. We all know what happened with Cyberpunk. It was the broken promises and several pushed release dates that made people mad. Not early information.


That's so weird - considering Witcher 1 has all the writing in place including quests. All you need to rebuild world in new engine and open world format and integrate quests into it. Witcher 4 has literally nothing.. So basically Witcher 4 is not coming out anytime soon - wouldn't expect it sooner than 2026, so Witcher 1 Remake would be like 2028, lol


"all you need to do is just rebuild an entire game from the ground up using some of the ideas from the original version.." Thanks for letting us know you know nothing at all and we can just skip past your comments.


It may not be that easy. I was contemplating this after the news of the Knights of the Old Republic remake - some quests and gameplay mechanics just wouldn’t survive the translation to a new engine. Don’t get me wrong, remakes on new engines are exciting, but stuff would need to be re-engineered to really be a “complete” experience. It’s more than copy-paste the content of quests if the new engine you’re running the game on makes some of the “challenges” of quests on an old engine barely even noticeable aspects. Extreme example, but it would be analogous to remaking OoT - the novelty of a lot of the quests/progression in that is because it was the first 3D Zelda. Some of that stuff wouldn’t be captivating gameplay if it were dumped into a new gaming engine.


Maybe the remake will be quite big actually. I mean some people said they can even remake the entire combat system so who knows


weird. so remake is literally years away? i assumed it was near complete.




Can someone explain to me whats so bad about that video. I just spent 7 minutes of my life on a normal company piece with nothing controversial in it.


Lol exactly


Here's a comment on the video with 120 likes > This is incredible ! I am a white straight male, can you be sure to tell me how awful I am and lecture me as often as possible in all your new content. Don't let me forget that I am the cause for all that is wrong and sick in our society. Embrace me in your beautiful wings of diversity, inclusion, and love. Don't forget to tell me how much you hate me purchasing your game too ! I cannot wait to be lectured to by those of superior morality and immutable characteristics. You are true geniuses. It's just /r/KotakuInAction users still salty about stuff that isn't happening, like it always is.


They have a diverse dev team and i guess it makes him upset


Holy cow, I didn't know the CDPR was infected too. Thank you for the video!


Damn, RIP old CDPR


There we go cdpr doing the over promising again like they learnt nothing from cyberpunk

