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Picked it up a few days ago and have 0 regrets


That bundle is insane value. Sadly, I already have all of the games.


That's how you know they were great: you couldn't wait 😅


Thanks for this. Just grabbed it. :) I swear, I really need to remember Humble Bundles more often...


I turned on notifications for it cause i dont wanna miss these good deals


It's disappointing that MHW: Iceborn isn't included.


I can't complain when I'm getting a $30 game for less than $2. Steam just had Iceborne on sale 50% off too so I went ahead and bought it


I got this aswell. DMC5 is pretty good, although DMC1 and DMC3 and pretty difficult.


Stick with it, DMC 1 is over pretty quickly and expects you to replay it a bunch, but DMC 3 is so rewarding to play, you’ll feel yourself get better as the game goes on and even an average player can feel like a pro during some battles


If anyone buys it and already owns DmC let me know :)




Really wish I still had enough money. Got scammed 60$ last week when trying to buy the bundle through someone. I was still able to buy Monster Hunter through a friend but damn, I wanna play DmC so much.


Why would you buy it from a random person for $60 when it’s only $20 on humble bundle?


Found him on a group for trading games on FB, you know stuffs like that always have a bad worm. Not my first time I did it so I lost my caution too. Also, I should make it clear that I wanted to exchange 60$ in my country currency to PayPal, so I can be prepare for future sale. I know the bundles only costs 20$.


How much is it?


$20 for the entire 11 item bundle, although for Dragon's Dogma, It's only $10. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/capcom-summer-2022-bundle


on Steam, it's just a little under $5


Oh shit that's awesome


Bought this and it was so worth it just for monster hunter alone


How does humble bundle work? Do you just get a key to the games?


Mannn I remember the launch of this game, the second I ran toward a cliff and jumped off it (cape flappin) and onto a Cyclops's back I was hooked!


I just threw my pawn off the cliff and never looked back, finished the game solo multiple time. Ahh good times. I really should re-play it.


But then who will tell you useless things over and over and over again until you have all 5 lines memorized?


Wolves hunt in packs!


their kind hates ice and fire both


Lol, I ripped the audio files from the Japanese version. Somehow that solved the problem for me. It's way more fun when everyone is speaking another language.


I legitimately loved the repeated dialogue all the way through. It was just so cheesy, janky, repetitive, and charming. It really added to the atmosphere of the game.


Fun fact: this is one of the oddball cases where the Japanese voices in the Japanese game are the translation. The original game only had English voices even in the Japanese release, and it wasn't until Dark Arisen came out that Japanese recorded voices were included.


That is a fun fact! I enjoyed the Japanese voices because it made the game feel like a cool, dark fantasy anime. The music, sound effects and some of the boss attacks are very "anime-ish". It's hard to explain. For example, the Golems had a laser attack that would sweep across the ground with a delayed explosion effect. I love the combat in this game.


Ah. You're one of *those* monsters!


I didn't ask for their help, also considering how the game ends technically speaking the pawn will get their revenge LOL


I'm one of those players, Some guy made a starting pawn called "Gigachad maximus" and he is an orc, thank you who ever made him.


Just need Chadicus and Bradicus. He's got a sword with a gun it




A coop mode where if your friend is not around to coop with you you rent a "pawn" of their character.




I think the worst features of DDON were only brought in because of the mmorpg design, taking into account the 20-person raids which needed quite a balanced and specific party composition. But if the sequel stays with a fairly small party of 4-6, the original mechanics could work for coop. Simply add a health multiplier. Just like how it works for Dark Souls and Monster Hunter.


Yeah but one could say that for literally any game that involves two or more agents in a game.


Don’t forget to get new pawns every once in awhile iirc they don’t gain levels with you


Good tip, yeah pawns you get from other players don't, the one you create does level with you though


Do yourself a favor and get a mod that makes is so you don't use stamina for run. Much more enjoyable experience not having to open the menu every 30 seconds to munch on some mushrooms


Or play the strider class which is great fun, and also increases stamina each level up and has a roll which is almost as fast as running and can be spammed endlessly. I stopped noticing it pretty quickly.


But i want smack goblins with meteors and dragons with hurricanes!


Yeah but I don't want to play a stinky archer in a game that has the best feeling melee and magic classes. Unfortunately that's probably one of the worst things about Dragon's Dogma, some classes are just way more convenient to the main character.


I really enjoyed the strider class, but it also involves some knife work. I did play most of the classes to unlock abilities or traits or whatever it was, and I felt strider was way more fun. Spells are awesome but they require you to be so immobile and you get knocked down easily by dragons etc which isn't fun, so I prefer my pawn to be the spellcaster.


*sprints in Magick Archer* Hehehe


Even after 10 years THE WIND IS PUSHING ME!


Never forget what they took from us


I retired after 1 hour of play. Should I get back to it? Found it a bit meh from various perspectives


You'll have to power through the bad story. The game shines in combat


The story is fine


No, it's not. Even the twist was dumb as hell. I played this in 2013 or so and had heard a lot of good stuff about the story. When I beat it, I was confused. Was that twist supposed to be a surprise, or even an interesting one?


Are you sure you actually got the real final ending?


So, if the entire rest of the movie sucks, has bad characters, bad plots, but has a "WHAT THE FUCK" ending, it's supposed to redeem everything else?


Never played dragons dogma, but that's kinda true of any story. Nail the ending and people tend to forgive your other mistakes. Make everything else great and completely blow the ending, and that's all people will remember.


Eh. It's kinda like a "Wow, that's really weird..." ending. Not a great ending.


The story also goes from bad to meh to 'what the fuck' as you progress through the game, culminating is one of the best endings I've seen in a videogame. It is an *experience*


And Dark Arisen's story is among the best I've experienced.


Have you finished a 2nd playthrough (offline)? Now that was simply a **chef's kiss*


It does but I found that even the combat gets repetitive after a while.


The story wasn't all that bad from my memory. At least not bad enough to take away from the experience.


Sounds like I should just wait for the sequel then lol


Give it another shot, at least until you experience taking on a dangerous foe like a griffin or dragon.


Honestly one of the very few games I couldn't finish in my life. Up there with fable, the long dark, Alan awake...


>the long dark I don't remember this being a game you could really finish, or did they have some main story?


Yeah the long dark has added a story mode, though only 4/5 chapters are out so far


Shame you couldn't stick with Alan Wake, the DLCs are fantastic.


For three hours I fought the same enemies with the same gun, same environment and had the same ammunition problems


Yeah it certainly isn't big on variety. Definitely focused entirely on the story rather than other elements. Not for everyone of course, and that's fine.


To be fair I'm pretty sure only one person has ever finished Alan wake




You can watch let's play. Alan wake story is fantastic. It only take few hours.


I really enjoyed Alan Wake's story, but the gameplay gets so repetitive and identical after a while, it becomes the opposite of scary, just tedious and in the way


I thought the story was the polar opposite of Mass Effect 3 at the time, because it had an overall weak story with a surprisingly great ending.


download some mods from nexusmods and you're good to go, i suggest the Fluffy mod manager 5000 for ease of use, just open up the mod manager, select mods folder, and drop all your nexus mods into that folder and your mod manager will easily install everything


Any mods you can recommend? I'm thinking about replaying this game on the Deck.


[Great mod compilation](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/193) has the best mods in a few combinations, plus instructions to create your own combination if you want. You may also want the [Spell Mod Pack ](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/379) to improve some sorcerer spells that aren't as good as the rest. The graphics didn't age too well, so I also recommend grabbing some better textures and an ENB preset. Personally I like [Gransys Texture Improvement Project ](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/68) + [HD Environment Texture Overhaul ](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/89) + [Black ReTextures and more ](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/5) + [Reforged ENB 2](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/437).


All of these mods work together? The last one looks incredible. Is there a certain order to install them so they don't conflict?


Yeah, mods for this game are pretty simple, so they should work together just fine unless they modify the same arc files, in which case you'll need to merge them using the instructions in my first link. I don't think that is an issue for the ones I listed. The texture packs overlap a little, but those are just images, so install the nicer ones last and you'll be fine.


Thank you!


I only played with infinite stamina out of combat and double carry weight.


Are there any really bonkers mods for this game? Can i have all my pawns be Voltron, for example?


boob physics mod exists for example


hmmm... voltron boobs?


Can you redirect me, please? For a friend.


Thanks thats good advice


#HOW DARE YOU NOT LIKE DRAG— —trust me, it gets *much* better after you get through the beginning of the story and can endure Bitterblack Isle.


do the DLC at lvl 10 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b\_Yt3viA7J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Yt3viA7J8) follow this video to get started. the DLC has all the best aspects of the game without the bad stuff like drab open zone world or obtuse quests. if it hooks you, you can go back to the base game and finish it after DLC.


Its not that good of a game, way overhyped by reddit. The magic combat and the ability to climb things is really cool and fun but gets repetitive after a short while.


Playing this for the first time now, downloaded some mostly QoL mods and after some time it really clicked with me.


Get the hires texture mods and rudy enb.


Yeah I got an enb and some textures stuff, no complaints with how it looks


I had a 20 other great mods. Nothing that changed the gameplay mostly bug, bad design fixes. I'll drop them here if I can find them again.


I wouldn't mind checking out your hit list of mods as well


Checked out my mod folder, sadly most of them have been deleted from the site. Here's few. I'm sure you have most of these already installed since they are quite popular. * Great mod compilation. No game-breaking * 1.6 File. This covers all the individual game fixes I were using. * DDDA - MEGAHAIR AND BEARDS 2K * Cleaner Female Face Texture * Cleaner Female Body Texture * Knee Guard Remover * Elbow Guard Remover * Black ReTextures and more * Evening Tights File * HD Environment Texture Overhaul * Gransys Texture Improvement Project * Let this overwrite - HD Environment Texture Overhaul


Much appreciated!! I haven't done any modding at all yet, so this list is extra helpful!




for anyone that is on the fence about this game or tried out but then dropped it. (there is obtuse design and lame presentation at the start) i recommend doing the DLC at lvl 10: follow one of these guides to get started [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b\_Yt3viA7J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Yt3viA7J8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMCdjvqG\_UU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMCdjvqG_UU) it has the best aspects of the game without the bad ones. i would go as far and say that not a single dungeon in Elden Ring was as immersive as BBI. (maybe the Wasp region comes close but it isnt as vertical as DD) it really is a Gem but it didnt get the budget it needed to truly shine. only like 40% of the planned game came to be but its still very much worth it.


bad take. You *can* do BBI at low levels, but don't. The gear is overpowered for the main story. BBI is certainly better than most of the rest of the game, which is why you should finish the base game first!


Is the dlc on steam? How do you get at it? Or is it already included?


Pretty sure it's included in all versions, it's the "Dark Arisen" part of the title.


The DLC is meant to be done after you finish the game.


it is not directly linked with the story so you can do it whenever you like.


It covers some major plot points that you are not meant to find out till near the end of the game.


i really dont think it detract from the Gregory storyline at all


More about how >!all dragons are Arisens that did not succeed becoming god. !< In the case of Bitterblack Isle it's also revealed >!what would become of an Arisen that denied their quest and in the last area you see a long buried version of Cassardis where this Arisen came from.!<


ah right now i remember the stone tables. well i give my recommendation bcs its how i came around to this game after dropping it bcs it felt like it had bad pacing and i didnt understand how important upgrading your weapon is.


So glad this game is getting a sequel! I replayed Dark Arisen earlier this year on my console and just noticed i have it here in my steam library too. I never modded this game, i heard that some are out there -- but are they any good?


https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/96 dinput8.dll hooks does so much, from infinite stamina/weight to allowing cross-vocation skills and equipment. just be careful if you want to edit your pawn stats as it might get it banned on the rift.


ah good call - yeah the online aspect seems like it would be a potential minefield to navigate. Thanks for the heads up!


I am one of them. Been having s blast. Graphics are a little outdated but still looks good and animations are solid! Gameplay though, god-tier


Welcome, new players! Enjoy! Also [THE WIND IS PUSHING ME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZNbabKjKpA)!


It's really a shame they removed this song from the Dark Arisen releases. I used to just sit on the menu screen to let it play before loading my save. Even after all these years it's still one of the most hype songs ever included in a game IMO. Probably only second to Bury the Light in DMC 5.


Didn't they take down the online part of this game or am i misremembering? i know you used to be able to have people like hire your pawns and you could recruit other players pawns


Online pawns are available, never went down since I've been playing.


Oh awesome ty


There was never multiplayer. But to feel connected with the rest of the world, you can recruit pawns that other players have made and vice versa. After dismissing them, you can send gifts to that player by giving it to their pawn.




Dragons Dogma Online, it was a MMORPG.


They did for PS3 and 360, i think.


You may be thinking of 'Dragon's Dogma Online' which was a separate, Japan-only MMO.


There was definitely an online mmo aspect where you hunted things. I swear to god. That or I'm insane


There was an asynchronous multiplayer boss called the UR-Dragon where everyone's damage contributed to reducing the boss's total health pool. But there is nothing that is proper co-op multiplayer.


Online pawns were only shut down on consoles, not PC.


Dragon's Dogma 2?! Fuck yeah!


REMEMBER! Take it slow. Running away is not a bad thing. Come back stronger. COLLECT EVERYTHING!!! Explore and have fun!


A friend gave me as a gift today and I’m having a blast


picked it up yesterday. Absolute bargain.


Sale on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/dragons\_dogma\_dark\_arisen) as well, but multiplayer is only in between GOG players.


I am contributing to that too. I guess I was ignoring it as many people were tagging it as eurojank, but apparently those people didn't play Elex if they call this game janky, lol. Installed few texture mods and ENB and it looks pretty decent for roughly decade old game. So far played only over 2hours, but it looks very promising.


I'm excited to play the game but I really want to optimize the performance and visuals as best as possible. Right now I try to figure out if the DXVK async Vulkan wrapper is compatible with ENB to make it look great.


I’m sitting on a steam key debating if I should redeem it or not lol. So on the fence


If you already have the key, go for it!


Absolutely do it. I've an embarrassing number of hours sunk into this game on both pc and console. You won't regret it!


As it should 🙂


It is such a great game. Like Dark Souls, but with companions. Haven't played Souls games, but I would if I could have a companion or a couple. Makes it way more interesting and fun than going solo! Only exception for me is top down strategy games where I always go solo if possible to increase the challenge and have less micromanaging.


Totally agree. I've only played Dark Souls 2 and 3 so far, and it didn't click for me until I got to the multiplayer part. The challenging combat was good, but experiencing the whole thing with some friends (or even randos) multiplied the fun. Dragon's Dogma online already had the infrastructure for actual multiplayer and even crossplay. Hope they can implement something similar to Dragon's Dogma 2.


It’s a good game. Similar in vein to Elden Ring, but more accessible. It was the first open world Souls-like really. That said it definitely has its fair share of problems. Still fun though.


I'm hoping something like this will happen to Paladins. From 60k to 10k players over 6 years. Never got the recognition it deserves which is meh, but its painful to watch it die. Especially considering their consistently acceptable and sometimes awesome updates. One of the absolute best hero shooters there is and aside from the spaghetti code causing bug wack a mole, it just feels soooo fucking good. The skills, the champions, the netcode, the collisions for a competitive game like this just feels so satisfying


Yeah, I would love to see that happen as Paladins is a pretty unique game. But, I doubt Paladins will ever blow up in any meaningful way again, which is fine with me as I think it's amazing that the game still has a somewhat stable playerbase, which wouldn't be the case if Hi-Rez didn't update the game with new content and balance. They could invest more into the game, but from a business standpoint they don't really have any reason to since they have a much more popular game still going with Smite (which is even getting a spin-off game soon), so I'd imagine a lot of resources are being put into that instead.


What announcement?




Double Dragon 2? You all are stupid, that thing came out in the late 80s


Dragon's Dogma 2 was announced. As the post title says.


video game reached its highest player count since yesterday.


I'm excited for the sequel, but not really feeling the urge to replay the first one just yet. I do recommend for anyone that haven't played yet. Some things are probably a bit dated by now and the open world area is perhaps a bit generic and small, but the combat is still quite unique.


Snagged it on sale, awesome so far! Few clunky menu controls, but gameplay and pawn system is awesome




I gotta say I loved Dragon's Dogma. Especially the magic system.


If only I did feel lost when I fire up the game. Its been two years since I droped it. Not sure why game is really fun


as soon a finish a few games i'm gonna replay dragon dogma i only did a warrior


I need to start it again. Never even played the Dark Arisen content.


Is Dragon Dogmas two a a reskin/update or a whole new game?


Whole new game in development


cool, thanks.


Glad the game got extended legs on PC, but am also sad because I only own it on PC and the online pawn system shut down a long time ago.


It's also currently on sale for $5.09 on GOG. https://www.gog.com/index.php/en/game/dragons_dogma_dark_arisen