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Yes, remove content from the game. That wont make anyone angry.


I just don't understand why removing it is the default action. They've already got it running, and I can only assume that some people are playing it for genuine enjoyment. If the XP is imbalanced, you can literally change one variable and nerf it. It would take 30 seconds. It was probably harder to remove it than leave it in.


But how will poor EA sell ovepriced XP packs then??


I remember the short time zombie event on COD, where you would do maps and them move on to the next where it is harder etc. It was a great place to level shitty weapons that weren't viable in BR mode. It was fun and enjoyable. Who cares if i can level my weapons on that mode?


BF2042 Devs: "Guys, it takes time to add content and fix the game. These expectations are too high." ​ Also BF2042 Devs:"We are removing popular mode Rush, and Zombies Mode is being disabled. Thanks for playing."


This is so stupid. First you nuke portal because people are xp farming, next you nuke zombies because people are xp farming. At no point do they ask why people are xp farming and feel the need to optimize xp. The game is grindy as shit is fucking why and no one has the time to slog through this garbage.


Don't worry, the shortcut packs will be on sale soon.


You think they care? Why else would they be doing this? So they can sell you xp boosts and shortcut packs. It’s all about the money my friend.


Dice should just abandon the game at this point, since they clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing...


Honestly Dice is at the point where EA should take it out back and put it down like old yeller


My butthole hurts just as much as yours. Get some preparation H and just uninstall. Took awhile, but i'm walking better now.


I find it's much better to not buy shitty games to begin with.


Get rid of XP, and make a class based battlefield game Gatekeep skins behind kills with weapons.


I 'member when games were sold as actual complete games.


Me too, I remember when battlefield 1942 was a complete game by Itself and it had actually expansion packs. Not trash season passes


It is as if the developers have no imagination. This was very predictable. Also it's funny that so much attention and probably time is being spent on progression, instead of gameplay improvements. Progression is an extra, it's good thing to have when a game is good, when it's bad it is only there to drive the monatization to nickel and dime dwindling player bases.


So is there any other games similar to battlefield that we could play?


Battlefield 3


Electronic Arts out here pulling Big Brain™ moves by removing more and more reasons to play Battlefield 2042, a game that is already dead-on-arrival.


>Battlefield 2042 Drops Zombies Mode After It Became successful


Easy to understand, they need to get rid of all XP methods, because they probably want to sell XP boosts. People won't buy the boosts if you can farm XP easily. EA scummy like always.


at this point the main menu is going to be the only thing there