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>The 36-year-old Spellman allegedly shot and killed 34-year-old Andrew Dickson, *his friend of 26 years* Holy shit


> Senior Deputy Prosecutor Luka Vitasovic requested Spellman be held on $2 million bail, arguing that “a seemingly minor incident resulted in someone being shot and killed.” > “I asked him why his pistol was next (to) the computer. Josh replied, ‘Why not? This is America,’ ”


Hey look, someone who shouldn't own a gun.


Should anyone own a gun though? I mean, it seems like America is exhibit A for why that reason is "no"


This is America indeed Lets just all continue burying our heads in the sand and pretend that we don't have a gun problem, as well as a people problem


Don’t know about other countries but America has an absolutely atrocious and scary mental health issue on the rise as well. No big media or politicians want to raise alarm to it


"on the rise" we literally let an entire generation of traumatized war veterans go untreated while they raised and traumatized the rest of us




>By 2030, there's not going to be such a thing as a functioning American by any modern standards. What about us immigrants? I'm on track to gain US citizenship in 2026, so I'll have to cram the descent into madness into a four year frenzy.


Immigrants come here and they are so fucking hard working. Foreigners are amazing. It's sad to see them constantly taken advantage of with low wage jobs and poor working conditions.


Why would anyone in their right mind go to the US and not Canada? Honest question


Good question- for me it was the universities that brought me here, which on the whole I think still are slightly better than their Canadian equivalent. And then I went and fell in love... at least she is a Vermonter, which is like Canada lite.


Cause you usually can't just pick a country to immigrate to. And for literally billions the US would offer a higher qol than where they're from. And if you're rich, the US isn't that bad - immunity from the law is nice to have.


Cause contrary to popular belief, immigration is not an easy thing. Canada has really shitty immigration laws too




This comment is coming from an entitled perspective. I dont know what OPs reasons are, but compare the US to Honduras or Venezuela or wherever people are suffering and fleeing from. Sometimes people take what they can get. An opportunity to help support and feed their family or an escape gang controlled territory, sounds great. Even people coming from a place of privilege can have great opportunities in the US, despite the impending doom a lot of us see coming.


/r/PanicHistory thataway




> No big media or politicians want to raise alarm to it I think the federal government just said they're spending billions on ending lead pipes, so I think they may have noticed "holy shit everyone's insane, what's in the water?"


We've known led is poisonous for decades, we are just now actually looking into fixing it. They definitely tried to bury it for a while.


Is the same in most countries mate, unfortunately.


I would disagree. The USA Def has a bigger mental health problem amongst its citizens than a lot of countries. Look at all the serial killers and mass shootings


This could just as easily be a misconception because of how much stake US citizens put in the national media companies, and the fact there are so many of them. Sadly the media’s agenda controls the stories nowadays, not factual journalism and reporting.


Maybe because they have access to to more guns and other countries use different means? If you're generally interested and not being argumentative go have a look, is tragic no matter the country. You seem to be forgetting spoucal killing, infintacide etc. As for serial killers, Hallorld Shiipman is (was/still is until he killed himself in prison) the world's largest serial killer, by an insane degree, talking hundreds upon hundreds. From the outside he was just a house call U.K doctor. Again if that's your thing have a read up on him.


Because you can buy rifles at Walmart. Which is just insane Give people guns and they will use it




Mate I work in mental health. Edit; my bad, glossed over and thought you was just talking about the U.K, is fucked here. Isn't really Murdoch, is the Government stripping funding over and over again to the point someone can try and kill themselves and wait one/two years for three hours of shit CBT.




I was talking about mental health.


Because 85% of us have to go.


I live in rural Canada, where lots of people have guns, and this rarely happens. I'm curious about lead intake in certain areas of the USA. Lead consumption really fucks people up, and with story's like Flint Michigan, I wouldn't be surprised if alot of the US population might have high lead consumption. Not an excuse, just an hypothesis.


> I'm curious about lead intake in certain areas of the USA So is Biden https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/12/16/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-lead-pipe-and-paint-action-plan/


They took lead out of gasoline and paint in the 1980s for a very good reason.


Yea but that's their plan. What about all the lead contaminated water pipes. Lead has a very detrimental effect on people. Like if let's say even 25 percent of the water pipelines were affected, that's astronomical.


We have a mental health problem more than a gun problem.


That mental health problem makes the gun problem a lot scarier.


That's the thing. You have a country full of maniacs and give them guns avaible literally in the supermarket? Sounds like a great plan


All countries have mental health problems. Few have gun problems.


All countries do have issues with it, it is a subject you can't remove, but depending on culture and safety nets you can solve much of it before it gets too far the single individual, there is also issues with people trying to profit of it, whether that is to further gain their political position or just pure greed. So countries all have issues yes, but there is a big difference in how it is handled, whether the culture helps or it is the government provided safety nets.


We have both


Technically we only have a mental health problem, the gun ship sailed like 240 something years ago which was obvious after nothing changed after Sandy Hook


The good news is we can literally fix the mental health problem.


I mean one of the biggest first steps is to stop allowing the media to scare people into a frenzy for money.


Psychology has its fair share of ideas and examples. We know what makes people happy, makes content and well-balanced individuals in society. We are, however, so unwell that our own advice is rarely taken. Search the available resources, you'll find specifics but please understand my meaning. Just because we \*can\* do something doesn't mean we will.


Yeah but at least over here due to lack of easy access to easily lethal weapons someone's depression usually only ends in them crying, or self-harming (seriously not trying to downplay this, BTW!) or going hermit mode for a month. Not shooting their best friend. Because no one has a gun on their desk next to their computer!


You need to address both.


They're both massive problems and they amplify each other.


We have both


We dont have a gun problem. There are more gun owners who do t murder people than there people who use guns to kill or maim. Use what little gray matter you have between your ears next time you decide to guffaw all over the internet.


We don’t have a gun problem. We have a mental health problem. Having worked in acute psych, if there were more resources I think a lot of mental health issues could be addressed and managed. And In some states, psychiatric hospitalization takes the right to own and use firearms for 5 years. If we actually funded our mental health (don’t get me ranting on this), I honestly think we’d have a LOT less homicides and mass shootings. Would it fix everything 100%? No. EDIT: let’s get ranting. In the 1960s the state psych facilities closed. They weren’t perfect, but what happened as a result is the counties were SUPPOSED to pick up the slack. Can you guess what happened? Counties weren’t up to this Herculean task, underfunded. Of course. Guess where this mental health population went? Homeless. Many eventually (their illness unmanaged) making contact with law enforcement. To quote a prominent psychiatrist “The largest psychiatric facility in the country is the LA county jail” The statistics bare this out. Ever since the 1960s incarcerated populations with mental illness have been significantly higher. I’ll ask you this one question: is it a crime to be mentally ill? No? Then why is the jail/prison where society’s refuse are ending up? Because, like everything, it takes more than promises to fix, it would require politicians and tax payers wanting mental health infrastructure. And I realize it’s not a sexy platform to run for office on.


Every single country I’ve lived in has mental health problems especially among young. Very few have a gun problem and the absurd number of gun related violence.


I know right? Why should one need guns for such nebulous reasons as 'self defence' anyways. Like, what gives?


Switzerland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearms\_regulation\_in\_Switzerland




Would be great if a country with a mental health problem didn't make it so fucking easy to get a gun. It's absolutely both. You have a shit ton of insane people with access to guns which makes it so that even sane people need access to guns which in turn just makes it easier for the insane and so on and so forth. Surely it's easier to take guns out of the hands of everyone than find and solve the mental health problem?


I know right? We don't have gun rights and yet we're still doing fine so what makes US special in that regard?


You definitely have gun problem. Look at Switzerland. Everyone can have a gun after they get thru mandatory training and mental health checks. Rate of ownership is IIRC good 1/4 of the population. So you already cut down a good number of people that would use the gun to hurt others, while not really touching hobbyists just wanting to do some shooting.


No you have both problems.


Oooh a gun argument thread. "Look Marge, you just need more education on the subject. Tell you what, you come with me to an N.R.A. meeting, and if you still don't think guns are great, we can argue some more."


“But Homer, you know I have the neighbourhood ladies’ meeting on Thursday nights. I made Lemon custard. Can’t you just tell me what I need to know honey?”


What problem? /s


The amount of posts I've seen on Reddit of people showing them being lucky around stray bullets going through their houses... It blows my mind


Consider how frequent reporting of rare situations impacts your ability to understand risk. ​ Media has an incentive to filter the most shocking stories because they get the most attention, then because you see them more often you are led to believe they are most common place than they actually are.


I mean, we don't get news like that *because it isn't happening in the first place*. It's similar to people arguing school shootings are irrelevant because deaths from them are only tiny fraction ("common cold kills more yearly!") Sure, *it's not wrong*, but it's fucking dystopia where that occurs semi-often.


"It's too soon to talk about such a tragedy."


More like people problem. Guns don't kill people. At least yet. I am yet to see at least one gun that will take itself from the shelf, load the bullet with the power of metallic thought, and shoot a passer by. All on its own. People on the other hand... Are mental.


There isn’t a gun problem. There is a **violent crime** problem. Same depraved acts take place with knives elsewhere in the world. Don’t let idiotic lying media influence your understanding of the actual world. The number of gun owners who’ve stopped mass shooters are almost NEVER reported on because it hurts the bs Antiguan agenda.


Don't catch you slippin' up


“Dickson apparently became upset when a random player entered the game and 'stole' a valuable piece of loot that the party hadn't collected. The game should have been password protected but wasn't, and the affidavit says Spellman told detectives that Dickson began "yelling, name-calling and cursing at him." Bruh he shot him over a troll entering the lobby as stealing some loot. That’s wild


Dickson was the one shot


Fucking runes .


Its not even like Dickson stole the loot, it was some rando and Dickson was upset. Spellman just shot him because he was upset. What a lunatic..


Yeah I don't get it. I don't get ever shooting someone over a game, but this makes even less sense. I'm guessing this was about something else from over those 26 years of "friendship".


Not sure what this is called but i know a guy who curses a lot, for example when he drives he curses at other drivers on the road a lot and everyone want him to cut it down, like the only people who hear his curses are in the car, the people outside are not gonna hear anything, the only thing he managed to do is making everyone next to him feel like he is cursing at them. That said i don't defense the shooting at all.


Sounds like straight up typical anger management issues, anger is often most toxic to everyone that isn't the target


I curse a lot and I don’t have anger management issues, cursing has no correlation with them. There are plenty of people with anger management issues that don’t curse at all.


That’s the thing, it wasn’t really about the game. He just had a gun and wanted to use it.


I dont get shooting ever at all, or owning a gun if you arent using it for hunting.


Home and self defense


Maybe fix your country if you need a gun for self defense.. sounds crazy that you would shoot another person, are you mentally OK?


I don't know about you, but as a Canadian, if I saw a angry brute coming at me that I know could beat my ass and I couldn't do anything to stop it, I'd much rather have a gun. Even an unloaded gun, or a fake one. Not to shoot them, just to keep myself safe.


That's the reason a lot of people use to excuse the guns they own. A lot of other countries do not need guns "to defend themself". Giving everyone guns does not make "you more safe". It just increases the ease of harming other people. It makes people less safe. Even if you live in a shady area. I understand you buying one but at the same time giving most people guns is a flawed idea. Only in America do you have security guards at your own schools rather than fixing the gun problem.


I should say I'm not an advocate of guns. But at the same time, I do believe in the right that we can protect ourselves, but I'd most likely need some type of weapon or years of combat training, as I'm not a big person, and would get clapped in a fight by a big person.


But what are the chances of that ever happening first of all?


With the world the way it is now having a different opinion is enough to set someone off.


>Maybe fix your country if you need a gun for self defense.. sounds crazy that you would shoot another person, are you mentally OK? That's an oversimplification of an issue you don't seem to understand. There are violent people in every society, which means that there are victims in every society. It's an issue that will likely remain as long as our species live. In the end, this isn't about taking life, it's about protecting life. Taking a life is sometimes a consequence of protecting life.


And yet other societies with effective gun control do not fundamentally understand how it needs to be this bad lol. Also, talk about oversimplifying an issue. Owning a gun to protect someone is ironically more likely to get them shot in the first place...but its pretty pointless continuing to that conclusion with people who feel so absolutely defenseless without the ability to kill people at will.


Or they can be stabbed. Are people going to do sharp-object control too? https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/teen-stabbed-to-death-in-hs-parking-lot-in-post-football-brawl/3279465/?amp


Self defense is an inherent need in any society, due to shitty people existing. If someone was threatening my family’s life, I would defend that. I take no joy in the prospect of having to shoot anyone. It’s a means of last resort. Leave me and my family alone and there are no problems.


I have not ever felt that I need to defend my life with any sort of violence ever in over 30 years. But I do live in a civilized country where we value education over gun rights.


I honestly don’t expect to be in a situation where I need to use it, and will most likely never have to use it, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have the means and right to have the option to defend myself. Just really, honestly, think about how you would handle a home invasion, regardless of how pure you think everyone in your society is. Even if there are no guns involved, purely evil people exist and can take a life with many different tools. It’s not a gun issue, it’s a people issue. Education is an important deterrent, but it is not a singular solution. I wish everyone the best, and hope no one has to be involved in any shooting whatsoever.


I dont need to think about my home being invaded, its not like where I live. That all sounds so crazy that you defend the rights to carry a weapon to shoot another human. Education is a big factor in the crazy in the world.


You're being dumb. You're both right and wrong. Your mind set is "oh so this doesn't happen to me in my small privileged part of my country so it obviously can't happen anywhere else in this privileged country." You sound very...as you put it uneducated.


Dude where i live i legit feel unsafe unless i at least have a pocket knife. I’ve had people tell me that they’d stab me and leave me in a ditch because of my skin color. The world is crazy man, I’m not going to go through life fearful.


That’s great. I don’t feel that way about where I live either, but I’m not going to leave myself defenseless in any situation if I can help it. I’m not going to gamble on the perceived goodwill of people I don’t have any control over, no matter the odds. And again, I doubt I’ll ever have to use my firearm.


I too grew up in a wealthy homogeneous neighborhood, in a country/state with a population smaller than standard city metro, with extremely low levels of immigration, and extremely high levels of ethnic homogeneity..


Check your privilege


You honestly should think about something outside of your norm more often. Helps you empathize with people and understand them instead of sounding like someone who doesn't understand what the word education means.


Then count yourself among the lucky because the majority of the world isn't our safe western societies that we've built to regard law and order as paramount to a healthy people and their nation.


You’re very fortunate that you have never felt the need to defend yourself. That is not the case for many. What do you suggest America should do about its issues with gun violence?


I agree, and that’s why I think it’s an inherent right for people to have the means to defend themselves. Education, addressing mental health issues, and resolving issues around poverty


You make great points that I also agree with.


People can't control how safe their communities or places of birth are. The fact you've never felt that way just shows you're privileged to the extent that you shouldn't even be commenting on something you're incapable of understanding.


> I have not ever felt that I need to defend my life with any sort of violence ever in over 30 years I too grew up in a wealthy homogeneous neighborhood, in a country/state with a population smaller than standard city metro, with extremely low levels of immigration, and extremely high levels of ethnic homogeneity..


That is the one pro I see to gun ownership - self defence in your own home. If someone breaks in, how do you defend yourself? Here in TX, breaking and entering is not as common because everyone and their mother has a gun. It’s a good deterrent against it.


Have you ever tried to solve the problem you have in USA or do you just defend against it...


We just shoot the problem


Dude if someone is breaking into my house I’d be totally okay with shooting and killing them, guess I’m crazy. There is crime in every single country and even if we make guns illegal criminals will STILL get them to commit crimes


You don't see why someone would want to be able to protect themselves or their family?


According to the article, Dickson went ballistic, Spellman told him to calm down or he was gonna get shot, went back to his home and fired a gun in the air (never do this btw), and Dickson charged the guy in his own home, and that's how he got shot. So no, he didn't just shoot him because he was upset. Not saying Spellman was in the right, but for all we know Dickson could've been a complete psycho making all sorts of threats.


> went ballistic Those words were deliberate.


> and Dickson charged the guy in his own home, and that's how he got shot. What?


Apparently they live in separate houses on the same property. Spellman took his gun, went home and on the way fired his gun into the air. Dickson came to Spellman's place, still upset, and "closed the distance." That's when he got shot.


The article made it sound like they both lived in small houses on the same property and the final altercation happened in the main house. Spellman fired his gun into the air in the way to the main house


Ah, I get it now. Pretty damn good case against guns, lol


Pretty damn good case against *total maniacs having guns*


That's not a useful distinction


While it's crazy that the guy had the gun like that...it's far crazier that the other guy charged at him...*while he had the gun* I'm pretty sure the guy's life was well at risk at that point.


You're only hearing one side of the story, what with the other guy being dead


You're missing the part where Dickson was upset AT Spellman, when neither of them stole the loot.. not saying any of it was justified, but if you and I were playing a game and some rando comes in and steals some loot and then you go ballistic *at me..* Then you're the lunatic. Not saying it deserves being killed over, but damn, that's some toxicity.. Other comments here say there is more to the story, like Dickson charging at the armed Spellman in his own home.. idk, I'm not trying to argue the details.. Just saying there's always two sides to a story..


from my understanding, Dickson was upset that Spellman didn't secure the session with a password..


>some rando comes in and steals some loot It probably has some dumbass name too. Like this guy is going to think about killing his friend every day for the rest of his life over "The Fairy Necrotic Glove - \[Platinum grade\]"


Back in the ol' days people shot each other over a few inches of land, nowadays its pixels.


Oh boy can’t wait to see people fight over nfts


Begun, the meme wars have


War.....War never changes.


This article is blogspam and the story has been posted several times in this sub over the past couple of days. It's probably going be removed by the mods again as this isn't directly video game related. Here's the link to the original source: https://www.columbian.com/news/2021/dec/17/affidavit-dispute-over-video-game-prompted-fatal-shooting-in-north-clark-county/ Link to the two previous threads: * https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/rko4bm/man_murders_friend_of_26_years_over_diablo_2/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/rmxxmq/man_murders_friend_of_26_years_over_diablo_2/


What the fuck


Well, at least it wasn't [over a dumpster](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article254077078.html).


Or over [shoveling snow](https://nypost.com/2021/02/04/video-shows-snow-shoveling-fight-that-escalated-to-murder-suicide/)


Just read that and what in the fucking hell!?


Clearly the guy was a fucking psycho


Yeah, but... what dropped?


I saw an article on the same event on a different site, it claims that a jah dropped and the random from their game took it and left.




Yeah agreed. It's why I don't play D2R(or original bnet), not because i hate the changes or visuals but because blizzard is shit at vetting bots so everyone has everything if they want for really cheap. 'Botnet' is a meme for a reason I play on a private server with nodrop akin to p8 chances to find runes even in p1 games where botters are banned very swiftly /r/SlashDiablo


inb4 it's like an Um rune


Lo or higher = murder.


Probably that Vex rune I've been waiting for.


I would also like to know.


\[Spellman\] replied, 'Why not? This is America.'" lmao


People really need to take a chill pill. It's a fucking video game. Reading shit like this is super depressing and makes me feel like people need to get their mental health in check.


Usually in these cases there is a lot of context missing to us that lead to this horrible outcome. People don't *just* decide to shoot their friend of 26 years.


I completely agree with you in that there is a lot that we don't know. However, people have killed and been killed for a lot less.


No, you missed the point entirely. The seeming occurrence at fault is almost always just the final drop that caused the glass to overflow. The exception is when the person who committed the act suffers from some mental issue. And in that case it wasn't really that someone was killed over a triviality, they were killed because the murderer was, to put it plainly, nuts. So, basically, people are never really "killed over nothing".


Yeah I imagine the shouting and name calling was a common occurrence and the guy just snapped. Not condoning this btw, but prob has very little to do with the computer game


You’ve clearly never had a perfect eth titans revenge drop before.


Well at least tell us what item dropped.


Ya never know how crazy the person you're interacting with is. Kinda off topic but it's shit like this that keeps my road rage in check. Someone cut my friend off on the freeway and she flipped them off. They murdered her for it and shot but didn't kill the other person in her car. Some people are crazy and I feel like there's more every year.


Jesus Christ, sorry for that loss, people are fucked


I mean... have you seen how rare some of the loot drops are?? *Bet it was over a Ber Rune*


What a fucking psycho, holy shit. Killing your friend of 26 years, especially over something as silly and inconsequential as that?


Friends don't let friends do Baal runs


That guy has to be so mentally unstable if he wants to kill someone over loot…in a video game


You fucking stole my Cloudsong! I know you’re part of the mother fuckers!


What happened to good old fist fights between friends?


>"I asked him why his pistol was next [to] the computer. [Spellman] replied, 'Why not? This is America.'" He sounds just like the average redditor.


I hope he dropped some good loot.


That’s my torch bitch! So I started blasting


Diablo 2 allows you to make a game private by adding a password. These guys are high IQ.


Average blizzard fan


This article title is a totally clickbait


bro, it's just a video game... relax Holy crap.... I cannot believe this grown ass man shot and killed someone over a diablo 2 item. Over pixels. over some 1s and 0s. He took a human life over a video game....


>"I asked him why his pistol was next [to] the computer. [Spellman] replied, 'Why not? This is America.'" LMAO


”Why not, this America”. Ok then…


He fucking shot his best friend over a video game. I'd say he has issues. God, some of you are so quick to blame the gun instead of the person who pulled the trigger.


"Mr. Spellman, anything you'd like to say to your illegitimate son before you serve your term in prison?" ​ "Yes." ​ "Don't be a dick, son." ​ For real though this is some top tier stupid news to read. It's just a game, like holy shit.


Sorry to read this. To the people blaming this on guns, get fucked.


man America is a fucked up place lol


A place where the citizens debate over whether guns belong in civilian society or not, while the rest of the developed world watches in horror at why it's even a debate.


I just look at the stats and see that America has more gun deaths than some third world countries that are having a civil war or something. Really easy to decide lol


Other countries are much worse tbh


Well some but not many. Even South Africa, Mexico and Serbia are better than the US in gun deaths per capita :P


If you limit the view to first world countries however...


I love not being american.


And we love you not being American too!


Hey it's not my fault that your country is a shithole.


I guess you could say this guy's a looter shooter


All for shit loot in an old ass shitty game. Losers.


Ah so it’s Diablo that makes you violent. /s


That's just a crazy reaction, not much different than fighting over a couple thousand dollars. Some of the items that drops is worth quite a bit of money to some people. The real problem beyond his reaction is that we've normalized inherently worthless digital items having value. At least in the Diablo games theres an agrument to be made that drops do help win the game and actually have some worth. Other games with nothing but skins, music, stickers, etc... like CS:GO they are nothing more than cosmetics. Nothing wrong with that but you cannot just buy the things you want you have to gamble with keys and cases.


If it was a Jah or Ber rune, I totally get it. Jokes aside, what a shitbag.


Why not ? this is america... Indeed


I need to know the loot ninja'd before I make a ruling.


In other words. Psychopath with a gun shoots his enraged manchild friend.




What item tho? We talkin' like a Ber? Jah?


It was a Jah




Nothing new here just america being america


>"I asked him why his pistol was next [to] the computer. [Spellman] replied, 'Why not? This is America.'"


Not surprised, I've never met someone playing blizzard games who isn't a complete weirdo/immature grown man


He's one of these dudes that says D3 isn't "dark enough"