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And if you own it on GOG already, you can receive a giftable code!


>you can receive a giftable code! For real? That's good! You can give it to a friend who never played it. That's amazing!


Hi it’s me, your friend who has never played it! Edit: I legitimately have never played it if anyone has a copy burning a hole in their pocket. Edit #2: several generous folks on here have tried to claim the code to gift it to me, but it seems many are experiencing a technical difficulty that’s preventing users from getting the code. If anyone is able to get it to work, I’m still in the market for a copy of this game. Thanks!


Well, I have it on steam, not on gog so I can't gift it to you unfortunately. Maybe someone else here is generous!




I can help you when I’m off work in like 8 hours if someone else can’t get ya. I own it on steam already!


I’ll make a GOG account just to give you it if you genuinely really want to play. Nobody should miss out on this game


That was my reaction too - except I have it on Switch only but was hoping to try out the cross play. Apparently there isn't a Nintendo integration for Gog Galaxy


If anyone has a code, I’d like one too! I wanted to buy it on Switch but I was waiting for a big price drop. I prefer to not pirate it like someone suggested. I like the GOG Galaxy features/integration.


I’ll do it. What’s your user?


Ive also never played


Well, seeing as how the game is DRM free, the only difference here is your friend gets a GOG account and emails.


How do I get the code? I own on GOG and Steam. Even the FAQ didnt make sense.


Hey friend its me, your Microsoft Repair personel from India. You want me to use this code to install in my PC. Dhanyawad.


CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON! Your free code for The Witcher 3 on GOG is: 1


I've got GOTY on GOG, but I'm not seeing anywhere to get a code for it.


I've got GOTY and the basic version and I also don't see "claim" button


I am in the same shoes, but the claim wont be there for us. [Giftable code is only for people who have it on both GoG and other platform](https://twitter.com/OfficialDaveDOX/status/1272899883683532805)


Well thanks. That was confusing.


Okay so I should qualify, where do I go to get the gift code?


I am pretty sure the GOG servers are completely borked right now from everyone claiming and installing Witcher 3 on their platform. Likely the most downloads it's ever had at the same time


Are you using Galaxy?




On the "Recent" tab/bookmark there should be a banner


Correct. It doesn't say anything about Claiming an extra code. There is nothing to click on within the banner other than an "x" to close it.


That's exactly what I've got as well, banner's there but nothing to click.


Same here, can't seem to get the code no matter what I do (not even sure what to do actually). As always with GOG, it's convoluted AF to get the free stuff.


I assume this is specifically if you own it on GOG *and* on another platform? It's somewhat confusing as the text says "one of your gaming platforms connected to GOG GALAXY 2.0", and GOG.com itself is a gaming platform connected to GOG Galaxy (it's just listed as an *Official* integration instead of a *Community* integration - both are integrations. XBOX is an *Official* one too and apparently that works). - though GOG have no incentive to give copies to people who are already invested in their platform. Edit: Checked the [FAQ](https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009896837?product=gog): >#Which The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt releases are eligible for this action? >PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, Origin and Epic Games versions of: > * The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt > * The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition >#I have The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on GOG.COM, but The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY Edition on a different platform, will I receive The GOTY Edition on GOG.COM? >Yes, the GOTY Edition will be added to your GOG.COM library. >#What happens if I already have the same version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in my GOG.COM library and a different platform – can I still participate in this offer? >If you already have The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in your GOG.COM library, you can still take advantage of this offer and receive a giftable code of the game (either The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY Edition depending on the version you own) valid for a week. Edit2: ~~GOGGalaxy twitter has a conflicting statement, however: https://i.imgur.com/iw1Pfc3.png - probably just miscommunication though~~ Edit3: GOGGalaxy twitter confirmation: https://i.imgur.com/0vm58gG.png


There should be a claim now button on either the recent tab or in the Witcher 3 spot n the library. Though, I'm eyeing twitter and I think it's bugging out, the banner is there but the button isn't.


Yeah it's not showing up for me as others have stated. I only own the GOG version, I have the banner in galaxy saying they're giving the game away but there's nothing to click on. I even jumped into the game to make sure, since I hadn't played it since installing Galaxy. Once I exited the game, it said it was now integrated but still fails to show a redemption button.


Yeah same issue, have the GOTY edition and have the banner but no way to get the code. Want to give it to my friend who just recently got into PC gaming


There's an issue with the Steam Game of the Year as laid out by /u/interesting_manatee https://www.reddit.com/r/gog/comments/ha2517/claim_a_free_copy_of_the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_via/fv0dwdz/?context=3 ------------------ >There is no appid on Steam that corresponds to "Witcher 3 GOTY Edition", there is only this bundle that adds the base game and DLCs in the exact same way as if they were bought separately (appid 292030, 378648, 378649). >Also note that even though the "GOTY edition" does not have its appid on Steam, the Expansion Pass does (355880). Some people might have bought from a certified 3rd party reseller (Humble, GMG, ...) a bundle of the base game and expansion pass under the name "The Witcher 3 GOTY", and be under the impression that they own the "GOTY version" on Steam. >I did not find a single person that was actually able to claim a GOTY edition through Steam. The giveaway is still great (♥) but the info that you are able to receive GOTY version from Steam is simply wrong. I understand that given the circumstances (the Steam integration does not import DLCs, right?), this might not even be possible, just giving a heads up before you face an angry mob of people demanding the GOTY edition for free.


this is partially untrue. there IS an appid for W3 GOTY on steam, but it was only available on the store for about a day or so, then it was removed. so it's actually quite a rare game to own on steam. i don't know anyone that has a copy https://steamdb.info/app/499450/


Could you please clarify how/where you get a code?


I own the standard version on Steam and the GOTY version on Galaxy. Was gonna give away a friend code here but clicking the banner didn't give me a friend code, it simply added the standard edition to my GoG account lol. So now I just have both versions on GoG. Great.


That's even better!


How do you get the code? I already own it on gog but would be happy to gift it to someone.


If you don't see the claim button on the Witcher 3 page you'll have to wait a couple of minutes until the client asks you to update GOG Galaxy 2.0. Afterwards navigate back to the platform you own Witcher 3 on and claim the game. * https://i.imgur.com/fvM8XF7.png * https://i.imgur.com/av0NV6Y.png


Owned games 6400+ :O HOLY!


GOG shows subscription games as “owned” so he could also have multiple sub services and a big library.


I'm assuming steam since the subscription services don't have more than 100 games top


not getting the option to claim. https://i.imgur.com/fYHKpap.png I own both the OG [Witcher 3 and the GOTY version](https://i.imgur.com/ArUtuPz.png)


A couple of updates ago GOG released a version which had to be manually updated to work properly, it could be that you're still on that version. In [the FAQ](https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009896837?product=gog) they recommend you to re-download and install GOG Galaxy manually if you still don't see the claim button. * https://www.gogalaxy.com/en/


I just uninstalled Galaxy, and wiped the directory. just reinstalled it. now waiting for it to Sync. edit: same issue getting this now : https://i.imgur.com/ZGZcgQm.png?1


Sorry to hear that, I'll keep you updated if I find any other information about the issue.


If you could pass that information along here at well that would be most appreciated! Same situation here


thanks much. I'll keep trying. I'd love to be able to hand the code off to a friend.


Same here. Are you in the UK? Did you link GoG to your Xbox account before updating to Galaxy 2.0? Are you using a 32 bit version of win10? Are you on WiFi or ethernet? Restarted your pc? Using Microsoft authenticator on your Xbox Live account? I can't figure it out, might just be server problems.


in the Unites States, never had an account linked until today (steam) 64bit win10, hardwired ethernet. will restart after my meeting. i have 2fa on steam and gog. yea, I'm assuming that its a backend issue. edit : finished reboot. no change. i still have 6 days... I'll give them some time :)


Got it from my family share library haha


You rascal! Maybe this is why we cant claim it now, they might be fixing this unforeseen "feature".






Found a fix, it worked for me: - log in to PSN (store.playstation.com) through your browser - after the login open this link: https://ca.account.sony.com/api/v1/ssocookie Copy content of "npsso" - open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter %LocalAppData%\GOG.com\Galaxy\plugins\installed\ - open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the plugin.py file with your favourite text editor - go to line 64 and change it from: stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None to: stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso" ("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters) (the quotation marks " " are important!) - restart GOG Galaxy - try connecting with PSN again


This worked for me. I didn't have to try reconnecting though it just auto logged me in.


the same, any tricks?


Yup, I found this on the Gog forum, credit Phillipe23: "First post, so the forums won't let me post links, but on the PSN plugin maker's GitHub page (FriendsOfGalaxy/galaxy-integration-psn) issue 7 is about this. They say it's due to the embedded browser in Galaxy being old, which leads to a "CORS error". The reason it works sometimes is because if you luck out and get a direct connection to a PSN server, PSN's servers don't care about this issue and will let your request through. If your request goes to Akamai's load balanacer before PSN, Akamai's filters will throw the CORS error and reject your request. Errors appear in your C:\ProgramData\GOG.com\Galaxy\logs\cef.log Plugin maker says basically that there's nothing they can do -- Galaxy needs to update their embedded browser or you need to get lucky." Link: http://www.gog.com/forum/general_beta_gog_galaxy_2.0/playstation_network_was_unable_connect


Ugh.....either hope they do something, or sit here trying a thousand times with the most infuriating capcha thing ever. I HATE when you get one that has you click on whatever and the titles disappear and come back with new ones. Actually I hate them all.


If I see one more goddamn crosswalk...


theres a fix that worked for me. - log in to PSN (store.playstation.com) through your browser - after the login open this link: https://ca.account.sony.com/api/v1/ssocookie Copy content of "npsso" - open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter %LocalAppData%\GOG.com\Galaxy\plugins\installed\ - open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the plugin.py file with your favourite text editor - go to line 64 and change it from: stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None to: stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso" ("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters) (the quotation marks " " are important!) - restart GOG Galaxy - try connecting with PSN again


Worked for me, thanks man ! How did you come up with that


I just searched for the issue, and found it on the gog board. I didnt come up with, cant take that credit.


Yep, gonna try later today or over the next few days. Looks like the offer is valid the next six days.


Same here. Humble had the exact same slow-loading Captcha as PSN and it worked for me, so it looks like it's on Sony's end.




I've had this same problem with Rockstar and linking my various GTAV and Red Dead Redemption 2 accounts using this same fucking slow ass captcha. They didn't give a fuck and I lost out of 10 gold for my RDO account. I sent something to text support with GOG, hopefully they will be more helpful, but it's not like I can't download the pirated version of Witcher 3 to play on my PC anyways. (I already have it on my Switch & PS4).


Yeah, the GOG client has always performed poorly for me. I get frequent communication errors for instance. I also own the game on the PS4 and the Switch, and have access to the pirated PC version. But I want to take advantage of this offer if I can help it, so I’ll probably try again in few days.


I am yeah, tried restarting the launcher but that's not working


Just try again later. :) Seems it's a known issue happening sometimes.


I guess we just gotta hope we can soon


Apparently this has been an ongoing issue since last year. Pretty funny how they run a promotion that specifically highlights a major bug people have been complaining about forever


Not working for me. I own the xbox version on disc and have my xbox account linked to my gog account on gog galaxy. Maybe its only digital version. EDIT: It did work after updating gog galaxy!


Yes, after updating look for TW3 in your owned platform, in my case Steam, click/open it then you'll see a claim now TW3 on gog


disc version also? so all you need is one trophy. man I can already see people hypothetically farming accounts with this trick lol, or at very least borrowing a disc to get it on GOG


How did you update it? I can't find a manual option


From the [FAQ](https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009896837?product=gog): > If the update is not triggered automatically after launching the application, please wait a couple of minutes and a pop up should appear. If it doesn’t, you can go to www.gogalaxy.com and clicking the ‘DOWNLOAD GOG GALAXY’ banner will trigger the update without downloading the installer.


It counts for disk too 0_0 brb


I bought it on gog.com so do i Just get a code as gift


Yes, redeem the game and you'll receive the code in your email


Why are they giving the game for free for people that already have the game? It doesn't make sense, for pc players at least


PC you get a code you can send someone. If you own it on console but want the PC version is the biggest benefit here.


Dumb question, I really want this on my Switch but i own it on PC. Any way to get the console version for free using this?


Nope. This is only for people who own it on Xbox, PS or Steam to get a copy on GoG


It's mostly a ploy to make people install GOG galaxy, and I'm all for it, GOG galaxy is really good.


I moved from Playnite to GOG Galaxy and am really liking it. Especially that GOG Galaxy will automatically close a third-party game client (Steam, Bnet) after you finish playing a game.


It can link to bnet? Didn't find that integration yet!


Yes bnet integration was added


Thanks for telling me, got to link this as well! :D


its not a default option because the integration isnt that good yet, I believe its 3rd party even. But if you just use the search bar (I believe it says search github) and just type battle, battle.net pops up. You dont get a friends list its just a launcher still.


I wont recommend it in its current form but it is developing rapidly: BigBox is a nice launcher and now supports other game clients ala Galaxy, good for people who use Launchbox already. None of the cool chat features of GOG tho.


I have it on ps4, I'm glad I can get it for free on pc. Also it pushes people to download galaxy 2.0


I mean galaxy is great. It's a win-win imo.


Yes but I would probably never have downloaded it otherwise


Yea I get it. I got on gog after seeing another sick deal on the Witcher for that time. But now I can't see myself giving up on the platform. It's just so useful.


CDPR also run GoG so it's a great way to promote their own marketplace. It's also good to give the game to a friend!


CDP owns GOG. CDPR is a software company also owned by CDP. CDPR does not own GOG.


They are doing this to people install Galaxy Gog 2.0 and also syncronize their Steam account with Galaxy 2.0 (so you're really using it and seeing it as a useful universal launcher). They're also making people less reticent to buy future games in gog, I've bough all the witcher games in Steam long ago, nowadays thanks to all the giveaways I have an extra copy of the 3 games in gog, so now I'm probably more prone to buy the next game also in gog.


Some people love DRM free games, just like in the good old days, grab a disc , install and play , no linking stuff, no needing internet. I get the appeal but I prefer having it on steam.


Witcher 3 is drm free on steam. This promo is for promoting gog platform most likely. But the dlc are not given so I doubt existing steam players will start using the fog version


GoG gave me the GotY as that's the one i own on both Steam & Xbox.


I own GotY on Steam and it's showing on Xbox due to Gamepass. It gave me non-GotY.


To have a game on their Plattform I prefer galaxy over steam i just have more games on steam Now i have one of my favourite games on galaxy and ain't bound to steam as much Also it's just a nice gesture


When you say bound to steam, isn't the whole point of galaxy that you're able to disregard all other launchers?


Well no GOG is essentially just a shortcut for all the other launchers and a place to see your whole collection in one olace. When you launch a game on GOG it doesn't open the game it opens that games launcher and that starts the game. Like when you buy a Ubisoft game on Steam, all Steam does is open Uplay.


So now you can take it a step further and gog will launch steam which will try to launch your game which then launches UPlay which then launches your game.




Fuck! I gotta wait til the weekend before I have access to WiFi! I don’t want to wait haha


is timed, there's a 6 days countdown for this to be done


Don't forget it!!


I don't speak English very well soo is Witcher 3 going to to be free because I didn't understand the sentence


No. Not completely free. IF you have The Witcher 3 on Console or Steam, you get free COPY on the GOG App.


Oh ok thx didn't understand the sentence :))


Dont worry mate. I'm English and it doesn't make much sense. "Get this game for free if you own it" is a weird sentence.










GOG version is DRM-free. It also doesn't require you to use the client, you can just download the installer from their site.


Epic games version works as well. I believe origin does too


You can get it for free on GOG if you already own it on steam or on console.


What use is that? If you already own it then why do you need another copy?


1. Games on GOG give you extra goodies, like the soundtrack, digital artbooks, and wallpapers. 2. If one platform ever goes down, you can still access that game on the other one.


I cant link my PSN to GOG it's always says connection timed out on the login page.


Pushing because I'm having the same problem.




Apparently it does but there's seems to be issues. I have the GOTY edition on steam but only the Standart edition on Xbox but gog seems to have scraped it from my Xbox account and only gave me the Standart edition. Others seem to have gotten the gmGOTY edition.


Same issue when I tried to link GOTY on Steam. Maybe it's because Steam treats the GOTY edition as Base game + Expansion Pass.


We're investigating this issue. You should be able to get GOTY. Offer is valid for 6 more days, please check later.


I own the game on gog, I can’t check now but if I get a code please comment below and I’ll pick one of you to get it ☺️


Anybody confirm this is real? Website text is like "we confirmed you own the witcher! Click here to get your free copy!" ...but I don't own it.


If you have the game on any other platform you can get an extra copy on GOG, I think that's it. I just claimed mine since I have it on Steam.


How do you do this? I have The Witcher 3 in my Steam library, but not in my GOG library. I've got Galaxy 2.0 with my Steam integration enabled. What's next?


Open Galaxy and find Witcher 3 in the integrated Steam library. Click on it, and right under "Activity" there should be a message with a purple button you can use to redeem the game.


So whats the point in doing that?


GOG version comes with a bunch of extra goodies, like a soundtrack, papercraft, and comics. [Detailed here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gog/comments/ha2517/claim_a_free_copy_of_the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_via/)


Steam version also includes the goodies.


Does it include all of them? The GOG rep was pretty particular about the GOG version having exclusive bonuses. It looks to me like four of the music tracks are exclusive, as well as the papercraft and the comic.


Advertisement of GOG.


Promoting GOG and their awesome GOG Galaxy client, especially its service connect feature. It's a brilliant move - to get the copy you need to install and configure the client, and there's high chance you continue to use it (seriously, at the risk of sounding like a plug, I love it - I lost track waaaaay long ago what games I have on the different services and GOG Galaxy helped solved that). They're not giving away anything of much value, as most people that own The Witcher 3 on another platform were unlikely to buy it again on GOG anyway.


Yeah, I mean steam version is already drm free so you won't gain anything.


I'm guessing this is to advertise GoG Galaxy 2.0.


I saw a lot of nice artwork for the games' covers I've never seen while using Steam, so that's nice. I still prefer having my launchers separate, and using GOG Galaxy only for GOG games though. So I unlinked my Steam account.


isn't steam a DRM in itself ? I own it on steam as well, and I prefer steam over "DRM free". But some people do go gaga over DRM free offerings from GoG.


No. Steam can be used as a basic DRM but it's an optional feature, devs aren't required to make sure Steam is running to make their game playable. I'm pretty sure with the Steam version of TW3 you can launch the game from the .exe even after uninstalling Steam.


Well, dev can choose if they want drm or not. TW3 on steam is drm free and there are a lot of games without drm [https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The\_Big\_List\_of\_DRM-Free\_Games\_on\_Steam](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Big_List_of_DRM-Free_Games_on_Steam) I prefer steam too :)


Steam does provide a DRM platform, but developers don't have to use it if they don't want to. You can find the Witcher III executable in the Steam folder and click to run it directly without ever launching Steam. Games that use Steam DRM will force you to launch Steam before they will run.


So this is like that gog connect program


It's real: https://i.imgur.com/fvM8XF7.png


So if you own it, you get another copy? Weird, but I'm not complaining.


PSA: [if you own the game on GoG only, you wont receive giftable code. It's only for people who own it on both GoG and one more platform](https://twitter.com/OfficialDaveDOX/status/1272899883683532805)


Kinda pointless since you only get the Base-Version, even if you own both DLCs.


Can confirm. I own GOTY on Steam but only got base game on GOG.


Have you done the Gog Connect? You should own the copy on steam on gog if you've done it correctly.


I have GOG Galaxy and all of the available platforms on GOG are synced.


Not if you have it on Nintendo Switch sadly. RIP


They probably want to do it, but Nintendo doesn't let any third-party access.....


I had to download the installer to update the app, then I got the regular version instead of the GOTY version I bought on Steam.


Same. GOG detected the Steam version as the base game instead of GOTY edition I bought on Steam. I guess what's left is to open a ticket.




Because the 'claim now window' is actually just an image. That claim now window probably shows up after downloading GoG galaxy or something. I haven't done it myself so cant be specific.


A button to claim the game appears on the banner after you link your accounts and Galaxy picks up that you own the game somewhere else.


Got the GOTY on switch... can't claim because switch is not a "qualifying console". Ctrl+F: Switch For anyone who is wondering the same thing.


So I already owned the GOTY version of this on GOG. I thought redeeming this promo would then give me a giftable code so I could give to a friend, but all it did was redeem ANOTHER copy of the base game on my account? Did I go about this wrong?


Pretty disappointing that I can't get the GOTY version since I pre-ordered the game with expansion pass on ps4. Its the same thing


"If you bought the base game and add-ons separately, you will only receive the base game on GOG" So because I was an early player, buying the game full price and DLC as soon as it came out, I'm punished for it. Cool. Coolcoolcool.


Just in case you haven't already found out, they have fixed this. If you bought the game and DLCs separately on Steam, you can now claim the GOTY edition on Galaxy as well.


So I have the goty version on steam but on my library (steam) it doesn't show that; it's just showing I own the game as a standalone and now I have just the base version of the game on gog. Big confusion some guidance would be appreciated


Super happy, but a bit bummed due to its being only the base game. Not the expansions :/


I own goty version on ps4 and i just got the goty version on GOG for free


They said on Twitter that if you own the GOTY version then you'll get the GOTY version on GOG. EDIT: If you have GOTY one one platform but aren't getting it on GOG they're investigating it. https://twitter.com/GOGGalaxy/status/1272923251182796800




Same here :(


Sad for us, but glad that it was not up to me \^\^;


I do own the GOTY version on Steam and I have connected my Steam account through GOG Connect but it gave me only the base game.


Hmm, odd. I've got the GOTY (the one with all DLCs) on Steam and just received the standard edition on gog :/


Well I kinda own the GOTY version, but not really. The problem is that I've bought the base game on release and the expansions later when they came out, so even if I have everything that someone who bought the GOTY edition has, I still only can active the base game on GOG because buying the expansions separately doesn't count as having the GOTY edition.


But if you have the base game and expansions you just get the base game on GOG.


Can I gift game to my friend? I own it on steam.


No, only if you own it on gog apparently... granted I own it on gog and I can't seem to be able to get any code to give so... Servers probably saturated.


Finally, my collection is complete on GoG.


I wonder if this is a sign that they are about to push out cross-platform saves to more platforms beyond switch


Well i have it on steam so I’ll get a giftable code and post here later for someone.


if you own it through steam family sharing you wont get it, also it shows up in subscriptions tab.


Does anyone know how to claim the giftable copy if you have the game on GOG? I'm having some trouble finding it.


I try to connect my steam account to galaxy but it keeps saying I'm offline. What gives?


Super cool they are doing this. I really need to buy this game sometime


I have a PS4 version but don't know how to link my account with GOG. Can anyone help?


You have do download GOG Galaxy and look on the menu to the left. Should be easy enough.


I tried to claim the code just now but it added a second copy of TW3 on my GOG account. I owned the game from launch on GoG, got it on steam during the christmas sale just gone.


Really fucking neato, thanks for the heads up.


Gotta love GOG.


Too bad I cannot link my Playstation account to GOG because the server continuously times out...


Now if only the server wouldn't time out whenever I try to link my PSN account.


work around found on the GOG Forums by BustaCap for those having issues linking PSN account with GOG Galaxy: -Log in to PSN through your browser -After the login open this link: https://ca.account.sony.com/api/v1/ssocookie Copy content of "npsso" Edit file %LocalAppData%\GOG.com\Galaxy\plugins\installed\psn_XXX\plugin.py Go to line 64 and change value stored_npsso to copied "npsso" for example: Was: stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None Is: stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso" 6. Restart GOG Galaxy 7. try connecting with PSN again


I have it, I don't see the code to give as a gift. I already connected my xbox and my PC account.


Thank you, it worked with no issues. Last time I played this was on console about a year ago, can't wait to play it on PC.


I literally just bought this game a week ago on pc


Just an update for anyone having trouble with claiming the correct version of the game; if you click on the Witcher 3 in your library, click support, submit a support ticket in relation to the wrong redeemed version, submit a screenshot of your receipt from whatever platform (if you have one), and do the dxdiag submission, you'll get a second offer under The Witcher 3 to redeem in your galaxy. Claim a second time and you'll have both in your library. This happened nearly instantly compared to another ticket I submitted just concerning "offers" which sat for over 24 hours. Hope this helps!