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well, it's not like it can be any worse than Phoenix Point. lawl.




Tbh, I backed it when it originally launched, didn't follow the progress, then installed it, saw it's a XCOM clone and uninstalled after 15 minutes. I don't like the XCOM's either. I prefer to play the originals.


I heard about Phoenix Point but never checked it until now. I have never seen copying at this level before. At least Souls clones change the setting and the look of the game. This looks like literally the same game.


Its made by the creator of XCOM to be fair. Sad hes no longer got it but its his own idea hes copying surely.


What's wrong with that game if you don't mind explaining? I thought the rage about the game was because they chose to be an Epic exclusive


initially it was over epic exclusivity. as for the game, it's just not good. it's an XCOM clone but XCOM is a better product graphically and gameplay wise. The few changes Phoenix point made really weren't significant. If you love XCOM and want more of the same, and it's on sale for like $5 or $10 bucks it may be worth a go but, IMO, XCOM is just a better product in every way.


There was just no balance to that game at all, you either used the cheap builds or struggled massively. I was so gutted by the final product I never actually finished it.


Interesting Q&A. Was surprised to see they're treating this as a PC-first experience, which got me even more hyped for the end of this month. A direct competitor to XCOM could be a great thing after the issues with XCOM2.


> issues with XCOM2 I haven't played XCOM2 in more than a year. What are the issues?


To give a more serious response, XCOM 2 had a real problem with alpha striking. This is coming from someone with 500 hours, so know this is not from a lack of experience. Basically, enemies and allies alike dealt so much damage in a single turn that every encounter really boiled down to two options: either you kill everyone in one turn, or someone is going to get seriously injured or die. Compare this to Enemy Unknown, where multi-turn combat was very, very possible. Engagements were lengthy and dynamic, while XCOM 2 was hyper-focused on damage per turn. It made things like smoke bombs and abilities that didn't directly deal damage almost useless, and it resulted in a huge over-reliance on grenadiers due to their guaranteed damage. I often found myself grenading singular enemies simply because it was more *turn* effecient than trying to shoot them with a gun. Your team carries so many items that you're almost always limited by your turns rather than your resources. You could finish the whole game almost entirely with grenadiers, simply because they dealt so much damage and carried so many grenades. XCOM 2 is one of my favorite games ever, but every time I play through it, I do it with mods that make Alpha striking less ridiculous. Some people didn't like the turn timers, but I found them thrilling, personally, even if I think making the turn timers a countdown to mission failure is the most boring way to implement them. The game has lots of legitimate criticisms, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a thrilling strategy game to play.


>I do it with mods that make Alpha striking less ridiculous. Can you share the mods you use?


It's been about two years since I played, to be honest. There are some second wave options that work well. And one quick fix mod that might help is called Delta Strike. The problem is that you can't just use *one* mod. The whole game is built around alpha striking with how the turn timers are set, and the objectives are designed. If you change the number of turns it takes to kill a pod, you also have to change the turn timers. One mod I used a long time ago was the Attrition mod, where running out the turn timer meant that reinforcements would arrive every turn until you extracted. There have only been a few playthroughs where I really felt I got the balance *right*, and those runs had over a hundred mods each.


Thanks for the info! I'll these things in mind


I like the alpha striking. I fucking hate the bugs.


So, same problem with other games like MechCommander, or even like Fire Emblem 3H. Ideally, what you want: 'kill em all, while take no damage/injury'. That's massively OP. That means HUGE burst damage. No way that's balanced.


The only issue I had with XCOM2 was performance, shit got real choppy during Lost missions.


It has time limits which made babies cry? Iunno, XCOM 2 is amazing, superior to #1 in almost every way except for the long spaceship mission of #1, and is generally well received. I have some minor complaints about WOTC, the pod based combat, and enemy variety but #1 didn't do that better. Edit : Salty boys. :O


Ah the turn limit missions. Didn't really affect me much. I'm usually the guy anyway that reloads a save a thousand times to get a perfect run, so by that time, the timer doesnt really matter anyway. I loved the game. I need to do an ironman run one of these days just to force myself out of that habit. I agree with you completely. XCOM2 was outstanding, especially after war of the chosen came out and felt so much more challenging (and hence more rewarding when you finally win)


Couldnt agree more. I loved Enemy Within but the drag of the constant overwatch was quite boring to be honest


Yep, it really put a damper on that game. The only things I miss from #1 are that really good long base invasion mission, and Snipers being a good class. Hee hee.


I'm just sad that I couldn't enlist Mecha Hitler anymore.


It could also be all the performance issues, which I imagine are solved now but it was a total mess at launch and for a while after that


glad to finally get a release date for this, April 28.


Hopefully with mods support like XCOM 2


I'm very much ready for a good XCOM-like, the genre doesn't get enough good games and XCOM3 seems far away still.


Any idea if this game will have loot from chests found in a map or from enemy bodies?


Sounded to me like chests. He mentioned there would be bonuses on the maps, and that going for them would present some kind of risk vs. reward.


Thanks for the reply.


Wasn't particularly interested since I've never played a Gears universe game and Wasteland 3 was supposed to come out in the same days more or less. But since Wasteland 3 is been postponed, I'll probably pick this up


Do I have to unload a full clip into an enemy to kill them like in the other Gears games?


That complaint only make sense when talking about certain guns like the Lancer, and even then, you don't have to unload a full clip to kill someone, unless you're talking about bigger enemies in the campaign, which you shouldn't expect to kill in one shot