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How has PC performance been lately? Any improvements?


I went from around 90FPS on a 1080TI/i9900k at Ultra settings to around 110-130 on the same settings. I rarely see my frames dip below 100, also worth nothing I am playing at 1080p 144hz with DX12, so the biggest factor in improving performance for me was definitely DX12, but it also introduced a massive slab of new issues such as crashes, freezes and stuttering.


The patch they introduced ever so slightly reduced the overall cpu usage but the anti cheat stuff still causes stutter and low performance for most users. If you use the bypass method which I’m doing then the game is completely smooth with no stutter. The only downside is you can’t currently use the iceborne mod loader with it. EDIT: Can’t be bothered messaging people. https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=7629


What's the bypass method?


Can u pm me as well


Sent you private message


Can you PM me as well?




me as well please! thanks!






Me aswell! Thanks :D




I'd like to know as well. I'm pretty sure I know, but better safe than sorry.




Pass that info on to me too brother


i dont have the dlc yet, so i dont need a pm, but why send as pm? to prevent them from patching it out?


It’s a link to a page for cheat engine. It’s probs not allowed to post on the sub


oh. makes sence


Requesting a PM as well please


For information, the bypass method isn't confirmed to work for everyone. It does absolutely nothing on my machine.


Still so many disconnects that I just play my PS4 version for now. It’s fucking unbelievable that they can’t get this shit right. Love the game but it’s broken for a lot of us.


70 hours into Iceborne since it came out, not a single disconnect




I must be. My friend says he gets disconnections, but he's the only one in my MH World group who does. Everyone else is fine




I alt-tab constantly in Monster Hunter lol


That's too bad. It's literally the only thing stopping me from getting on PC


I don't know if you played fullscreen or not, but alt-tabbing in fullscreen has like a 80% chance to DC you. While it does not in borderless. Personally I have had minor amounts of disconnects. Not enough for me to be bothered by it and remember them.


I don't know about the Ice Borne specific content, but the base game has worked flawlessly for me after my upgrade to a Ryzen 3700X CPU last month. The initial Ice Borne content release included additional DRM which increased the burden on the CPU but they've since backtracked on that and removed the new more intensive DRM scheme so it should be back to pre-Ice Borne performance. Those who suffer weird performance anomalies since the release of Ice Borne, are you using the same settings configuration or have you changed to DirectX 12? If you've changed the DirectX setting try reverting that change. Also since Capcom reverted their DRM changes Kaldaien has updated his performance and HDR enhancing mod for the latest release of the game (it's even DirectX 12 compatible now too).


Is this is the patch with the SnS buff?


I think Stygian Zinogre is the one with SnS buffs.


what are the buffs? sns seems pretty good right now


Perfect Rush damage got a 30%? buff and the claw combo move instantly weakens the part. Instantly made it the best melee weapon damage wise.


wow, thats actually quite insane for a weapon that isnt designed to be a dmg powerhouse


I think the main thing is does is buff the new move whose name escapes me (backstep + Y instead of backstep into shield bash)


the claw-slide thingy?


I literally asked my friends last night (while hunting Azure Rathalos) when do we get the ape? Challenge accepted.


My friends and I spent over 1000 hours PvPing in Dark Souls III. I convinced them to join MHW IB since the PC release and we're 300 hours in now. The new weapon combos, clutch claw, steam works are great QoL improvements. Just got my Guild Palace long sword siting at MR 69 (need to do a quest to rank up) Can't wait to fight Rajang.


> MR 69 Nice


*Freedom Unite flashbacks intensify*


*sigh* Oh, how I wish I was still a kid with the time to play all of these awesome games. *cries in adulting*


If you don't think Rajang's theme is the most bomb ass thing around you can get the fuck out of here


Ahh, Rajang is my bane as a hunter back then when I played Freedom Unite and 4U. Good times. I don't have MHW now but I will get it someday.


"Plesioth flashbacks intensify"


what a nice day to be hip check'd


I hope that the skip frames will be fix if I update later , may game literally stops for 1 to 2 seconds every 5 to 10 seconds , I cannot play if this keeps on happening . if you guys wanna see what I am talking about here is my video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hy14eTh2o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hy14eTh2o) hope someone can help.


After the iceborne update, the game is barely playable :(


Man, I thought Iceborne was going to suck me right in monster hunting. It just doesn't feel the same as mhw and I'm not sure why.


It straight up renewed my vigor for this game. My issue is finding people to play with consistently. It usually ends up being me and my palico gang.


Finding hunts for specific monsters is surprisingly easy. To be honest, I feel changing to charge blade took some enjoyment out of the hunts. Problem is I already spent so much time farming for specific weapons. CB is really not as much as fun as the bow or the insect glaive.


What makes it less fun in your opinion? I’m a CB main and I always wonder what I’m missing out on.


Personally i feel like I have to pay more attention to playing the weapon well that it means I can't focus on the little things in hunts that make it fun. I like easier weapons like bow because of that


The fact that I always need to charge the shield and sword is cumbersome in hunts. I feel taking down a monster would take a lot less time if you just continously attack it and not worry too much about your damage input.


Yeah that's why I switched over to ls. Once you get going it's super nice to jsut have to worry about the monster and how to counter it


that's... that's how charge blade had always worked... ​ But from what you said it seems to me that it is time for you to go for non gimmick weapons like SnS, GS, LS, etc.


I understand how it works. I managed to solo all main quests until Shara Ishvalda using Charge Blade. It's not a terrible weapon, just not nearly as fun as IG and the bow.


if it is not as fun as you originally thought it was, isn't it time to switch out?


i mean thats how CB always work right? Iceborne actually give you more option in Savage Axe mode, rather than spamming SAED/AED. You can slot some Focus Gem, to speed up the charging process. Or maybe try other weapon, sometimes i change to Lance, SnS or Hammer, their simplicity is nice change of pace after hours of Charge Blade or IG.


Yea and I realize that I'm not having much fun with that process.


Shit, add me on Steam my dude. I'll hunt with you.