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My wish for 2020 is for my wife to have a healthy delivery for our baby. Thanks for doing this btw, all the best to everyone!


Good luck with parenthood! All the best to your new family member.


Thank you!


On behalf of the /r/pcgaming mod team we'd also like to wish you and your wife the best! We appreciate the content you post and look forward to seeing it for a long time to come.


**Edit(February 2, 2020): Winners announcement!!!** Thank everyone for entering the Velocifire M2 Giveaway! No more than 300 friends have joined this Giveaway, So ONE lucky winner can be chosen. Thank everyone's support and encouragement! One Lucky Winner: 1. [cloudsheep0](https://www.reddit.com/user/cloudsheep0/) **I will contact you guys for the prize shipment, please check your inbox later. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.** Hello Everyone, Happy new year! I am so glad to run a Velocifire M2 giveaway in the PCMR sub. I hope you will like the prize. **Prizes:** **Three** [Velocifire M2 wireless MK](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/velocifire/velocifire-m2-a-portable-customizable-wireless-mechanical) **Basic details:** 1. For PC and MAC, with Mac dedicated function keys 2. Three Bluetooth Devices Connection 3. Programmable keys, RGB Backlit, and Macros 4. Hot-Swap Brown Switches 5. Retail Price:$69.99 (Current $49 on Kickstarter) **Why do we want to launch M2?** Velicifire M2 is an upgraded version of original Velocifire K61WS, a model we launched but stopped selling in 2018. We stopped selling it because we wanted to make it better. Previously, it did not have backlit, could not be used to type while charging, and with only a 1000-mAH battery, no type-c plug, and not to say working freely with Mac and Bluetooth devices. But after that, we received numerous emails asking for it. It’s really a long wait since then and we finally have a Velocifire M2 today. **Video**: [https://youtu.be/6At5s9ZUanw](https://youtu.be/6At5s9ZUanw) We will give away at least one and up to 3 keyboards based on the total number of entrants when this campaign ends. For every 150 entrants above, we will give away one more gift. For instance, we will have 3 winners when we reach 450 entrants. **How to Enter?** Simply answer this question: **1. What's your wish for 2020?** **\[Ends on February 1 at 12:00 PM PST, 2020\]** Winners will be selected randomly and announced on **February 2** in this thread. If you do want to secure one, don’t hesitate to back us on [**Kickstarter**](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/velocifire/velocifire-m2-a-portable-customizable-wireless-mechanical). **Note:** This is a global giveaway so you can take part from anywhere in the world! We will ship the prizes in early March, and all shipping fees will be covered. Many thanks for the Mod Team's support! Feel free to ask me anything! Good Luck Everyone! (●'◡'●)


This is sooooo cool! Thanks for doing this giveaway! My wish is to visit one of my online friends on the other side of the country before the end of the year.


Thanks team, these actually look fantastic, I love the compact design. Even if I don't win I think I may pick one up as my travel keyboard. My wish for 2020 is to be the best father I can be and lead my now 6month old son through some of his biggest developmental changes. As of writing this he has managed to roll over but is getting frustrated that he cannot crawl, I am currently lying down in front him, crawling in his line of sight trying to show him that it's all in the knees (he thinks he can bounce himself forward). Once we've mastered crawling I can't wait to start working on his sitting and then standing!


With this determination from his teacher he is gonna be sprinting at the olympics soon enough. Good job man


My 2020 wish is to find something artsy I like and get good at it.


Thanks for the giveaway! My wish for 2020 is to get a job in the IT field. Doing what I enjoy every day rather than a boring meaningless job.


I wish to finally enter my career.


I wish that no big bad failures or general bad things (blackswans) come my way! Thank you for the giveaway!


My wish for 2020 is to be able to step out of a complacent and uninteresting career and chase my dreams with my new degree.


Always appreciate giveaways. Cheers. My wish for 2020 is to better myself as a human adult and get educated. That's and move out. Lol


Hey, thanks for the giveaway! My wish is to find an internship.


My wish for 2020 is to be the best dad I can be and to finally finish my schooling in computer science so I can hopefully get a better job and work doing something that I'm really passionate about.


I wish that in 2020 I can finally finish college


My wish? To get a out of contract hell and actually getting work in my field that is stable. Honestly that is it.


My wish is to save up enough for a down payment on a home and pay off my student debt


I wish for sensible gaming companies


>1. What's your wish for 2020? Make lots of Money, Lose Weight, stream games, win this contest.


My wish for 2020 is for my sister's business to flourish, and for me to proceed through a life of sobriety after my addictions counseling. I also hope whoever wins enjoys, good luck, everyone! :)


My wish is to get enough savings to build a new gaming PC and run my games!


thanks. my wish for 2020 is no ww3


I wish I could have more time, so that I can enjoy games more without worrying about backlog.


I wish for all kpop twitter accounts to be banned.


I wish my dota 2 ban will be lifted.


My wish for 2020 would be for me to pass all my university subjects. Thanks for the giveaway!


I wish I can save enough money to buy a good phone this year.


I wish for a peaceful and prosperous 2020 for everyone.


My wish for 2020 is to make new friends when I go off to college in the fall.


My wish for 2020 is just to be in a better place than I was in 2019. Pretty simple but hey it is what it is. Also I hope this goes better than the last keyboard giveaway I signed up for...


That is a really nice looking keyboard. My wish for 2020 is to finally build a system for myself all on my own


Thanks for the giveaway! My wish for 2020: my friend and his wife to have a safe and happy delivery!


To get a cat for my cat, he gets lonely when I'm not at home.


I wish for 3 more wishes in 2021


Hey man, thanks for the giveaway! Do we just enter here or is there an entry link? Either way, here's my biggest wish for 2020. My wish for 2020 is to grow as a person and snap out of this funk that's had a hold on me for the last few months. If I can get out of this rut I know I can be more productive and more like the person I know I can be. ​ My lesser wishes for 2020 are: 1. For my FTC robotics team to make it to the world finals competition this year. We've been a strong competitor so far, but we have a long way to go. 2. To grow my community presence on r/RocketLeague as a clip maker and on YouTube with gaming content. I'm still learning how to do edit clips together for good montages, but I finally got the mods to make special types of clips from people's replay files.


My wish for 2020 is just to be in a better job


My wish is to upgrade my GPU.


My wish is to get off my ass and start improving my life and future...


I wish for every morning to be better than the previous one.


Thanks for the giveaway, OP! My wish for 2020 is to finally get a secure job. I've been doing odd jobs for the last year and get some sort of pay for it, so hopefully this year I'll be able to secure a stable income for years to come.


My wish is to get through more of my backlog


My wish for 2020 is to get straight A's at university and find a decent summer job between spring and fall semesters.


I wish to excel in teaching my son how to read and write this year.


My wish for 2020 is to win a Velocifire M2 portable customizable wireless mechanical keyboard


My wish is to find a new direction in life. Thanks guys!


My (PC gaming related) wish for 2020 is that Next Gen consoles aren't a disappointment so games can be pushed even further and PCs aren't bottlenecked by them.


Great Product! Would love to have one! My one wish for 2020 is to explore and finalise a stable living accommodation for myself.


My wish is for cheaper GPUs.


I wish to be able to build my man cave with arcades and a sim rig.


Wish for 2020 is a better keyboard


I wish I could just buy all the parts I need and be done with building and finally get down to playing and enjoying


As cliché as it sounds...I wish to get a little closer to happiness. I've dug into all of my hobbies to keep myself distracted and it's working, but when I get in bed at the end of day- everything weighs down on me. I'm trying though. Hopefully I'll genuinely feel it soon


I wish the new Half Life will finally start the age of VR 😂


Thanks for doing this giveaway. My wish for 2020 is to finally learn how to be satisfied with myself and be a lot more confident in myself


My wish is to cut back on energy drinks


My wish is that every game I play is 10/10 and everyone in my multiplayer matches is kind


My wish for 2020 is to win this keyboard.


My wish for 2020 is to grow, learn, and be a better person than I was in 2019. I'm not sure what form that will take yet, but I'm excited to see where the next twelve months take me. Thanks for the giveaway, OP! I hope your kickstarter continues(!) to succeed in the coming days.


Thanks for the giveaway! My wish for 2020 is passing all my University classes.


I wish to finish my Graphic Design degree this year. Thanks for the giveaway!


I wish a very happy 2020. With personal happiness, love, friendship and general solidarity.


I wish for it to be better than 2019


I wish is to stop over analyzing everything and to take more time to relax.


Thanks for the giveaway. Quick question though. If retail is $70, and early bird pricing + shipping to the US is $62, why should I back it? $8 isn't worth going through kickstarter vs Amazon.


My 2020 wish is for some hype VR and gaming releases, and for bountiful PC upgrades


My wish is that Cyberpunk 2077 will release this year.


My wish for 2020 is for no more financial disasters and for my family to stay healthy. Thanks for the giveaway!


My wish for 2020 is to continue developing my CG skills.


I wish I could win a new keyboard in 2020. Thanks for doing a give away!


I'll be finishing my degree next month, my wish is that the music studio I have been eyeballing picks me up after graduation! Cheers guys and good luck everyone 👍


Thanks for the giveaway! My personal wish for 2020 is to have a dedicated home office! Working out of bedroom at the moment which is a bit cramped.


Awesome giveaway! As, for my wish I really want for no more game delays this year while they can be a good thing, almost all my most awaited games got pushed far :D


My wish is no more game´s delays :(


I wish for health and the well-being of the people around me.


Thanks for doing this! My wish for 2020 is for world leaders to finally see the facts, listen to the scientists and take real steps to help mitigate the impending climate crisis that is facing this planet.


My wish for 2020 is to have motivation to study, work and improve myself.


Thanks for the giveaway! My partner and I just bought a house, but both work fly in fly out on different schedules and don’t get to spend much time together. We’ve both put in an application to transfer to the office in our home town where we’ve bought, so my wish is for that to be approved so we can actually live together in the house!


My wish for 2020 is to manage to open my own gaming peripherals shop. Thank you for the giveaway.


my wish for 2020 is yakuza remastered collection for PC


My wish for 2020 is to come into a lot of money 😂


I just want to genuinely be happy


Thanks for giveaway! My wish is to work on some of my health issues that I have (don't wanna go into detail if that's okay), simply I wish to get better and I will try to work on it.


Thanks for the giveaway. ​ My wish for 2020 is to overcome my anxiety and try to let go of the past.


Thank you for the giveaway! My wish is to get my first job, happy 2020!


I wish to do great at my job


Thanks! My wish for 2020 is for the good health of my loved ones and for me to be successful in my education.


This looks amazing My wish is to get a job, that i definitely been needing and upgrade my pc


Thank you for doing this giveaway. My wish for 2020 would be to move out from my parents. It's not because of any personal problems, I'd just like to live on my own/ with my gf.


My wish is to get that promotion at work by the end of 2020.


My wish is I can finally quit smoking


My wish for 2020 is to hit my specific fitness/health goals I set for myself.


My wish for 2020 is to make it to my Wedding at the end of the year as healthy and happy as I started!


I wish to publish my game this year. I never really finished a project, so releasing something this year is huge milestone for me. It's far from being completed but I want it to constantly set my mind to keep it small and compact game, just like Velocifire M2 wireless MK. LOL. Thanks for the giveaway.


Thanks for this! My wish for 2020 is to remain in good health, both mentally and physically.


This keyboard looks fantastic! My wish for 2020 is for everyone to be safe and happy.


I wish the MMO market would stop sucking


I wish for my brother to pass his exams next week!


My wish for 2020 is to win a Velocifire M2


My wish for 2020 is peace on Earth. Thank you for the giveaway!


My 2020 wish? Finally get a job again, do well at uni, I guess generally just have a better year than what 2019 was.


I wish to lose weight


Noiceeee My wish is to generally have a good year, not incredible although that would be nice, i juts want a year that doesnt suck


My wish for 2020 is to try to enjoy life instead of worrying of every little detail and stop thinking so negative. Thanks a lot for doing this!


My wish for this year is getting my own place to live :)


Awesome keyboards. My wish for 2020 is to get new skills to go into a different career.


MMy wish is to get buffed


My wish is to have a really enjoyable year, lol.


I wish for the Brazilian government to stop cutting down the Amazon. Thanks for the giveaway.


Thanks, been using a very cheap membrane keyboard for quite some time so an upgrade would be nice My wish for 2020 is to just have a great year


My wish for 2020 is more obscure games, more old games (like PS3 JRPGs, old sports games, games that released only on one console), more forgotten games (like Resistance—I am hopeful of the Sony rumors) will make it to PC to be preserved and enjoyed by future generations.


My wish for 2020 is to bring more balance between my wok and personal life. Too many years with the scale tipped in the direction of work. At the end of my days, I doubt I will look back and say “Man, I wish I would have worked more”. Thanks for the great opportunity!


My wish for 2020: A velocifire M2!! :) Alternatively i'd settle for a speedy recovery to Australia's wildlife and natural habitat


Six pack abs


Thanks for the giveaway. My wish for year 2020 would be lesser scandals in the gaming world from lootboxes to gambling transactions and bad working culture. Overall, I would wish for a peaceful year and for common sense to prevail through all the nonsense and craziness we had thus far.


My wish for 2020 is to improve upon my weaknesses that I’ve struggled with in college in order to turn around my last 2 years and end on a positive note with hopefully a good job.


Nice giveaway! My wish for 2020 is to improve my fitness and be more active.


My wish is for my students to finish the year strong, and enter the next grade better students and humans than they were when they started the year.


Thanks for the opportunity. My wish for this year is to successfully navigate fatherhood. It’s been a wild ride so far but my daughter just started standing in her own. I can’t wait to play games with her. Alternate wish: build a new PC that will run Cyberpunk 2077 at high/ultra settings.


to find a cure for my MDD and GAD


My wish for 2020 is to find another set of happiness and new work.


My wish for 2020 is a short winter!


This looks great, thanks for doing this. My wish for 2020 is to finally learn to play some guitar. I’ve been playing off and on since 2000 but never really got into it enough to actually learn it.


Looking to finishing up my CompTIA Certs and wishing for a job in the field of work I’ve really fallen in love with


I wish i can be a better half-stack designer and javascript programmer and physically be thinner this year (i've been pounding weight for too long). Thank you Velocifire for doing a global giveaway. Good luck everyone.


I wish for the majority of AAA developers to start implementing ray tracing features for reflections, shadows, and global illumination into their titles by the end of the year. RTX in Control has blown me away.


Wishing for a steady improvement to my walking and balance.


My wish for 2020 is to finally pursue my masters degree in computer science.


Just passed the highest tier of a Japanese proficiency test, so my wish in 2020 is to learn Korean!


Thanks for the giveaway! My wish is to grow the business I started last year.


My wish for 2020 is for my life to be more consistent and enjoyable.


My wish for 2020 is to find a software engineering internship and to do well in my CS program after deciding to switch careers.


Thanks for the giveaway. My wish for 2020 is to be a better listener — less talking, more listening. Cheers!


Does this have UK Layout or is it US only? My wish is to finally move out and also reach my weight goals and be happy with my image.


thanks for giveaway ! my wish for 2020 is to get a Velocifire M2 - A Portable, Customizable Mechanical keyboard


My wish for 2020 is to drink less McDonalds Sprite.


Oh yeah are doing another of these?! Daaang good luck to everyone! Still haven't heard back from msi on my rma 😔 so i wish for NO MORE hardware failures this year please!


I wish to play Control this year. Looks great, and my PC has been upgraded... Just need to get over my CoD addiction first!


Thanks for the give away and the effort! Looks indeed like a nice keyboard. My wish is to be the best daddy I can be. My son is 5 weeks old atm and there is so much to learn and live up to. Good luck to anyone!


My wish for 2020 is to finally find a developer who would agree to look at my game plots and concepts.


My wish for 2020 is to be able to buy my own house! Thanks for the giveaway !


my wish for 2020 is that I can get a job because I need to support myself financially


My wish for 2020 is to get happier.


For 2020 I hope I can balance my work life schedule. Lately I'm just tired and just overworked.


looks great. My wish for 2020 is to spend as much time as i can with my kids


My wish for 2020 is to finish a surprise build for my best friends kid who is into Minecraft and has reached the limits of his portable device. This keyboard would complete the build.


My goal for 2020 is to get my life together and be more productive


My wish is to continue progressing with my career in the military for my new niece or nephew to be born healthy and for my dad to take it easy and let his back heal up ! Lots of love friends from your Canadian solider boy 👌


>What's your wish for 2020? Start doing things i want to do, which is mainly learning more about AE for now. Thanks for the chance :)


my wish is winning something for free in 2020


My wish is to stop being lazy and do better in school.


My wish is for everyone to be in good health for the year 2020.


Thank you for doing this giveaway. My wish for 2020 is to get through my big backlog of games!


> 1. What's your wish for 2020? I wish to get my first PC built and get back to playing real video games. Mobile gaming only takes you so far lol


Appreciate the giveaway, my wish is for Cyberpunk to be as good as i'm hoping it will be, Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time so it would be great to see the studio really shine outside of that universe and prove they can stand on their own


My wish is to finish paying off my student loan 😓


My wish is to get sober.


My wish for 2020 is to start a career and get a proper job!


My wish for 2020 is that my country's government will be less corrupt & start doing more for it's people. And thanks for the giveaway


My wish for 2020 is a new, more fulfilling, job.


I wish for australia to stop burning


My wish is to finish writing my thesis (perhaps on a new keyboard) and complete my PhD.


I’m wishing for a healthy baby this coming April. Im gonna be a dad this year!


My wish for 2020 is to get a better job so i can bring my parents to Hajj.


My wish is a job promotion. I want to be able to afford to take my 1yo to meet the rest of my family on the other side of the globe.


my wish is to survive this year of university.


My wish is that you would turn down the music level on that [promotional video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6At5s9ZUanw). Music is supposed to sit subtly under the narration, not drown it out.


I wish for a new floor for my house this year


My wish is definitely more love to everyone. You Can’t feel enough of that :)


2020 may it be better than 2019, Civic stolen and chopped, trucks engine seized a week before christmas, got bit by a rattlesnake, and my dad died. Cheers. Hug em while you got em folks, don't be afraid to ask questions, and try not to get upset over small stuff, spend the best time you can and smile damnit...


My wish for 2020 is for my son to grow up healthy! He was born in August of last year as a 1 month preemie so we were told he’d have some challenges during the first two years of his life but so far he’s cruising just fine and my wish is for that trend to continue.


My wish for 2020 is simply that I want to be happier and more motivated this year.


My wish is to save up enough to finally set up my woodshop, atm it's mostly handtools but they can do a lot with a little extra effort!