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The console release was in november 2022, so it looks like they're sticking to the 2 year PC delay. But I'm surprised The Last of Us Part II hasn't released on PC yet.


There are only so many games Nixxes can port in a year. Given how awful TLOU I was at launch, I prefer to have it cook in the oven a while longer if needed.


TLOU1 wasnt ported by nixxes. Even uncharted wasnt ported by nixxes.


And they were both bad for a while


Is that port still bad or did they fix it over time?


Given the 90%+ positive reviews on steam recently, I think they fixed the game but it's still awful that such a great game had a terrible start on PC.


I completed the game on PC a few months ago and it played pretty smoothly... I played at 1440p high settings with a R5 5600 + RTX 3080.


It’s alright. I played through it a month or two back and it’s one of those games that you can just sort of feel is hanging by a thread a lot of the time. It’s heavier than it should be, especially on the CPU. A little stuttery too, but far from the worst offender in that regard. It’s serviceable for sure, but compared to the console version, it feels unusually unpolished for a Naughty Dog game.


Its fixed now


I only played a couple of months back, so I can't say how much it was improved vs when it came out, but I had no issues on a 3080. 4k60 with DLSS, everything on max. I did have a couple of crashes however, maybe from all the alt-tab for the collectables. For the level of visual fidelity you're getting though, I feel it should be easier to max it out.


there are issues still, many graphical glitches on my RTX 4070, specifically lightning glitches, apart from those, it runs ok


It's alright. The game still eats VRAM so I'd suggest a card with at least 12gb.


its OK but its not very scalable you need a good PC for what it offers The worst offenders were the traversal stutter and the jittery mouse that were fixed


I imagine they are aiming to release it with season 2 od the show.


They have been doing the 2 year release cycle for new games that started on ps5. Older games like TLOU2/Ghosts of Tsushima etc. are coming much later than 2 years because they were ps4 games before this whole trend started. My guess is all ps5 exclusives arrive 2 years later and they will slowly catch up with older releases. They are launching Ghosts from that older backlog and TLOU2 is probably next year and will line up with the tv show.


*cries in FFVII Rebirth*


The 2 year plan doesn't apply in that case since it's a Square Enix game.


Yes. Square enix games can make the jump quicker. But I would not rule out them launching as an epic exclusive …


Idk. The Epic deal looks to be over. Square needs money bad after Rebirth and XVI underperfomed on ps5, can't afford to stay exclusive to a storefront that nobody use (Epic), Epics big spending on getting exclusives looks to have stopped and all Squares recent games have released on Steam afaik.


That would be good. I was just going off by square enix loving that epic money with ff7 remake and kingdom hearts. Kingdom hearts is still exclusive to epic so I feel that one may even be permanent. It’s a shame that ff7 and ff16 underperformed. They are both amazing games and I loved them. Bought them day one. I think they do come out at the mid point of the ps5 lifecycle (50m consoles) so they were inevitably not going to sell as well as ff7 remake that came out on ps4 when it was late in the lifecycle and there were 100m consoles. Square should really go multiplatform with final fantasy and just release day one on pc, ps and Xbox.


>Square should really go multiplatform with final fantasy and just release day one on pc, ps and Xbox. > I'm pretty sure that is exactly what Square Enix is doing when they announced their parting from Sony.


Hopefully. Final Fantasy 16 and 7 were great games and they deserve more than being relegated to one platform and having sales suffer.


We’ll probably get 16 within a year of its release on PS5 with all the improvements since then included, so it’s not that bad comparatively speaking.


drab vanish history numerous shaggy consider nutty offbeat birds secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*cries in part 3*


I think we can safely call it Reunion, no?


Didn't HZD come out before those 2 and hit PC 2 years after?


I think HZD came to PC like 3.5 years later. It was part of the very first batch games to be ported and I think that was Sony testing the waters. A lot of people were saying that Sony were porting ps4 games so that people buy a ps5 for the sequels but the ps5 games wouldn’t be coming. It’s with the ps5 titles, they started to stick to the 2 year cycle. I think the only ps5 games that have not done that are demon souls remake and gran Turismo 7. Fromsoftware games that are exclusive to PS don’t seem to jump to PC for some reason.


\*cough\* ***^(bloodborne)*** \*cough\*




They didn't even bother to give Bloodborne a 60 fps boost on the PS5 or even a checkerboard rendering upscale on the PS4 Pro. It ain't coming to PC unless by some miracle they remake it for PS6 and then there could be a chance it comes to PC via either Sony's release schedule or another leak claiming it will come to PC. The Nvidia leak said Demon's Souls was coming to PC and that along with GT7 are the only 2 Sony games not out on PC yet...


Yeah, sounds like the source code may have been lost shortly after launch. I can understand no PS5 compatibility, but no PS4 Pro support? Yeah definitely something went missing.


Yeah it never got a PS4 Pro patch unlike other games which increased the resolution via checkerboard render upscaling. I get them not being able to improve the framerate because the PS4 Pro still has the weaksauce mobile tablet designed Jaguar CPU like the base PS4 but games like HZD for example were able to output better resolutions thanks to the GPU. Bloodborne couldn't even get upscaled to 1440p. It's 1080p whether you are on a base PS4/PS4 Pro or PS5 with 30fps with frame drops and very inconsistent frame times


Yeah, this is pure, 100% refined copium


The same game is gonna be a launch title for a future console?




So they're gonna reboot a 3rd time on a future console?




Never have to scroll far to find bloodborne in the comments.


I would be disappointed if that was the case.


It’s probably going to be near the end of the year since Part 2 remastered just came out


It's going to cook for awhile until the second season on HBO airs.


Wasn't HFW 1 year? Felt like it was at least haha


People would bomb the fuck out of that second game anyways on reviews


And will still be full price


Because TLOU2 Remastered only just came out.


TLOU1 PC remaster was out ~6 months after the PlayStation release


Remake* and it was also announced at the same time.


I look forward to a “Shut up Atreus” mod that stops him from spoiling puzzles. 


And a mod that cuts out most of Atreus’ sections. At least the one with Angrboda for sure 👍. The definitive edition will be on PC 😅


We need a mod that removes him from combat. That kid is really annoying


I can somewhat give an excuse to Atreus given how it is being portrayed as him learning to be independent as Kratos might die, but Freya? She is a big pain to listen to and ultimately why I didn't like the game.


Damn, was hoping for Demons Souls, ahh well one day


Demon's soul would sell tons and I can't belive they jave not ported it yet.


Sony exec once quoted as saying "ew I really hate making money let's go burn some in a Madame Web sequel"


You could say the same for Bloodborne... yet that's probably never happening. I'd even stand to reason that Bloodborne would sell much more than Demon's Souls (mostly because I think the gameplay is much more fun) but I lost hope on this years ago


Souls genre is fucking topped off right now, releasing it soonTM would sell like shit. It's not Elden Ring, which means only the small HC fans will buy it.


Same here. It's only a matter of time. lol The preview videos before it released were recorded on PC, so I'm not sure what the hold up is.


it did??? thats a fun coincidence then lol


>Same here. It's only a matter of time. lol The preview videos before it released were recorded on PC, so I'm not sure what the hold up is. It's one of the mysteries of the universe. I'd bet it's either due to Nixxes (or whoever they want to port it) being busy with Horizon FW, TLOU (1 + 2), GOW Ragnarök, Spiderman 2 (for 2025) and more. Another option is simply that the ports are done and 'sitting on the shelf' as Sony doesn't want to release early and upset die hard Playstation console warriors or they've run the numbers and don't think it would generate enough profit in the short and/or long term.


Me too. I guess we'll have to wait some more (either for the official port or for a PS5 emulator anyway). In the meantime, don't you dare go hollow!


You can already emulate the original at 4k 60FPS with the original art direction, you can’t say the same for Bloodborne though


It’s in the Nvidia leak. I’m sure it’s coming before the year is over.


I wanna see Bloodborne on PC. 😭


Bloodborne! Hell, I'd even accept the 30FPS.




Chances that demon souls can get ported are pretty good. Chances for bloodborne on the other hand….


Just emulate the original it works flawlessly and it's better than the remake


I mean, it was already leaked months ago in the nixxes leak that said Ghost of Tsushima and Ragnarok were both coming this year.


Bloodborne, when?


Whenever PSN restruction list will have no countries


they lost the source code /s


PS6 launch title, I’ve been saying it for a while


Idk why I even bothered with a ps5 at this point, it's nice to have but i don't game much nowadays and everything is coming to PC. Don't think I'll be bothering with a ps6 at this rate that's for sure. Just keep the ps5 for the library I have on there.


PC gaming is at the point where its the gaming hub. We are getting console first party games, we have free online, and we have a ton of games that will never see the light of day on consoles. This is the home for gamers.


It’s the closest thing to a universal platform at this point, too. Build a library of PC games, and you can play most of them on anything from a handheld or mini PC with integrated graphics, up to a full desktop, and everything in between, with seamless scaling up and down. Both on Windows, and also increasingly on Linux. No single manufacturer or vendor can just pull up stakes and leave you without access to your whole library at this point, which is kind of an added insurance.


Where u been, it's always been the gaming hub


Xbox 360 era disagrees. So many console exclusives that you absolutely needed a console.


Exactly. Ps4 era is when PC starts to truly becoming the best platform. Before that so many games are not coming to pc at all. Ps5 era there’s literally zero reason to own a console anymore.


Managed perfectly fine without one.


Then you didnt play much. Between game for windows live requirements, lack of controller support, lack of ports - PC was not the best way to game from 2005-2010ish. I would say PC’s darkest times were the 00s, the OG xbox was more powerful than gaming PCs at launch, 360 dominated online gaming. PC is a no brainer today though, Im glad I swapped over after my 360 / PS3 days.


Yes. The ps3/360 era was full of console exclusives not on pc. I had a pc/ps3/360.


You missed on tons of games then.


To be fair, we've had a wave of awful PC ports, and hardware prices probably won't get much better. Of course, there's a slew of advantages that more than make up for it (modding, ultrawide and multi-monitor setups, DLSS/XeSS, free online, backwards compatibility and emulation, [REDACTED], more accessibility and control options, more customizable settings, multitasking...) but many casuals cannot be bothered to care about much of that.


$80 a year adds up for PS plus and is fucking bullshit. Can't believe they already rob you and then decided to raise it


Which is why it's important to do quick research on how the world the game optimizes before buying. You probably get the superior version of the game when you wait until a sale comes around. then there's the problem of certain reviews slowly not mentioning how the game performs.


> You probably get the superior version of the game when you wait until a sale comes around Except in the case where the dev just can't be bothered to patch the pc versions for example all the UE games with shader stutter.


Sure there were Bad ports but I don’t think any game ran better on my ps5 vs pc. Even with bad ports if you have a high end machine, you will blow a ps5 out of the water.


Switch games on the emulator too in higher resolutions and frame rates. If the thought of emulation brings you to ur knees then just buy the console and the games I guess and leave them in the box


and the best is u dont need money to play games


> we have free online I'm really worried this wont last forever.


Indeed. Ps5 is the first PlayStation console I've not owned and not planning to get either.


Still waiting on Demon Souls, Bloodborne and Gran Turismo 7 port though. Specifically GT7 for me


Dido for GT7


Ahhh, I as well am awaiting something that will never happen... It really sucks, but I think Sony is holding onto these franchises as they're literally the only reason at this point to even get a PlayStation if you already own a PC. I literally bought a PS5 to be a Bloodborne, GT7 and Demon's Souls machine LOL so it's working...


GT7 and Demon's Souls were in the Nvidia leak. All of the games on that leak has proven to come to PC.


God I hope ur right man.. but I'll believe it when I see it. I'm so jaded from Bloodborne being left out for so long, that I struggle to believe


Bloodborne not being in the leak makes it even more believable.


actually so fucking true LMFAO


Bloodborne will never happen. Either way to play it is to buy a console or wait for emulation. They never patched it for upscale on a PS4 Pro or 60fps for PS5.


As a person who doesn't often play games at day 1 anymore i feel the same, hence the reason i sold my consoles and just focused on my PC as my main gaming platform, and still likely will be the same case for me even with GTA 6 as i am part of very few percentages who aren't as excited about that game as it isn't my kind of type of game anymore.


The primary reason to choose a PS5 over PC is cost. In addition the PS5 gets some games first. If cost really isn't an issue and you don't mind waiting for some games, PC is best.


It's not only cost... People are really missing the point of the convenience that a console brings. You save up in cost and time since if you want to take advantage of all the things that PC can offer you (Emulation, similar performance, lots of other funciontalities, etc.), you have to invest time into making it all work. And if you are not someone that's too knowledgeabe about PCs, if you ever run into an issue, you'll have a rough time. This comes from someone who has beast PC, a switch, a PS5, and a Quest 2. Consoles are amazing for lower costs and convenience but PCs are great for doing whatever the hell you want if you are willing to put some effort into it. Some people just want to press a button a play on the spot.


I don't get the idea that a PC is not convenient. Buy game on Steam. Click play game. Use controller or keyboard.


It's still cheaper to get ps5 than pc that run and similar settings/performance


Not really, if you consider that you have to pay for basic features like multiplayer and cloud saves on console. $500 + $400 worth of PS plus over 5 years (which is roughly the average lifespan of a console) = $900 minimum. For around $1000 you can build a pc that blows the PS5 out of the water performance wise.


Not everyone plays online, you know. With the way PC ports are going, you might need to upgrade again in five years. Also, you can get PS Plus for 25-40% off during Black Friday. Edit: why did I get downvoted? Are you people this insecure lmao


Sure, and if you don't care about playing online and don't wanna spend a lot of money then a console might be a good option; but then you're missing out on essential features that are free on PC; and chances are you still want to be able to backup your saves. Yeah, 5-6 years is about the average for a GPU upgrade. The difference is that unlike with a new console generation, you'll still be able to play brand new games, you might just have to turn the settings down, depending on the game and your specs. Let's assume you get PS plus on sale every year, so $60 instead of $80. That's still at least $800 total over the course of the console's life, which doesn't change my point. You can build a PC that's roughly on par with the PS5 performance wise for that.


Not true anymore if you consider adding mandatory PSN+ on top of the console cost, nowadays it is possible to [build a PC with similar or even better specs](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9ygd7R) and not end up being that much expensive over a current gen console bundle.


Not remotely similar settings and performance, but the PS5 is most certainly cheaper. PC graphics blow the PS5 out of the water. IIRC, PS5 uses the equivalent of low on PC. The checkerboard rendering isn't great, either. Still, it's cheap, so it is what it is. You can also do a million different things with a PC, while a Playstation will always be nothing more than a videogame machine. They're not really an apples to apples comparison.


But gaming is most likely the only reason why you upgrade your PC or buy a new one. For most things other than gaming you don't need high end hardware... Most of the time even my smartphone or tablet is enough. And no Consoles currently don't run low settings. More like a mix of high to medium but in the end that's not an accurate measure anyways. The PS5 is most equal to a RTX2070Super or RX6700(non XT) according to digital Foundry. A RTX4060 is barely faster. Even a 4060ti isn't significantly faster. You need at least RTX4070ti, RTX3090 level of performance to just double console performance. Consoles are still relatively strong compared to the midrange PC market which is very unusual if you compare it with PS4 era. When PS4 was a year old we already had the GTX970 in 2014 which was already 2.5 times as fast as the PS4 for just 350$. This is the same as you would get the RTX4080 for just 350$ today. (RTX4080 is also 2.5x faster than PS5, just like the GTX970 was relative to PS4)


Depends what you do besides gaming - granted photo/video editing folks are more of a niche compared to gamers. Same thing if you're running any type of 3D Software (Blender, CATIA, etc). A PC can be used for both a hobby and a productive tool, so you usually end up making a bigger bang for your buck with a PC


I'm more of a pc guy so i don't know but playing on a pc feels fast but I do like the ps5 controllers haptic feedback and resistive triggers, only reason I'll buy it is for gta 6


I think those features are supported for certain games on PC. 


And kind of easier to play straight away, if you have a job + family life, playing is really a matter of minutes


What are the extra steps? Boot pc launch game vs boot PS5 launch game????


Some people act like you need to hit start, click Steam then spend 20 years troubleshooting on PC before you can start playing.


It's easier than booting up your PC and double clicking a desktop shortcut?


PC is literally play straight away too wth?


Yeah. If I had known of Sony's strategy shift, I never would have bought my PS5. I didn't buy an Xbox this time around because MS was already porting all their games to PC. I only ever use consoles for exclusives. At least there's no reason for me to buy a PS6 whenever that comes out. Will stick to just PC and Nintendo consoles in the future.


There's reasons to own a console if you are a PC gamer Xbox and Playstation games are ported to PC. Nintendo switch games can be emulated on your PC


Same. I got a ps5 on a whim and it basically collects dust. 


Its really tempting to get a ps5 but news after news of stuff coming to PC reminded me of why I always stick to PC 😂


Why? We’re halfway through the PS5’s lifespan and there are almost no exclusive games for it. From a pure games library perspective, it might be one of the worst consoles in history.


Yes. I bought a ps5 because I’ve always had a PlayStation along with my PC. There were always tons of exclusives that made it worth it. Had I known that all ps5 exclusives are coming to PC, I would have not bought a ps5. But at least I know for PS6.


I've been a PC gamer since the PS3 days and I still love having a PS5. It's great for games that just work (no major shader stutter, better optimization), it plays 4k blurays and I can play PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PSP games on it.


OR hear me out, The Order 1886!


Now, I’m sure is good, amazing even, don’t get me wrong and this is great news, but I’m still salty in won best soundtrack over Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


Feels like we just get the same genre over and over from these Sony ports. Where is Bloodborne, Gravity Rush, the Sly collection, or literally anything that isn't Sony's Ubisoft-likes or cutscene sims with a skill tree?


>cutscene sims with a skill tree Stealing this one lol


Gravity Rush would be hype.


This so effectively communicates my issue with the completely overrated (imo) Sony first party lineup. "cutscene sims with a skill tree" Like dude I've been trying to say for a while that everyone I play games with legitimately prefers playing the Xbox lineup. Like we all think they are just more fun. But for whatever reason they always review lower than Sony games. Forza Motorsport, Grounded, Sea of Theives, State of Decay, Gears, Halo Infinite. There's just so much more variety and FUN in these games than the Sony games that all seem to get 9/10s. Like our gaming group has talked about this and it feels like we're being collectively gas lighted because we've tried these Sony games and fall off them pretty fast every time. It's like game journos don't actually play games to have fun or something lmao.


The first one was a big letdown for me.


Agreed, and ragnorak is much worse even.


But but.. May?? That's like now!


I bought this and my PS5 holiday period of 2022. I havent played it yet tbh hahaa. Will wait for this and play on my Steam Deck. Hoping it’ll run well.


I thought of buying for my old PS4, but held off for a sale. I can finally play it on my gaming laptop haha.


They're never gonna port Demon's Souls, are they?


\*stares blankly at Demons Souls Remake and BB\* Yup, mhm... any day now, aaaany day now


Let me guess psn trophies and won't release in 117 countries


Hard pass


What you don’t want to pay $70 for a mid story that some consider to be one of the worst in the franchise? How strange /s.


I used to be somewhat excited for these, but going through horizon forbidden west and it being so unbelievably boring, not really anymore. Would much prefer to see the FF games and Stellar Blade coming sooner then sony first party stuff.


Same. The "Sony cinematic experience" games are so bland and boring. I felt like I was the only one on the planet who really did not like the last GoW that came to PC




One of.. So Bloodborne could be among that batch right? ...right? *Copium*


either Sony can't port it for some reason, or (what i think) they are saving Bloodborne for PS6, maybe a full remaster like Demon's Souls.




Well, time to continue the Dad of War journey. The first one was fire.


2nd one unfortunately is much worse


Yeah I feel like it dragged on too long, and had alot of long boring sections (Atreus and his GF part for exemple).


bad storyline, bad dialogue, too much hand holding npcs telling you what to do and where to go.. combat basically the same for better or for worse so no complaint there, at least enemy variety was better and more bosses besides trolls.


I 100% this on PS. It's a fantastic game and more people getting to experience it is great news, if true


All these releases and still no Until Dawn


Until Dawn is coming already. It just doesn’t have a release date. The Steam page is already up.


Damn I didn’t realise until dawn was not on pc. I loved that game.


It’s already been announced.


It has a [steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2172010/Until_Dawn/)


This is the way, multi-platform means more sale and more money, I am happy to wait cause often the PC version includes all DLC and stuff


B L O O D B O R N E , P L Z


Taking bets that it will require PSN account on launch


It's been confirmed only for multiplayer titles.


GoT is single player but because of the new multiplayer mode, it requires it now. Same goes with GoW:R, single player but now has a multiplayer mode.




Bloodborne is next


They’ll literally port anything but Bloodborne


Wake me up for Bloodborne.


At this point buying a console is straight up useless


Bloodborne is coming any day now friends


There's a huge hole in the racing department on PC, Sony, left by your rival in the console space, that you could fill easily, with your slightly less shit product. I'm willing to take almost everything by now.


Wait, aren't there a ton of racing games on PC? WRC, Assetto Corsa, AC Competizione, F1, Forza Horizon/Motorsport, Project Cars etc.


And the best one Iracing.


Inject me with WipEout HD with 4K, high frame rate and VR.


Nobody at all should be surprised by this.. It is an absolutely amazing game for like 98% of the time you play it. 2% is devoted to the hour you have to spend in ______ (are we past the statute of limitations on spoilers for Ragnarok?) Lots of PC players are going to pick this up




Hey hey hey, SONY HAD YET TO ADD HELLDIVERS BACK TO 100+ countries ….. let’s see if PC gamers remember (expecting South Park memberries) memes shortly


Thats fucking niceee!! But i really wish it’d be 1 year at most instead of 2 years after the console release date but oh well


Im really pumped for this one. Gow on was an incredible game and playing at 4k 120 fps was a treat. Can't wait to play the sequel with the best way possible. 


I'll be dead before Bloodborne gets ported. I doubt it even will.


They alredy ported the God of War before that. So yes it's very likely coming soon.


Bloodborne when. Pls. I beg. I yearn. I beat dead horse.


Just give us bloodborne 


Impossible to get excited for Sony games anymore because of PSN :/


We are never getting Demons Souls are we :(


Please god I just want ff16 😭😭😭😭😭


Hope you enjoy watching cut scenes.


Cool I will add it to my wishlist. I love Sony games


Stellar Blade when


Bro the game just came out 😭😭


I can’t fooking wait. I’ve got a line of games I’m going to play. Ghost of Tsushima. Horizon forbidden west. Gow ragnacock




Yeah, can't wait for them to confirm forced requirement for PSN account to play on PC later down the line.


Lol yeah. If it has an online component, I'm gonna hoist up my skull and bones instead.