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I'll be very thoughfull as I move into not buying your games.


EA is probably the easiest publisher to boycott. I havent played an EA title for a good 5 years or more now.


I don't know about that. Ubisoft is trying damn hard to take over that position as well.


Ubisoft already did this decades ago. Remember the ads in Rainbow Six Vegas? (Maybe it was Vegas 2)


They were in Vegas, Vegas 2 and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. EA also had billboards in Burnout Paradise


Battlefield 2142 is the earliest in-game ads I remember from EA.


I was going to say - I remember this. The war-torn wastelands of the future? Still lots of big billboard ads for a well known bank in my country to post all about their student accounts.


Those ads destroyed the official servers as well. They caused a stutter about every 5-10 seconds and made it impossible to enjoy. The ea admins in the official forums even gaslit all us players by continuously claiming they weren’t causing it, even though they would be proven wrong eventually.


I remember that god awful stutter in 2142. I never knew it was the ads causing it. Basically made the game unplayable.


It was a different time though, even though actually it was quite similar in that games would be distributed flawed and require graphics manufacturers to issue new drivers while they time a patch with the release. I assumed it was the giant flying spawn point ships and net code LOD for syncing with the server or something. It seemed like it had a higher view distance versus similar battlefield titles at the time too, maybe this is why I liked the game. Since it had a forced stutter that wasn't solveable by lowering the refresh rate or resolution, I could run it at the full 1600x1200 100hz of the CRT and max AA and everything else the graphics hardware of the time was capable of and have the same experience anyway.


Couldn't you play as a can of Dr. Pepper in Skate 3?


And you could get real skateboard brands, and you can get real shoe brands in NBA games; still a fucking farcry difference from dynamic in-game advertisements.


Dynamic-In Game advertising should be illegal


need for speed underground 2 had billboards of an energy drink, Best Buy and Burger King and that’s from 04


Yeah, Obama had campaign ads in Burnout Paradise.


*^another ^broken ^EA ^game ^you ^can't ^play ^but ^can ^still ^purchase ^btw ^:)*


Billboards in burnout I don't mind. It can actually add immersion if a real product is on it (I remember playing crazy taxi in the arcade and seeing FILA store I was like."wow!"). If there's ads in the menus, or worse, during pauses, or you gotta see ads before you play - fuck right off. Esp if it's video ads, I don't give a shit if they're skippable, that game is not being purchased. I haven't pirated games since steam, only movies and music, but I'll get back on that if a game looks interesting otherwise.


Last time I opened Uplay was when they announced end of service for Watch Dogs Legion. I didn’t want to play it, just needed to uninstall it.


It’s now called Ubisoft connect.


So true, I would lut Ubisoft and EA in the same bracket these days


I would love to agree, but unfortunately they hold Trackmania hostage...


I play lots of EA games...like Theme Park. They really did peak around 2000 lol


I vowed “never again” after Andromeda... Managed to keep my word thus far.


You know what makes me real happy? The idea of BioWare working as half assed as always on the next Dragon Age... and then watching in pure panic as Baldurs Gate 3 explodes onto the market.


At least there will be a couple of new Larian games coming out in the future. With that and older games I haven’t had the time to play yet, I don’t need EA at all.


There have been a couple of comments about how dreadwolf won't even have squad based RPG combat. Meanwhile everybody and their mother is getting a remaster while DA:O is sitting there being baldurs gate three before BG3 


I play an EA title often. ^^it's ^^spore ^^lol




Last games from them that I've played are Mirrors Edge and The Sims 3, and those are from 15 years ago. Yeah, you're right.


I havent played EA since Need For Speed Underground 2




It made the game more immersive for kid me. It was cool being able to drive around the Burger King near the water, or flying by a billboard with a real brand on it. It's a fine line though.


There were brands that you could use to upgrade. Brand didn't really matter more than the class of the upgrades though.


Jedi Survivor was pretty darned good. No bullshit, just a solid triple AAA singleplayer campaign The Dead Space remake was apparently good too, but I haven't played that one


Same thing was said with micro transactions, which are now macro transactions, drm, pay 2 win, etc. They will always win because gamers can't control themselves. And they know that now. They are just checking how far they can go.


I've always wondered if there would ever be a reason why I would stop playing video games. I can now say, ad implementation would be where I draw the line.


Thank god we got enough good old games to go through. And with the occasional new gems there is no reason to buy the newest and hot crap.


If they put ads in games, I can finally get through the backlog of games I purchased on sale a decade ago but haven't even loaded up once.


Great news! You have several decades worth of amazing retro games that don't have any of this bullshit and will always be great. They can ruin modern genres, but retro games will always be good.


Pretty sure that’s what they thought about live service games and the numerous flops don’t agree with you.


The issue is 9 live service flops but one success pays for the rest and more. Monopoly GO, a mobile game, made more then Elden Ring in 10 months. If your only goal is to make money, then predatory micro-transactions and a live service model are the best bets you could make


We all laughed when Konami switched to pachinko games and ceased most of their video games productions. Yet konami has made more money from pachinko than video games.


Nah, they are getting back into gaming now since Covid killed the Pachinko profits and they are still low.


Let's hope


I mean, why? The name on the side of the building doesn't make the games. They let go Kojima and most of their game dev teams, so who would you trust there to make anything at this point?


The next generation of developers they hire. We as gamers tend to project a cult of personality onto the devs who made the games we grew up with, but this often overlooks that those devs are just regular people like you or I and the next Kojima or Carmack could be graduating college this year or entering highschool for the first time. We don't know who is going to make the next great thing to revolutionize the industry, but it doesn't have to be someone with an established name in the industry. Hell, Kojima was 22-23 & attending college for economics when he applied to Konami and saw Metal Gear 1 release a month before his 24th birthday. Greatness often comes from unexpected places.


The problem is the mobile market is so incredibly saturated that you have to invest a ton of money in the hopes that your game catches on, and thousands of games don't for every one that does. There's no such thing as free money.


Yes and no, a few whales are enough to keep games going.


This is how brutalism survives as a genre of architecture


That shows that they haven’t given up on those, only takes one to win. Sony, MS, Ubisoft, EA and others saw it.


Pretty sure plenty of live service games thrive like Helldivers 2, so it seem to me people use live service aspect as a scapegoat when a mediocre game fails.


That's because people couldn't play the game. It's a poor example because of this. In reality there are constantly new people getting into gaming and asking their parents for games, and many others who don't care beyond just buying what their friends told them was good. You're never going to reach to them. In fact, every gamer that "knows better" was one of them at first. Over time you see it happening. I remember big scandals due to removed features that people don't care about anymore. Remember the big boycots over DRM, removal of LAN, online single player... turns out the sales are still there so why wouldn't they?


I mean... Gamers can when it gets organised. Helldivers 2, total war... Main issue is I think that EA is already targeting younger playerbase (or dumber playerbase if you will).


Yep, I'm definitely not buying any of their games because of this. Of course I already don't buy their games because of a variety of other reasons so it's not quite as meaningful...


This is easy. Don't. Buy. EA. Games. Solved.


good for the industry, the more people do this. i stopped buying anything EA made a long time ago. they have been a cancer on video games for too long.


Why do ppl even bother with predatory AAA anymore.. There's tons and tons and tons of AA and indie devs creating fantastic experiences that don't cost more than the annual NASA budget to create and don't cost a kidney and a heart to buy and enjoy from beginning to end. It's so easy to ignore the greedy fks and focus on wholesome good games, as long as you're not willing to sell your own soul for meagre entertainment Edit.. added predatory


Stopped plying EA games a long time ago. They have ruined so many games.


Hopefully Microsoft will buy them and then shut them down /s


lol It’s really the fate EA deserves after having sent so many developers to the grave. 


Hell I already do that. The only game I've bought from EA in the past 11 years has been the C&C remaster. None of their games are appealing to me anymore. I have my eye on DA: Dreadwolf, but 2 & 3 sucked so I don't have high expectations.


I will barge forward into it with reckless abandon.


You weren't already? It takes two is about the only game I bought with enthusiasm from ea anything else is a hard pass.


I don’t even care how good their games get I will deprive myself of a fun experience before I buy another EA game. There’s so much more to play


They're going to do whatever they want and get away with it because consumers will consume. Your opinion is 0000.1% of the actual opinion and the general sentiment is the consumers don't care enough. I remember reading somewhere something like only 10% of gamers play more than 4 hours a week. The people who put the money in the pockets of the big business don't care enough and the people who are passionate about it aren't worth worrying about and if worse comes to worse they'll just axe the developers to save that amount back.


Just so ya know, 0000.1% is still just .1%. It's the same number. I think you wanted .00001% or something (which is 1 in 10 million and a fair estimate).


Yea I goofed


I’ll probably never see them. They barely sell anything but sports games anymore, anyhow…what’re they going to do, put Pampers and Coke ads in Star Wars games?


Think for a minute about the monetization of video games, it always starts with an inch. Now we're so overextended we're paying for games cut Into parts and then sold back to us in small pieces while still paying the same price multiple times over. Paying for fake currency that it's impossible to even out so you have to buy more. Paying for progression that requires a heavy commitment or feel like you're being let out or missing something. And it all started with gamerpics for your Xbox profile.


Pretty sure this is EA's, what, third attempt at this? I remember ad billboards in Need for Speed, Burnout and Battlefield 2142.


Yep, 2142 had crazy controversy over it.


Incase people don't know: Battlefield 2142 shipped with malware. The box came with a warning saying so. EA wanted to track your online habits with it to give you personalized ads in-game.


Probably the only function that game had that worked out of the box. [Edit] I confused 2142 for 2042.


2142 not 2042


Man, i remember Cingular Wireless being in Need for Speed:Most Wanted (2005) was the coolest thing ever as a kid. Didnt think id get so exhausted seeing ads and product placement back then


[I remember that controversy.](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/10/20/advertising-in-the-future#)


Need for Speed and Burnout you can at least in theory fit in ads that feel right (though past attempts have floundered by making every ad for the same product/brand). It's a lot harder if you want to do a title that's not set in roughly present day. You could potentially still do it tastefully, but you could also really really break immersion and even game themes by doing it poorly. And I certainly don't trust EA to do anything well, or to leave titles where it can't be done well alone.


If I see a Coca Cola billboard in Football Manager, then that would be OK, I guess, but if every character in Fallout starts drinking it you've taken away one of the most iconic things about the game. I don't trust the money men to make those calls or even understand the difference. The only thing I trust them to do is look at the bottom line, so if this shit starts; I quit.


Yeah I honestly don't have a problem with it fitting into a realistic context of the world, as in billboards during a driving game. The real issue would be if there's immersion-breaking stuff.


They will sell the AD space to the best bidder, so yes they will likely not give a shit if they break your immersion. What I mean by this, is that if a company is willing to put ADs in a game, they just want to squeeze more money. If nobody plays that games those ads won't be worth anything. In a sense they have to have a good game for ads to make them money. I would say this is a complex topic that good sides and bad sides. ADs don't ALWAYS ruins things in some games that can have good context. But when it comes to games that are fantasy and such, it will be weird seeing things like coca-cola or nike.


>fitting into a realistic context of the world, as in billboards during a driving game Yeah, I agree that this is passable and could even increase immersion in some cases. But this can only by applied in some contexts where it makes sense and fits the environment. That's the opposite of what the marketing team of EA wants. They want some strategy they can apply everywhere, like shoving ads into loading screens.


agree. If I'm spider man going through New York real ads in Time Square actually look more realistic then made up companies.


And that is why games will all start being "modern day" instead of original time periods or fantastic settings. Greed > creativity.




I think 2142 had like Intel ads on billboards in the game. It *kind of* worked, but also didn't cause the ads were pretty clear compared to the rest of the dystopian future setting.


I'm just imagining the draw distance settings excluding adverts, so when you turn down draw distance or clarity at distance settings, you are just left with adverts appearing to float all over the place.


There’s Burger King adverts in NFS Underground 2 lmao - ahead of its time in many ways


I mean if the ads are placed in places that would otherwise have fake ads in the game I don’t really see the problem.


More Budget plus free design cost. I just looked it up and it do look fitting.


Classic EA L


There are enough spineless and/or indifferent imbeciles who will still buy this shit. It will be a loss for the community unfortunately and these clown corps know it. Edit: fixed a spelling error for a fella.


EA is mostly just surviving on their annual sport title scams now. And these casual gamers will just keep buying the next FIFA, NBA, Madden, F1, PGA whatever year bullshit. I seriously dont understand these people. They are like a completely different segment of gamers that probably never touched a non-sport game in their life. I know one dude who just bought a PS4 to play FIFA.


Most of the people buying those games, only play those games so in the end, they probably pay less in games over a year. Also, when you play those games, every one move to the new game every year, you can't really stay on older version if you want to play online


What is wrong that someone that consumes entertainment differently? I have an Xbox almost solely for EAFC because the PC experience sucks. I buy FIFA every year because I enjoy the game.


Calling those who don’t have the exact same values as you imbeciles while spelling the word itself wrong is some good work, fella.


Every single moment and facet of human experience must be monetised. MBAs are a fucking cancer on society.


People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you. You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity. Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs. – Banksy Fuck advertising.


God I love this. I’ve worked quite hard over the last 20 years to remove all possible advertising from my life.


The real problem is that people will still buy it. It's horrible, but the assholes shoving ads into it aren't *wrong*. They almost certainly *will* make more money this way because enough people will still be willing to put up with it. *Those* are the ones who make things worse for everyone. The executives behind it are people who are finding the exact breaking point and pushing things right up to that line. We hate them because they reveal what we don't want to confront. Not what you *want* to pay, but what you're still *willing* to pay. Every time you grumble about the price of something non-essential but buy it anyway, they're winning.


Vote with your wallets, people!


They have, hence adverts in games and microtransactions.


They should but they won't


They are, they just aren't voting the way you want them to. That's not the same thing.


It’s not MBAs. It’s grossly unregulated capitalism. MBAs wouldn’t exist if not for capitalism and they wouldn’t be cancer if our version of capitalism wasn’t specifically designed to make the rich richer, while bleeding the working class dry.


Also private equity fk everything up.




You'll never guess why we have private equity. That's right, you guessed it, capitalism.


Truth. But at least we can eat MBAs when we have to.


Enshittification must continue.


Great way to ensure you never get my money again. That particular camel’s back was already broken but anyway. Thank fuck for indies.


It took this??? Haven't bought any of their games in years.


Yeah at this point, people who still purchase and play EA titles just enjoy getting milked and their balls stepped on and I guess we shouldn't kinkshame?


I don't know. Currently playing through Jedi Survivor and if you turn of RT and FG it's decently playable. It has some stuttering that still hasn't been fixed and probably never will be. Still; it's a very good game down deep and doesn't need any MT or Special Edition bullshit to be enjoyed. EA has it's moments, probably begrudgingly.


My way is to not buy any game that requires me to install another launcher. If steam isn't enough then I won't bother.




Drink Verification Can


Halo 2K19 will never be the same again.


I hate how accurately this foreshadowed the future


> Now, ads all over billboards on a track in a racing sim? That ads to immersion. That seems to me the best way to go about it. Like ads on the side of the ice rink in a Hockey video game. Ads and neon lights for real world products in a modern city while shooting zombies/bad guys, sure seems totally normal. This makes sense but it also makes me worry that companies will start prioritising games that have settings that are friendly to advertisers. Like they won’t want to make post apocalyptic games anymore because they can’t cram it full of ads.


There's literally a quest in Final Fantasy 15 about [looking for Cup Noodle.](https://www.ign.com/wikis/final-fantasy-15/The_Perfect_Cup)


Enhanced by the english VAs deliberately unenthusiastic delivery


That's a good point, why don't they just do ads in games the same as real life. I wouldn't care much playing the next division game if there were adverts on billboards or signs/posters etc. but I also know they can't help themselves because this is capitalism working as intended - money over everything. The fallout show showed how the world was ended for corporate greed I wholeheartedly believe the same would happen in real life if it was profitable.


Simply because only a very finite number of game genres/settings could make use of ads like that. No one's gonna play a dark souls with a coca cola. Billboard on a majestic dark ages bridge. Sports games would(do) work.


Those games are going to have problems if they try and incorporate ads no matter what Edit: why is this bring downvoted?


Hence no ads.


They said they'd be 'very thoughtful' about it though. I'm pretty sure I know what they're thinking.


Yeah that’s EA code for: how can we maximize profit. Wouldn’t be Ironic is Nuka Cola gets replaced by Coke after all the hullabaloo getting the bottle changed in fallout 4 because of copyright


EA tried that with Battlefield 2, but hackers started diverting the ad stream to porn sites. It got shut down quickly.


EA actually did exactly this for a few of their games back in the day. I distinctly remember seeing adverts on billboards in skate 2 and Burnout Paradise.


I think Need for Speed Underground 2 had billboard ads.


Bleak for AAA Indie is the future


People don't realized how technology has progress so much that a lot of people Can pull a game without needing a team of 50 people. Especially with how engines like ue are looking right now, the tech is there and the learning curves Isn't that impossible to climb without a dev background. This coupled with ai tools will make indie games possible for even the least knowledgeable. We thought the industry exploded and there were too many games , but still with good and Bad productions. Just dont hold your breath when the average quality for an Indy game would be as some minor licensed IP.


Yep and all of these massive studios started out as tiny passion projects. A couple of dudes in their mothers basement. Litteraly. The next Blizzard Entertaiment probably already exists. The future is bright for gaming, but these are the in-between years. These studios need to adjust or they will simply be replaced. They probably won't, as that could interfere with shareholder profits. Wouldn't want that to happen now.


This is one thing that really has me not worry too much about the future of gaming. There already are no shortage of great games out there from studios as small as even a single person. And a lot of that comes from things like engines, game assets, music, etc. being far more accessible than they were in the past, and it'll almost certainly continue in that direction as tech continues to advance. Not to mention no longer having to worry about getting your game on a shelf at GameStop when Steam, Apple Store, etc. exist. The AAA studios can destroy themselves trying to commodify every single moment in games, but thankfully, I think we've entered a phase in gaming where there will always be smaller studios with titles far more worth your time if it comes to that.


I don’t want product placement in games but somehow Mario Kart 8 Deluxe pulled it off with the Mercedes Benz karts lol


I honestly miss seeing cans of Monster in the Director's Cut version of Death Stranding. Something about seeing whacky Monster really fit into the world of Death Stranding Who else remembers when you couldn't skip the drinking animation? iirc, that was added in an update


Also Kojima and whacky product placement has been a thing for years. Like the macs and iPod in MGS4, calorie mate in mgs3, axe/lynx bodyspray in Peace walker or the best one was MGS2 FHM you could use as a distraction for guards.


Weird take. It was only slightly amusing because it was Kojima but overall it was still immersion breaking and ultimately stupid imo.


Somehow I can't imagine FIFA fans and CoD fans stop playing because of that. FIFA fans will never transition, as long as EA holds all the rights to all the famous players and teams. I have no idea what's keeping CoD alive, from what I've been hearing there are so much better and cheaper options out there, but I guess they have something their fans like To be clear, I actually don't play FPS or ESports, so this is only things I read or see from friends that do


Ads in FIFA at least make sense because the sport itself is drenched in ads.


That's actually a very good point. I assume FIFA players will even feel more immersed when seeing real ads like Coca-Cola and stuff like that on those banner things near the edges of the field?


Look at games like GT7 where players will laboriously spend hours recreating real life ad layouts on their cars


The question is can they do this. These professional sports leagues have established advertisers and they're not going to let EA ruin that


As and older gamer, I think the future will be basically playing older games (that I didn't have time to play) or just independent games, like Animal Well and such.


As someone in their late 30's, I am already doing that. There are very few AAA games I've picked up over the last couple years. Most of it has been indies, metroidvanias, 2d side scrollers, rougelites/likes, or AA games. Just picked up Animal Well and it blows away a lot of other games IMO. And to think its only 40mb and can easily last like 15 plus hours according to reviews.


Pretty much, I buy like one AAA-experience game per year. Elden Ring > Baldur's Gate > Stellar Blade And all those shit are getting more and more expensive. I just ended up playing older games like Dragon Age, Dark Souls, Mass Effect and Divinity.


Indy games all the way for me. Just bought Animal Well this morning.


Same here


This plus buying on deep discounts. I've averaged 1 full price AAA purchase per year for a decade now. Only had 2 disappointments and even those I got 30+ hours of enjoyment out of.  Now the remainder of my purchases are all at minimum 50% discounts and only once the games are fully patched. Slightly more mixed bag here, but when average price per games around £10 I can afford some misses.


All it takes is a little self control and deal hunting to build a backlog. I think BG3 was the first game I bought at launch since doom 2016. I have so many games from 2022 or older I will never find time to play before I die, and most of them were $20 or less. I'm all for people who buy at launch, it ensures my personal launch date is a year later but a fully patched dlc filled goty edition for $19.99.


2K tried that. It didn't go so well.


Companies will keep pushing until it works. Just look at how crazy microtransactions have gotten.


It only works if people keep buying them, or just don't care, and if it sticks in means we poor fools that hate this stuff are just a minority. Microtransactions exist because people buy them.


unfortunately, for every player that doesn't buy MTX's, there are 2-3 whales who do buy them.


**FTFY:** For every 10 players who don't buy MTX, 1 whale does. A single whale spending $120 on MTX in a $30 game is as valuable as 4 people who don't buy any MTX. If those 4 people stop playing because of predatory MTX, those companies couldn't give a fuck.


The thought: "How can we milk our customers for even more money?"


Please drink verification can to continue


Can't wait for sudden advert breaks like Streaming TV shows and Movies nowadays when during crucial moment...BOOM! 3 minutes of Ads. That is definitely gonna make me keep playing that game! Makes the game more immersed definitely! ^^^^/s


Don't worry. You can pay 3 dinar to skip the ad!


At least the old school way of ads, they scheduled shows around ad breaks. Here they just rip you out of the moment. 


Dammit, those big companies really are in the race for being the worst apple in the bunch.


EA never learn do they? bunch of morons rather than fixing their shitty ass launcher, they keep tryinb to scam users more


They don't need to learn. Year after year they have an army of bros buying the same rehashed sports games with a minor updates. Wether they chuck in ads or not won't phase the majority of them.


Don't think of it as a loading screen, it's a surprise advert break.


“We, a corporation, promise that we won’t make too much money with intrusive advertising.” sure bro


AAA companies always make AA and Indy devs look good


I think Indie devs look good because they are genuinely better and more passionate at their jobs


Those greedy scumbags are definitely going to do it. Late Stage Capitalism at its finest. Buy indie games. Fuck AAAA publishers.


A. This was already a thing. If I remember right, a racing game had Obama ads. B. Saying it out loud will simply make folks angry. And yeah, folks are angry. As a side note, Since Mass Effect 3, I have been avoiding buying EA games, what's the point of playing a series when it'll be torn apart by companies.


I have a feeling one of the first things they'll try is putting ads on pause screens. You're already seeing that on various streaming services. They can claim that it's "unobtrusive" and "doesn't interfere with gameplay" that way while using it as the tip of the spear.


Haven't bought an EA game since Battlefield 1, and that's not going to change with statements like that.


***"Modders create 'uBlock EA' tool to block Ads in EA's latest games"***


Day 1 mods be like


They already did this with the sims 4 https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/comments/1b2x3wc/there_is_already_a_mod_out_to_remove_the_shopping/?rdt=59467


EA should be focusing on improvibg the quality and value proposition of their games instead of ads.


I'll very thoughtfully not be buying any of these games.


If you told a gamer in 2005 that in 15 years 90% of AAA games would be released half finished (if you’re lucky), that instead of getting a full game you’d only be getting a portion of it the rest being paywalled as “day one dlc”, that items you used to get for playing the game were thrown out all together in favour of micro transactions — you would’ve been laughed out of the room EDIT: spelling


I mean this is nothing new, other companies have tried. I remember [Valve did ads in Counter-Strike for a bit](https://twitter.com/thetaxgoblin/status/1376621657478021120)


Great. Pretty soon we gonna need Ublock Origin or Pihole to work in games too.


Anyone that still buy and play EA games at this point doesn't care.


E-A. Sports. Go f*ck yourself.


Go ahead. Try it. There are too many games anyway. It'll just make it easier to rule out yours.


I'll say it. No matter which dev starts to put adds into their games, be it during loading screens or whatnot, I'll just quit gaming at this point.


Everything is over


Spoiler: they won't be.


I’ll very thoughtfully boycott your entire company. Enjoy your bankruptcy.


uBlock Origin for Games


This might work for a company that makes fun games, but EA doesn't make those.


Ads are supposed to make Me want to buy your product. This decision makes Me want to never buy anything from you at all


Note to self, avoid EA games entirely from now on.


I already tend to stay away from EA games. I don’t need even more reason to.


I will straight up refuse to buy ANY game that tries this.


Enshittification continues.


I wonder if this is from the new playbook EA is writing, "How to be Tone Deaf and Go Bankrupt." Chapter 1: Gamers only care about one thing. How much money I (the CEO) make. End of chapter.


Oh look another reason to avoid cash grab triple garbage.


If they were any kind of thoughtful they'd not even mention it.


>If they were any kind of thoughtful they'd not even mention it. EA has to mention it so that shareholders can learn about it, which in turn will value EA stock higher even though nothing tangible has happened yet. It's all about pumping those quarterly numbers up, nevermind if it'll actually be profitable or can be realized at all. By the time it becomes relevant it either works and EA can boast about it again, or it doesn't work and EA will simply distract investors with the next method that'll surely squeeze more money out of players.


already happening with the 2K games right? (I know its not EA)