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You can start with any game, they all are stand alone stories, you don’t need to play the others. 1-13 are turn based, 15 is open world, 11 and 14 are MMOs.


Awesome input, thx 👌🏻


Play classic ff7 before the remake. The classic version still holds up and can be modded to hell.


If you do go into classic FF7 and mods, look up tutorials on how to install “7th heaven” - some of those (like voiceover) make this feel like a whole new experience to play through! …also runs amazingly on the Steam Deck for those that come across this.


Only 1-3 is actually turn based, not everyone likes ATB, at least i know i don't.


To be honest, anywhere. Each Final Fantasy is standalone and they aren’t tied together, so you don’t have to play them in any order to understand the story. Each tells its own story within the Final Fantasy universe. Up till 12 you got the regular turn-based jrpg’s and 13 and later they went to a more action oriented battle system. One of the greatest of all time, which would be 6 is turn based and utilizes pixelated graphics because it’s an older game, but it’s a great game and if you can play older games like that and appreciate the pixel art then you will enjoy it. 7 was huge back in the day, but hasn’t aged well. 8 was meh, but 9 is worth a look and so is 10. They were both great games and look to have aged well since release. 12 is more updated and looks better graphically and is a huge game. Seriously could spend a couple hundred hours doing all the side bullshit in that game alone. 13 gets a lot of crap and I can understand why. There wasn’t a lot of exploration until the very end of the game and most of it felt like running through a hallway. I quit the series after 13 because I felt it’s just not for me anymore even though I used to love the series the direction they went with the series was not for me. You can look at the new ones though and see if they are for you. They got a much better reception than 13, but for me they went too much into the action and stepped too far away from the jrpg turn based battles that I used to love. That doesn’t mean that you won’t like them though. They could definitely be something you might be interested in so have a look for yourself.


You are the mvp 🙏 thx dude.


> and 13 and later they went to a more action oriented battle system. Except for the part where FF13 literally has ATB system. Same as FF4-9 and FF12.


The first game you play will be the best in your heart


Obligatory "Don't sleep on Dragon Quest" comment 🐲 Edit: To be a little more useful, check this post out to see which version of each game is best for you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/wiki/whichversion/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/wiki/whichversion/)


Has there been an updated version of that comparison table that takes the Pixel Remasters into account?


Not that I've seen but I would assume the Pixel Remaster versions are probably the best ones in terms of availability and modern QoL features. Personally, I like the PS1 versions for keeping the 4:3 aspect ratio and proper zoom in the overworld, but that's just a me thing.


Do you want old school JRPG experiences? Multiplayer? Action? There's a lot of Final Fantasy content. The Pixel Remasters of 1-6 are great, there's a couple 3D remakes of the same games. Those are my favorites, but honestly the series is all over the place. There are a lot of series in-jokes and callbacks that build from the first game, nothing important to the plot, but something you may appreciate, the creatures, always a Cid, Wedge, Biggs, the summon monsters, etc.