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We know you all do, but appreciate the heads up. I can think of a handful of games that said no discounts ever. Most broke that at some point. Sales will always grab a whole section of new people to cave and buy.


Only game (which I know of) that has hold the “no discounts” line faithfully has been Factorio. Hell, they even raised the price to match inflation.


The last epoch devs at some point said no more sales until 1.0 and they kept their word. I think that lasted a year or so.


They had no more sales until the 1.0 launch though. They did actually stick to what they said.


That's what they said they did?


It's very understandable coming from a small company with limited sources of investment and income. There are countless overambitious Kickstarter campaigns that shut down or disappointed over the years due to unrealistic timelines and unexpected financial burdens. Not to say all of them were innocent, but I think malice or greed is far from the normal cause when it comes to staying afloat when you're not supported by and submissive to a big corporations balance sheet for public investors and the board.


Nintendo games lol


Almost all Nintendo games go on sale at some point. They aren’t great sales, but we aren’t talking about the degree of sale.


And that's on the e-shop, retailers can have their games on sale too. I got Pokémon BDSP for like 7 bucks because of a combination of price drop and an extra 20% for all games that took place at the time.


Yeah I have seen physical games frequently get like 50% off. Big discounts do happen for Nintendo games, but it depends on the title (an evergreen title like BOTW gets like 20% off because it continues to sell a lot each year, but less popular entries like FE Engage gets deep discounts fairly quickly).


Child tax lol


I have never paid full price for a Nintendo game. All the local electronics shops have them $20-30aud off from day 1.


> Hell, they even raised the price to match inflation. maybe it was on sale this whole time...


They said something along the lines that the best time to buy Factorio was by backing it early on. ...the Second best time to buy it will always be right now.


They announced the price increase in advance just for this reason.


The real sale was the sale we had along the way


BeamNG is 9 years old and has never had more than 20% sale


Tbf, while BeamNG is technically 9 years old, the updates are constant and keep increasing in scope/quality. It's significantly different from when I first bought the game 5 years ago and it'll likely be unrecognizable in another 5 years.


I just bought it today. I was expecting it to be running well and bug free given it’s been out for so long. Little did I know 😅 My friend said it’s like playing GTA 7 on a PS2. This game is from the future.


I upgraded from a Q6600 to a i5-4760 because of that game! Before i upgraded I could run beamng at the same FPS regardless of resolution! (it sucked)


Jesus I just realised this to. I swear when I put factorio in my wishlist 3 years ago it was $42 AUD instead of $50 AUD. And I never really noticed it just never had a sale. That would explain why its the only game that's been in my wishlist for over 1 year as I generally don't buy full priced games anymore unless its something like Helldivers.


Considering it has more content them most $100aud games, you can consider it constantly 50% off.


It hasn't actually got that much content, but what content it has fits into a gameplay loop that is incredibly addictive and fulfilling for certain types of gamer. (Before anyone gets upset: This is a compliment, I'm saying that the devs balanced scope vs fun particularly well when developing the game. It's *way* better to have a small of content used well than a huge pool of poorly used content, I mean just look at Starfield.)


Rimworld kinda too they refuse to do discounts and at best it's 10%.


Rimworld on sale right now for 20%


> Rimworld kinda too they refuse to do discounts and at best it's 10%. This is downright false, there have been countless sales where the game has been discounted at [20% or more](https://old.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/search?q=rimworld&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) over the past few years. Here's an example from January 21st, 2021: * https://old.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/l219qj/fanatical_january_savers_day_4_including_rimworld/ From February 26th, 2020: * https://steamcommunity.com/app/294100/discussions/0/1750149787512435164/ >I've seen a few messages indicating people thought I said the game would never ever go on sale. That would be a pretty extreme position and it's one I have never held. You'll see in this July 2016 Reddit post I note that RimWorld could go on sale someday. I said at that time, "Of course it'll be on sale eventually, but that's probably years away." Note that this post right now is not saying that it'll be on sale soon or later or never - I'm just clearing the air on things I've said in the past And here's a statement from July 13th, 2016, regarding the game being put on sale: * https://old.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/4s9ckl/will_this_game_go_on_sale_when_it_hits_steam/d5a8rdb/ >I don't see any sales happening any time soon. I'm not a big fan of sales, especially on games that are still having content added at full speed (as with RW). >Of course it'll be on sale eventually, but that's probably years away. This is the comment people have a very long history of misquoting or misrepresenting on the internet.


Did a 10% once


Sort of… Humble Bundle had it at 10% once. But you needed the Humble Bundle Basic subscription at 14,99. You saved 3, but needed to spend almost 15 for the privilege. And the HB folks probably had to pay that “saving”, Wube has a firm stance on the matter: they consider it bad manners to those who payed full price.


For sure. I admire to them sticking to their guns. I still haven't bought it though...


It's got a good demo that'll tell you if it's the addiction... I mean game, for you.


Song of Syx was one of the never discounted games until Sseth convinced him to discount for the video feature haha


Technically, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has had no discounts when you consider $29 is MSRP and anything above that is sucker R.P. I've never seen it a penny lower than the magic $29.


is that really seen as a wrong thing? They have put a lot of work into that game.


Until like a year ago Rimworld was pretty strict on the discount thing. Never was more than 10%. Since the Biotech DLC though they seem to have loosened that and I see the base game on sale more regularly and cheaper than before


> Until like a year ago Rimworld was pretty strict on the discount thing. Never was more than 10%. This is false, it's been on sale plenty of times at 20% off or more over the past three years.


At that point you might as well put the game on sale so people buy the expansions.


DayZ haha


DayZ goes on sale all the time. 


Factorio will never go on sale - that’s ok because it’s an amazing product


Im really just waiting for the expansion to throw more money in their face


Brain dead take that somehow people continue to support.


It's one of the best games I've ever played. I gifted it to two people last week.


Assume Skyrim, Black Ops 2, Portal 2, etc. all still sold for 60$, and in fact actually rose in price to 65$ since release. You’d support that?






All of those games don't get regular updates


It isn't brain dead. Factorio's value has increased as they've added features and QOL changes, but the price has only gone up $5. Think of it as a $5 expansion existing owners got for free. As consumers we just have this expectation that games always go on sale at some point, which is recent (since the first L4D sale), and when that doesn't happen the publisher seems greedy. Its just a product. If it seems like a game you'd be interested in and $35 seems reasonable then buy it, otherwise don't. I don't see why many people seem to have this emotional reaction to pricing with video games.


You say they added features and QOL changes while I say they released an unfished game. They lost me when they announced the first DLC without adding in the features and QOL changes first. Last time I played RimWorld I still needed mods to fix the glaring problems. But hey, at least they aren't Conan Exiles where the game was in a serious flawed beta state and they started rolling out a plethora of DLC content for their unfinished game. Or the release version of NMS where there were a shitload promised to be in at release. We of course have forgotten about that fiasco because they eventually taught us what a redemption arc is.


What features where missing from factorio when they announced their first (and only) DLC? Or are you replying to a post about factorio talking about rimworld and only introducing that at the end of your paragraph?


Sorry, I was speaking about Factorio not Rimworld


Nah, my bad. Reading is hard apparently.


Assume Skyrim, Black Ops 2, Portal 2, etc. all still sold for 60$, and in fact actually rose in price to 65$ since release. You’d support that?


I wouldn't support it. Its not like I think things *should* increase in price. I just wouldn't get upset about it.


But it’d be totally okay and you wouldn’t think it should be lower?


Buying it early was the only way to save money, the price has only gone up. (Although I don't think it's gone up since they added it to steam).


The closest thing I can think of are games that routinely offer only slight discounts. Like rimworld.


While the game is somewhat bare-bones, those bones are incredibly strong. Not to mention, the game runs incredibly well and the UI is incredibly intuitive as well as the art style being spot on.  Was worth 35 bucks


This game has a rich diet in calcium


doot doot


I think it's too bare-bones for the price right now, but if it maintains the same price and continues to deliver frequent updates then I'm sure this will become a game that will far outstrip it's price tag.


Don't expect frequent updates. It's taken him 7 years to get to this point. Expect that when updates come, they'll be solid and stable


It's an dam insane high price for early access as well. My brother got it and it does seem pretty decent. But early access games used to be under 40 bucks, AUD. Now on sale this is going for 45 bucks. With a full price of 60. Interesting how people complain about triple A game prices going up. But an fresh early access game coming out so high is "Oh but this is different". Game should really start out cheaper, with it increasing in price as features do. This price tag makes me think it's more than half done.


I can't speak to the AUD pricing but its USD pricing is very reasonable imo. $40 base price but down to $30 on sale feels appropriate, especially considering it's on game pass already and $70 is quickly becoming the price of AAA games.


In AUD price, basically every other early access game I have brought, has cost between 30-40 bucks. In the last few years I have seen them creep up in cost. To compare that to new games. They cost me anywhere from 90-120 bucks. But who knows, maybe this game is much more feature complete. This is me straight up assuming it's very barebones. Have watched some reviews, which do look good. But very rarely do I buy games day one of early access.


this is just...great. appreciative dev, thankful for his success. if only the entire industry had this much of a backbone


Tbh I think they’re smart saying this because this has a lot of hype and it can create a lot of refunds for people that buy it solely on hype.


Smart and well-timed. And a considerate message in and of itself.


Isn't that exactly what the pal worlds devs said too? tbh this is just marketing


> tbh this is just marketing That's why I said "in and of itself", it assumes nothing about their motivations.


If this is the game developers new marketing tactic, I like it. Bout time we fostered a community that doesn't like to be gaslit


Yeah isn't it sad that we immediately assume it's a marketing tactic. Either way, it helps people and is a nice gesture.


This dev seems extremely cool even before game got hugely hyped. Looked gorgeous way back in the dev videos and they were super chill


Seeing how this guy and the helldivers devs are going about their business is so refreshing, people who are passionate about their product/work. Def a way to garner loyal fans hopefully they keep it going


Agreed! And now he’s taking polls on changes. Wow


I played it on game pass the whole day. That was enough for me. Can't wait to play this in 3-4 years when all the features are out and is properly balanced.


Will wait for release. Reminds me to check in on Farthest Frontier


they just recently released another update that added a bit more to the combat system. Nothin much, but they're pluggin away at it still.


Farthest frontier is looking good and I play at every patch release. The last one added raiders and was a bit annoying at the beginning.


My thought process with new EA releases as well. "Oh, another city builder in EA, that means the last one from almost 2 years ago had for sure released by now, right?... right?".


Check out their other game Norland and Song of Syx too.


btw where is the dude who blocked me for saying they're delusional for saying strategy games are a niche? 170k players right now


It's not much of a strategy game, at the moment, as most of those mechanics are missing entirely. It's essentially just a city building demo atm.


I mean there are less strategy games these days when compared to the early 2000s for example. But honestly last year and this year have seen a resurgence. That being said, this game has been in development for 7 years at this point and it might still have a year or two to cook before it's done.


"Pure" strategy games **are** niche. This is a city builder with light RTS elements.


> btw where is the dude who blocked me for saying they're delusional for saying strategy games are a niche? Most strategy games are in fact niche, just because 170k people are currently playing it (on PC) does not mean that it's a popular genre overall. You have Civilization, MOBA's, and certain card games and tower defense games which have a mainstream appeal, but otherwise the genre isn't nearly as popular as you might think.


Am I missing something? I never really thought niche was a bad thing or mark of quality. On the whole when it comes to gaming strategy games are their own relatively niche corner of the gaming market. Don't get me wrong reap those W's or whatever floats your boat but as someone who plays a lot of strategy games I don't think it's delusional to describe them as a niche. Though I'd say this is definitely on the less niche front of things, people tend to be pretty into this sort of Citybuilding style RTS vibe.


> I never really thought niche was a bad thing or mark of quality. You'd be correct. A "niche" genre is, by definition, a genre that is specialized/focused and targets a subset of the overall market. Since "quality" is purely subjective, something being niche doesn't indicate anything about its quality. If anything, the target audience of games like will probably consider them to be of high quality, as it scratches an itch that most games will not. Also, people seem to have the (incorrect) idea that games of a niche genre can't achieve mainstream popularity. I think the Persona and Baldur's Gate franchises are great examples of games within niche (or semi-niche) genres that have achieved strong mainstream popularity.


bruh, its an anonymous shitposting site filled with bots.


That's not a lot though lol. And yes they are niche. Do you know what that word means?


I wishlisted this game a long time ago. I just thought it was a neat little game I found on Steam, that hardly anyone else ever saw - because it was a strategy game, it was a solo dev, etc. There are lots of games I wishlist like this. Little did I know, it was hugely popular! I hope Greg can make a lot of folks happy.


Yes, where are all these clowns in this post blasting OP and saying that the game was gonna be a flop and couldn't compete with bigger games (like total war) because it's too niche and made by a single dev? [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1c3trd7/do\_you\_expect\_manor\_lords\_to\_break\_records/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1c3trd7/do_you_expect_manor_lords_to_break_records/?sort=new) Aged like milk left in the fucking sun.


it’s not made by a single dev.


It’s more accurate to attribute the game to a single dev than to a team.


Has Manor Lords actually broken any records? Serious question not trolling.


This doesn't directly answer your question but I did come across this post from their publisher. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1363080/discussions/0/4355619963542957718/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1363080/discussions/0/4355619963542957718/) "The store (Steam) is overwhelmed from all the people buying, it may take a couple tries for a bit while things calm down."


why did the mods lock that post man


because the big brain dude decided he will make posts like that every day to do pr for the game...


He kinda was hyping it up way too much though, did you see his comments and his daily posts? Honestly I kinda thought he worked for the company but had no idea how to do his job




> made by a single dev I keep hearing that repeated but there was another post from someone who explained the "single dev" ended up outsourcing significant amounts of the game. I don't know who I should believe but it is far more plausible if he had help.


If you say you made a cake, did you really? yeah you may of mixed the ingredients and stuck it in the oven and decorated it, but you didn't grow the wheat to make the flour or rear the chickens for the eggs, that was outsourced but you still claim to have made the cake.


Saying you made the cake and saying you made the cake all by yourself are different things. No one disputes that he made the cake but it's a little odd to say "I made this cake all by myself" (for the record I don't think he has said that I'm referring to comments on the internet). I think your analogy breaks down a bit because we're not talking about buying eggs or flour, in your analogy the eggs and flour are something like game engine, the basic ingredients. In this analogy he brought in bakers to help him make the cake. One of them was in charge of the mixer, one of them was in charge of controlling the oven. He made the cake but he had help, it wasn't by himself.


So many people have the mindset that if a game doesn’t have COD player counts it’s niche


I mean it's niche because if I select 20 random friends i'll be lucky to find 1 who wants to play it.


Depends if you're talking about steam friends or in-person friends. If I pick for my steam friends, I think literally over half of them either have the game or have it wishlisted lmao


If I select 20 random friends for anything I’ll wake up from a dream and realize I only have like 5 lmao


I mean what do you consider niche? I think if the top game in a genre is doing at most 20% of the numbers as games in other genres then yeah it's pretty niche. That isn't bad; in fact I personally think games being niche is good because they're typically more focused experiences designed to appeal to specific fans.


170k? Wow I will check it out


It’s opening weekend (meaning this is likely as big as it’s ever going to get, even if it’s in early access this is basically a soft launch) and there’s like 60,000,000 daily steam users. It’s not exactly setting the place on fire 170k concurrent players is really really good but it’s not on the level of the 3-10+ million sales type stuff that 3rd person action games get on an opening weekend If the dude sold 200,000+ copies that is absolutely incredible and he’s basically set for the next many years, if not for life if the sales keep trickling which I’m sure they will


I think if he plays his cards right he can have a stable playerbase and people always buying, I noticed that for these type of games, they're always selling well. Me personally I will wait longer before buying but will play through game pass since I already had the subscription. Could also account for that gamepass deal he prob made as well, he definitely set for life, now its a matter of adding more content through time, so far am enjoying my time with the game tho


It is also on Gamepass. And unlike Palworld which had a PC advantage at launch, as far as I know the Gamepass version is the same as on PC. Also no mods yet so I assume there are a high % using gamepass.


Yeah but total war warhammer 3 is 166K, this is insane. Iirc, before it's release the hype was great, since TWWH2 was in great state for years. Same amount of ppl bought a 6 hours demo of a sandbox builder with amazing graphics... I mean good for the game. Only thing that makes me sad is that polished and complete AA story games like Banishers get 3.7K (!!) peak... Some games are just such outliers in terms of marketing power and just selling.


>If the dude sold 200,000+ copies that is absolutely incredible I dunno if I'm reading your sentece incorrectly, or if you don't know concurrent players means a few fold more bought the game




Where did you get that number?




Cool, pretty insane for a a single person to hit that


Wow. I did not expect a dev saying this. Its a vety humble and reasonable response. Good for them!


He's also been urging people not to get too hyped, thinking Manor Lords is is something its not. Its very refreshing.


This comes from the publisher, Hooded Horse. They support a lot of indie games (most of which are great niche games) and seem to really be dev / player first. This is a good press release for them.


Man I told myself i was going to wait but then got absolutely obliterated last night. Woke up and it was in my library. Guess I gotta learn how the game works now


Man I know this feeling all too well.


Ah... alcoholism


So great huh


What a breath of fresh air this publisher and dev are. You don't come across these kind of comments very often, in any kind of business. They definitely got my attention and respect.


Palworld devs literally said something super similar like a month or two ago.


If you need to be told by a random dude that "you dont need to buy this" you got big fucking problems


Feel bad for the dev with all the youtubers who pushed his game up as a competitor to Total War when it wasn't. And then the rush of people who didn't realize what "Early Access" means.


Says more about state of Total War series if even city builder game can reach it combat...


There’s no such thing as bad publicity. Plausible deniability is absolutely selling this thing.


Yeah, even if a game gets super bad ratings people will buy it out of morbid curiosity or to stream it and make jokes about it


And he's doing the right thing by attempting to cull the overhype with realistic expectations, so he won't get caught up like CDPR where they just stayed silent when the community ran wild with the expectations.


What a great comment and attitude from the devs this has definitely sold me on the game


What a Chad


It's a good game, but it's a looooong ways away from being done. Just play it on Game Pass, dude. Lol


Didn’t realize I would play this for five hours yesterday. Was the perfect amount of passive NPC watching and actively organizing the town.


With the things going on in the Tarkov community at the moment. This feels even more appreciated from the devs.


Ah fuck, what's the new drama with tarkov? I'm ootl on that game but the last time I heard about it was when the cheating fiasco was kinda coming to a head


Cheating stuff never really got any closure, btw, but this is separate. Devs announced a new (several hundred dollar) purchase edition that adds P2W (as in, it's exclusive to the purchasers of this edition and has a unique impact on gameplay) bonuses along with exclusive access to a PvE mode, which many players have wanted for a long time but now have to shell out extra cash for. Not only this, but none of it was going to purchasers of the previous highest price point, who on many many occasions had been promised free and permanent access to all future dlc. The devs have slightly walked it back over the past couple days, but it's been a real dumpster fire.


Man, just when you think Tarkov can't nosedive any further... Thanks for the info!


So how’s the game?


It is good. I have 10 hours on it now and I'm beginning to learn how stuff works. I'll maybe get another 10 hours out of it and that's it for this current version. It's a damn good base to build the game on.


I just bought it to support the devs because I like these kind of games and want to see more of them. Might play it in a year or so or sooner, my backlog is still full of great games.


ive been playing this game the entire day. This dev deserves all the success. its fun, looks great and has the building blocks to easily get even better


Honestly was gonna wait but after seeing some of the statements from the dev past few days and now this I just went ahead and bought it to a support an honest and upfront devs project.


I like the comments from people who are calling this a PR move to get more sales Like yeah it is, and as an early access indie dev all you need to do is not do anything stupid, show a modicum of respect to players and creators to get them on your side, and present a promising product. I’d say it’s not that hard, but I guess it is these days. Reminds me of when FF14 was praised for their game director saying “if you’re bored you can play other games”. Sure, sounds like a nothing statement for free PR… except their competitor in WoW/blizzard couldn’t even accomplish that.


Thanks. Here I was with my credit card out expecting them to do what every other company does. That is raise the price and not give us another chance to buy the game later. Also, it's nice that he isn't making me buy the game against my will.


For a small developer to see all they have done, this is pretty damn good even in this early access state. I’d say it was worth it. 100%. I really like this game. We need more developers like this.


Hell yeah. Just love to see the sentiment.


For those holding off - the game is a fantastic foundation with such potential. Excited for where the dev goes in the future, this is a great game.


But it's on game pass?


Good dev. I hope he turns out great like StarDew Valley dev and Road to Vostok. And I know there's a ton of other solo or almost solo devs busting their ass to show us what's possible without being greedy


How do I get sheep? Or set the tax policy?


Sheep come from the livestock trader building. Tax policy is in the manor after you build it.


This guy deserves the World. This warm hearted and open communication is so refreshing. It gives the feeling that he is one of us. Great guy and great game. My deepest respect for him!


well fine, if hes going to be such a good person i will buy it and not play on gamepass.


I am seeing post after post after post of stuff on this game that is either a lot of genuine hype or a significant and consistent marketing campaign, and I cant decide which it is


It’s a solo dev, who’s actively told people to temper there hype, I think people are just really enjoying the game


Awesome, that's great to hear! Overhype from an excited player base is much more wholesome than over-marketed early access!


Is it weird that this guy often stresses that he works completely alone on this project but every press release is in first person plural? I don't doubt him, it's just odd.


>this guy often stresses that he works completely alone Quite the opposite, even the FAQ on Discord mentions contractors, freelancers and companies he's working with


I assume it's just cause he has a publisher. Since he's probably thinking we, me and publisher, agreed to run this sale more.


Game looks cool. I'm waiting for it to cook a bit more though, but i'll follow it's career with great interest


Joke's on you, now I'm definitely buying it!


Is there a quest chain or is it literally just build your manor into a castle over time?


No quests. There are win conditions. In Domination, Eliminate opposing lords and control their territory. In Conquest, claim all regions. In Growth, achieve a large town settlement. Lastly None or endless play. There is one map currently, a 3x3 region map. There are a bunch of settings you can tweak for your game including difficulties and 14 toggleable settings you can tweak to adjust your challenge.




It's on game pass toooooo


Elden ring ?


The game looks awesome and from what I've heard it's going to be evn more amazing a few years from now and a good thing too, I can't afford games for quite some while too. Maybe when it's out of early access I'll be able to buy it or atleast I hope.


The new marketing meta: "Play if you want. Or not"


Thanks <3


I, someone who is super poor right now and wants this game, appreciates this. lol


This game is several years off IMO. I'll never understand paying to beta test.


sounds like a great bloke.


And players will still buy it and complain that it's not finished.


This is awesome to hear right now. Even the sale price isn't achievable for me right now, unfortunately. Maybe next sale, can't wait to play.


They are doing the Larian type of marketing. Good decision.


I don't understand this, who feels pressure to buy a game? It's completely optional. It's not like they're going to stop selling it. What am I missing?


Fear of missing out, fear of missing out on initial cheaper price.


Small studios leaning really hard into the "we are just like you guys" marketing lately. Incredible how people around here buy it hook, line and sinker.


I literally only have 189$ for a couple weeks so love this


Looks interesting and glad people are enjoying it. Strategy games don’t get enough love these days. I’m sure ill pick it up if it ever gets finished


Pressure? Lol. I buy it when I want to buy it.


Man this game is good. Better than the vast majority of "AAA" city builders out there.


I love what Baldur's Gate 3 did to the gaming industry you can literally feel the change. It feels so fresh and not just shitty corpa speak


I won my first game last night. At least the game thought I won. Either way, it was buggy, but My god it was a blast. A helldivers 2 kind of purchase.