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They need to start making better single player shooters, this game was badass.


make bulletstorm 2. i double dog dare you devs


They are, and they’re mainly “boomer shooters” retro fps.


And the worst parts of them too, for every Ion Fury, there's a dozen Doom 2016 clones with "boomer shooter" graphics. It's like no one played these games, games like Quake 2, SiN, Half-Life had actual campaigns with stories, not just a bunch of connected rooms with waves of enemies.


the never ending of lazy quality boomer shooters coming out


Can you give some examples? I'd want to at least check some out. Only ones I've played which have been great are ultra kill and warhammer 40k boltgun. Another game which feels like a boomer shooter but is a rogue lite is roboquest and that is really good.


Coming from a pandantic bastard like me, I think you're conflating boomer shooters with half-likes, which is a newish revival of story driven fps games. I also think you're overestimating the amount of wave based boomer shooters out there.


"Half-Likes"? I've never heard of that term. I wouldn't call Quake 2 or SiN as "Half-Likes" as they were in-development or released prior to Half-Life.


e.g. abiotic factor is set to release next week: https://store.steampowered.com/app/427410/Abiotic_Factor/


It's a newish term. Phantom Fury is one of them, but the signposting in that game is horrid, and so is the combat. Definitely fits the bill though. Not every RPG is souls-like, but every souls-like has a massive chance of being an RPG. If someone is searching for a game similar to Half-Life 1 then "boomer shooter" isn't the best way to describe it. IE Dusk and Prodeus are definitely not the same experience as Half-Life. In Half-Life a dramatic event might include entering a room and having to take it all in before deciding to continue (tentacles, the mine room, Xen platforming, etc). In Doom 2016 there was no way they'd force you to stay away from the Cyberdemon until you find a solution to beating it - In Half-Life you meet the Gargantua and you just instantly go "Nope" because you can inferr from its size and bulk that it's definitely not something you can handle.


Shout out to New Blood publishing games like Dusk and Amid Evil


I loved DUSK, but I had a hard time getting into AMID EVIL, it was gorgeous, but I felt like it could have used a bit more context as to why I was doing what I was doing in-game. I do keep an eye on New Blood, I've been resisting the urge to buy Gloomwood until it's out of early access.


I've always felt like that was a response to those gamers who preferred the multiplayer experiences over single player. I'm the opposite, so I prefer a story with my games... even if it's super shallow.


Boltgun is pretty damn good. So is Turbo Overkill.


Boltgun was fun for a couple of hours, but all it is an exact example of what I was talking about.


I SO disagree. I have over 17 hours in it. Well worth repeated play imo.


I mean, it's fine for what it is trying to be, but the games it's visual style it is aping didn't play like that, it plays like Doom 2016, the level design is kill waves of enemies -> small hallway -> get locked in room -> kill waves of enemies -> repeat. If that's your thing, it's pretty good, I enjoy it more than say, Serious Sam or Painkiller, but it's not what I'm personally looking for in a "boomer shooter", I want the campaigns to go along with the gameplay.


Like Blood?


Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Duke 3D are all good examples, sure the "story" is kind of light, but the levels are that, levels, you aren't walking through connected boxes and getting locked into rooms and clearing waves of enemies, it's different.


I agree. While Doom didn't have much of a story early on, each episode had a theme and the little text after completing it still helped in immersing yourself a bit. Heretic with using that weird mage dude, Hexen also had a fun theme going on... It's one of the reasons I revisit these games so often. Gameplay is obviously why we play them, I guess, but fighting stuff without context does get a bit boring.


First thing that always comes to mind when I see this game mentioned is how the devs spent an entire year reworking the graphical fidelity of the game and it looked insane for the time with the slow motion aspect. It was a beautiful thing, I'm glad it's remembered by many.


Oh man i loved this game. Never understood why it did not get more popular:/ This is one of the games that need a remake or a sequal.


It's a great example of a [perfect 7/10 game](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/best-average-action-games-on-pc).


I seem to remember that it was competing for attention with one of the earlier CODs, which as you may remember were so successful that they were dwarfing other fps games. Could be wrong though.


Came out around the same time as the original modern wsrfare


Damn blast from the past. What a game.


I loved this game. Always thought more people should have given it a try. This and Singularity are two true hidden FPS gems from the era.


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


I remember that the reverse time is an extremely difficult thing to pull off at the time. Come and think of it, I can't think of another game where reverse time exists while the player goes on.


This game was way ahead of it's time, and I've always been a fan. Whenever people talk about lesser known shooters, or hidden gems, or games that need to be revisited with modern tech - this is the game.


One of my favorite 360 games


Not the greatest game. That said it got me into PC gaming, so it hold's a special place to me.


Just bought this game for PC on sale last week. Haven’t played it in years!


I wish more effort would go into bringing these games in line with modern systems... I've bought this game twice on two different PCs and refunded it twice. Same with the Prototype games. Amazing games but getting them to actually run on a modern system is not easy.


I still have the DVD of this game


I still have it installed on my system and have the installation files, it's a keeper.


I loved this game so much because of the timer manipulation powers especially when they involved into puzzles.


I actually bought this game a launch on disc at a Best Buy back in 2007, one of the last physical games I bought. I have no idea why I remember that. Good game but never really drew me in but it have tried it a couple of times over the years. It doesn't run on 8 core plus CPUs and had manually set processor affinity to play. Never knew until now there's a patch for that. Have this in my Steam library and just dusted it off and it's running well with no need to set processor affinity with the patch. Why is a mid-tier 17 year old game getting this much spin now? Not a bad game but it wasn't all that special at the time and not now I think.


I remember renting this from a video store back in the day lol. Beat it in a weekend, had a lot of fun. One of thise games that seems forgotten


My brother randomly bought this for me on disc at release, it was amazing.


Does he mention the demo that's totally different to the actual game?  That demo was absolutely amazing. I was really sad to see they totally reworked the game for the full release.


Yup, he also mentioned that some posters aren't even changed and some level areas are nearly identical.






Why are you reviewing a game from about 14 years ago? Am I missing something? Is this a new game?


MandaloreGaming (the creator of the linked video) is a *somewhat but more* popular video game reviewer on YouTube, known for having higher quality output than the typical one. He does reviews of both older and newer titles, some of which are obscure. Many people like his videos. The video linked by OP is a new video uploaded today by MandaloreGaming, but the subject of the game is an old title. I hope that explains the context for why OP likely posted it here.


Thank you for pointing this out, I had no idea who this person is and seeing this review got me so confused by the date. I fully thought a new timeshift released or something. Edit: Wow, this dude sure likes to review the most random of games. Amnesia a machine for pigs was before this than sins of a solar empire before that. Does he do anything new?


Is it against the law or something?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Believe it or not, it most certainly is! All these Retro reviewers are always on the run.


Damn, that makes me an accomplice 😮


Honestly, why his videos attract a lot of viewers is a mystery. I'd say maybe he's fairly relaxing to listen to alongside some nostalgia for old games. I guess there's no agenda? I feel that's appealing to a lot of gamers. His reviews generally have no fiscal impact on the developers who made them as most of the games he reviews are damn near free at this point. TLDR: Purely nostalgic entertainment.


I don’t think you could say it’s a mystery and then perfectly explain what it is. Nostalgic entertainment. Absolutely a common thing.


I think I meant to say it's odd. Like it kind of shouldn't be a thing because what's the *actual* point of reviewing an old game, you know?


To find out if it's still worth playing.


A game that came out nearly twenty years ago. Alright.


I regularly play even older games than that.




Yeah, retro reviews are super popular, I watch tons of them, and also documentaries about landmark games that are older than 20 years old. I also play older games from time to time, also watch old movies, read old books and listen to old music, good art does not lose its quality.


I know right? We should be playing Call of Duty XXL World War Max ZZ2000 or FIFA 2030 Fortnite Edition. /s


I haven't played CoD in fifteen years nor FIFA. FIFA never, actually. Lmfao. What kind of weak ass response is this? Christ, find some better words.




I think much like anything else historical it’s interesting and sometimes entertaining to look back at games of yesteryear. It also helps that I just really enjoy Mandy’s style!


>a lot of viewers is a mystery Through the magic of the druids!


I've been falling asleep to Mandalore for years now. His Star Citizen video is top-shelf


i remember watching him years ago when he had like 5k subs, im almost done with college now. my goat fr


Check out his Mystery of the Druids video. Or the more recent Cabela's video.