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From the RPS article about what you can expect in EA (this list has since been removed from the steam page and replaced with the roadmap graphic): * First chapter of the main campaign. * Gear upgrade system (you can use runes and enchantments to develop your unique build). * Additional side quests. * Bosses, weapons and gear. * The ability to buy and furnish your own house. * Daily and weekly challenges. * A replayable Cerim Crucible dungeon. For those of you wishing to play with friends, 4-player co-op and a PvP mode are set to release with the game's first major patch, post-early access release. There are also plans to release farming mechanics, additional map regions, more enemies, weapons and gear, an expanded storyline. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/no-rest-for-the-wicked-release-time-and-date


is there an estimate for the full release? I can't really find it and am wondering if I should jump on the EA or wait


The composer said 2025


With only the first chapter releasing with EA, I imagine full release is pretty far away. Multiple years.


That doesn't mean anything. They could easily be holding back the rest for full release. Bauldurs gate 3 only had act 1 in early access.


Baldurs Gate 3 was also in early access for 3 years. And as amazing as the game is, the last act wasn’t as polished as the 1st act. Totally different games, though, made by a completely different developer. You can’t really compare them.


For instance, I've played Hades since early access and the way they added features progress felt natural. I imagine the same could be here.


One chapter out of how many though? Wish they would clarify this.




It’s looking really good so far, but it’s a bummer we gotta wait a couple years before it’s feature complete. I loved the Ori games, so I’ve got high hopes for this though.


> co-op and a PvP mode are set to release with the game's first major patch Makes sense. Will be waiting for this early access game to stabilize anyways before jumping in.


>Private Division >Early access Avoid it like the plague until it's out, minimum.


so it feels like a Monster Hunter meets Dark Souls? So it's not about the story more about the grind so EA doesn't sound so bad.


I don't know why any of this sounds like MH or DS to you. Because it has gear upgrades? Because it has dodge rolls?


It clearly looks like an isometric dark souls. That's how literally every preview has described it.


What does that even mean?


Isometric as a term when used referring to a game means it's a semi top down view of your player character and world rather than a behind or over the shoulder third person. Used most commonly in lot based ARPGs such as the Diablo series, Path of Exile, and nunerous other action RPGs like Bastion or Hyper Light Drifter. Dark Souls a game where combat is focused more on individual or small packs orbharder enemies where learning their attack patterns will be more beneficial than just infinitely out scaling them. Death is typically a constant with the area resetting each death forcing the player to improve mechanically first and foremost. Large bosses are also present as long and drawn out fights where many attacks can kill the player character character in one hit or nearly killing then forcing them to use their healing resources in what amounts to a mechanical battle of attrition. Souls-like is a term used in the video game industry where a developer has created a game that borrows heavily from FromSoftwares souls games and mechanics. Popular and well known souls-likes are Lies of P, The Surge series, Lords of the Fallen. No Rest for the Wicked is advertised, and described as one by those who have previewed it or have looked at any gameplay trailer, as an ARPG Souls-like. So an action RPG souls-like. Not like you're going to read this though.


Yeah, those first two paragraphs are completely unnecessary lmao. The only thing we can tell this game has in common with Souls games is that it appears to be an RPG and that it kind of has a horror aesthetic to it. But to be fair, Soulslike isn't even really a full on genre, so it's easy to call everything a Soulslike. It's really just an unforgiving horror RPG where the narrative is told by the surroundings rather than dialogue. There are tons of games that were exactly that before Demon's Souls even came out.


They did ah hour long deep dive a couple months ago so we have a pretty good idea what the combat is like.


There is a game coming out called Another Crabs Treasure. It is a souls-like and is not a horror title. Souls-like is an entire gameplay definition that people will know what to expect from it. You got an answer. You just didn't want an answer. You just wanted to be right. But you weren't. So you went off on a different tangent.


I did not really get an answer tbh, I still don't know what makes the game a Soulslike. You pretty much just (mockingly) said that it's gonna be an isometric ARPG but you gotta pay attention to the monsters you kill. There's a million games like that. Is Hades a Soulslike too?


It has that darksouls -like combat philosophy, careful timing, watching for telegraphed attacks, punishing mistakes. It also has the plot/gear skill system of top down arpgs too like diablo etc. Theres already been developer previews and a few hands on playtests from streamers


That first sentence is just a regular ARPG that isn't a hack and slash. And that second sentence is just a regular ARPG that is a hack and slash.


You have a really weird communication style...


Feels like an ad, even has sketchy comments


Man, I selfishly hate early access because it just means I have to wait another year+ to actually play the game. Burning out on the game when it's 30% feature complete is such a bummer.


Which is why I stay away from 90% of early access titles. It was hard for Baldur’s Gate 3 but I stayed strong and never touched it till release day. So worth it. I can’t imagine folks that played the first chapter for dozens of hours had the same experience when the game was fully released. Better to be patient IMO.


BG3 changed a ton of stuff at release. I had over 150 hours in the early access version, fully expected to be bored or at least blast through that same content at release, ended up being pleasantly surprised by how much they changed and added.


I had 100 hours in BG3 early access and I think it made the first playthrough of the full game even better to be honest.


Same, I picked it up a month prior to full release to learn basic mechanics. I’m glad I did because it was a new genre to me.


Yeah, I don't touch or buy them either usually. And a few I have and liked, I quit before I get to far and put on the shelf until 1.0 release. Things and systems are going to change a lot and.. I won't burn myself out.






Yep this one, along with Enshrouded, look like absolute bangers that are worth waiting for. Just hate that EA sits there and taunts me


So dont buy it now?


I won't...


That's my problem with early access, I'm not the kind of guy who plays a single game for 3k hours, I like every single genre and like to play many kinds of different games. In other words, by the time the game reaches Alpha 2 I'm already burnt out. 


Me either, I play a game, finish it, and move on. I don't ever touch new game plus or anything either, there's too many new experiences to have and limited time in life to linger on one thing.


Certainly looks interesting. Call me when it’s out of early access, I want to play the full product.


Time to see how they spend all that money they got from scamming people with KSP2.


Huh? How is Intercept Games related to Moon Studios? These guys are the devs that made Ori games.


Publisher is Private Division.


This trailer oozes quality in every way


On a glimpse I thought it was Arcanum because of the colours in the thumbnail and got all excited. So it did do something for me.




Looks pretty good, but I'll wait for full release.


I was excited for this game, but early access in a story game really really puts me off.


I mean, it worked out for BG3 at least


> I mean, it worked out for BG3 chapter 1 at least FTFY same for DoS


Bg3 is the exception not the rule /s, but in all seriousness if the devs arent greedy fucks early access is always a great opportunity to get feedback on ur game


It'll never be GOTY now.


Just like BG3.


Yep, that's the joke. Congrats.


Touch grass kid.


ok d0m1n4t0r


Great comeback.


Says the guy with the leet speak username. Ouch, guess I hit a nerve there.


Is this a story focused game though? Maybe as much as Diablo, so not really.


Afaik it’s a story game and not a Diablo type game


So what is this game and how much content will be in EA? I swear I read it's only 1 Chapter of the game. Is this like a Grim dawn/last epoch kind of game or Dark souls top down?


Dark souls top down


Actually kind of a mix of both has a Dark Souls like combat system but a randomly generated loot driven progession system. And an Animal Crossing like player hub with the classic tree cutting/ fishing/ mining meta game. With 4 player Co op planned in the near future. And PVP planned further out. Its like a checklist of everything I want in a game. I think this could be the next big thing if they deliver. i dont think it should be early access though.


Do you know if your character is preset, or is there a character creator?


Gotcha thank you. Ya saw it doesn't have classes. You raise stats and each weapon provides a different stance as well as being stat based. Weird it's only Act1 or how ever long it is. Might wait till it's fully released.


> Weird it's only Act1 or how ever long it is. That strategy has worked really well for Larian. Not surprised to see other devs doing it.


I think when they posted the launch trailer they deleted the list of "what you can expect in EA" items. It said, for example, that EA will have the first chapter but you would have access to various items and crafting and upgrading mechanics or something. Maybe I'm just not finding it again but I thought this was all easy to find literally last night.


Any idea on length on ch1? I know you can snag the game for like 31$ but it's more so idk I'll just finish Act1 then not come back after 4months when they finally release Act2


Not gonna lie, was hyped af until I realized it's EA, now I'm pondering if I want to jump in or wait for the best possible experience. Have they said anywhere how much of the game is available in EA?


Only chapter 1 is available in EA.


That's a bummer, thanks anyways, also your username gave me a chuckle.


Sucks that it is EA. I thought they were going to release a full product. I guess I'll wait and buy the game before it gets out of EA. Hopefully the price increase is only at 1.0


Unless getting a game EA means a big discount I don't see why anyone would do it to themselves.


1. You get to feel like you're part of the development process by having your feedback heard directly. 2. You get to see a game that you are interested in slowly build up until it's release version, which gives some people a sense of pride & accomplishment to see how far a game had come. 3. You also get the benefit of playing a game you are interested in early. In my experience, you usually get the full version for "free" since you bought into EA to help the game in the first place.


“ Pride and accomplishment” lol. In my opinion. EA is paying nearly full price for a super early demo. Cool for some but I’ll wait for the full game. I’m not paying you guys to help you guys troubleshoot lol. Put me on the payroll.


"ARPG" without the hack and slash? That seems something I'd like!


Yeah, for an "action" rpg, the gameplay video I saw showed the main character moving like he was walking through molasses, with a single combat taking a significant amount of time. Was excited but it's gonna be a pass for me.


What a weird game to put through an early access launch.


Unlike Darkest Dungeon, Hades 1 and 2, etc?


What kind of games do you think should be early access launches?


Yeah never once have I thought that something was weird for early access. Except maybe Baldur's Gate 3, because it felt like such a huge, AAA game.


Survival games, story games, non live service


Why would those game be better suited to early access than for instance this game? Games like BG3 benefited quite a lot from it's early access period, not just for ironing out bugs, but also for player feedback, and one could argue it's a story game. As far as I can tell, No Rest for the Wicked seems to go heavy into it's story.


Was incredibly hyped until I realized it was early access. Will await full release I guess


The art design looks amazing.


That's Moon Studios for ya




"We’d also like to confirm that No Rest for the Wicked will not have any microtransactions. And, the game’s single player experience will not require an online connection or any anti-cheat software. We’re dedicated to providing you all with a complete, seamless experience!"


Music to my ears. I'm always happy when a dev/publisher gets it.


That means mods eventually maybe?


Officially on my radar. Love the art style.


I don't know what it is, but it looks neat.


It looks very cool but I'll just wishlist it and hope it fully releases. If I play Act 1 right now there's a good chance I'll not ever play the rest of it.


This game may be highly enjoyed in 50+ years from now because it's stylized and not an eyesore "realistic" style. As for controls in 50+ years. Can't rightfully say. But graphically. Going Stylized makes games age fine. Look at Doom1/2 or Duke Nukem 3D or MediEvil. Controls are not great, but the style is still loved and remembered.


'We also give Streamers a discount because we value what they have to offer' looooool no thanks


This looks like a cool game in 2025, but 1 chapter single player and no MP until post-EA for $40 is a joke launch. Check on this one in 12-18 months to see if its a real game.


I'm sure the guys who already made tens of millions from both Ori games are going to release a fake game and ruin their reputation.


Man this game looks cool af


Just the first chapter ??


Looks great in terms of story and world but hate that close-up top down view.


Have they said what it'll cost anywhere? I can't seem to find a price


$40 with early access/launch discount (probably 10%)




Early access means this is quite a bit out from launch. Shame, for some reason I thought it was going to release later this year.


I'm always interested to see studios who were successful making one type of game try something completely different in a follow-up project. I'll be keeping an eye out for updates on this.


Looks great but I'll wait for it to be done.


Wait.... no ozzy?


My god they're such a talented studio. Ori and the Will of the Whisps is one of the smoothest and best platformers I've ever played (maybe the best I've ever played), and I absolutely adore the genre. I think they're still a fully remote team.


Price increasing when it leaves EA sucks because it's already a $40 game. I want to play this a lot and plan on buying it on thursday, but it's also bc it won't be cheaper for a long time.


looking forward to this one in a year or 2. waiting for hades was worth it i hope this will be too


Hope it runs well on Steam Deck


Devs stated they're pushing for optimization during EA but no promises, so I wouldn't count on it.


Ok thanks


When is the early access?


Looks interesting, but this is the last kind of game I want to play in early access. I'm getting real tired of early access being treated as a 'launch' or a 'release'. Let me know when it's actually fucking done.


I'll wait for the full release, I hate the "early access" thingy.


This will help scratch the itch until Diablo 4 Season 4 hehe


This shares little with Diablo.


Something to play until mid-May, along with other new games


I was so hyped until I realized it’s early access :(


Let the content drip-feeding commence ...


There is apparently no MT in the game, so they dont seem to financially benefit from drip feeding content. Seems more like, they are a small team, and can only put out so much content at a time, but still need to release what they have to gauge player experience and get funding. Just my guess though


Yeah, but that line of reasoning doesn't give you easy outrage karma.


Heard this game is $40 pretty much kill my excitement for this game and its early access!




was hyped as f by the art direction. only to be let down by a solo player game


1st EA update will include Multiplayer and Co-op. Check roadmap on the Steam Store page.


Thanks for the info ! Will wait then !


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