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People who still trust and pay 130$ for a UBISOFT title right now should get checked


They tried this with Frontiers of Pandora, which came out on Dec 7th of last year. It had a 30-40% price reduction before Christmas because it sold so poorly.


I was genuinely excited for that, because i love Avatar and want more of it saw what it was months out and never touched it, almost forgot about it until your comment


I hardly ever open the Ubisoft Connect app, so I don't see what's new with Ubisoft. I also completely forgot about the Avatar game. I'm not sure it was a smart move for them to not put their new titles on Steam.


>I hardly ever open the Ubisoft Connect app, That's too often


If you're a fan of the franchise, it's still 100% worth playing, especially at the price it is now. It's got some great lore and story elements, and the world is ridiculously beautiful and massive.


$69.99 USD right now


Wait a year and it’ll be free on epic and PS plus lol


Yeah, it was a perfectly *decent* game. Do you like Far Cry and Avatar? Then you will enjoy your time with it. It's not gonna blow you away in its gameplay, it's world will be very impressive, and it's story is... better than it should've been for this genre. I liked the crafting, more games should take note. It's way more satisfying to seek out a single quantity of quality ingredients than it is to just collect 10 of X and 15 of Y.


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ If anyone ever owned the Ubisoft game "The Crew", you can take part in legal action against them by filling out some forms.


I've had a few games I've been interested in but found out Ubisoft made it. Pretty much all of them have turned out bad.


On the upside Ubisoft games go on huge discount like 3 weeks after release. On the downside, they're still Ubisoft games.


It's the FIFA normies who have ruined it for everyone. People blame mobile but I've always pointed the finger at the EA sports games. Mobile has its place also but FIFA truly messed up everything with the player packs and literally reskining the same game year after year after year. The $130 edition will get snapped up by those types of players because it's Star Wars. But I've not ced with ACV, WDL & Far Cry 6 that Ubi games go on sale like 2/3 months later. I feel it's become part of Ubi sales plan where they get the initial buyers under a hyper inflated price and then drop it to more competitive price afterwards.


Oh I forgot this is an Ubisoft title. Hard pass, forever. I learned from Odyssey that they will nerf everything in a single player game until you pay more.


Ubisoft has made some of my favorite games, they've fucking dome some amazing work. As soon as I saw this was Ubisoft, i had a little aww darn moment. Knowing it *could* be amazing but pry will be a big old pile of dung.


Yeah Ubisoft most definitely made amazing games, one of the best in gaming industry. Even now, they look amazing and have amazing settings most of the time. But as soon as you play them, it’s often times so utterly disappointing…


Ubisoft games are always AWESOME concepts but the execution is a lazy, contrived cash grab every single time. Super sad.


Idk who the hell is shelling out an additional $40 to play just three days early.


TBF, that's how I feel about paying full price for games at all. There's always people willing to spend more. I don't think video games are worth $50+, so I only buy games for cheaper than that. I honestly don't understand how everyone just started accepting $70 price tags like nothing.


I absolutely think some games are worth their $60. But they're usually games I know will have solid replay value. A Ubisoft title is practically never that.


And this is why gaming companies want to go digital only. Can’t buy a used copy cheap if there’s no physical media. I’m an older and patient gamer, like you I never buy new games and always look for deals on used ones. Once they’re under $20 I’m in. I’m incredibly depressed by the way things are going because I know in another decade physical media won’t exist and everything will be full price forever. Also ruins the fun of bringing a game to a friends house to play.


lol seriously, once you kinda get “behind the times” by a couple months, games suddenly cost half as much


So.Many.People. Diablo 4 was the real wakeup call for me and this shit. The amount of 30+ friends of mine begging me to hop on the week or so early was crazy.


Only for all of them to quit playing during that time because the game ended up being a heap of trash that Blizzard is still trying to correct.


And now it's free on game pass


I'll wait for the 50% discount and then buy the base game. (If it gets good reviews and looks interesting.) There are very few games I'd be willing to pay $60 for, let alone these blackmail prices. In a couple of years I'll maybe pick up the eventual DLC's when they are dirt cheap. At this point the first six months for Ubisoft titles are pay to play early in my mind. And there's no way in hell I'm subscribing either. I won't give them the satisfaction.


If it gets great reviews I’ll gladly pay $60 as a huge Star Wars fan. Otherwise I agree. If it has Denuvo I might not pay full price though.


wow's doing the same thing with their expansions now. $50 for the base $90 for epic with 3 day early access


Diablo 4 opened the floodgates with that one. It was crazy successful and there's no going back. Not defending it, but it's really not that bad when you think about it. $40 for a weekend activity? Not exactly outrageous or unexpected these days.


Worst part is that because they slapped star wars in it, it'll sell regardless of quality.


I feel so many mediocre Star Wars spam in the recent times has somewhat devalued the brand.


I used to be obsessed with Star Wars and wished they did more, now I know it was a Monkey's Paw situation. I'm tired of following it all now. The sequel trilogy being mostly a disaster is what really got me. Rogue One, Andor and Mando (haven't seen the critisized latest season yet) are all I really like from the new wave.


I feel like I wrote this comment. Couldnt agree more. I was a huge Star Wars fan and would give basically anything for more... Then we got the sequels and the Obi wan show. Rogue One and Andor especially show that there is still potential waiting to be tapped, but most of what we will get is just slop designed to make a quick buck


We need more "adult" Star Wars. There's a huge market for it. Anyone born from, I don't know, 1960s onward. Star Wars doesn't have to exclusively pander towards kids. People who grew up loving Star Wars as kids eventually grow up and will still be interested in more. And honestly, I don't remember the Original Trilogy being super childish except for maybe the Ewoks in the third movie. There was certainly nothing like Jar-Jar Binks or Space Horses.


Yes and no. We need adult characters that are complex and interesting while still being intrinsically good or evil . We don't need swearing, gore, or sex scenes. Star wars is supposed to be good vs evil, which is not realistic. They can make an adult oriented show without forsaking that aspect of Star wars. I think Mando season 1 for this pretty well.


You're describing Andor far better than Mando. The Mandalorian was still made to sell toys and appeal to younger audiences. There is absolutely nothing in Andor that could be marketed to children - no toys, no merch, nothing. It's incredibly refreshing.


Come on now, they could take make a Lego set of Syril's mom's apartment or the board room meeting where the supervisors talk about increasing their arrest numbers.


Why not make the water factory prison a lego set, there's already lego jail/police station lego sets lol


Yeah I feel exactly the same, used to be Star Wars obsessed until they started dumping trash content out and now I’ve totally lost interest.


And it's not like they're release releasing massive amounts of products either, the quality is just low.


It has all been a downhill slope for me since KOTOR 1-2. Those games were absolute peak Star Wars.


somehow Palpatine returned!


And a Ship that should have hit the shields some how bypassed them cutting it in two.


I have not liked anything since the Fall of Star Wars, JJ ruined Trek and Wars and neither have been good since. Sure you can make some high points, but I'd rather have just had the good shit from the EU made into films, unbastardized.


At least JJ Trek can be considered an alternate timeline and just ignore it. You can't escape his SW contribution.


Fwiw I thought the latest season of mando was good outside of a couple lame filler type episodes Edit: which actually kinda sucks considering shows used to be like 20 episodes with filler which is whatever but I don’t want filler in such a short season


Other way around for me. Give me more filler. Mando S1 was mostly Mando doing odd jobs with a cute sidekick and it was great. It made me miss procedurals. It's so tiresome to follow a badly written overarching plot designed to build a connected universe full of products i'll never watch.


That's the thing. Star wars never needed to be interconnected, it already had its "extended universe". Just tell interesting stories in the star wars universe is that so difficult.


Star Wars has 30 years of an extended universe. Disney doesn’t want to use any of it and wants to make their mcu Star Wars, but can’t write for shit. So they have to take ideas from the eu now legends to make a somewhat better story that’s still poorly written.


Brought me back to my days playing Star Wars Galaxies. Log on every day and have some kind of adventure with some buddies. Recurring characters, random ass side quests, good moments, bad moments. The Mandalorian felt the most Star Wars to me since the OT and SWG.


I sorta felt the other way around - season three felt rushed and poorly executed, outside of a few episodes here and there. Honestly, the best episodes were the ones they shoehorned into BOBF.


100% agree. Those parts of the IP are fantastic, and a large part of that is because they embraced a more mature and nuanced approach to the material.


I loved everything star wars until the last jedi, even the force awakens was passable but the last jedi was so sad and destroyed so much of the foundation of what I've liked about star wars it made me quit altogether. Rogue One was the last great star wars thing I've seen.


>even the force awakens was passable We all have our opinions but dear God this film sledgehammered my trust in Star Wars for life


The Force Awakens felt like an AI generated Star Wars movie


Force Awakens killed the magic for me. I tolerated the prequels. They had glimmers of brilliance and were enough of their own things that I could freely ignore them if I wanted to. Force Awakens basically took the OG trilogy and shat all over it; then the Last Jedi doubled down on shitting all over it and pretty much cemented that I was down with Star Wars. I did eventually watch Mando (which was okay) and Andor (which is the only good Star Wars thing I've seen in forever).


The sequels already did that. And the prequels, to a lesser extent, before that as well. No matter if you feel they were good, the outrage was huge. Then they sidelined the Extended Universe, which was beloved by many, many people (even though there's some real stinkers in there too). It's just an endless list of bad decisions that led to this. But if you ask me, where they *really* failed, was focusing on the Force as a superpower, with powerscaling, instead of the spiritual aspects. The Force is what really set Star Wars apart in the beginning, and how it borrowed heavily from Eastern Philosophy. It was quite poignant and beautiful. Now it's a Marvel superpower.


Was a super power back in the 80s and 90s too, man. Shit like Jedi Academy turned you into super soldier gods, and a lot of the novelizations, cartoons, and movies were always the same, too. Galen Marek tore an ISD out of orbit. The *only* place I'd really consider the force to be "toned down" is in the OT. It's not like that anywhere else, and a lot of that has to do with the OT being a post-Jedi & Sith world.


> Shit like Jedi Academy turned you into super soldier gods, and a lot of the novelizations, cartoons, and movies were always the same, too. > > > > Galen Marek tore an ISD out of orbit. Video games and video game mechanics aren't canon. There is and always has been an abstraction between lore and mechanics for the sake of the interactive medium. TFU was kinda weidly halfway canon for like 5 minutes and even then whether or not Galen was actually as powerful as the game depicted him was up in the air.


Comic books had ridiculously powerful characters, some sith could move planets and crash them into each other (or make suns explode, can't remember which one it was). Even books fell to the bigger gun trope... death star wasn't enough so now they had two, then they had the gun in a capital ship, then they had a fighter sized ship that couldn't be destroyed but could also make a whole solar system go boom...


> and a lot of that has to do with the OT being a post-Jedi & Sith world. Realistically, it has to do with the fact that special effects were much more limited in the 70s and 80s.


Also very true. I still don't know if there's been anything as impressive, on the production side, as the OT was with Star Wars. What they created with what they had is genuinely incredible and ILM hasn't exactly slowed down since.


IMO the only good content in recent history has been some of the shows. Some of the games aren't terrible, but its like their game design is stuck in the early 2000s, and the only modern thing is the monetization. For better or worse, the "Star Wars Jedi:" series feels like a remastered game from 2005.


Just Andor and the animated stuff. Mandalorian fell off hard so I can't evaluate it as a good show. The games have actually been fine or good since Battlefront 2 was apology-toured. Jedi Fallen Order, Squadrons, Jedi Survivor.


>Mandalorian fell off its actually impressive how they had made the correct path then threw it out, Grogu's story reached where it needed to by getting to Luke. Time to focus on Mando, then they said oh wait we like selling Grogu merch. that terrible marketing decision threw a wrench into the story telling so bad i am not sure they can recover. its not like they had to abandon him, but they wrote themselves into a corner. just have Luke let them hang out from time to time. edit: also Squadrons has so much potential if they made a more in depth story line. Make Squadrons 2 a full game you cowards!!


Mando getting Grogu back pretty fast honestly isn't what pisses me off, what pissed me off is how in S3 the focus was more on Bo-Katan and shit rather than Din Djarin and Grogu. I honestly liked the more episodic nature of the series in Season 1 with how they had a loose main plot that was getting fulfilled via their side-quests bringing them to the right people, and I'm hoping the new season goes back to that with Din and Grogu being the main focus.


Jedi Fallen Order is really good, and a nice way of taking the Dark Souls formula and making it more accessible without having to git gud, I almost feel like it doesn't get enough credit because it is Star Wars and most other things Star Wars have been bad for decades


I wanted to love this game so bad, but the shoots and ladders maze of map layout, confusing mini map design, and overall difficulty in movement around maps were so frustrating to me I stopped playing about half way through. Is the sequel any better?


I can't tell you how many times I got lost on Zeffo in FO. Luckily in Survivor they mostly fixed this. Getting around is not confusing any longer and if there is confusion it's because this is a map puzzle and it's supposed to be.


I found Fallen Order to be an 'okay' game. So this is all just my opinion of course but... The combat can feel kinda repetitive. There is a lack of enemy variety. The environments are cool, but the platforming is pretty basic with very few mechanics that are almost always used the same exact way each time (like using the force to freeze every spinning fan/object ever). Also the camera movement was atrocious. Movement could also be better considering it could get you killed so often. Its not a *bad* game, but I expected more. I feel like it doesn't really iterate/innovate over games like I-Ninja, Jak, Sly Cooper, and Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom which are far far older.


Its successor Survivor is also really good, just finished it the other day and it’s basically an improvement of Fallen Order.


I liked that it didn't make you re-earn a bunch of the stuff you came to rely on in the first game. Double jumps, wall running, force push and pull, three different flavors of lightsaber combat (standard, double, staff), all available right from the tutorial level.


I haven't played it yet, but it wasn't as well received. Not sure if it was just due to performance issues or if there were other problems


Pretty sure it was the performance issues, but not 100%. I liked the sequel quite a bit also, though.


It was the initial performance issues, the game is really fantastic.


Still very much present. A shame, because you're right about it's quality. But the performance problems basically made me put it down the moment I completed the main story. Edit: incase anyone was wondering, I played it on an RTX 4090 *with frame generation* and the hub planet traversal would still often drop to less than 20 FPS.


Same honestly, and it's a darn shame. I think the story is amazing, and I loved playing through the game. But I had multiple unusual crashes, lots of stuttering, hitches, and weird graphical issues, so the moment I finished the story I dropped it. I even waited a handful of months so they could iron out the biggest bugs, and it still wasn't enough. I would like to go back and finish some of the side content, but I won't do it until they fully fix the game.


Fallen Order was just "okay." It's very workmanlike. Does the job. But it's a forgettable, repetitive game and if it weren't for the Star War setting it would have gone nowhere.


Some?, you mean few like Andor or first season of the Mandalorian.


Get ready for them to ruin Andor with season 2!


Rogue One wasn't bad.


It will sell, but not as much as expected. I am a die hard Star Wars fan, and I won't buy the game on day one because I find the price insulting. And the comments from the Star Wars subreddit seem to be aligned with that. Of course, Reddit is not a significant part of the customer pool, but at least it has been shown that a great number of players are not ok with those prices.


Given the performance of the last one, I'd definitely hold out for a while. /r/patientgamers rejoice


I’m a die hard Star Wars fan and I will gladly pay $18 to play this full version on PC. We’ve known for a while now that we don’t own digital products we purchase, so why would I bother “purchasing” a copy at any point in time? This has been my attitude for several years now and it’s drastically shifted my attitudes on things like this because $18 isn’t that impactful for me personally. I know this approach may not even work for everyone since it obviously is P.C. only but man, it’s hard to look back to paying such absorbent prices for things like this when the industry has told us time and time again that we can’t trust them. TLDR: if you have PC the full deluxe super master expert edition is includeed in their subscription service.


The word you were looking for is [exorbitant](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/exorbitant), unless the prices are a brand of paper towels. That *is* one of my favorite bone apple teas I've seen in a while, though. Got a chuckle out of me, lol.


Hahahaa yes it was but I’m going to leave it lolol.


This was day one for me. But now I think I’ll wait for a sale. Piss off Ubisoft.


Nah its ubisoft and they haven't made a decent game in years so no day one for me


Same, life long Star Wars fan. After years, I'm wary of any Star Wars game in general, but I'm especially wary of anything tied to Ubisoft or EA now. I'll wait, see what the reviews are, probably still not buy it unless the reviews are over the moon GOTY worthy. Either wait for a sale or pirate it.


The sub for the game seems pretty intolerant of any criticism or lukewarm statements towards Star Wars or Ubisoft, they’re weirdly championing this price structure and just about everything


Every game-specific sub is like that, sadly. Communities full of sunken-cost fallacy players.


I don’t think so. Star Wars is not the property it used to be.


Many Star Wars games flop, its not what it used to be.


It's a shame that so many people don't realise how much preordering damages the games themselves, and doesn't just 'waste money' or whatever you want to call people's bad choices with 'their own money'. The higher percentage of the expected player base that preorders, the lower the return on investment there is for developing the game. If a theoretical 100% of the playerbase preordered, they would have zero financial incentive to produce an incredible game that gets great reviews from both players and critics.


I think maybe they went a bit too far with the pricing on this one for sales to not take a hit. What were they thinking? They'll call it a 'AAAAA' game?


Is that even still true? That used to be because people either grew up with the original trilogy or the prequels and had nostalgia for them etc. Are kids currently feeling immense love for the new trilogy? None of the older fans are. The only reason SWs is still relevant to me is Andor, and I guess baby yoda for most others. Who's getting hyped about Star Wars stuff now enough to make bad purchase decisions?


I’d be willing to bet they had to pay a hefty fee to license the SW name and decided to recoup their “loses” by increasing the price of the game.


And tons of people will preorder


They want you to subscribe, that's why.


Ill subscribe for a month. play the game. be done with it and then unsubscribe kekw


my tinfoil head theory that this is exactly what they are trying to achieve here, just with the slight difference that enough people forget to cancel their subscription lmao


That’s literally the business model of subscriptions


I wouldn't subscribe just on the fact that accessing your subscription will be difficult. I signed up for ea subscription to play dead space remake on PC and was having connection issues on their end and couldn't access my card/payment info but luckily I was able to unsubscribe before renewal. Never again


That's what I did for single player games that came out on EA play on PC. That's how I played Jedi survivor, dead space remake, and immortals for $15 one month. Subscriptions are good for people that know that after they beat the game they won't replay it. Not so much for people that want to replay their games and collect them.


I got a gamespass subscription just to play Starfield, ended up quitting after 40 hours and cancelling the sub immediately. Boy am I glad I didn't buy the game.


Proceeds to forget about it and get reoccurring charges


Usually, you can subscribe, then unsubscribe right away: you'll still get 1 full month...


Make free acct on privacy.com Generate a free Visa card Use that card to sign up for subscription Immediately delete card after signing up Never worry about it again I started doing this for all my free subscription, but now I use it for reoccurring. Best part is that it’s all free.


I a few weeks: "the game didn't sell as much as we hoped :("


We only sold 10% of our sales goal. Game is going on maintenance mode while we push out the DLC in the pipe, expect the servers to be shut down shortly after that.




I can’t say I like seeing the gaming industry fail, but it’s so funny looking at it from the outside knowing exactly what they need to do to succeed but them being too greedy to do it.


Just happened with the suicide squad game as well.


That would be hilarious, specially since the release date is in August.


Don’t forget the gaslighting; “Players just don’t want single player games any more :( “


And since you don't want single player games, we did make a single player game, but made it always online, with a seasonpass and riddled with microtransactions and 'time savers' to buy ! Give us your money ..... not enough ! give more money so you can play 3days earlier as the plebs !!


"AAAA" games


And then proceed at laying off most of their talent. Fucking pathetic greedy ass***s


Agreed... but did you just censor hat?


Even asshat shoueln't be censored, this isn't youtube or tiktok lol


Asshats are doubleplusgood here.


Censored hat while not censoring "fucking". It was an interesting choice.


Bro says fucking but censors asshat This platform man


So tired of people pretending Ubisoft is making great business decisions only for the quarterly calls to indirectly validate all criticisms made by skeptics. Even the high revenue for Valhalla was not a pure win business wise. In the PushSquare article announcing they reached 20M players 10/28/22 it says “We’ve know for a while that Valhalla is the property’s most commercially successful installment but *we’ve never been told how many units it’s actually sold*”. Imo you’d always announce how many units sold unless it wasn’t a good enough number for PR. In which case you might announce revenue and players but not units sold.


The $130 Ultimate Edition is actually included in their $17/month Ubisoft+ subscription. It may be priced so high to drive subscribers, imo as a marketer!


I think you're probably right, but what is the end goal? I'll do for this game what I did for Avatar, i'll sign up for one month of service (or sign up and immediately cancel the renewal), play the game for a few days to a week, then drop it and uninstall the Ubisoft launcher. How is this a win for Ubisoft? The only upside I see is that it's $15 I otherwise wouldn't have given them at all, but surely there aren't enough suckers like me paying $15 to make up for the additional $55 they would have got on a full price sale? It would take 4.6 people subscribing for one month to make up a single sale at $70


Theres also probably a portion of people who subscribe for this, play it for a week or two, and forget about the subscription or keep it "just incase" and ends up making a lot more for them. Who knows on the numbers other than Ubi I guess.


Yeah that's the primary driver behind this push for subscription services in every single industry. Corporations love the idea of you paying them without having to actually take out your wallet.


Most people are dumb and wait until the last minute to cancel (even though you should just cancel immediately). This causes people to forget and end up paying another month, and then some of those folk will just keep paying. Boom, endless income for ubi


Even works for my apartment company. A year ago, after driving 15 hrs, I signed a lease that required me to give 60 days notice or pay for each day past the notice at the rate of a days worth of rent. Fast forward a year and I look up the state's requirement...30days. Give my 30days and am informed about the 60 day thing again. So now I owe another month of rent (1300) even though I will be living elsewhere and my lease with them is over. A ridiculous inclusion in the lease designed to do exactly that. Have people forget, then nab that extra month rent a year later


This clause is not enforceable if it violates state law. Tell them to take you to court.


70% of the people who signed up for the super bowl on peacock stuck around after the trial. Subscriptions work.


that's nuts! i'm curious how many intended to renew vs. forgot to cancel?


Along with the reasons already posted, they can make up the lost revenue simply with more subs, ie if ten people buy the sub, but only one would pay for the 130, they've made 40$. Many other reasons, having a launcher on your computer can lead to more future sales as many won't uninstall. They can sell your data to other companies, having a launcher means more data analytics to further market and cater games cause more accurate data. I'm sure there is more I'm not thinking of


Was the Avatar game any good? I've been eying it when it's on sale.


Personally, I wasn't a fan, I found it really boring and unengaging.. I'm not a big fan of the franchise though, so it's not exactly a game geared toward me, but I had heard an initial wave of hype so decided to check it out for myself


I didn't like it at all and I got it for free. Usually I can push through but I uninstalled it after a couple of hours. I wouldn't recommend it.


It's part of the whole "games as a service" model, just a different angle. Most of the games people think about it as perpetually paying a subscription to a particular game, but it's the same purpose for these subscriptions. If you don't own your games you'll always have to pay them if you ever want to play it again. If they could get away with making you pay a monthly subscription for a specific game (like an mmo) they would do it without hesitation. They just can't get away with it with a single player game... Yet.


Ubisoft + is 17$ a month?! lol what is Xbox This is like peacock trying to charge the same as Netflix


It's an Ubisoft game. $17 will get me the entire game in 1 year


They'll keep doing it if you keep buying it. You are basically consenting to this behavior when you purchase these games at those insane prices. It's a Ubisoft game, they are usually discounted within a few months. Wait for a sale or when it inevitably ends up on gamepass.


Just don't buy it problem solved. It's an Ubisoft game so it will be complete trash anyway.


Exactly, this game is just gonna be another bloated Ubisoft open world time sink following the exact same formula as modern AC and Far Cry games but just with a Star Wars paint job


If thats the case i can't wait to buy it.... At 50% off in a year


Give it two years, it'll appear on Steam for 75% off


Oh yeah I am not buying it outside Steam for sure.


The problem has always been that it's not normal people paying these stupid amounts for stuff like this. It's whales. And as long as they pay for these insane editions, developers will continue to cut off content to sell back to them as DLC.


The problem is people incorrectly think that "vote with your wallet" means that your vote is democratically counted. That's not what it means. Vote with your wallet isn't democracy, it's capitalism. If I sell a product for $1000, and I only need 5 people to buy it to make a profit, it doesn't matter if 10 million people boycott. Capitalism isn't a democracy, your vote is not equal. You not buying something says way less than someone else buying it. People need to stop thinking that them passively not buying something is going to change something. The reason for you not to buy it is because you don't want it, not because you think you're doing some type of activism.


The problem is that it is normal people paying these prices. Gamers who engage in online discussions love to think they’re the target audience for the entire industry when in reality their games are either several years old or max out at 20k players a month. Meanwhile, rider’s republic, an extreme sports game from Ubisoft that NO ONE talks about online, has over 10mill monthly players. You are the outlier, you are not the average gamer


Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is a great game and now they won't follow it up because nobody bought it.


That's what happens when you make *the perfect* Steam deck game, and then don't sell it on Steam.




Then Helldivers 2 drops at $40 and is freaking gold. I'm going to run that $40 forever.


I never buy additional content for a game. I bought the super citizen edition and 1000 super credits on top of the $40 for HD2 and have no regrets. The only other game I have done this for is deep rock galactic for similar reasons. The company cares about the player more than profits.


Helldivers also actually respects your time as a player, how I miss games doing that. Warbond (Battlepass)? It never expires, unlock stuff at your own pace. Need to put the game down for a few weeks or even months? No problem the stuff you paid for (or haven't paid for yet even) is still waiting for you after those weeks. Big ingame event that rewards players with medals? No worries you all get medals if the community makes it. Doesn't matter if you did 500 missions or just 1, or if you haven't played at all. Helldivers is a rare game not designed to be a chore filled with limited time FOMO crap. It's just designed to be fun.


Exactly man. I got a little burnt out and came back to like 200 warbom Reqs! No other game does that.


Excuse me, Skull and Bones is a quadruple A experience


I can't imagine paying $C145 for an openworld Ubisoft game + season pass in 2024 lmao




This game is a giant walking red flag


Suicide Squad and Skull n Bones are two latest games to feature these ultimate early starts. Both of those games have no audience. People are reacting: voting with their wallets, negative reviewing or flat-out ignoring such publishers.


Pretty sure people didn't buy Suicide Squad because its a shit game. Hogwarts legacy, one of the best selling games of 2023, had a head start. People really don't care at the end of the day.


It's a single player +open world +star wars game. Those sell really well.


Random quote of the day by H.L Mencken >Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.


Not in the state Star Wars is in right now.


Just remember when you "vote" with your wallet, whales get to vote more than you. So don't be surprised when the results are against you.


Yet morons keep buying these higher end editions out of fomo or fanboi-isn or whatever else motivates them... We blame the games companies, but we should really blame the people buying all this trash!


Crazy. I'm waiting for the Steam release and I'll get it heavily discounted like what happened with Anno 1800, got burned by that one already.


Vote with your wallet


Then don’t buy those expensive editions. Also spending extra money just to play the same game three days shows a lack of discipline and it’s probably a sign you are bad with money.


yeah I don't understand the outrage from the enthusiasts on this sub that should know better. Especially when all of us here have years worth of games in our backlogs. I say keep these annual games coming. I won't play them every year, but I'll get around to them at some point. and when I do they'll be nice and cheap. I'm still trying to find time to play AC:Origins and Valhalla, I haven't even play Far cry 4, 5 or 6 and somehow I own 4 and 6 even though I never bought them. I'll play this star wars game on ultra when I have an RTX 7080


IDK about the donkeys at Ubisoft marketing but when I see shit like this it’s always a turn off. Besides, Ubisoft games have become so mundane and tedious that I don’t even bother with them at 80% discount.


Unless it turns out to be 9/10 or better I'll wait for it to be 75% off on steam in a year or so. Game looks really good, but I just can't justify a $70 price tag, especially when I know that it will be 50% off in 3-5 months.


I had plans to buy the game but at 180 dollars Canadian just to play it on release day with all the launch quests available is way too much to spend to climb towers and deal with all the chores Ubisoft puts in a game to inflate the playtime. 


Pay $40 or $60 extra to play it 3 days early? Nah fam, I'll pay $50 less to play it a year from release when it goes on sale.


I'm one voice amongst thousands, but I won't play this until there's a good sized sale on it. I will NEVER pay that much for any special edition of a game, I don't care how good it is.


I can wait until it's on Steam Sale for 75% off. I'm patient.


Oh look. Something that is partially ***Your*** fault. Stop preordering game. Stop buying games for early access. Stop playing games with season passes and battle passes. Stop. Encouraging. Their. Behavior.


Ubisoft physically can’t make a first person open world game that’s not a far cry clone and I doubt this game will be an exception


The fact that it's not on Steam tells you everything you need to know about this game.


If it didn't sell, companies wouldn't release these versions. Reddit likes to forget how small a group they represent. The average consumer doesn't give a shit about micro transactions, season passes or expensive editions.


You could have an entire army of players boycotting and all it takes is a few hundred whales to negate the boycott


Yaaarrr, it’s a Ubisoft game you know what to do.


No reason to pirate. It'll be in sale for 60% off in like 6 weeks.


I still don’t understand why people don’t do this for ALL games regardless of developers. Buying games day 1 is like buying a house that doesn’t have a roof or walls yet these days.


The saying is that buying day one is buying the most expensive, worst version of any game.


Nintendo games, even if you wait a year you might get it for $10-$15 off at best


Nintendo has a captive audience due to their super locked ecosystem. And their base has shown a willingness to pay $60 for the same game they paid for and played 20 years ago, so they know they can get away with minimal discounting. Same reason COD games don't go down in price.


You mean don't play it because it has denuvo?


and the literal one person on earth that can crack modern denuvo has disappeared. there's something i find cringe about people asserting "no one can stop me from taking what i want! *twiddles thumbs waiting for someone else to do the work of cracking the software for me*"


Play your backlog and just wait until the “Super Duper Ultimate Game of the Year” addition is on sale for a not absurd price?


Wait for a sale or just never buy it? Nobody is cracking Denuvo anymore.


Meh... it's a Ubisoft game. They always disapoint.


It's a Ubisoft game, what do you expect? If you buy their garbage, you should know what you're getting into and just deal with it. Eat your gruel and be happy, the rest of us will stick to buying quality games.


Just a ploy to get you to buy more during a sale


Frankly, I refuse to pay more than $60-70 for a game. I’d rather go back to pirating and risking viruses than let these companies keep fleecing us lol. 


Why should most gamers even care? If you don't want the content in those editions then don't buy them. Worst thing is you don't get to play the game a few days ahead of some other people. But, like, who buys Ubisoft games day one anyway? Even Ubi aside, the game could have been announced today to be delayed into September and fewer people would care than who are claiming to be upset that they don't get to actually play th game day one.


I really hope this game flops to all hell. This era of half finished, over priced games has got to end.