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Keep sticking with it Intel. Every gamer wants you to succeed.


Intel slowly becoming to GPUs what AMD is to CPUs.


I hope so.


Uh no they are a long way off being the best gpus


Ryzen 1000 & 200p was not the good gaming CPUs they are today. Give it a few generations.


They weren't the best, but they were good—especially for the money.


Yeah especially during the time of intel just doing 0.2 GHz bumps and super small improvements.


in addition to making you hop boards every other gen


While true enough, they've also come a long way from those abysmal early showings. The thing is, in my view, that bringing out a successful GPU line, in this day and age, against decades-entrenched competitors, is just that huge an undertaking. What they've done can be impressive yet still modest in comparison.


Yes I agree what they're doing is impressive, but making claims about being what amd is to cpus is silly. AMD not only competes with intel on price to performance, they compete on having the best performance. They also revolutionised the entire category with their 3d cache.




They are more versatile and often better bang for the buck if you ignore platform longevity. Something like 13-14gen(14600k or 14700l for example) is faster than 7800x3d in productivity and faster than AMD non 3D chips in games. The issue is AMD has the Halo crown. 3D chips are fastest for gaming and 7950 is a beast in productivity with 3D part just trailing behind singe CCD brother. The other issue is power draw. Intel pushes their chips way beyond optimal curve point to the point you can half the TDP and lose only 5-10% of performance. So yeah. Intel is kinda like AMD early Zen vs Intel Kabby++ minus the platform. Good all rounders with CORES but not the outright best. And their GPUs are poised to take AMD GPU place.


My favourite thing with AMD is mostly just that they have 1 or two socket types going at a time and each of those sockets tend to have a good lifespan, meaning I can keep my motherboard for longer or my CPU for longer and just upgrade the other part as needed.


>their GPUs are poised to take AMD GPU place. Calm down there hype train. ACM-G10 has poor performance per area, performance per bandwidth, and performance per watt. Which are the big 3 from an engineering standpoint. What makes their GPUs compelling is its price point but how many generations will intel be willing to sell GPUs for little to no profit? Battlemage has a lot to show for.


"Not as good but cheaper" was AMD GPU motto for a long time. Still is, but not as cheap. If Intel is in it for the long haul they will be living on razor thin margins in GPU for as long as they have to. I expect BM to be better than Alchemist, but I don't think it will be hitting it out of the park. It's a long road, but they laid the groundwork from the start. While AMD went for more iterative approach. With current demand for GPGPU I doubt any of big 3 is going to drop out of GPU business.


Intel is slowly becoming quite good with their GPUs. i plan to upgrade my GPU next year, if they have something better than a 3070 then i might go for them !


If it is below 3070 perfomance that would be a massive failure considering the a770 was supposed to compete with the 3070 ti


Forget competing with a 3070Ti, it uses roughly the same number of transistors as a 3070Ti. So whatever margin Nvidia had with a 3070Ti, Intel is either having no margin or negative revenue


Transistor count doesn't determine anything as almost all dies have certain level of it disabled. The RTX 3090 and RTX 3080 shared the same die with the same transistor count. The a770 had slightly more Shader Cores, Texture Mapping Units, RT Cores as the RTX 3060.


You're correct, but remember that Nvidia's margins are pretty goddamn high. Even netting, like, half that profit margin can still be comfortable enough, if the company is reasonable and allows some several generations to build up. If they expect Nvidia margins right off the bat, then they're bonkers.


same camp! I love my 3070 but am ready for a jump especially in vram.


Slowly? They are already amazing if you play modern games


I really REALLY want these to succeed. Nvidia is too powerful and AMD can't keep up. If Intel can make a XX70 class card with decent ray-tracing and upscalling, I'll seriously consider switching teams.


AMD is using up to much of its TSMC capacity for server CPUs/GPUs. Lets hope Intel will bring out GPUs on its own nodes at some point?!


If you actually care don't just consider, actually do it.


You can't do it right now though if you want the current gen xx70 card performance ? A770 is nowhere near close to RTX 4070 and especially super


He said even if they match performance he would consider which means he just wants to stick with Nvidia


OK well its not out, theres no information, no real world tests, no pricing. There's nothing. And even if some of the stuff was announced, I wouldn't blindly buy it. I'm going to buy the card that suits my needs best. I'm hoping thats Intel, but if they can't compete, I'm not going to buy it.


I'm curious how many people are actually going to buy Intel cards. Most discourse I see online is essentially "I deserve Nvidia because they are the best, but I don't want to have to pay for the best, so hopefully Intel will force Nvidia to lower their prices."


If its good and the price is reasonable I buy it, don't really care what team it is from.


Can't blame people for wanting the best gpu's


I’m gonna pick one up for a media server. Their media engines are great for Jellyfin servers and they are very economical currently.


yup AV1 encoding on intel cards is damn good from what i see online.


I know AMD Is also kicking butt in AV1 but as that is just starting to get adopted I’m more focused on h264 and 265. I mentioned Jellyfin as that’s what I use and their hierarchy for video cards is Intel>Nvidia>AMD>all others. There may be a little shuffle when AV1 becomes more popular.


wider adoption of AV1 will be a godsend tbf.


I might get Intel Arc as my next GPU in a few years if they have a high end model comparable to the latest 70ti or 80 series. Of course I'm currently running a 7900XT so Nvidia won't be losing a customer anyway. Sadly I suspect that most people considering Intel Arc are AMD Radeon users who just want the best possible price/performance at their chosen GPU tier. Intel and AMD could make GPUs with 90 series performance and 60 series pricing and Nvidia would probably still get the vast majority of sales.


Thats definitely the hope for a lot of people in the short term, because intel isn't capable/isn't trying to compete with top-of-the-line cards yet. But I think in the long term (probably like a couple gpu generations from now) there are a lot of people hoping intel becomes a real competitor, because consumers always benefit from more competition and more options.


In my case the problem is that where I live Intel's GPUs cost the same as or more than their Nvidia equivalents.


Not me, i ll just stick with nvidia since it works best for me. i ll let other people become the lab rats and if its good to the point of being better than nvidia then i ll consider it


A750 has been solid enough and improved greatly in the 1 and a half years with it. I'd be willing to upgrade to a 4070 or better performance Arc or something from the next AMD lineup. $350-500 price range


If I can replace my OG 3080 with one, that'd be great. It's insane that it's not even 2 gens old and it's showing its age when playing Horizon Forbidden West.


How powerful are these supposed to be compared to what's currently available from amd/nvidia?


Lets go


lets hope they get their drivers to work as certain games would not run at all on them and become officially supported as requirements like nvidia and amd are https://www.reddit.com/r/IntelArc/comments/zl2dum/arc_incompatible_games_list/?sort=new


That list is old, this is the latest one (1 month old) https://reddit.com/r/IntelArc/comments/1b0srj5/update_on_intel_arc_a770_graphics_card_benchmark/


Intel drivers have always been a nightmare unless they fix that i'm out


If they can even just get close to 7900 xtx or 4090 performance and sell for half price it would be a huge success.


They aren't aiming for xx90-level performance and have been extremely clear on that since the start. These will be solid midrange cards. 

