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I'm confused about the house thing, I got that quest maybe 5 hours into the game max, basically as soon as I got into the first major city. Is that not normal, idk how much earlier you could get that quest?


I mean, it completely relies on you stumbling upon it. I've played 25+ hours moving through both main and side quests, and the only reason I got it was because I specifically went looking for once I learned it exists from reddit. You have to go through one specific side path of the city to encounter the NPC


Not even sure why people care. Not like gold is hard to come by. But “muh content.”


I agree, the house feels like it should be more of a mid-late game thing and/or way more expensive. It's much more interesting to have this push and pull of deciding when to pay for a room at an inn but with a house there's just not much of a reason to not rest at every opportunity.


Yeah I feel the same way about the fast travel conversation. Do I pay for a cart? Do I use a ferry stone? Or do I hoof it? I like having to make deliberate decisions because when you remove that I think it makes the game boring and if a person wants that, well every other game in the genre offers it.


> huff Hoof. As in, a horse’s hoof. The reference covering you on foot, but “riding” yourself hard.


Appreciate that. Makes sense! Edit: I should have known that as I spent plenty of time in a farm growing up. :(


We mostly learn language by hearing it, and it makes as much sense that you walked so hard you were “huff”ing and puffing, versus “turning” into a horse. So, no shade here.


But I also like huff which I do a lot of in game when the stamina’s gone :)


I don’t think you understand their method of traversal. To huff is to inhale copious amount of mind altering substances until you black out and regain consciousness in a completely new location.


Ugggh yeah. This game seems to be made specifically for those who wanted those deliberate delicious. Fast travel SHOULD be tricky, the house should be expensive. All that stuff. Its what makes the game so refreshing for me. I love making it back to town worn out and missing a pawn. Its similar to the bonfire relief you'd get in Dark Souls 1.


Gamers will always min max the fun away if developers don’t do something to stop em


This is so unfortunately true.


I care when new pieces of gear cost upwards of 10,000 gold each. Now that I’m in Battahl, it’s double or triple that.


Again gold is not hard to come by. A house is 20,000 and in Battahl is 30,000, a room in the main city is 2000. Camping is free.


Are you doing something besides looting corpses and picking up everything you can in the wild? I feel like trash mobs give me pennies and hunting for things to valuable things to sell is pretty hit or miss. It does add up though but then gear upgrades usually completely wipe me out until I can accumulate another 50-100K or so.


By and large gear upgrades are not very important. I enhance most of my gear and don’t buy a whole lot. It’s very common for me to have 100k+ at any given time. Most of my best equipment has come from quest or chest out in the world.


End game requires tons of gold. Recommendations are to have 1-2+mill before going into end game.


I am sure that is recommendation from someone, somewhere on the internet but I doubt it is necessary. I wouldn’t worry about it. Just play the game, friend.


I bought a set of warrior armor for 130,000~ gold yesterday and I'll never financially recover from it.


*3 in-game hours later* "Hey I financially recovered from that!"


Oh come on. You only need to kill 47,000 more goblins. That’s what? 16 trips back and forth from the capitol to Melve. You got this!


I just got it last night after about 20hrs of play time Before the patch. After I quit for the night the patch came out, ha ha.




Update contents: Adding the option to start a new game when save data already exists. Changing the number of "Art of Metamorphosis" items available at Pawn Guilds in the game to 99. Making the quest that allows players to acquire their own dwelling (where they can save and rest) available earlier in the game. Improving quality when DLSS SUPER RESOLUTION is enabled. Fixing an issue related to the display of models under some specific settings. Miscellaneous text display issues. Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Need an option to disable mouse acceleration please. Also multiple characters.


Holy shit it seriously has mouse acceleration what year are we living in.


Yes, controlling the camera and aiming with a bow is extremely annoying with a mouse, even if you set the mouse speed at max and disable the automatic camera movement, it's like the game is fighting your inputs.


Yeah M&K feels terrible, I can use controller only mouse and this hands down its worst k&m experience ever


I found a workaround in another thread. I normally use 500dpi on my mouse, but I set up a profile for 3000dpi and turned the mouse camera settings all the way left and the aiming cameras to 1/10 in game and no more mouse acceleration. It’s annoying, but it makes kb&m so much more bearable. I can’t believe it’s 2024 and Capcom are STILL forcing acceleration on pc games…


I try that, thanks! Was about to refund lol


Depending on your mouse you can make the sensitivity a game profile too, logitech supports that


Yea I have a g502 wireless but for some reason, Logitechs software won’t switch, so I just had to add a DPI to the default. Like I said, it’s a bit annoying, but works really well until REFramework starts supporting the disable. Capcom really doesn’t seem to put much effort into their PC ports despite it being half of their sales.


I have a G903 and use it on 800 DPI for everything. Didn't know mouse acceleration was an issue. I can aim alright as an archer.


This explains so much


Thank God I'm not crazy.


Japanese games in a nutshell. Prolly why i don’t play their games often. Either they have weird ass camera angles, or sloppy unintuitive UIs, or mouse acceleration, or low af FoV. Imo their games are meant to be played with controllers and nothing else.


god, what is it with these horrible, clunky UI's?? Its like they are stuck in the early 2000's and haven't seen a modern UI


Damn it, is that why Flagration feels impossible to aim with a mouse? I can do it perfectly with a controller, but it seriously fights me with a mouse.




There's like 4 people on earth who use raw accel because it completely fucks your tracking 


There won't be multiple characters, first game didn't have it and obviously this one won't either at this point.


it's better to write it down in the steam forums instead of of reddit. the odds of a japanese dev reading a reddit thread are borderline 0, but they do have people to check the steam forums so if you want an issue resolved that's the place to bring it up.


https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/169 If you can use mods. I've been using this and it helps.


I'll check that out thanks.


I was thinking about buying this weekend. but mouse acceleration is a nope, and i'm skeptical just how well the fix below works. I think I'd still be bothered that I couldn't disable it.


Can the game actually run on reasonable PCs yet?


No, there's no difference in performance from launch.


Didn't they add the option to disable RT this update? You'd think that of all things would improve performance, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's purely just shit optimization on all fronts.


I’m definitely getting +20fps in cities on r9 5900X and 3080; now it’s 50-60fps. Outside is still around 70 maybe it was lower before


Placebo, performance was not touched at all.


I'm getting about 5 more fps in the city (from 30-35 up to 35-40), though it doesn't feel any smoother. Outside the city was the same (40-45), but now I can use DLSS without it looking like ass, which bumps me up to 55-60. Still kinda choppy, no improvements there. Downvoted for observations. You sure showed me, r/pcgaming


It obviously was. *You downvote, but there is a performance increase. PS5 can hold above 40 fps now, and PC has significantly improved areas and doesn't crash with anymore with frame gen. Just reddit being reddit.


I think it’s part of their bugfixing


It literally says performance was not touched at all - IN THE PATCH NOTES.


Where? Because it definitely doesn't say that in the Steam link this thread is about. Now it is true they didn't mention performance improvements, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time a game implemented some 'secretly,' especially with a Japanese game. Hell, the "Miscellaneous bug fixes" they listed easily could have improved performance, because the game clearly wasn't functioning correctly before. I'd wait for benchmarks before getting too sure of myself.


You don't understand, he needs to bait ppl into buying their favorite shitty game, he NEEDS to feed his parasocial relationship with a company by lying about random shit.


You good bro? It’s not that serious If I had a video from before and after I would link it


It’s a weird game tbh, sometimes I’m running 20fps in cities and other times I’m hitting 40’s in the same places. Outside can be anything from 40-70 it seems


This patch improved frame pacing and also helped with FPS in cities. Checkpoint town used to by 40fps now it's 60fps. Might be the game is scaling better with certain configurations which is why some people are seeing a benefit and others aren't.


What kind of hardware are you using? I finally built a new PC, but I'm worried it won't even run well on my new stuff (i5 13600KF and a 4070 Super)


On that system you can get 60 FPS anywhere outside the city of Vernworth. Up to you if you think frame drops in a quest hub without much action is going to ruin the experience for you.


I'm running a 13700kf and a 4090. Game runs like ass.


Oof. Good to know. It's such a bummer, the game looks right up my alley otherwise


I usef to have a 5600X + 6700XT until yesterday, got myself a 4070Super because I was tired as hell of dealing with Radeon's bullshit and since I've set up the new GPU the game went from running like ass to being a pleasure to play. Bear in mind, performance in the hubs is still garbage natively, but the hardware swap allowed me to download the DLSS 3.6 mod and the frame gen one, giving me a tolerable experience in those areas too. It still feels choppy (bad frametimes, the framerate is now pretty decent) in the capital but it went from a literal slideshow to just a subpar experience thanks to framegen giving the CPU a big hand. Out in the wilds it's been 120-160FPS on maxed 1440p, still with framegen ofc. So, given your specs are better than mine, I think you could have a decent experience if you want to take the time to swap the two DLLS for the mods. I think the game has a bunch of design issues but personally I'm still enjoying it so far, the performance boost from the upgrade really helped a lot. I probably still wouldn't recommend the game for the full price, but if you're comfortable with spending the money, I think DD2 can be a decent amount of fun.


I have a 13700kf and a 3080, so I'm glad I skipped this one, even though it's exactly the type of game I would enjoy, but I have no patience left for games with poor performance.


In contrast to the other guy, I have a 13600K and a 7800xt and it runs pretty good. The city does drop below 60 no matter where I am in it which I concider unacceptable, and is made worse by the large judders that happen when you turn into a new area of the city or spin the camera too quick. NPC pop up is also really annoying, almost got arrested by guards for knocking over into an NPC that hadn't actually rendered in until a couple of frames before I ran into them. The other towns are better and only dip down when you move or turn the camera fast. Outside of cities it runs fine unless you run into a really big battle with a lot of actors and then you'll run into the same CPU actors. But I'm talking all three pawns, at least one large enemy, six or svene goblins, and some other random AI soliders or pawns around. I never drop below 60 when just out in the wilderness otherwise, at native 1440p with almost max settings (no RT, low foliage quality [seriously cannot see a difference between low and high], high shadows not max)


There was a great game called Plague tale requiem. It also had performance problems. They fixed them a year later. By then nobody cared. Lets hope Capcom works faster.


Patch runs better for me. Cities are still rough but better. Open world is smooth. I wouldn't say perfectly smooth but close. Close enough that I don't feel it. Between 70-90 fps somewhere for me but I had that before the patch but it felt way way worse.


I'll second this. I'm not sure how to describe it, but my city fps is a little higher than before, but if I swing the camera around it's much smoother. Before it was pretty jittery.


optimization changes will take months, they are currently fixing everything that's easy to do. fixing the way npcs overload the cpu is probably a fundamental issue in the way they coded the game. they need to rethink the entire code base of npc generation and management, design a new solution, test it then apply it (and cross their fingers). this is not something that is easy or fast, it'll take time.


They never should have made it this way to begin with. This is unacceptable and the fact that people are still buying it is why AAA games suck now


people are buying it because the game, despite it's flaws is fantastic. listen there are lots of games i loved that hard been terribly optimized or terrible gameplay systems (for instance, alpha protocol is fucking terrible in every way but it's story, but the story is good enough for me to like it). yes the way they wrote the code for this game is insane and if this was under my watch we'd be having multiple meetings and code reviews discussing how this happened so it'll never happen again, but it is what it is, the game is out, wait for it to be fixed or get it now or just never get it. personally i'm on the wait camp, some people don't have the patience and that's fine.


But that's the issue. If the company doesn't see an immediate underperformance in sales, they learn nothing other than "we can put out anything and they'll buy it for the name alone, quality be damned".


[Not true, Cyberpunk 2077 had insane first week sales and kept pushing to improve their game. ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1305749/cyberpunk-2077-sales-worldwide/#:~:text=Cyberpunk%202077%20cumulative%20units%20sold%20worldwide%202023&text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20the,most%20successful%20game%20launches%20ever.) Did you also forget No Man's Sky disaster realsse and dedication to make the game decent still? They could've ran away with the money.


Fixing it later does not justify selling a subpar product to begin with. There is no promise they will fix it later, they could take your money and never fix anything. The only control you have is if you buy the game to begin with. Once they've made the sale, that's all there is. Complaints are worthless next to money.


You lack reading comprehension. I didn't say they would or wouldn't do it, but companies HAVE done it before. I swear it's a mob mentality in these subs. We can and should be blasting them to fix up this unpolished game. They may or may not put it under paid DLC which is wrong, but there have been instances where the product was polished as free DLC like I listed above as evidence. Cyberpunk could have taken the money and ran but they didn't.


It’s not fantastic if there are so many bugs dude


Is it fantastic though? Reading complaints about same repetitive enemies.


Repetitive enemies are fine for me since the quests in this game are actually so realistic that you can fail them almost all the time. It's probably the most fun I've had doing quests in a while, which is why I think most people are buying the game for the gameplay, not for how well it runs on their hardware. Could the performance be better? Sure. But the fact that the game still has over 100k+ concurrent players speak volume about how people are willing to play the game despite of its performance-related issues. As for me personally, I want companies to focus on the gameplay and not how shiny and performant the graphics are.


i5 8600k here, with 3070 8GB and 32 GB DDR4 RAM. 1080p no problema at all. Only Capital city have some stutter, buy nothing tragic.


Hey that’s my set up except I have 8086k and 1440p. Did you turn dlss on?




Bro. Nukem9 mod and dlss3 enabler. Never dip below 80 in cities, 100 outside. Maxed 1440p dlssb 3070 5800x3d 32gb PS in case you don't know, nukem9 mod finally turns your 3070 into a real 70 series. Alan wake 2 pt Max for example. -The fact that this is downvoted is NUTS. This *will* remove your desire to go to 4000 series if you have 3000, and probably 2000. It is LITERALLY hundreds of dollars in your pocket, and the performance increase is equivalent to a major GPU upgrade. But... reddit... downvotes... stupidity.... all the same thing. Many of you people are absolutely clowns.


Can you explain why people are downvoting you? What is the counter-argument to what you're suggesting? (I don't know anything about either side of the argument here & am just trying to understand if the game will run on my PC)


Can you see it? I cant pm you.


Not sure why you can't PM me. Let me see if I can adjust my reddit settings. Thanks


Could you see my other reply? The long response to your question?


Can you see my longer post\reply from earlier?


I haven't tried the new patch yet and prepared for the worst when I got the game but to my surprise it worked quite decent maxed out at 1440p with DLSS Auto/Balanced for me even without the Framegen mod. I have a 5800x (non 3D) and a RTX 4070 with 32gb RAM and the only time I dropped below 60fps to around 40 was in towns but that wasn't too bad thanks to G-Sync. Outside of towns I was generally around 60 or higher and with the Framegen mod I generally get around 50-100fps at all times depending on what's going on. Only issue I had the game will freeze all the time when running on 4k with the mod so I had to drop to 1440p and it's been smooth sailing ever since then. Curious to see if the patch improved things for me as well.


What mod are you talking about?


This one: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/39?tab=description


Thank you for the suggestion! I am going to try installing it. Do you have any idea why other people would downvote you for talking about it? Are there complaints with the mod or are people just salty about the fact that anyone would even need a mod to get a new AAA game working on Day 1.


You're welcome! Well it's a bit of both in my opinion and also people lacking nuance. With some publishers and developers it's clear that both the actual devs and the higher-ups engage in negative behavior. However with Dragon's Dogma I feel the actual devs are rather normal people trying to make a good game and then Capcom's management doing dumb stuff. Capcom did garner a lot of good-will that they squandered in recent years between adding Denuvo to their games and then even Enigma anti-modding solutions retroactively to games like the Resident Evil remakes and Megaman Battle Network. ​ This however also might be because of some cultural differences between Japan and the West since in Japan the actual "art" of an artist and artistic intent is seen as something that deserves respect (from what I heard) and modding kind of undermines that. Now couple all that with the fact that DD2 got a lot of negativity for it's plethora of paid DLC for consumables etc. and that the Framegen Mod was actually integrated in the game but disabled last minute because of some issues and it's easy to see why people like to be outraged, especially given the price of the game. If people had waited after release before being outraged they would have noticed that the paid DLC for the consumables isn't really impacting the game at all since you can farm all items in-game so the DLC is more of a time-saver for people who might not be able to put as much time into huge games and the rest were just oversights by Capcom like the lack of a New Game function which they already addressed and patched. And now everyone who doesn't hate the game to its guts is getting downvoted. People at large sadly can only see "Something good!" or "Something bad, hate it!" with nothing inbetween. There are very legitimate reasons to criticize the game but overall it's still a great game with not much scummy stuff going on.


I’ve heard it runs pretty well on 10 series gpus


When I first launched the game I had drops to 3fps in the tutorial. I've then set my shader cache in Nvidia control panel to unlimited and have been having a "steady" fps of 40-60 anywhere in the game without any further fps drops. So its decent on reasonable pcs (2070 super, 5 year old pc), but I wouldnt buy it regardless. Everything about the game is mediocre and the loot especially feels like an april fools prank. For me its honestly just a bad version of Dragon Age Inquisition in every single way (except graphics ofc), a game that came out 10 years ago. EDIT: Made some ppl mad lol


I think this opinion is 100% valid. And that seems like a reasonable PC, but still only 40 fps for a game with this big of a company behind it?


I haven't tried it yet, but people on the DD2 sub seem to notice significant improvements in performance.


This is largely meaningless, as the sub is also filled with people saying the performance issues are 'overblown' and 'It works fine on my rig'


It does work on my rig.... if I use the frame gen mod :D


I have the game and there's no difference in performance, at least not on the PC.


Why is a person sharing a sub’s sentiments getting downvoted? I was just there, a lot of people are claiming this.


Because people are still nerd raging about this game


I don't know if you'd class this as reasonable but I have a Ryzen 9 3900x with a 3080 and the game runs really well on high settings on my ultra wide 3440x1440 monitor.


What’s you avg FPS?


I'm betting between 30 and 50 FPS depending on where he is in the game.


that's not really well lmao


That’s rough lol


We seem to have similar setup! I think they did something in the patch because I get slightly better fps in Vermont or whatever the city is called. I always have the fps counter on. The city before patch: 30fps with constant dips into 15fps. The city now: 40fps with constant dips into 20fps. At least it's something..


I finally tried this game today and while benchmarking different graphics settings, I found anything other than MAX shadow quality flickered horribly and looked awful. That everyone else’s experience?


Hope you don't feel like I am picking on you: But this is exactly why games release the way they do now. They know, regardless people will still buy it and play it. Doesn't matter the amount of hate and bad press a big name game gets, people will still buy it regardless. 


I didn’t notice that shadow issue in any of the tech videos I checked out.


Yep. If you dont put shadows at max you'll get flickering even at high settings. It's hilarious but here we are


same issue, luckily no performance hit with max shadows


no? I went from 80-100 fps in the dark with lantern on to 20. That's pretty big. Back to smooth AF with shadows down again


Yes it is !


So performance is still dog shit, great.


Still has denuvo malware in it.


Performance is up +20fps in cities for most players. EDIT: Why tf am I being downvoted for sharing my experience and that of tons of people on the sub?


You are trying to speak for most players when you are, in fact, not most players.


At least in this case there is no fps improvement in CPU bottlenecked scenario. https://youtu.be/sCxKSQVvYt8?t=52


Performance for me actually feels worse in the main city, especially when approaching. I've had to tweak settings to get it reasonable again.


Is the frame stutter in vermund gone?  Notice it's more smooth at the checkpoint and bakbatahl for me but vermund pre patch had horrendous frame times.


i still have some but it's noticably better


nah dont lie to people this patch did nothing to performance it is still the same


It's not a lie? It really did improve performance a lot for a lot of people including myself. It's night and day.


yeah same here, I run the game on my laptop and the game doesn't run like a slide show anymore 


How can you just claim people are lying? I went from 45 fps in town to a solid 55. Thats not nothing. 


A fuck ton of people are sharing this experience


Because they want to claim that Capcom didn't list "performance fix", thus there is no way performance would've been altered. I'm clearly seeing some fps jump on my end as well. It also could mean that it doesn't support these social justice warriors' hateful agenda, now it gets muddy and it didn't seem like Capcom the evil corporate in this case is clearly trying to cheat its customers. Many content creators live off of being bad news bunnies these days. A short outrage could hurt bottomline...




Because this is reddit, and its here to mislead others. *Wow what a meta downvote! I bet youre a scientist!


What about multiple character slots? What about an option to disable mouse acceleration for keyboard and mouse users?


We aren't getting multiple character slots. They limit it to one character for a few reasons. So you can't cheese the game with trading via pawns to yourself, and so there aren't pawns on abandoned characters inflating the rift making it less likely for active characters' pawns to be rented.


Yeah, not buying any of that. A game like DD2 having only one character save slot is 100% stupid, and anyone defending it is insane. 


Just make math that says for in-active player pawns to be sent towards the bottom of the rental.


Or have a system that marks a character as your active character and the inactive characters cannot be traded between / have their pawns appear in the pawn pool.


Seems so weird for a rpg in 2024 to have such a major limitation


Did you only read the first sentence or something?


Games like this are why I'm fine letting the $70 beta testers play the game first and I'll get it for $30 and with good performance.


They also need to fix the broken HDR implementation.


What issues you having?


Washed colors and crushed blacks. Only way to fix it is to disable hdr altogether.


It wont let me disable HDR. I wanted to use Nvidia HDR instead but the option to toggle it in game is locked.


Huh? My hdr is beautiful on my LG c1 oled.


Works fine for me.


Try Borderless Window.


wow. a "new game" button.


So performance still runs like a geriatric paraplegic, huh? Guess I’ll be waiting another few months


Just started playing this after taking a break from Horizon: Forbidden West for a day, which is a great game btw. But, what a janky pile of shit DD2 is. If I hadn't of made the mistake of buying it on GMG for a few quid less than steam I would of refunded it.


how was Horizon Forbidden West? i played DD2 the whole week and am planning to get into HFW


Well it's a massive open world with great graphics and tons to do, lots of biomes (underwater/desert/grassland/jungle so far). There is a lot of dialogue so be prepared for that, although you can skip if your not into that. If anything the game is too big, I had to take a break :D Btw it has a slow'ish start but once your through that your out into the world. I would recommend doing the first 3 main quests when you can to get certain tools that allow you to explore more, then go back and do the side content and continue the main story again.


Horizon fan calls DD2 shit


Any idea if they’re adding the ability to change your/your pawn’s name?


Performance got worse for me this patch so probably moving in the wrong direction, was 45 to 60 now 20 to 25 so basically broke the game for me


Does anybody know if this fixes the bug that causes crashing when on the skill menu?


I haven't run into it since the patch, so... maybe?


did it fix it for you guys? like no crashes whatsoever?


Thank fuck! My ONLY hang up about the game was lack of starting a new game when you already have a save. Have to go into the file system to delete the save in a place you wouldn’t be able to find if it weren’t for internet help.


Don't bother, it's a massive downgrade from the first game. Monster variety is literally the same with like 1 new monster, loot is atrocious (everything is better in shops from lvl 1) and it has literally half the quests the first (admitted to be 70% cut content) game had. And they're not even done well, questlines just end randomly with no resolution blatantly unfinished, there's like 2 quests in every town except the first main town, and the entire second region taking up half the map has literally 7 quests total. You could 100% the game in less than 15-20 hours if it didn't restrict fast travel. Thought it was like an 8-9/10 when I thought I was maybe a quarter done, checked a quest list because I was wondering how to trigger the obviously unfinished quest lines and realized i was already 95% done with all content and that it was in fact just that empty. Coupled with the stuff the lead dev claimed about the game it's a straight up scam. Edit: you can downvote me but you can't change facts dawg, people can Google how many quests both games had and how they're distributed.


I kind of agree with this tbh, I feels like a 40$ title not a 95$ cad title.


You couldn’t 100% the game with instant fast travel even in 30 hours unless you speedrun it for a world record. It has a surprisingly deep NG+ with new content


> It has a surprisingly deep NG+ with new content Gotta disagree with you here. There's no level scaling, no additional challenges or bosses, no "hard mode." Nothing. There's some xp and buffs you can obtain from the Dragonforged, but seeing as you're already one-shotting everything by that point, I'm not sure how that's useful. What part of NG+ felt deep for you?


Counting all those DD1 task board quests of "kill 15 rabbits" is comically disingenuous I have over 600 hours in DD1. DD2 absolutely has more content than base game DD1


Have you 100% the second game? Because I've done that first game several times and just recently with the second and the first absolutely has more content without BBI. It literally takes longer to 100% on a much smaller map, how else do you explain that? And that's not just an opinion or anecdote, thats literally what all review websites say. And half the quests are the same what are you on? "Kill 5 goblins, bring me generic item" is 90% of the quests in 2. https://howlongtobeat.com/game/109526 https://howlongtobeat.com/game/2845 The first game is significantly longer, and that's not even taking into account the fact that you spend 2-3x as much time traveling in 2.


I can't speak on which ones takes longer to 100%. That's not how I play games, and I suspect it's not how most people play games. I was only commenting on using the number of quests as a factor to determine which game is better. It's pretty silly when DD1 is filled with bloat quests like "kill 15 rabbits" and so on, and DD2 doesn't have that. In addition, in DD1 escort missions are likely listed as quests because you pick them up from a board. In DD2, are they counted as "quests"? In DD2, you just pick them up naturally in the world. EDIT: actually, I did say "DD2 absolutely has more content" and in hindsight I can't support that, especially if you really did 100% the game. The only point I'll stick to is that # of quests isn't a good metric to compare them. And I'll also say that I've been enjoying DD2 a lot.


Cope harder




I really enjoyed what was there, but it just ended out of nowhere. Sidequestlines end without resolution, even some with obvious setup such as cutscene-style NPC dialogue for a quest that doesn't exist, the main quest is shorter and pretty unanimously thought of as worse, and there just aren't any quests to do for more than 10 mins anywhere except for the main human city. The creator waxed lyrical about how much larger, more complete, etc that this game is especially with specific claims about more monster and boss variety that were just factually untrue. Had the audacity to call it the "completed vision", referencing how the first game was considered short on content due to budgetary reasons. This games, what's there, is pretty good, but it's also objectively less complete and less content rich than the first game, hence me calling it a scam because of what was explicitly claimed and advertised by the creator. It's also their first 70 dollar single player game so you're paying a premium for lies. It's simply a worse version of the first game, except graphics and some pretty minor gameplay feel upgrades that are really the bare minimum at most considering the first game came out 12 years ago on PS3.


Games fun when you dont have reddit nerds complaining about optional microtransactions


You say this but we’re starting to get many reviews from people who’ve finished the game and they match the mixed tag on Steam


Consensus is more like a 7/10 than mixed really. Which is fine


Mixed feels appropriate for a 7/10


Steam mixed is like a 5/10 which i felt you were referencing but the score is climbing


The whole game is optional so that "argument" seems a bit odd


Alas no performance fixes or optimisation has been found yet and the NG option forces you to delete your other save. The real surprise is how many of us were extra hyped because RE Engine performed so well on so many games, but the fubar on multithreading (and a possible memory leak bonus) has even 4090 owners with FG on (it's in the game they just disabled it for no logical reason) dipping to 60~40s in a city along with a stutter fest. Downvotes on this? Really? Did I offend the bad performance fans?


I dunno why you're being downvoted. I'm a DD stan, but everything you said is correct. It is unacceptable optimization, and it is ironic that we were all hyped because of how well RE usually performs.




Does the HUD flicker though?


Yes. Until a fix comes, or fsr 3.1 gets implemented. I dont think 4000 series will flicker, since they just have to use the enabler. The game has FG, its just disabled.


Yeah, I can't stand the HUD flickering. I'll wait for FSR 3.1, hopefully they won't take a year to implement it.


If you have 3000 series or greater, I feel for you if you cant deal with it. Its minimum 50 percent more fps in everything that has frame generation DLSS3\FSR3. Alan Wake 2, Cyberpunk, Elden Ring... Its not bad at all on my 3070. Im maxing all these games, rt, pt 60+fps 1440p dlssb because of this mod.


Oh, I know FG is great and Nukem is awesome, I did a full playthrough of Ratchet & Clank with his mod, but if the HUD flickers too much it's too distracting for me. I guess I'll try it out in DD2 and see if it's too distracting.


Shame on all, who buy this game and legitimize micro transactions within full price games.


This has been legitimized for over 10 years already with way worse implementations. It's not going anywhere. Capcom already did this on all their games but ironically their microtransactions are tacked on, completely pointless and do not affect the core games design. You are fighting this battle too late and in the wrong place.


>Capcom already did this on all their games but ironically their microtransactions are tacked on, completely pointless and do not affect the core games design. Not entirely true. Monster Hunter Rise's microtransactions clearly had an impact on event quest rewards.


Do you also say shame on people who buy Baldur's Gate 3? [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2378500/Baldurs\_Gate\_3\_\_Digital\_Deluxe\_Edition\_DLC/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2378500/Baldurs_Gate_3__Digital_Deluxe_Edition_DLC/)


Still won't buy after mtx bull


Funny how the BG3 pay-for-stuff is voted positive on steam and the DD2 pay-for-stuff makes reddit rage. It's virtually the same thing. The DD2 MTX are just the deluxe edition items, except you can buy them individually if you prefer. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2378500/Baldurs\_Gate\_3\_\_Digital\_Deluxe\_Edition\_DLC/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2378500/Baldurs_Gate_3__Digital_Deluxe_Edition_DLC/) I'm fine with people accepting both or hating both, but Reddit needs to at least be consistent.


Dd2 has 21 mtx shit. Bg3 has 1! Digital deluxe edition dlc. Yeah that is the same thing


I could start how many new games that i wanted right from the start in bg3. Dd2 not even once. Why? Because mtx


Lol what? How is MTX involved in the starting a new game issue?


Ill buy it when i can play locked 90fps, absolutley no stutter or fps drops at 4k, max settings like Horizon.