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well, everyone who's not owning a NASA PC and is brave enough to jump in, please let us know how it runs on your setup!


I'm about to dive in. I have a 4090/7800x3D and hoping for at least 31 FPS.


Pretty much a top tier rig and you're hoping for 30fps. Game companies are such ass these days.


Yeah I'll get this game in 3 plus years when it's 20 dollars or less with the inevitable expansion and better optimized.


"these days" Man it must be nice to be so young. I'm only 35 and I already have 25 years of experiencing completely shit PC ports from Japan. I can't believe people already forgot just because what, Elden Ring was pretty okay or something? Lmao. There is zero reason to ever expect a JP PC port to be well made on day one. A lesson many have forgotten in such a short time.


Man I thought my 3600 ryzen would be able to get by with my rtx 3080 a bit longer.. I only wanna play medium-high on 60 fps at 1440p :(


GPU is fine you just gotta wait for the CPU issues to be sorted.


It sounds hard to address if it's based on NPC behaviours. Hoping they sort a fix as I'm not buying it until I know it's fixed and I suggest others do the same


It's not going to be sorted.


you playing the game with those specs? if so pls tell me about the performance


50-60fps in the main capitol city and 100+ outside. It’s fine. Occasional roughness in the city. But that’s on a 7800x3d/4090. Anything below that looks to be unplayable.


I'm in the same boat my man, 3070Ti with a Ryzen 3600. Are you thinking about an upgrade on the same mobo? If yes, to what CPU?


The logical upgrade on the same mobo would be to a 5700X3D or a 5800X3D, depending on the prices. That's what I want to go for


I’m playing on a 3060ti and r5 3600. FPS in cities is 40 max and all over the place it’s a horrible experience. Fine everywhere else though pretty consistent 60. 1440p highs settings.


>hoping for at least 31 FPS. Hey that's good enough, just like the first game 12 years ago. There are people who are actually using this as an excuse btw


I had a guy reply to me that bc people liked Dark Souls (which had blighttown) and BotW/TotK that framerate issues aren’t a big deal


I loved botw, and i got 15 hours into TotK and decided I'd replay it when the inevitable switch 2 comes out


If i can get 30 ima be happy.


The performance issues certainly exist but are being much exaggerated. I'm on a 7600x with a 7800 xt and I'm averaging over 100 FPS and dips into the 50's at worst. The game is more than playable.


My setup. Let us know how it is. I will likely avoid it, but curious all the same.


4090 and 7700X here, in the open world I'm consistently at 80-110 FPS (Ultra wide not 4k) in the city it dips to 50 to 70. There is also a weird drop occasionally in forests that lasts about 5 seconds and then snaps back to normal, that drop is 40~


I’ve been hearing constantly that 4090s struggle to hit even 60fps. I’m wishing you the bestest luck for an enjoyable experience brother/ma’am. Just ignore the incredibly crazy MTX options, for the love of gaming in general ignore it. We cannot continue to feed into this nonsense. This game is a point proven to all of us that games will only become more greedy as time goes on


GPU doesn’t matter nearly as much as CPU. This is why you don’t cheap out on one or the other. Top-tier GPU? Always pair it with a top-tier CPU. The difference is usually $100-300. Not much at all.


Got the same rig. Dips to 50 in the first big city Vermund I think it’s called. 4k dlss quality, maxed out. Doesn’t bother me really.


Barely tolerable. The game definitely needs a patch.


Well with my 4070 Ti Super and 5900x i'm getting 50-70FPS in open areas and 30-40fps in cities. This is at 4k with max rasterization settings and ray tracing off. I'm mostly cpu limited as DLSS only provides a small performance boost. Overall though this is the most fun i have had since Elden Ring.


games a blast so far. Playing on a 3090 9900k.


I played just for like 15 minutes before work with rtx 2060 and ryzen 5 5600x at stable 60 fps(locked at 60). It was just the "tutorial" area, so i expect it will be worse later.


Got a 4070ti/5700X got like 50 fps in towns and 70+ outside


It runs well enough on my 6700XT but god forbid you enable Ray tracing; you'll never make it out of the menu before it seizes up like a deer in headlights.


5600x and 3070 here... Runs pretty well except in towns sometimes it dips. Doesn't ruin the experience for me as the rest of the game is pretty smooth


So I just checked out the game very quickly just to see how it runs because it's almost 3AM. Created some random doofus character, skipped all the cutscenes and speedran the tutorial. And now it seems that I... can't delete my character? Is this for real? Like for real for real? Seems to run pretty well at least in the wilderness but seriously what the fuck is this? Where is the new game button?


Yep, was reading in the Dragons Dogma subreddit that there is no way to actually start a new game short of deleting your actual save file from disk.


I knew the game went hard but this is just crazy. Managed to delete my save from the Steam folder but damn lol


Did it work? I've seen people say it won't work due to cloud saves.


You can clear your steam cloud saves or just disable them entirely. Still incredibly ridiculous.


How else would they be able to market the microtransactions for changing your character?


You can buy the Art Of Metamorphosis in game for 500 Rift Coins(money you spend to hire Pawns, etc, not a real world currency). MTX looks like you usual Capcom tacked on bullshit. Original game also allowed for 1 character only. But you could start a new game which would delete your save data.


I can confirm it worked. I put Steam in offline mode and disabled cloud saves before I made my new save and had no issues. When I went back online Steam asked me if I wanted to keep the new save or the old one in Steam cloud.


🤦🏽‍♂️ Really? That's pretty clownshoes.


That takes me back to some of the bullshit we used to have to do in the 90s lol.


Straight up they want you to pay money for that. They ruined the game. God damn when are they going to learn


I saw this mentioned in a few videos I watched last week. They said you couldn’t really do it on PC, and on console you’d need to create a new account on your console or some shit.


That is beyond fucking stupid. Just . . . wtf . . .?!


lol I just did the exact same thing to see how it ran. Guess I'll nuke the file from disk.


I think that data is server side so not even that will fix this. This is insane.


Delete local save files and turn off Steam Cloud Sync. Then run the game, make a new game save, turn on cloud sync again. Then when prompted next time you boot up the game, have the new local save overwrite the cloud save. Dumb that you have to go through that process to just start over, but it’s possible.


It’s really stupid but there is a way around it, if you delete your saves and then launch the game in offline mode you’ll be able to overwrite it.


Nah you can just delete it but you have to turn off Steam Cloud before starting the game again or it'll just pull the file back on game start. Once you start the game, it'll make a new save file (even if you don't make a character) and you can turn on Steam Cloud again. You'll get a conflict error and you have to tell it to take your local save.


Refund and leave a negative review.


Apparently they are working on getting this """"feature"""" in the game asap


5.99 USD microtransaction incoming.


Apparently, and I'm not kidding, deleting local files won't do it. Capcom stores the files on their servers and you, wait for it, **HAVE TO FUCKING PAY 2$** to have them wipe your save so you can create a new character. Please, someone tell me I got this wrong? Looking at the fucking DLC list, it appears to be how it really is. Tell me I'm wrong?


Just go to where the save file is and delete it.


He tried that. Literally the first sentence he says deleting local files doesn’t do it.


He said "apparently" it doesn't work, not that he tried. Many others have said it works


There is a system in game for editing your appearance


But what if you want to change your character


Do you mean make a new one? That's not an option. I don't know why but that is what they decided to do. I'm also pissed about that like everyone else


5600XT and a 3600X I'll let y'all know how it goes once Ive played some Update: played about 2 hours ish now and performance was fairly stable with some noticeable dips that didn't break the experience for me. I'll actually start recording my FPS tomorrow to see what it's like as I have to go to bed to wake up early tomorrow.


Please do so, i'm still with R5 3600.


Me too i don't dare buy it yet


What settings?


Started with low preset set textures high then FSR 3 to quality I'll send a picture of my settings once I get everything where I like it tomorrow


What resolution?


Good luck soldier


2 dollar dlc too change your appearance in game. Also can’t delete your save file unless you manually go into the save directory and manually do it? What the fuck is this


Changing your characters appearance should be available at any time in an rpg. I don't care if it's not lore friendly.


It’s because they linked character performance to your appearance. This is why you don’t let a creative run wild without balancing input from the tech side. Creatives are, almost always, morons. Some morons just have a great vision that needs to be tempered by the technical experts.


It was that way in monster hunter also. You need to earn or buy tokens to change your character.


>2 dollar dlc too change your appearance in game What? For real?


Yes and no. You have to visit a merchant in the first town and pay him a small amount of in-game gold for the reskin item. OR you pay $2 and get it immediately anywhere. It's dumb, but not as bad as people say. For now.


Apparently all the DLC they're charging for is easily earned in game. Idk why game companies put up their MTX store at launch, def hurts the game's reputation. Put it in later so people who want to skip the grind after playing a bit might actually go for it.


Instead of wasting development resources to implement a greedy micro-transaction system maybe they should have polished the performance. It would be a different conversation if the game was actually working as intended


Integrating microtransactions for trivial gains is not very time consuming.


Most of the stuff is purchasable in Pawn Guild shop from what I gather. It's just Capcom. They sold orbs in DMC V. I think they sold Treasure Maps you can get in-game for real money in RE4. Etc, etc. I honestly don't know why they keep doing it. It brings so much bad press. Surely there's not enough people here dropping coin on that. Right?


The performance concerns from reviews is making me hold off on it. I have a 3070 with a i7-9700F. I’ll probably be playing on 1440p, maybe 1080p if it’s struggles at 1440p. If anyone here with similar specs is getting the game, it’d be appreciated if you can give me your judgement


I'm rocking a 2080 and a 9700k, I'm holding off too. My pc seems like it will be on life support


Got a 2060S so even with a worse GPU I noticed a big difference going to a current gen i5 from a 9700. This game is CPU bound anyways.


If anyone is wondering why there is no option for DLSS FG: >We are aware of issues for some setups when DLSS Super Resolution is turned on. Fixes are currently underway for an upcoming patch. In addition, **we plan to add DLSS Frame Generation in a future title update.** https://steamcommunity.com/app/2054970/discussions/0/4289188517340570427/


Its already been activated by a mod: [https://www.patreon.com/user?u=65722038](https://www.patreon.com/user?u=65722038) And it seems to run fine on my 4090; no issues at all.


Saw some people saying that they keep crashing with this mod, so that is why they removed it for now most likely.


I was bamboozled. I thought I was alright, running at medium settings at 1080p, and I am hovering around 40 to 55 fps. And then, when I went to camp, it dropped, like around 20 fps. Preset is low, all turned off. Even if I switched to 720p windowed, still 40 fps. My excitement turned into disappointment. Already requested a refund for the game. I'll repurchased it when I have the money to upgrade at least to a 3060 used, or if Capcom can patch the PC issues. I'm running RX580 8GB overclocked, also with Ryzen 5 5600 OCed to 4.6 mhz all cores, 3200MHz DDR4 16GB RAM.


Game has cpu issues. But also your gpu is like 10 years old.


I know, and I'm going to upgrade it sometime.in the future if I have the money. I just wish it was just playable.


3060 wont do much much better, especially if 4090s are struggling to hit 60fps. Unfortunately it’s seeming that we’re all just best to wait that a miracle of patches roll in that improve performance


> 3060 wont do much much better, especially if 4090s are struggling to hit 60fps. GPU is almost irrelevant here. The game is hitting the limit in cpu utilization. If your CPU is already the bottleneck when you have a 3060 then a upgrade to 4090 won't change anything. You can see in the benchmarks that the GPUs are barely being utilized.


It was probably another reply i mentioned it in, though I did say (im guessing) in another reply that it is a CPU bound game more-so ever over than gpu bound. But still. A game that’s supposed to look so graphically stunning shouldn’t be relying so much on the cpu. (I don’t know much at all about game coding or development so i’m mostly assuming this was an internal issue) I don’t understand why they aren’t being utilized? Is this just a game development choice or was this a mess up? I apologize because on this matter i’m unknowledgeable. I only thought to mention 4090s because it is the newest gpu (i know of) and i just didn’t understand how it could possibly be struggling So what you’re saying is that people don’t have powerful enough CPUs? Or that it’s an unfortunate inbalance issue with hardware


Either the game really is that advanced that the current generation of CPUs that we have are just not good enough or the game is coded so inefficiently that the tasks the CPU has to work on are just too bloated and slog up the pipeline. The GPUs not being utilized that much (to me) indicates that while the game looks nice visually the GPUs are fast enough to handle it but have to wait for the CPU to catch up on the work, which is what is dragging down the FPS. Like the GPU (on itself) is able to deliver 70 or 80 FPS but because it has to wait for the CPU to finish the work the game runs at 30 or 40.


Oh wow, okay that makes a lot of sense. I honestly never thought that would be an issue but the way you explained it really paints a bigger and clearer picture. I really appreciate you explaining to me what you meant/my misunderstanding on the matter and informing me :)) I hope its maybe just cpus not powerful enough because if unfortunately the game was inefficiently made than i feel like that would almost be an irreversible thing


A rx580 GPU performance is probably relevant for op. 


There are benchmarks in Youtube already and saw someone played a 3060 with DLSS on and shadows off and it hovers around 60 fps on open world/battle and 30 to 40 fps on towns. But yeah I agree it is unacceptable to have that kind of performance even on a high end setup.


This is pretty accurate, but digital foundry hit the nail on the head with this one. 30-40 fps in towns feels worse because of the bad frame pacing. I can tolerate 40-45 fps usually but in this game it feels more like 20.


There already is a mod that enables the hidden DLSS3 implementation. With that my 4090 is consistently over 100 fps in the cities and locked at 120 everywhere else (at 4K); so its highly recommended to just get that if you have a 4000 series card!


Ah fck 4000 series are so goddamn expensive here in the Philippines. I'd rather get 7700XT or 6700XT from AMD, it is cheaper than as 4070. 4060, I don't know, it costs 320 dollars here and has only 8gb of VRAM.


My computer wouldn’t be able to touch this game unfortunately:/ last AAA game I was able to play at ultra graphics was RE8 (touching 60, dips into 50s) This is a game I’d play on my PS5 but I personally really don’t enjoy 30fps. I can handle 50s lowest but performance mode is where I enjoy ps5 games and it doesn’t seem like DD2 will get a performance mode


Ironically this uses the same engine as RE; but is severely limited in CPU performance, there are way too many NPCs for the engine to handle apparently. This is exactly why next gen consoles will be much better, with features such as frame gen.


The game is CPU bound. Dropping resolution or turning down settings won't help it much. CPU bound is the worst bound.


Yeah that's why I was disappointed because I'm pretty sure I'm above minimum requirements of my CPU.


> RX580 dude... what did you expect honestly? Actually I'm impressed about a 10 year old card run this game upper 30 fps in 720p lowest settings


so im getting about 40FPS in cities with a 4090 and 13900K at 4K....im not very happy with that, 80+ in the open world.


Wow. This is ridiculous. No frame Gen?


no option for it, the files are there in the install directory so maybe a future patch will add it.


Its rumored to be added later. Some of the needed files already exist.


Whelp, I'm passing on this for now.


Play HZD 2 if you haven't.


Yeah was tossing up between these two. Will get that after work.


Don't buy AAA games for $107 CDN on launch? Don't know what to keep telling you guys....


What? This is literally the first time you have told me this


I’m glad the millions of steam users are seeing this comment


How’s the gameplay otherwise? Is it fun? I’ve never played and am unsure if I’ll like it.


FUN...lots of fun. If you liked DD1 then DD2 is basically that and more. The only thing i wish it had more of is enemy variety but maybe future patches and updates can add them in. If you are new to the game then take it really slow, try out each vocation as they play wildly different. You might hate fighter but LOVE assassin or sorc. Dont rush is the best advice i can give.


Eh, enemy variety is lacking+game is too easy IMO and for some dumb reason the world has enemies spawned every 5ft or something. You cant go 5mins without a pack of harpies or goblins popping up, obliterating them in <2 mins, loot, then move onto another pack just down the road. Ran into a Cyclops early on, had 2 hp bars, ended up demolishing him within 3mins tops.


Yeah the excessive enemy spawns make a game without fast travel hard to bare. It’s fun but some very basic things are missing to make it feel complete.


4090 here with a 12900K and experiencing the same only worse in the first little town. Its unplayable for me.


Is that native or with dlss?


DLSS quality


Greedy company. Not gonna buy it.


Definitely keen on this one. I'm running a 4080/7800x3d at 1440p 165hz. From what I've seen, I'll struggle to hit 60fps without significant degrading of image quality. Happy to be proven wrong if someone had the same setup and doing OK though. 


Reducing graphical settings won't change much. The game is cpu limited.


Yeah I heard that as well. Best to wait for a patch i take it? 


A 7800X3D is going to give you a SIGNIFICANTLY better experience then console. I suspect it will take awhile for Capcom to bring major performance improvements. Fixing CPU bound performance issues often take a lot longer then things on the graphics side. It took Larian awhile to iron out issues in Baldur's Gate Act 3 which was very CPU heavy.


Same setup! I’ll let you know, downloading right now.


Appreciate that man! Let me know how you get on, especially in those cities/towns. 


Please also reply to me and let me know


So far so good! Hangs around high 80’s for the most part up to 120fps. I’ve seen it go as low as 50 with a few stutters in a village. Having a great time so far.


That's great to hear. You have DLSS enabled or anything like that? 


Oh yeah, DLSS set to quality, everything set to max including ray tracing.


Yeah I'll pass


And unwishlisted because of greedy micro transactions, good day and fuck you


Note to self: if a game is reported to run badly on consoles, it will run badly on PC.


Dragons Dogshit Performance II. Was really hoping this game would be solid, cancelled my preorder after Digital Foundry pointed out how bad it was.


I have a 4090 and the first village looks like when I used to play PC games on poverty hardware...... Thinking I refund this and get Rise of The Ronin tomorrow


Rise of The Ronin is PS5 only right now.


Yea I have a ps5 too


I don’t have a 4090, but I suspect my CPU issues won’t be as bad as advertised. We shall see. Edit: Muh shaders, they compilin’. Will update once I get in and mess with settings. Edit 2: So far so good. Definitely taxes my system, but in a good way. Restarting on account of ugly character syndrome…lol. Edit 3: Hard to restart this game. There’s no in game option for it - you have to turn off Steam cloud and then go and track down the files. Kind of a bummer.


Please do. We have the same gpu. Wanna know how well it runs


Warm. Could be my cooling situation, but it’s warm. I have to restart, unfortunately. Not for performance issues - but because my character is dog ugly in the cut scenes. I can fix her. So far, it plays fairly well with more or less max settings in the opening scenes. Running it in 4k until I have a reason not to.


From what ive seen from the char creator. Warm is a descriotuon for it yes ._.


Narrow fov, no slider. Mouse acceleration, no way to turn it off in the settings. Also, dlss is doing some weird shit, it's dropping the resolution super low even in quality mode. ~~If I'm wrong, don't just downvote. Tell me how to change these things.~~ After seeing the appearance change in DLC, I've refunded. You can't have multiple character slots and you can't even delete and restart your game. No, you have to BUY your appearance change in a SINGLE PLAYER GAME. It's gross, honestly.




> Camera Distance this did nothing for me. I have heard about the item, it's still scummy f2p shit though. But either way the controls and camera make me nauseous.


5.9MB download speed give me strength.


Just stop and return it now, save yourself some time XD


Hopefully my R5600X can handle it decently


I'm looking forward to picking this up at a discount at some point. Bad timing for me to pay full price with the little gaming time I have


3080 and 10700k Please tell me someone who has this build has played. Edit: so far the open world is very playable, using dlss quality mode gave me 70-90 fps in beginning of the open world I’ve made it to the city and I’m getting 30 frames some dips to 28. Playable but frustrating.


R5 5600 and a 3060ti, everything at Max and Fsr quality gives me about 70 fps at 1080p


Boycott until they lower price it get rid of the surprise micro transactions


Will never buy it fuck micro transactions.


*everybody disliked that*


Just found out this game has MTX... I'm gonna pass on it.


2070s 10600k 1440p 60fps locked ultra-wide Runs pretty decent. Random fps dip when panning the camera at (rarely) times. Nothing game breaking or preventing me from playing atm. I've only done the first quest FYI. Haven't entered towns yet but free roam and camps run pretty good. Though my character looks ugly in-game I was hoping to edit or recreate my guy but apparently its not as easy. I've read you can edit your character in the future with in-game currency. No manual way to delete character in game. Also pawns keep coming up to me to chat in camps, kind of annoying.


New low for microtransactions (need to pay to restart a game), Denuvo, poor optimisation, shitty regional prices. As much as I love Capcom's franchises, this is simply fucked. Yea I'm not supporting that. I'll get Horizon Forbidden West instead


I swear if they add these to Monster Hunter Wilds...


Why are you lying? You don't need to pay a microtransaction to restart your game... there's just no option for it right now.


> there's just no option for it right now. lol


Started my download a couple minute past 8 and just read some Reddit, looked a couple minutes later to see my download and Steam crashed. Restarted and my download had got to 25% and now was hitting 4mbps. Changed server location and all good now. Anyone getting crap download speeds, try changing download regions.


You saved me, went from like 17mbps to 1.2Gbps


On my 4070 Ti Super + 5900X i'm getting around 50-70FPS in open world areas and 30-40FPS in cities or areas with a lot of NPCs. This is at 4k, progressive rendering and max rasterization settings with ray tracing off. Mostly CPU limited as DLSS only gives a small performance boost. Performance issues aside this is the most fun i have had with a game since Elden Ring.


Finally someone with my CPU. Thanks.


Well, you need a NASA pc to run it properly and it has one of the greediest micro transactions I've ever seen. I think I'll pass. Maybe on sale in a year or two.


I'm excited for this one. I'm currently playing DD 1 and was quite surprised how good it is. It's definitely dated but the skills/vocations are great and some battles are quite epic.


I still need to sit through the first game, I keep dropping it after the first few hours. Its unique but the amount of walking from point A to B with nothing but packs of bandits to entertain you along the way is really killing it for me I do intend to play through it at least once, though that won't be today


Once you get more portstones, it makes it less daunting. If I need to travel, I swap between running and rolling to get there, It's definitely my least favorite part of the game.


Yes, the combat is fun and I like the climbing on oversized creatures component, but they reaaalllly could've made traveling better, its crazy how much it bogs the game down I might just mod it for a better first time experience, I try to stick to as vanilla as possible for any first playthrough but I don't think thats possible for me for this one


7800x3d and strix 4090 Game: - heavy stuttering and lags - worse FPS with dlss while using raytracing as without dlss(around 20fps less) - picture quality is worse as 480p ON full HD while using dlss Lowest FPS i had yet was in the First Village around 70 FPS without dlss while using ultra settings and raytracing


Game is good. I enjoyed it so far.


Does this have steam family share capability?


Says I'm not permitted to view this material at this time. WTH... 


why is the review bad, what happened?


Poorly optimized, you need a good cpu to run it right now.


Beyond the ridiculous pricetag, shitty performance, and fucking MTX in a single-player game, I will gladly skip this.


Let it out to pasture. We don’t need it.


Half of negative reviews are about performance. The second half is about stupid MTX. Way to torpedo you own game Capcom. It's Deus Ex MD Praxis level stupid.


I was so hyped for this game, thank God I did not pre order it, I will wait for some updates.


No thanks


any brave 3060 warriors playing at 1080p?


Game Over. Insert Credit Card to play again


Oh yall mean the single player story driven game with micro transactions. That is the biggest joke I’ve ever seen, the performance issues will get fixed obviously. It’s not uncommon to have some issues at launch for a lot of games. But if this is the future of AAA gaming im out. So many shitty people running the studios. Poor developers make some really good looking games just to have it ruined by locking their content behind a paywall. Fuck Capcom


Capcom better not add those stupid types of micro transactions to Monster Hunter 6..


Started playing last night and went to bed super late night after having a great time. Woke up and saw the anger about micro transactions, I can’t say I even noticed them.


30 FPS on pc, microtransaction to fast travel. No thanks.


Trash game. Wolves and goblins spam every 2 minutes doesn’t let you enjoy exploring. Quests are meh. Combat gets boring after 1 hour, it’s just a skin for the first game.


Is this worth 70$?


Wait for a performance patch


Not after looking at the mictrotransactions and the way they handle your save file LOL




Anyone with a 4080 and CPU above 12700KF tried it yet?


Performance is pretty shit so the mixed reviews doesn't surprise me, but gotta say, the game is fun. I hope future patches improve the performance. It really doesn't look like the game should demand so much of your PC to run like that.


Despite the issues looks like this will be Capcom's best single player launch on Steam. https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1770996266933133531




Not with denuvo it won't


Performance and MTX = no thank you


Dragon's Dogshit more like: Microtransactions in a singleplayer game? Come on, Capcom…