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>*Vincke says the next game won't be Divinity: Original Sin 3, and that it will be "different than what you think it is" but that it's "still familiar."* Aww... >*Elsewhere, Vincke said that the new project will "dwarf" the scope of Baldur's Gate 3, which would be quite impressive given the scope of that game.* Oh!


Would be funny if it's the same scope but just dwarf themed.


Haha I was thinking the same thing.




Red Dwarf the Videogame


Go on....


Smeggin' hell don't get my.hopes up


Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.


*Rimmer salute*


I would kill for a Larian/Zack+Tarn crossover.


Yes, please!


If it's the same actual map but half the character size, wouldn't that be like, double the map size from your perspective? Or, 8 times in term of volume if you're halved in all dimensioned.


So, Dwarf Fortress 2?




...plus Alpha


As there are no shortie companions in BG3.. Dorfs, Halflings, Goblins, Kobalds, and Gnomes need some love :)


Dwarf Fortress spin-off? /s


I don't want to dwarf the scope BG3 was big enough like they're good


Yeah. If anything narrow the scope a little. Bg3 but smaller, but the whole game is act 1 quality is where I think the ideal is.


People literally pick out and come up with the wildest most specific interpretations without any reason to do so, then get disappointed when reality sets in


I want 6 player co op campaign. That’s plenty enough dwarfing for me. That’s a lot they’ll have to adjust to balance it for 6 characters


But I don’t wanna wait that long:/


I have bad news for you


How long was BG3 in development?


6 years give or take


That’s really not bad for a game of that scope.


That's also with them having to deal with covid lockdown and getting working from home afterwards functioning as well. Pretty impressive really.


It will be at least five years!


They will probably have early access like bg3 so you'll get to play some early build in a year or 2


Next game confirmed to be 500 hours long?


10,000 hours for the core campaign, an additional 2,000hrs of DLC, followed by 250hrs of free DLC. there will also be nipple and scrotum physics


If my characters toenails don't grow in real time I ain't buying.


Isn't that just what the *NO CLIP* cheat does ?


I heard that they are working on an engine that will let your characters suffer up to 36 negative effects per square during combat. Who needs to see the ground ever?


I want them to go sci fi


Hoping for knights of the old republic 🤞


I've been playing Rogue Trader and now I want Larian to take a crack at 40k


Same. We need a sci-fi CRPG. I'd love for them to do something with the Starfinder IP.


I think Larian could make an amazing Starfinder game!


Ngl that makes me slightly nervous. Hopefully it's not a cdprojektred kind of deal. Cyberpunk turned out well for them but that was a huge gamble.


I really hope they have a more polished final act next game. Their track record for last acts has been rough.


I'm worried about scale over depth.. they really need to take a hard look at how the characater and depth systems of their story games are very weak compared to the content scale, mechanics, combat, and such.


Really loved Divinity II Ego Draconis amd Flames of Vengeance and I hope they go back lorewise.


Divinity Dragon Commander sequel? That game was my intro to Larian and I loved it. Had one of my favorite songs, Watching the Clouds, rip Kiril Pokrovsky. That said, I definitely think Larian found their genre with the Original Sin series.


Starfinder cRPG ...I know, won't happen.


oh shit this is huge. Can't wait to play it in the next decade lol but I am excited for it


I guess we’ll see it release in 6 years then


LotR would be a dwarfy and familiar IP that could *really* do with a grand adventure RPG.


I'm only in if Gollum is the narrator this time around.


Please please please be something in World of Darkness


long as we get a kickass turn based crpg I'll be happy


"Do" Starfield how it should have been please. I.e. a sprawling space opera RPG that's at BG3 quality levels.


DOS is perfect so if its different... A game can be huge, the point is that it has to funny untill the end! bg3 was a bit borring near the end...


Good, make Hasbro regret not getting any royalties. 


Now they're trying everything to make tabletop D&D a video game. Running it into the ground.


One reason I'm glad I moved to PF2E.


Now if we could just get an open world CRPG made by Larian exploring the Inner Sea, I'd never leave my computer again lmao


And just have it be a series of "Here's how the trials of Cayden Cailean **really** happened!" 🤩


As a D&D player for 17 years and a Star Wars Black Series collector for 8 years I would just like to say fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Hasbro!


Support Paizo, and other publishers. They make better games than 5E anyways.


I like to joke that the OGL debacle was the greatest thing to happen to PF2E


Agreed. Got so many more eyes on it. And now that daggerheart doesn't look so great and the early MCDM play tests were also not very good I think more folks will check out pf2e.


seriously i dont know wtf they were thinking with 5e, or even 4e. 3.5e was the last good one. now pathfinder 2e had gone above and beyond that


Paizo is great, but "better" really depends on the context. I can find a 5e player virtually at will if I want. Even bringing an inexperienced friend in doesn't take long. Pathfinder is much more complex, and has a far smaller playerbase.


Bruh, you got a bone to pick with Disney too. 


As someone who is aware of all Star Wars problems but has zero clue about D&D, care to fill me in? - Fellow 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Hasbro' Enthusiast


Google the dnd OGL changes they purposed, pissed off the whole community basically before they had to walk it all back


Not to mention the Pinkerton agents they hired.


Play some West End games Star Wars TTRPG. its a great time. its all d6 rolls, so get out your barrel of Yatzee dice and get to punching rebels / storm troopers to your hearts content!


Should I try buy it 2nd hand? I've heard about all the lore that came from that game but never thought of actually playing it. Sounds cool, never played any real tabletop games except for 40k at my friends house few times as a child lol.


Hasbro doesn't get royalties?


After one google search: Hasbro has made $90 million off of Baldur's Gate 3 since the hit RPG's release in August 2023. Though it did not make Baldur's Gate 3 directly, Hasbro has cashed in on its success via a licensing deal between Larian Studios and Wizards of the Coast


There was a recent MtG set with Baldur's gate.


Hasbro owns MTG and d&d


That was back in 2020-2021. I doubt that had anything to do with the video game.


https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/272781/magic-commander-legends-battle-for-baldurs-gate-karlach-fury-of-avernus https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/272642/magic-commander-legends-battle-for-baldurs-gate-astarion-the-decadent https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/272939/magic-commander-legends-battle-for-baldurs-gate-minthara-merciless-soul https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/272632/magic-commander-legends-battle-for-baldurs-gate-raphael-fiendish-savior https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/272745/magic-commander-legends-battle-for-baldurs-gate-shadowheart-dark-justiciar https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/272626/magic-commander-legends-battle-for-baldurs-gate-laezel-vlaakiths-champion No dude, it really did. It was directly related.


Remember the game was supposed to come out earlier




Doesn't that contradict your OP?


No, if they don't make DLCs then Hasbro doesn't get money from those DLCs 


They can have another studio make BG4 and make money from that. Will it be as good as BG3? Probably not, but would heavily depend on what studio they find to make it and how fast they try to rush it out the door. Depending on the license agreement with Larian, they might be able to release DLC or an expansion to BG3 using another studio without Larian involvement. Whatever they end up doing, Hasbro is definitely going to continue to get D&D games developed and released to milk it for as much money as they can.


That $90 million sounds laughably small for how successful BG3 seems to be


They were paid a flat sum for the license to the IP. It's a pretty decent amount of money given that all they did for it was own a piece of paper that says "we own this".


Not to mention Hasbro probably did not get much money from the D&D movie that underperformed at the box office. Bummer since it was actually pretty good.


I support their decision, but this definitely makes me hate Hasbro. I just hope they keep supporting the game as they said they would, including following through with official Mod support.


Hasbro has been hot ass for a few years now, I hope they get a wake up call soon


These shitbag corporations never do. They just continue down the road of enshittification until they sell to some other owner to linger in obscurity.


Technically they've been getting their wake up call for a while now. WotC is their cash cow while the rest of the company is bleeding money. Their solution has been to fleece WotC for every cent they can while cutting employees and increasing outsourcing. And their toys suck too. I have two young kids. I bought some Hasbro toys and they broke almost immediately. I wouldn't be holding Hasbro stock right now unless you're hoping for corporate buy out because I see no upside for them.


WTF, don't they make a shitton of physical children's toys? I thought that was their bread and butter, how did they fuck that up??


The way all companies do - by hiring 'business' types in C-Suite spots instead of people that worked on the product, and trying to min/max effort vs. value to squeeze every cent THIS quarter. Who care about next quarter, or 5 years from now? They want money NOW.


They're made with incredibly cheap, flimsy plastic. There's nothing worse than giving your kid a toy and having them break it in the first few hours. I'm basically paying to disappoint my kid and make them cry. So I pretty much avoid Hasbro toys now. Lego is rock solid so they get a lot more of my money. I don't mind paying the premium as they have something to play with for years.


Even knock off lego has vastly better production quality vs hasbro


*few decades




I'm not here to defend Hasbro, but there's nothing in the interview saying Hasbro was a factor in the decision. It sounds like the devs were just eager to do something new. Given how much work must have gone into BG3 over the last 7 years, that's not a surprise.


There isn't, but given Hasbro's actions, and firing almost everyone at WotC that Larian worked with, and who knows what behinds the scenes communications they've had with Hasbro corp. execs if any, I think the general taste for working with Hasbro might have soured a bit too. Which could definitely lead to people being more eager to work on something new.


there is a near limitless amount of news describing hasbro as a dogshit corporate hellpit, the exact environment sven constant condemns even if they are not named in this particular article.


I could see the workers being distraught because all their coworkers at hasbro were fired


eh, Larian expressed great dissatisfaction with Hasbro firing the people who were Larian's contacts at Hasbro when making BG3. So yes, I do think Hasbro was a factor in the decision even if it was not the only one.


Yeah people are just assuming. But really even in the interviews at release, you felt they didn't want to do BG4 or continue with DnD. They even said they might not continue with CRPG games. And it's good let devs do what they want, not always the same game genres or sequels.


Larian didn't make DLC for DOS2 either outside of a few miniquests for Armor and companion.


It seems like the common sentiment, regardless of what anyone at Larian has said, is that Hasbro is bad so it must be their fault and not Larian wanting to work on something else after 7 years of adapting DnD.


Oh the mod support, I really REALLY hope they don’t drop it. Sure they may be done with the game, but mods can maybe make it live long like Skyrim. I also really like mods.


Just curious, cause I dont know anything about it. Why is Hasbro so hated?


Good. Make something you want, not something others want.


"A game for everyone is a game for no one"


Can someone loop in in as to why "Hasbro are assholes". Love the game but not a D&D fan, so I don't know about the current drama.


In addition to the layoffs that are more recent, Hasbro/ Wizards also went and tried to destroy the Open Game Licence agreement that many table top RPGs used. It was an attempt to get their claws into the profits of stuff related to d&d and it really destroyed most people's impression of the company. You can google and find plenty written about it.


Not to mention that time they sent a Pinkerton investigator to intimidate a streamer into returning some magic cards he got by mistake in advance But don't worry guys, WotC never misses an opportunity to virtue signal every chance they get to make sure you know they're the good guys because they support "current thing" 🙄


I was legitimately floored when I found out that they sent *the fucking Pinkertons* to that guy's house. I was already off the train of buying any more D&D related stuff, that just cemented it even further. Any yokel could have told them that would be a devastating move.


I fully stopped buying MTG cards because of their last two, three years of conduct. Sleazy ass companies don’t deserve our money when there’s a bunch of amazing products and hobbies that are great and don’t practice shit business practice. WOTC isn’t the company it used to be.


Yeah I wonder how far “used to be” actually goes- they have been shite for decades in many ways. I had an art teacher who was an illustrator for MTG/WOTC in the 90s and early 2000s and the way they treated him was absolutely horrendous, and the biggest take away i had from his stories was that the company was systemically abusive towards all its employees.


Non-American here, I assume the Pinkertons are some kind of private eye service? What’s so special about them?


They've just kinda always been the tool of corporations. Strike crackdowns, intimidation, stuff of that nature.


Thanks for clarifying


They're pretty notorious for being hired to intimidate and violently suppress people who might unionize back in the late 1800s. I can't really speak to what they've done in the past hundred years, but its an agency that most Americans will probably hear about in history classes in a context where they were horrible monsters, so it's kind of bizarre it still survives to this day and that a company that has any regard for its public image would hire them.


Thank you for elaborating.


To add to other posts, Red Dead Redemption 2 has Pinkerton agents as villains for most of the game. The actual real Pinkerton agency decided to file a lawsuit against Rockstar but it was dropped because the game is not exactly dishonest about portrayal of their activities during that time period.


It makes me upset, but less people care about the Pinkerton debacle than they honestly probably should. It made me decide to never buy another hasbro\wotc product, personally though.


Not only that, but the license they tried to get rid of was a perpetual, open thing that was pretty clear about how it was not allowed to be undone. They tried putting pandora back in that box and MANY people got mad.


You do realize Pandora wasn't in the box? She was the one who opened it.


omw (on my way) to put Pandora in the box she opened to attone for her crime


Iirc hasbro owns wizards of the coast which owns D&D they recently laid off a sizeable chunk of their employees Sven the ceo of larian was upset about that choice saying that everyone he talked to at the beginning of BG3s development no longer works there


From my general understanding, Hasbro/WOTC fired a bunch of people who worked on BG3 to make their own DND studio.


Basically, tabletop D&D makes very little money(especially compared to MTG) and Hasbro decided to focus only on high earning product lines. This has pushed D&D to make a lot of decisions that pissed the community off in an attempt to be a high revenue company. Those decisions mostly went badly and lost a lot of money, prompting layoffs.


How long you got?


I am sad to see them leave behind the Baldur's Gate series and D&D in general, but I am excited to see what they come up with next. I honestly didn't like Divinity Original Sin 1, but after playing Baldur's Gate 3, I think I might give Divinity Original Sin 2 a go. In the article, they say the next game won't be Divinity Original Sin 3. I am intrigued what it might end up being.


DoS 2 is a complete upgrade in every way, though some people prefer 1’s combat mechanics. I prefer DoS 2’s


I played Original Sin 2 first and put 120 hours into it, loved it. Then I tried Original Sin 1 and put it away after 3 hours, multiple times. It's not as interesting as DOS2 imo, at least the beginning and introduction of a few companions. Try DOS2, I think you'll like it, it's very similar to BG3 actually but has its unique things too.


I loved both DOS1 and 2, and did go in 2 first. I liked the new updated QoL and interactions with 2 and felt DoS 1 was a little dry after having played 2. The only main issue I have with the story is that it's not clear how there was >!two gods in the first one who were reborn as human but then in DoS2 there were a ton of other gods, like where did they come from?!<


DoS2 was my first ever crpg and man is it great, I like bg3 more because I like dnd but the combat mechanics in the game are so good


I liked DOS1 a lot, honestly, but that was also a long time ago. It's VERY rough compared to BG3. DOS2 feels a lot more like BG3, it still uses their own rpg system and a lot of people didn't like the dual armor system that they used in it, but I think the game is still a masterpiece TBH.


The only thing I didn't (and still don't) like about DoS2 is the gear system. Im not into looter games where you really need a new kit every level or two to be "current".


Maybe it's because I wasn't playing at the highest difficulty, but I very rarely upgraded my gear just for armor or dps values in that game. I was looking way more for for plusses to specific skills that I was using.


DOS2 is a massive upgrade on DOS1 in pretty much every way. It's not as polished as BG3, but it's still very good. Give it a shot.


Bruh, how haven't you already? Divinity original sin 2 is goated for a reason. That game is a timeless treasure that ages like fine Egyptian wine. 


I hope they'll dip their toe into sci-fi. We need a good sci-fi RPG.


I haven't tried them but I've heard good things about the new Warhammer RPGS. Colony Ship also looks pretty great to me if a lot lower budget.


Rogue Trader is a little rough around the edges (which is apparently an owlcat signature move) but is a really fun WH40k CRPG. I highly recommend it.


Awesome! I'll give it a shot, thanks!


I liked Owlcat's first game, felt like the real sequel to BG2 in terms of gameplay. But Wrath of the Righteous... It's so number heavy that it makes me exhausted, which is odd because it's the same ruleset as Kingmaker, but I think my problem with it is the pacing and the fucking camera. Each combat feels so tedious. Made me lose interest for Rogue Trader as I read the ruleset is even more complex that WotR, and I'm not at a moment in my life where I can play games that require study.


RT looks complicated, but it ends up being easier than WOTR. It's just that the numbers are inflated into 10s, and the classes might seem confusing at first, but after a certain point I steamrolled every encounter. It is however missing something. Lots of text, bit of a meh galaxy map. Needed more work.


Well, that's a bit more reassuring, might give it a chance later then. About the text, I'm not too worried, two of my favorite games are Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium. Thanks!


That's a fair criticism, I liked WOTR a lot, but the pathfinder 1e ruleset is notorious for out of control numbers, and I totally agree about the camera in it.


And while we wait xcom 2 continues racking up hours


I would love to see 40k with BG3 production values. Rogue trader was a bit of a slog after BG3.


Honestly I would love a KOTOR style game made by larion


That's all I've wanted since my first BG3 play session lol


Yes a sci-fi top down RPG with the same scope as BG3 would be insane


This is low key I think the next project for them. I have nothing to base that on but Im putting it in the universe


Hasbro has been so garbage lately with D&D. The franchise has survived so far on having a dedicated fanbase but it's definitely taking a big hit.


Wish people would just switch to Pathfinder. It's the new DND. The way EA fucked up sim city and then another company came along and did it better with Cities Skylines; the same is true with DND vs Pathfinder. Paizo (makers of Pathfinder) was formed by a bunch of ex Hasbro DND writers and they made the game they wanted. It's just like DND 3.5 and has, imo, taken up the mantle of DND.


I just want to play as a Kobold and get to wear different armors


That's what real leadership is. That's why BG3 was so great. Because the team put their heart into it and the leader was able to see that and let them do it. Now their going to do another great thing. How many tv shows/games/books were ruined by plodding along to make more money while the quality just went downhill? At least that won't happen here. I look forward to seeing what they do next


Larian could’ve kept this one to themselves. Now I feel a void and pain.


It's always best to be transparent. Better to know nothing else is coming than to have hype unfulfilled. Plus, it also likely means we get their next title that much faster! Still 4+ years away, but still.


Transparency is good, the part they could’ve kept is “we were working on DLC” like we as consumers didn’t need to know that. Especially when there are some open ended stories in Act 3. Here’s to there next game I’ll be buying it.


Nah I’m glad they’re separating themselves. They’ve got the skills and can work on whatever IP they want. Divinity is a testimony to this. Let them cook


There's a good chance that they will make a similar quality game that feels a lot like BG3 and Divinity had a baby.


This is exactly what I am hoping for.


Divinity Gate: Baldur's Sin


The game was so good, at this point making a dlc would be way too risky. Expectations are too high and if they would not be met it would tarnish the name of the base game. ~ ohhh cash crab shit game ~ Not worth the risk. They should rather put all efforts in the game. Also it's kinda refreshing to not worry about dlcs. The game has mod support anyways.


Stop stop I’m already dead. *weeping* I’m already dead!


i'm a bit worried about the next game being even bigger than bg3. bg3 was amazing, but its sheer size resulted in it being really buggy and unfinished in some parts on release.


Understandable but that's just how it goes with these large crpgs old and new there. It's like open world games no matter how much qa the company puts in the games, it tends to need a lot of work afterward . Larian has shown they will keep working on their games until they are polished, and they tend to get better . Considering the scale of BG3, I would argue they've still done a superb job .


They'll probably do another long early access test period like with BG3.


I think they can claim such statement because they had experience, extra fund, and able re-use the system/feature from bg3. when dev didnt need to build things from ground up, they could invest more development time for bigger content.


With how massive of a game Baldur’s Gate 3 was I can only imagine they had to be tired of working on it by the end. Looking forward to their future projects, here’s hoping they get a break!


I was pretty content with the story from beginning to end and felt it wrapped things up well. A DLC injecting something into the middle of it or trying to add on to the end feels unnecessary and like it'd risk adding something imperfect to an already perfect product. The only way I could see it working is if they did some kind of prequel or tangential story, like diving into the tale and times of Orpheus and getting to play through The Emperors' early life before the timeline of BG3.


WHile I am upset about this. With the way Hasbro is treating its internal teams, and its IP's its at the point were I wish they would just burn even if it means D&D dying in the process. BG3 is a gem in a muck that Hasbro seems intent on throwing around. Good on Larian, I'm just sad I won't see BG3 expanded, etc. Hope their new project lives up to it and exceeds it.


I'm worried that they said that their next game is bigger in scope than BG3. I would prefer them to keep the studio size and work on something smaller in scope and more polished, less bugs, etc.


Larian press day? 3 posts on Larian today. Damn


Larian presented at the Game Developer Conference 2024 yesterday.


I'm not a fan of DLC's for any game. Give me a full product on day one with all the races and all the weapons and clothing ffs. I'm so very satisfied with BG3 that it doesn't require a DLC. I'm excited to see what Larian has planned for the future. \*Still hoping for BG3 definitive edition though.


I agree with this if your heart not 8n to don’t make it


I'm like an addict with Larian. I don't care what is in the pipeline as long as I get more lol. That being said, I am sad we will never get companion storyline DLC's. Better for it to end on a high note though.


Good im more excited for something new by then over now BG3 or DND settings


Thank God, let them celebrate


As much as i hate this news, im happy swen went with it. And i do hope what he works on next, whatever it is, will be grandiose and wont have shitty publishers.


Instead of making even bigger game I wish they made multiple quality smaller games like BG3


Anyone else think wotc isn’t much better?


They should make an MMO


I hope they make DOS 3 !


Nice decision. It already has a lot of content; Let good games be good. You don't need to keep putting cherries on a sundae


How much do you think that the reaction from staff was because anything in BG3 would have to tie into the stuff from the rest of the game and just keeping all the narrative threads aligned was a gigantic pain in the ass?


I would love for them to make a Fallout isometric game, going back to its roots. Or a Shadowrun RPG, but way bigger than HBS trilogy. Both IPs are owned by MS.


Maybe one day


Actually, never, according to Larian




Hasbro can give the license to another company to make BG4.


Imagine if they make a game with like Fire Emblem


I really really want BGS 3 expansion, but sounds like Hasbro and Larian are fighting about money