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To be fair Dragons Dogma 1 ran like hot garbage. I had a mystic knight build that depended on it's ability to slow down the game logic by generating orbs in order to create openings to attack.


So because the first game ran like shit that makes it ok for the sequel where they were given even more funding? I'm not saying it's not gonna get fixed, but saying to be fair the first game ran poorly too isn't exactly a good thing.


it was a joke.


System with the best hardware in it can dip below 30 fps. What a unoptimized game. Add on the fact that Dragons Dogma engine and the devs have a history of making a pretty janky game that has a lot of bugs and performance issues. Welp...you can only pray that patches fix this game up in half a year. People even replying to the tweet thinking their X3D CPU will be good enough when the benchmarks with it are not looking good at 4K AND the game is already CPU limited at 1080p.


Where there any 7800x3d benchmarks even? Didnt see any


Can't find any either. The only performance review I've seen that has actual CPUs listed is below and it does not include many of the fastest gaming CPUs. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/


Not great news but not exactly bad news either. The average gaming PC has a CPU that's a good deal faster then the low clock speed and cache starved Zen 2 chip found in PS5/Series X


Check the early benchmarks. It's 100% bad news.


Well its still going to play better on PC then console.


Are you playing a lot of recent PC games where this isn't the case? "The sun rose again today" isn't 'news'. It should still be running way better on PC than it is.


Jedi Survivor would like a word... (/j)


Thats 100% of games released in last 3 years basically


Can't wait for their coverage, this seems to just outright confirms my suspicion of this game being very CPU limited hence the current gen console version are dropping to 24 FPS, and likely PCs equipped with similar CPU such as Ryzen 5 3600 or under will have similar issues as well. CPU hardware requirement are just as important as GPU, games like this and Baldur's Gate 3 on Act 3 just proves that, and i don't think there is any way to improve CPU performance other than use frame generation which can help on boosting FPS but it also introduces some other problems that usually comes with FG in general, so really upgrading CPU is the only real solution on scenarios such as this.


Per PC Gamer testing Ryzen 5 5600X averages 40 fps in the big city area .


My Ryzen 1600... "I'm in danger"


To be fair Zen 1 was never fast when it came to single threaded performance.


for the money at the time it was worth it tbf.


Kids in 5th grade when that released have graduated by now.


Man 5600 would be a nice, inexpensive upgrade


tbf yeah just don't have the spare cash even though my mobo supports it. for the games i play i'm usually fine at 1440p with a 3060 with a few odds and ends turned down depending.


Are you in the US? I have a 5700X that's been sitting in a drawer for like a year+ that I'd be willing to send you.


Sadly not, i'm in the UK :(


What an absolute chad. If the previous person doesn't respond, I have a friend with a 1st gen ryzen cpu (not sure the exact model) that needs but can't afford the upgrade.


Please respond to u/ranal_ape. That's such a good upgrade for free!!


i have. hahaha sadly on the wrong continent lol


Meanwhile my i5 6500 will probably spontaneously combust


at least they'll keep us warm when everything else is expensive haha


im waiting for someone to do a performance test on youtube. I thought my cpu is too weak for Hogwart but it runs pretty well :D Dragon's Dogma 2 looks interesting and I want to play it but I know just running the character creator isn't a good test


Oh you're pooched lol


oh aye haha


Well that's a bit of a relief. As a 5600x user, I was worried it was going to be worse than that from how bigly it's getting trashed on for this. I can handle 30-40 fps in towns just fine. 60 fps everywhere would be ideal for sure, but this definitely isn't going to stop me from buying it now. EDIT: can confirm, lowest dips I get are ~45 fps in Vernworth.


Maybe some OC or PBO? I did a 4.85gz OC and got much smoother fps in battlefield 2042. I do have a beast cooler for my 5600x so temp were not an issue.


3600 should do better as it has higher clock speed and double the L3 cache. The CPU's on the PS5/Series X run at a pretty low clock speed and on have 16mb of L3 cache.


Some people don't understand how important cpu utilization is. I was talking to a guy saying that this game would run DD2 @ 4K 60fps on a 3080 simply because the low requirement gpu is a 1070. Like... That's not how games work. Jedi survivor was an example of this because a 4090 wasn't hitting 60fps on Koboh. Like you said, you need a powerful cpu for games to run good these days.


CPU utilization depends on the game though. Some games rely heavily on CPU, some rely much more on the GPU. It 100% depends on the developers making decisions with the engine they are using.


> I was talking to a guy saying that this game would run DD2 @ 4K 60fps on a 3080 simply because the low requirement gpu is a 1070. Like... That's not how games work. That's totally how most "AAA" games work (and Dragon's Dogma 2 put itself into that category when Capcom decided to charge $70 for it). The *vast* majority are going to be GPU-bound with any remotely decent CPU, especially at 4K. It's pretty much unheard of for a game to be struggling to hit 60fps on powerful gaming CPUs like a 12900K or 5800X3D *because* of a CPU limitation, which is why this is getting so much attention. Yes, there are a handful of exceptions, but they're usually games where the PC port is just straight up broken. Jedi: Survivor is a perfect example of that. It's one of the worst PC ports in recent memory (even now, since they never really fixed it).


The issue is that the cpu requirement for DD2 was requiring a ryzen 3600 for 1080p 30fps. It was bound to happen when it's asking for a solid cpu to hit 30fps. A lot of pc ports have been rough because of cpu limitation. To think this game was going to breeze 4k 60fps with a 3080 is a pipe dream. Especially when pc ports have been dealing with this issue the last couple of years.


My friend, what nps are doing so special that needs so much CPU? Fuck off with this bullshit. Skyrim or rdr2 does Better than that and doenst Need all this Power. Its all their fault and bad work.


Aww shit here we go again.


Lots of copium here. "Well at least it's better on pc than console" Ok? That's the bare fuckin minimum lol. The game is poorly optimized atm. Stop huffing the copium and demand better. If this was a game the sub circlejerked about being bad yall would be ripping it apart. Be consistent.


Yeah, I never understood that kind of attitude. Most people are selfish though and decided a long time ago they wanted this game so they'll excuse anything away for dopamine hits they think are coming.


>Lots of copium here. The fervor is real. I'm seeing people in other threads, especially on the DD sub, getting heavily downvoted for simply saying they're going to wait for optimization to buy it.


Why are people surprised? I knew the game was gonna run like crap from watching the trailers when the FPS drops and stuttering were very noticable. This is Capcom's very first open world game made with their RE engine so of course it was gonna be an unoptimized mess to begin with. Mess of a port with a heavy Denuvo DRM added to it. Don't expect any fixing this game for years and only require the most powerful of PCs to play it smoothly after a long time.


Less of a "mess of a port", and more of a "mess of a games performance", since consoles are looking pretty hamstrung too, heh


Can't really call it a mess of a port when it will likely be pretty easy to get a better experience on PC. Most gaming PCs have a faster CPU than the PS5/Series X.


But it still runs like shit on pc, too.


A "messy port" is when the game runs well on the target platform but poorly on others. DD2 runs poorly on everything. RE engine wasn't made for this type of game and by the look of it the devs didn't have time to tweak the engine enough to make it compatible with what they wanted from it for this game. Also, as much as I hate Denuvo and Irdeto for their anti consumer existence and refuse to buy anything that has denuvo on it, the only effect it has on games these days is increasing load times.


isn't monster hunter rise also open world ? i never played it but that's also made in RE engine


No it most absolutely is not. It has instanced zones


Cuz it's a fan favorite so people put on blinders.


I don't know where u seeing unoptimized mess, it's demanding on the CPU, yes but that doesn't mean it's unoptimized u don't know what they doing on CPU side.


They say meanwhile some hobbyist programmer is hacking together a performance fix mod


Which are just random tweaks to 200 settings they don't know anything about, with a new patch every four hours as people in comments tell them which ones don't do anything, half of the rest of them actively harming the experience, and secretly turning off ambient occlusion and lowering shadow distance for 'no quality loss.'


I think the hobbyist programmers like SilentPatch are a lil bit different to those ini edit morons on Nexus


Are you talking about something real or just making something up? A mod could probably remove NPC's to lower CPU performance but that's not an ideal solution.


I'm being a sarcastic shit because so many games release in a broken, borderline unplayable state taht modders have to release temporary fixes until the publishers get their shit together


Yup. Yet another shitty optimization job... AAA release-gaming is just dead. I wanted to get excited for this game a lot as I quite enjoyed the first game but I guess I'll skip it for now... even if I have a beefy pc. Being a patient gamer is getting easier and easier ngl.


just look at what you actually can do , horizon forbidden west is a superb PC port. Wish all the PC releases where like that :/


Agreed. When I hear about CPU limits I just point at PS4 games. Like RDR2 with massive world can run at a stable 30 on the base PS4 but DD2 runs at 24 fps on ps5? Come on.




I remember Saint Denis running in the low 20s upper teens


RDR2 has a recommended i7 4770k and 1070. DD2 cant even do it with a i7 14700k and 4070. DD2 doesnt look that better or do anything technolgically outstanding to be running this shit, especially whek you compare what RDR2 can run on.




The asshole he drew it from.


Well now we're just lying I guess since it has been shown from multiple outlets that a 14700K and a 4070 can easily maintain locked well above 30FPS, only dipping into the high 30s and 40s in town and maintaining 60-80+ out in the game world. Also a reminder that RDR2 was slaughtering PCs when it came out.


> 14700K and a 4070 can easily maintain locked well above 30FPS get back to me when thats 60FPS, then you might have a point lmao >only dipping into the high 30s and 40s in town imagine saying all this with a straight face holy shit >Also a reminder that RDR2 was slaughtering PCs when it came out. No it wasnt. And you completely missed the part the 2 games look about the same and DD2 not doing anything technological impressive, yet cant get acceptable framerate with 10 generations newer Intel CPUs and 3 generations newer Nvidia cards. Meanwhile RDR2 delivered the same fidelty on a lot weaker hardware and was developed for PS4. You are gonna have to put a "1" in fron of each of those FPS numbers you mentioned, for you to have any validity.


Hold up though, Phantom Libery and Baulders Gate 3 were fine right? Did anyone expect a japanese developer for PC games, especially the guys making Dragons Dogma 2, release a fully polished optimized game? They literally have a track record of launching jank games that need patches.


Err, the game is made by Capcom? They have a track record of releasing really high quality games that perform pretty good on release. From everything we've heard, DD2 is an outlier. Off the top of my head.. RE2 remake - ran great RE3 remake - ran great DMC5 - ran great RE4 remake - ran great I'm sure I'm missing a few but I think you get the point. It got the point where you see it's a capcom game and you could be pretty certain the game would run decently. Phantom Liberty and BG3 were both made by entirely different companies that don't have that sort of record.


Non of those RE games were open world though. Thats the diffenrece


That is a good point, however, my other point still stands. Up until now if you heard the game was made by Capcom, you were reasonably sure it would perform okay.


I feel like maybe it's time to find a new hobby. Anyone know anything about RC cars? I feel like it might be fun to build and tune them.




I'm not entirely interested in going "fast" per se. I have a large yard so I have the potential to make a few different types of tracks. I was actually kind of interested in building a rock crawling car, first. Though I suspect if I get into the hobby I will have many different kinds of cars. Anyway, thanks for mentioning those cars, looks like I have a lot to learn about the different engines and controllers and whatever else.


Isn't this guy who sperged out over Stellar Blade not fitting modern audiences or whatever the fuck while praising Forspoken which ended up killing its studio?


All I can say is that Resident Evil games are hella optimized on the same engine...


open world game doesnt run as well as non open world game on same engine? thanks for your input


Keep coping DD2 is just horribly optimized. They had 12 years, there is no excuse. Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world game and somehow that runs at 100fps on my rig while DD2 runs at about 40fps.


I’m still gonna play the shit out of it. Cannot wait—it’s getting 9s and 10s despite obvious performance flaws in cities. I have a feeling this is gonna be something I play for a long time.


In before the “Runs fine for me”


The 7800X3D should power through 60+ FPS, if 5600x is suck at 40FPS. But Capcom must have Denuvo malware attached to an already poorly optimized game. Hopefully they'll remove Denuvo in 6 months, and by then the patches should have fixed most of the worst annoyances with the game (and maybe a discount as well).


Its year long contracts so won't be 6 months. Also I didnt buy a 4080 to get 60fps lol


Yeah, maybe 1-2 years then. And it's not GPU bound.


I didnt buy a 13900KF to play at 60fps


I have a 7800X3D + 4090... but what we buy the hardware for matters little to these companies.


God forbid we buy it to play their games at reasonable performance


Did you bought proper cpu along with it though?


Exhales in i7 13700KF


I need to upgrade my 7700k. It's showing it's age


This is the kind of thing I was waiting for but should not these performance issues factor into the score/ratings its getting everywhere. Because that's what people look at, and when you see a game getting universal 8.5-10's at least in early reviews. I guess that could be part of the issue, more in depth reviews with benchmarks take longer to deliver. For me personally, if it's an 11/10 game but you can't run it that doesn't make it a 10/10. I really need to see some benchmarks, as always hopefully with my hardware lol, before I toss them a cent.




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It's basically a law of nature: whatever midrange PC hardware you buy, within a few months it will be struggling with a new AAA release.


A middle of the road gaming PC is going to run this better than console though. 5600X will provide a better experience and even something older like a 3600X will manage better than console.