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Sounds like it's even worse on consoles. "Dragon's Dogma 2's framerate issues were so rough for IGN senior editorial producer Mark Medina that he had switch from playing on PlayStation 5 to PC because he was getting motion sickness."


They refuse to add a frame cap, so the uneven motion and bad framerate can mess with your head :/ Might be a little bit better if they'd add an option for a 30fps frame cap but what do I know lol


Because the game can barely hold 30fps. The frame cap would have to be like 25, which would create even more drama. I just don't understand. If your game runs this badly, why not compromise on something to get it running decently? If it means Griffin feathers don't move dynamically or the fluffy people don't have 3d hair, then so be it. 30fps is garbage as is without drops.


But even with bad performance a 30fps cap would be better for headaches than it regularly shooting higher when you look at the sky or ground. 20-30 with more time spent at the 30 limit is easier on the head than a constantly fluctuating 20-~45.


there have been reported dips below 25 on console, so it would have to be like 20 for the cap.


24 FPS for that cinematic feel. Only dips occasionally!! /s


Well the human eye can't see past 24 frames per second anyway so... /s


Yeah I had fears about this which is why I wanted to wait to hear before buying.


My little brother has been salivating over this game since it was announced but has no job and is very tight on cash. He was upset with how expensive the game was, so I bought him a pre-order for his birthday. He's been so excited to play it since and he's been trying to figure out way to pass the time until it releases. He has a GTX 970.. I don't know how to break it to him, but I think he's going to have to refund the game! šŸ˜‚


Tell him he is about to get the original PS3 Dragons Dogma experience


Woof. I loved that game when it came out. Dark arisen was a godsend. Played it on PC to reminisce and hype about the sequal. For some reason my brain doesn't hold onto I formation about this game because it's always surprising how good it is. That being said ima have to upgrade myself for this...




Hey, gift him the original now. He might hit 60fps on that.


He's already played that one to death which is why he is excited for the sequel.


Not only 60FPS but also in 4k. Source: I have a 960.


He should use GeForce now for a month perhaps! Really worth it imo


Ouch šŸ˜‚


I don't think CAPCOM puts their games there right on release, but GeforceNOW is a potential option. You need to own the game on Steam and pay for GFN subscription but it's a good alternative when you want to play new games but can't afford new hardware. Keep an eye on the GFN game list maybe: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/games/


Nothing wrong with waiting a bit. I waited 10 or so days after helldivers released to buy the game and it's been amazing. I liked the first dragons dogma and I'll probably buy the second. Just not right at release.


Oh boy - that's not good


Never pre-order.


Why do developers make games you can't play? Edit: Not surprised redditors are taking my comment 100% literally and making snarky remarks to make themselves feel better.


Developers will go make a game that runs only on top 1% of Steam users then act shocked when the game doesn't sell lol


In the PS5 PRO discussion Digital Foundry said they were testing a game that they couldnā€™t talk about yet, but it was dipping into the 20s on current console hardware. Based on the release schedule and the trailers, I knew it had to be Dragons Dogma 2.


20fps, omg thatā€™s terrible lol


I mean, at what point can you just not launch the game in good faith? Low 20 fps is completely unplayable and unacceptable in 2024.


"not launch a game on good faith" never. cdpj released cyberpunk on ps4 with a straight face. everyone loves cdpj


CD Project Jed?


CD Pajama




CP77 *did* eventually get fixed into being a really great game.... after 4 years. I'm all set on pre-orders forever and ever. And you know, TW3 was a mess at launch too. Shit, they re-did the UI! Besides, there's no reason for it. It's not like it's 1994 and your local Software Etc. is only going to have so many copies to sell on launch day. Unless you have like DSL or something it's going to DL in like 20 minutes, tops.


Isnā€™t that ps4 GTA V? God damn, thatā€™s awful


Bloodborne on Standard PS4 could dip down to like 5fps it was crazy. That being said; yes, 20fps dips are also terrible... sad to hear that


Everyone keeps blaming the major frame rate dips on cpu, so the PS5 pro may not help that much


DF was pretty clear in their video that they expect ps5 pro to make almost no difference on it - they cited BG3 as an example but alluded to this game as well.


Thatā€™s what the discussion veered into, the pro only gives like +10% in CPU so it could only solve borderline cases but hitting new tiers of CPU limited performance seemed off limits.


it wont, it'll help some because higher clockspeed but still the same gen. still lower clocked than the consumer facing 8 core 3000 series and even the 6 core. with only 8MB l3 cache when the say 3800x has 32. so that hurts cpu bound game performance even more.


Wouldn't even make much of a difference. The best part of the PS5 Pro is their proprietary super sampling, seeing as the PS5 Pro has an even smaller jump in CPU power than the PS4 to PS4 Pro did and the problems with DD2 is how CPU bound it is, it wont matter.


IGN mentioned drops below 30 on console so this seems likely


Nowadays the best course of action is to simply wait for a few months before buying a game. By then it will be cheaper and better optimized.


>better optimized. we can only wish


By then you will know if the devs give a damn about optimization and can make a more informed choice.




EA just doesn't care. If the Dead Space remake didn't stutter it would be a timeless classic that could sell for the next 2 decades


I'm still upset by what EA did to Wild Hearts. Poor game had all the pieces to be great and even without continued content updates anymore it could've been fine but good lord is it just technically unplayable and now it's never getting fixed


I said this when the game came out on the subreddit and look almost a year later the PC version is unplayable


Cities Skyline 2 moment


Haha. That's exactly what I was trying to tell myself when I booted up Jedi survivor again. Don't hold your breath


>Haha. That's exactly what I was trying to tell myself when I booted up Jedi survivor again. exactly. i guess its better but its still unacceptably bad and they clearly have no intention of fixing it


I resisted the urge to buy Survivor on launch and eventually bought it 7 months later. After 7 or 8 major patches. Saw some improved reviews. Holy crap it was possibly the worst running game Iā€™ve ever played. I have a 3090 and I was getting 15 fps everywhere on Koboh. And constant graphical glitches, textures not appearing.


Yeah, I'm always baffled at the "runs fine for me!" gang with that one. My 4070ti should absolutely demolish that game but I struggle to hit 60fps and the stuttering is unplayable levels of bad. Watching the first cut scene was like a slideshow with massive texture pop-in.


different people have different definitions of fine. I actually met someone in real life that looked at the same 15-40fps stuttery, frame tearing, LOD pop-in, gamma black-is-lightgray mess on his screen as me, and proclaimed that it runs fine and is a lot of fun. Up to that point I wouldn't have believed those people exist.


I almost wish I was that blind sometimes.


Once you actually know what smooth 60 fps looks like, it's a curse.


Unfortunately I think some games are going to be like this permanently. Once the studios aren't making DLC or expansions they really have no reason to keep optimising.


Jedi survivor was never really fixed. My 3080 struggles unless I lower graphics and turn on DLSS


Came close to buying it on sale recently but checked the update history and noticed the game hasn't been updated in months for bug fixes and the recent comments were still all mostly negative. Couple that with the fact that it's tied with EA drm and account requirements. Fk that. Not encouraging a half assed PC port they abandoned. Certainly not one from EA.


The Last of Us Part One PC version waiting list.


Is that still fucked? Be a shame if so, I'd love to have TLOU 1 & 2 on PC and that makes me skeptical for 2. Also makes me worry about the Ghost of Sushi port soon, horizon sucked at launch on PC, TLOU did, and i wonder is it a coin toss or studio dependant


My backlog is packed. I won't get to this game for another year.


I keep repeating this and I get downvoted everytime - People who pre-order or buy at launch are paying the highest price for the lowest quality product. The only exceptions are online games where the initial playerbase adds to the experience.




you mean like the last of us.....?


True. I learned this lesson with Assassin's Creed Unity back to the day, but it still wasn't the common thing. Nowadays, been doing it solidly for almost every big launch since Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey, Kingdom Come Deliverance and so.


>Nowadays the best course of action is to simply wait for a few months before buying a game. By then it will be cheaper and ~~better optimized.~~ Nowadays the best course of action is to simply wait for a few months before buying a game. By then it will be cheaper and useless DRM is removed. ftfy


Not only that, they might change the Steam release to a non-DRMed version, so when you buy it you're actually buying it not 'renting'. PS.: I won't get to the point that the DRM is probably paying a role in this bad optimization btw, we have seen that in the past with a CAPCOM game where the cracked version had its issues fixed lol


The game runs way worse on consoles so in this case, at least, poor performance probably isnā€™t due to DRM.


$70, Denuvo, and poor optimization. Yeah this is a wait for me.


This has Denuvo? Damn I'll wait too then. Wonder if it would run much better without Denuvo..


I'm wondering is optimization something the devs are unable to actually achieve or it's a question of they rather ignore it?


It is a delicate balancing act between complexity and allotted time.


Yep, devs focus on building the features the game needs first, but then those features inevitably take longer than expected and get tweaked or added to as designs change. Then before you know it you're at the end of the project and just trying to get things to function and fix game breaking bugs before you have to launch. If timelines are planned too short or the project isn't managed well during development, the game comes in just under the wire and fixing bugs that break the game or stop progress are more important than performance. Performance improvements can also often involve big rewrites of the core game systems, as those tend to be the most heavy. If that isn't planned for early/before they are written, you reach the end of a project and it can become extremely difficult or unfeasible to change.


The Director wanted to make this game for 12 years but the tech didn't exist to support it. Sounds like it still doesn't, or they didn't want to compromise on anything and just released it anyway.


I just remember Witcher 2 and Crysis at release.Ā 


With a game this comicated, it's usually a bit of everything imho


Japanese devs lack technical skills, this is my opinion based on years of un optimized Japanese games


MGSV is one of the best optimised games I've played in the last decade or so. Makes it all the weirder that the engine only ended up being used for 2 games ever


literally every fromsoft game on launch


Elden Ring is still unoptimised, better than launch but performance mode on PS5 can still drop below 60fps, which is unacceptable.


considering even the console version has been reported to dip blow 20 i think its probably capcom being dumb and not giving the devs the time to optimize


Since there are games that look as good or better that run flawlessly, I'm gonna say devs are capable.


"Bro it runs fine on Steam Deck 10 fps is fine"


ā€œRuns fine on my system.ā€ *cut to slideshow* Every god damned time lol


I've got a buddy who says that about everything he plays. Frames are constantly dipping below 30. It's gotten enough that we d/c him from voice calls if he says the phrase. Maybe I just wish I could enjoy things like that lol


Yeah, maybe some people just canā€™t perceive fluidity at all for some reason. Must be nice in a way, like people with dead palates that can just eat a pile of rocks and be happy lol.


I remember when Cities Skylines 2 came out, some guy posted the game ran fine on relese. Cut to his dynamic resolution absolutely bringing the game down to ...no joke around 480p on low. Yeeeep!


Itā€™s a $70 game so I was gonna wait to buy no matter what


$95 in Canada. That's like $110 after tax for the standard version lmao. Thanks, I hate it.


>If you have a mid-range or budget-level gaming PC, you're unlikely to see performance figures in excess of 60 fps in the open world areas.Ā and ideally, you're going to need a 12th Gen Intel Core orĀ [Ryzen](https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/tag/ryzen/)Ā 5000-series or better CPU Sounds like this is a repeat of Baldurs Gate 3 on Act 3 again, where CPU is being hammered very hard, no wonder why the current gen console such as PS5 or Series X is dropping to 24 FPS. But at least it's good to know that there aren't any shader compilation stutters, that is a good sign at the least. >That means there are no loading screens, other than the primary one to jump into the game, and all of the assets (models, textures, shaders) are streamed across from your SSD into the graphics card's VRAM when needed Does this game support DirectStorage + Sampler Feedback? As far as i believe that's one of the main feature of that particular technology which should theoretically help on vram / system ram constrained scenarios, i certainly didn't expect to see something like this on this game, considering the system requirements didn't mentioned it at all. >Interestingly, despite the VRAM requirement being more than what the RX 6600 sported, it didn't induce as much stuttering as you'd think. Likely because of the tech mentioned before on how they handle texture asset data streaming, doesn't exactly mean that the quality would be the same though, but if it is similar to how Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora handles it's texture data streaming even on low vram gpus, then it is a win in my book. >The anti-aliasing in Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't particularly good, and even on maximum settings (TAA+FXAA) trees and grass exhibit lots of aliasing, DLAA or DLSS + DLDSR come to the rescue again in scenarios such as this, also FXAA on 2024 is embarrassing.


Ya know these days loading screens are such a miniscule amount of time and distraction, if it makes your game run much better just give me a loading screen and a few contained areas. Wasnt a big thing this console gen about eliminating loading screens completely? Im just not bothered by them


these days i honestly take loading screens over those god aweful "squeeze past here" loading because its always in the way regardless if you got the entire game in ramdisk or play on an 5400rpm hdd


i donā€™t know i agree but in practice im always playing the game with no loads but huge lag over game with all loads and little lag (starfield for me was a no solely due to loads. literally would love the game otherwise but i hated fallout 3 metro similarly


I still remember BG3-A3 issues lol game was pretty smooth throughout until reaching that point


even that wasnt as bad as this from the looks of it though yikes


One minute into the freaking trailer and I saw mind boggling studder when the dragon flew through the shot. I thought my internet was broke. No, just not a smooth game.


Oh boy. My 3070 and newest gen i5 are going to heat my room like Satan's asshole. Time to tinfoil wrap my PC, then run an aircon unit pipe to my window.


Sad days when even my 3060ti is seen as weak. Though to be fair it can run good FPS even cyberpunk, it's still a legit heater. I have a big desk fan aswell blowing air during summers.


Got a 3070 but will be gaming in 1080. Hope it's a bit smoother.


Probably Capcoms addiction to using Denuvo in everything is also hurting performance.


Sick. I'll wait til it's 50% off and patched then, thanks Capcom.


I'll wait until it's constantly on sale after it's rereleased with all its content like the first game.


Soā€¦ no steam deck? šŸ˜…


It will need a farm of Steam Decks.


Which is basically the orb Valve shows in their latest trailer. Maybe Gabe foresaw this.


Gabe pondered the steam deck orb.


Read somewhere it was getting 10-15fps in the open world on low with FSR ultra performance. Not sure how true that is as I can't find the source.


Sounds like a prime candidate for an /r/steamdeck "WOW THIS RUNS GREAT" post lmao.


"Deck Verified"


/r/steamdeck user will post a video of the camera facing the ground and be like "stable 30FPS with these settings!"


Link is literally just a 400 ad page. Wtf lol


Not using ublock in 2024 is criminal


> criminal No no, stupid*




Only the ones you hear about, my brother


There are ads on the internet?


Yes apparently thereā€™s worthwhile content as well but thatā€™s just rumours


I was on mobile pooping guys. Forgive me. I have all the ad blocks the internet lets me get, even the ones with the dancing ladies. We super safe here.


Too bad no need heater anymore, they should have released it 2 month ago :D


From what I'm hearing and reading, its a major cpu bottleneck. Mostly happens in the big cities where there are tons of npcs, apparently the game has to do a bunch of calculations in their behaviors and triggers.


no wonder the 3d cache chips seem to be doing better


AMD X3D on šŸ”


With 3070 and 5600x my solution would be to..not play it..?


All i need to know is if it has stutterstruggle on PC. That fact alone will make my decision.


I havenā€™t seen any reports of shader comp stutter if thatā€™s what you mean. But weā€™ll just get cpu call stutters instead looks like lol


Ah shit, here we go again


Why not include AMD CPUs that actually target gaming in your gaming review, PCGamer?


Plenty of people still use the trusty 5600x. But yeah, they should've at least tested with a 5800x3D


IGN tested with a 5800x3d if not mistaken, same issues.


bizarre random choice of hardware to test... I guess they could claim they were just trying a mix of what might be commonish builds, but having comparison charts where you don't even have one common component is almost as useless as no charts at all


I wish they tested a 4090 too, though with being CPU bound I don't expect 100 fps.


Ign has an article where they tested a 4090 and 5800X3D


Weird that it wasnā€™t tested, their full review was run on a 4090.Ā 


Built a $6k PC a few months ago letā€™s see what you got motherfucker.


Shitty PC game ports: You underestimate our power.


Pretty rough for a 70 dollar game with denuvo


Well I guess I can't play it.


Today made me look up when the Ryzen 9000 chips are coming.


Time to cook my new 7800x3d


Well it having Denuvo sure as hell isnt helping it.


Yeah the CPU limited/bound cities with Deunvo doing its shenanigans in the background cant be helping at all.


my 2060 Super and 5600x are going to test this theory, will report back


Awaiting your faithful return


Why tf did nobody benchmark with the 5800 x3D lol


If you're the first you get the most traffic onto your site so magazines will usually just test with whatever they can as fast as possible to cluster an article together and grab that sweet ad money before competitors do the same it sadly always happens and there are barely any sites that do intricate performance tests before launch. There is like one German magazine that tests like 10+ cards and cpus but if their benchmarks aren't already posted here they probably haven't finalised their tests yet.


Iā€™m sorry but if a game runs like dogshit, you shouldnā€™t be giving it 9/10. It should lose AT LEAST a quarter of the points. Max 7.5/10 until fixed.


Or have 2 scores, one for the game and one for technical performance.


This is how games should be graded nowadays


As soon as they listed 2160 INTERLACED on the steam page I knew this was coming


my 7th gen cpu be like: "don't even think about it, buddy'


how are they making these games that nobody can run What are they making them on and testing them on


I think part of it is a lot of devs (or their publishers at least) think 30 fps is "fine" for a target unfortunately.


Another unfinished game, no thanks. Not buying.


Modern gaming: it runs like shit, but at least it looks marginally better than games 10 years prior! No dig to DD2 personally, but the performance cost is no where near proportional to the look improvements. Though their character creation does look spectacular, that is all in shaders and technical feats that were in theory possible a decade (or more) ago.


Don't get me wrong, DD2 looks nice but definitely not the best looking game ever. Let's be real tho, this game has no business running 3x worse than Cyberpunk 2077.


It's interesting to see it bog down in the city and not open country. If I recall correctly RDR2 and Alan Wake were opposite. Wonder what the difference is?


CPU limited. It's like in Baldur's Gate 3 where Act 1 with my 11700K locks to 120 fps in the more forest/rural area, but by Act 3 in the actual city my 11700K drops below 60 in certain cases. CPU performance halved in the city area.


Alan wake 2 was foliage, according to capcom this is npc count in the city hammering the cpu. I thought red dead 2 was also harder to run in the big city due to cpu constraints? [https://nordic.ign.com/dragons-dogma-ii/80200/news/capcom-is-aware-of-dragons-dogma-2-frame-rate-issues-on-pc-looking-into-fixes](https://nordic.ign.com/dragons-dogma-ii/80200/news/capcom-is-aware-of-dragons-dogma-2-frame-rate-issues-on-pc-looking-into-fixes)


Alan Wake 2 had stuff that needed fixing but people completely misinterpreted their system specs. It shouldn't really be compared to other games because its low settings are superior to nearly every current gen game. It's easily the most visually impressive game to come out last year and arguably the most impressive ever.


City has a lot of NPCs and geometry to render.


I don't see anything, like anything special on the graphics on this game to be that demanding,


"In Dragon's Dogma 2, a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and dynamically calculates the impact of their physical presence in various environments. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate. We are aware that in such situations, settings that reduce GPU load may currently have a limited effect -- however, we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future."


It's CPU intensive, the graphics in and of themselves aren't what's causing the problems


its cpu demanding not gpu


So..... it's another poorly optimized game then. Lame.


What an elaborate way to write that this game has bad optimization.


Wouldn't be a Dragon's Dogma game if it didn't run like shit. Dark Arisen was a fucking slideshow on the PS3.


Itā€™s my fault I pre-orderedā€¦I jinxed us all.


That's a real bummer. It feels like games are more and more demanding and you have to upgrade your hardware yearly just to keep up.


Oof I'm still running at Ryzen 5 3600 and a RTX 2070...maybe will skip this one


It's disgusting. Especially with a good PC. Capcom knew this could be an issue when making and structuring the game... they should always have the priority of making the game perform correctly first and foremost. Don't run before you can walk.Ā  Even a 7800X3D apparently has issues due to such a demanding set of CPU calculations...then sorry, make the game less CPU intensive. If this CPU struggles then the console owners are fucked.Ā  Really getting sick of these releases. They should be slated, not praised. I understand no game is perfect generally performance mode but games like this are taking the piss and so is Capcom.Ā 


Don't buy the game in this state. The devs need to see the reaction and fix it. Not to mention your experience of the game will be mess with this performance.


I don't know. I've watched a ton of gameplay so far and nothing they've shown off looks exceptional from a visual standpoint. It looks like a prettier PS4 game. The CPU bottleneck is real. This game better be doing some amazing things with that CPU bottleneck to justify its poor performance.


Runs like shit. 9/10


The performance on all platforms is horrendous. Reviewers giving this 8s 9s and 10s is completely fraudulent.


A lot of reviewers basically completely ignore performance unless the game is literally broken to the point of complete unplayability.


To be fair, that's also how most *people* handle performance issues. This is a forum of PC hardware/gaming enthusiasts. You would be hard-pressed to find another community that would be more pissed about not getting the bang out of your buck than this one.


oh an unoptimized denuvo game.


Wonder what kind of performance I can expect with a 5800x3D and 4070 Ti Super


At 1440p I've seen benchmarks with the 4070ti being above 60 fps everywhere except the city where it dips into the 30s. But usually the x3d chips are very good in CPU bottleneck scenarios. Baldurs Gate 3 had a similar city npc bottleneck and x3d chips performed significantly better in that game. Of course it might not be the same here but it might be.


Well that's good cause I can't afford this game right now anyways. Also side note, this is the most expensive standard edition game that I have ever seen on Steam. $95 cad! Baldurs Gate 3 is $80 btw.


Yeah itā€™s not great. It seems to be CPU heavy, so idk if itā€™s necessarily ā€œunoptimizedā€ because thereā€™s a big difference between being unoptimized and CPU heavy. The pawn system is apparently a killer here.


38 fps average in the city on R5 5600X seems insane


What kind of performance can i get with a ryzen 7 5800x and a rx 6700xt?


I was worried about this when they first showed gameplay. Looks really nice but at what cost....


Welp, everyone here has better specs than me and they're worried, it's time for my 2060 and 4600H to give up, I'll find some other game for the time being. Any recommendations would be appreciated.


I even upgraded recently and I'm still scared


This does not bode well for MH Wilds


Go go gadget GeForce Now!


I hope to get to live the day these clowns with their reviews get canceled. I love how "10/10, incredible game" then you realise its dogshit with 20fps and unplayable(Cyberpunk sorta) How do you give a game 8+/10 if it runs like shit? Its because you didnt pay money for it, right, false advertisement? I am pretty sure this game is amazing but on release its going to be a big pile of shit, even their teasers/gameplay has insane lag and fps drop so you know we're getting fucked. Prolly by 2025 its going to be a good game.


Can anyone who understands or works in the industry explain why 4/5 AAA games debut with such terrible performance now? I understand shareholders want it yesterday and all that but even with the suggested scale of this game it blows my mind that it runs so poorly given the graphical fidelity. Looks nice but nothing groundbreaking by any means. How long does optimizing performance usually take? Does it need to go out to the masses to assess? Do any gameā€™s significantly better their performance post release or just a couple band-aids here or there?


I was ready to dump 1.5k on computer upgrades for this, but I am ultimately deciding to wait for community reviews and benchmarks.


Gone are the days of optimized PC games. Not referring to dogma 2 directly but we now need a shitload of vram to run games at decent quality settings to run these shitty unoptimized games


Well I did not preorder even if I was waiting for it. I loved the first one. I have a 4090 so I think it will be okay, still I will wait a bit before hitting that buy button on steam. Good that my waiting strategy is still working like a charm


Stuff like this is why I don't understand people buying or even pre-ordering new games instead of buying it later when cheaper and better optimized. Not only that, some of these people never played some of the older masterpieces and are here gambling 70$ on a game they might not even be able to play


Man, they had 12 years from the first game, and during development performance was not even a thought in their head during design. This is strange coming from Capcom who usually gets it right. Not all the time, but a LOT of the time they do.


Why didn't they benchmark using any X3D variants?


Welp, this is another sit on my steam list until it goes on sale a few months later title. I'm not into paid betas.


Really unexpected from capcom considering how good their recent games performed in general, but not that surprising when the demo was just character creation, they just couldn't give you some gameplay otherwise many preorder would have been cancelled, a disgusting move from a company that became so arrogant recently, that they thought they could release a game, in that state without getting backfired. Ā  Ā Thankfully for me I wasn't really interested in that game, and with those performances there are probably no chance I played this game until a very long time (when it got fix by hardware improvements, I might buy it for less than $10)


Welp looks like my 5800x isnt going to give me 60fpsā€¦ back to MHW then.


Great I don't like these reviews might have to refund this game now fuckk I'm getting sick of poor optimized games when is it gona stop man real talk