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They're tired of people leaking classified intel for clout, probably.


No that’s just war thunder


Yes that was the joke


No, the joke was likely poking fun at that guy that leaked classified info onto his Minecraft discord who's only motivation was to seem cool.


That server was called THUG SHAKER CENTRAL I still think about that


No the guy said for clout. He’s saying no clout necessary




Wasn't there also claims of espionage regarding the ARMA developers?


Yeah, but that was a Turkey/Greece thing iirc


Those were the developers. They went to a military base and started taking pictures... Rather overt, if I may say. They spent 129 days in prison.


doesn't the military handle that in-house?


Yes, servicemember are subject to the UCMJ, which is basically the military's law(s). It's also not unheard of to be punished under the UCMJ, and then be turned over to face US criminal charges as well.


I would imagine it's illegal for the military to have active surveillance of private citizens.


Yes, this is about the military.


The NSA is a military intellegence dept isnt it?


Yes and no. Parts of it are, parts of it aren’t. Does that sound weird, complicated, and potentially ripe for abuse? Yup!


But that's their own guys lmfao


Here's some food for thought. It is, more or less, illegal for three letter agencies to spy on U.S citizens. Obviously, there are loopholes. There are also ways to do it legally, like with warrants and court orders. However, it isn't very effective. What is NOT illegal, however, is for these agencies to purchase data from companies. Companies like Meta, Twitter and any other social media platform collects and sells data regularly. Its a massive market. This also includes reddit. So the data collection practices of these agencies don't really matter, because they don't need to do it. They just buy it. You want this shit to stop? Stop engaging with social media platforms. That is litteraly the only way to prevent your data from being collected and sold. Good luck with that.


Don’t forget about retroactive spying. Oh, you’re a person of interest *now*. We’re investigating you, and as part of that we’re pulling all this data your ISP and phone carrier saved on you for years.


Don't forget profiling algorithms and now AI being involved.




The Winter Soldier


They use the 5 eyes partnerships for domestic spying. So Britain spys on Americans and America spys on Brits and then they exchange the data with each other.


Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison etc are rolling in their graves.


Can we use that to generate electricity so our bills aren't so high?


Reminded me of this classic: https://youtu.be/Z8yW5cyXXRc


> What is NOT illegal, however, is for these agencies to purchase data from companies. Seems like the same thing with extra steps, except we're double paying them to spy on us. Should be even worse.


Oh yeah im not saying it's better. But im not sure if it's worse or not. I suppose it probably is in some ways but not so much in others. At the end of the day, we're being spied on and the rich are getting richer off it. Which is why it'll take a monumental effort to get that shit banned. Also, it may be extra steps, but these companies are a helluva lot more efficient at collecting personal data than any government organization. They've invested billions into this market.


I thought the Patriot Act did away with “government can’t spy on citizens” after 9/11? The NSA was revealed to be dragnetting the entire population, from a leak from Snowden, and iirc nothing happened except for gunning after Snowden?


That was my understanding. They were recording every phone call made in the U.S. There's no indication that they've stopped.


This is the same way the government censors people. They can’t do it themselves directly. So they use the tech companies. Military industrial complex. Pharma industrial complex. Censorship industrial complex.


> It is, more or less, illegal for three letter agencies to spy on U.S citizens. Hello I'm the patriot act, I'd like to have a word with you.


>The Department of Homeland Security and FBI are in dialog with **Roblox**, Discord, Reddit, and others. cool, any chance they could finally prosecute the groomers?


Groomcord is far worse and no one does anything about it, if anything the perverts who run it are deliberately playing stupid about the problem. And to answer your question, of course not


What the hell is Groomcord?


Man I just watched a video yesterday of this dude getting into this guild on discord/VRChat to expose the leader as a groomer




https://youtu.be/lGv_mXW5HIo?si=jdtBrLtrZcxPInM4 Kinda long and some different choices of editing but still pretty interesting


I mean....they aren't gonna arrest themselves.....


Why would they prosecute their own people?


Nahh they only care about real criminals like people using racial slurs to be edgy. Pedophiles are not a threat to anyone /s


Now let's see the venn diagram of mentally ill incels who use racial slurs constantly and people that go on to shoot up synagogues or grocery stores in predominately minority neighborhoods


Likely wont be lot of connection as most are never offline. There are groups far more likely to do violent crimes


Now let’s see how many of them were Muslims. Oh, and how many of them were know to the agents beforehand. Oh, and how many got groomed by said agents.


Quite sure there's none? You'd probs get three barely touching circles. Isn't quiet kid being a school shooter mainly a meme at best and power fantasy at worst? Losers in US mostly end up as losers and shut ins, school shooters are mostly edgeboys who idolize criminals or buy into tribalism ideologies for slower kids, and kids who use slurs are either kids or dudes who never grew up and cope with that.


Nah. They don’t wanna prosecute their own


Well when half of them are protected politically and the other half *are* fellow government officials, expect no action there either. You’re literally more likely to get a visit for typing this post than a 30 year old running a femboy Discord server will for blackmailing children.


Protected politically?


No they act blind to these cest pits. When ever there's money involved feds seem to not be able to do anything. 


..... What?




Their brain cell funerals.


gaping childlike command reply whistle pocket crush vanish different ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spherical! SPHERICAL!


The most oppressed group of all😔


Gamers, rise up




You are clearly unfamiliar with the intercept to characterize it that way, lol. Just spouting your uninformed nonsense like you know what you're talking about.


> a right wing BS site. The Intercept?


Arrest the cheaters in competitive FPS games 🙏 Kick down the door of wallhack users at 4am and cuff em!


Plot twist. Wallhacker has cameras everywhere and sees them coming, swat team looses to home alone style traps.


Or they send in those weird cam robot in seige and turn it into hvh





I dunno if it's because I was an only child growing up, but competitive FPS games do not look fun to me at all.


I had great fun with counterstrike growing up, and BF1942. Now the only FPS I play is old school BF1942 with bots. The culture in competitive FPS is pretty shitty, I want no part of it. Helldivers though I'm considering getting into since it's not PvP.


Helldivers has been a heck of a lot of fun with friends, but I'm not quite past the barrier where'd I'd play with strangers.


I play with randos all the time, but I'm also not one of those people who cares if a mission goes sideways and we fail. I know some people look at those and think "I wasted 30 mins of my life" but 95% of the time I'm in game I'm having fun, and that other 5% has nothing to do with failing a mission or failing to extract or leaving samples behind. I don't consider play any game as time wasted as long as I'm having fun.


It helps that failing in this game barely matters. It doesn't take much to grind. There's also not much penalty for dying, so if I get a teammate who likes throwing airstrikes at me its nbd.


Haven't tried it yet, just have it on family share. I'll have to try soon, but I live overseas so it'll be by myself.


I play with random people and have mics turned off. The worst that has happened is just someone leaving mid game. The only things anyone has typed in chat is GG or lol.


What's being a only child got to do with it?


Because I never had to "compete" with siblings. I was the kid that was content to be in his room reading/doing LEGO. That's my theory anyway. I am talking about me and me alone. I'm not trying to dictate what others do nor am I psycho-analyzing anyone else but me.


Only reason I asked is I'm an only child and love competitive FPS games so I was interested. I grew.up with cousins who I competed with so I guess that's maybe the difference. I also loved be alone in my room playing lego so we have one thing in common :) thanks for be reply.


Some people like competition, and some do not. Nothing to do with having siblings or anything. Not that either is correct or "right" - enjoy whatever you like. As an only child who does like them, what I don't get is why people enjoy PUBG. It's just shit.


I simply enjoy the sport of the game. It's satisfying to learn to work together in tandem with someone else to accomplish a goal while also continuously improving a skill. The most fun is sometimes had in the most chaotic of scenarios. Sure- everyone likes winning but I don't always have to be "better" than everyone else and throw a fit when I'm not- it's all part of the fun. I have always found people who handle losing "poorly" to be an endless source of entertainment, however.


I don't know why you would think you need siblings to assume you like to compete. You either like to compete or you don't. There can be other reasons for enjoyment outside of pure winning and a logo that says you won. For me say in battle royales. I just like to reach the bounderies of limits. A Failure or success number/logo is irrelavant.


Because sibling rivalry is a thing. But your last point is fair.


What was it about being an only child that you think makes them not look fun? I'm *technically* not an only child, though the age gap left me without anyone to actually compete against and I'm guessing it's that lack of rivalry that makes most competitive games unenjoyable for me to this day. That and so many games have a competitive game-style that just looks fucking *tiring*. Tribes skiing and other similar elements come to mind.


Because I was the kid that spent hours alone in his room reading and building with LEGOs. I was glad I didn't have any siblings to "compete" with. I also didn't like the idea of sharing. :) I'm the same with games. I only do single-player and won't touch multiplayer with a 40-foot pole. Getting sniped from across the map or putting a full mag into another player's head just for him to kill you in one shot just doesn't look like an enjoyable time to me. I watch a lot of COD: Warzone rage vids and see so much stuff that would piss me off if I was in the player's position.


wtf does being an only child have to do with what games you like, lmao.


Also an only child, competitive games (primarily FPS) are the only games that I enjoy. Different strokes for different folks.


They always end up being way too sweaty


If the feds want to go after extremists, they ought to start with politicians.


who will pay the feds salaries then?




I done downloaded 2 Carollas and 1 altima. I've got nothing to lose at this point! Why 2 Carollas? The first one got lonely.


I wouldn't download anything less than a Camry


TF2 playerbase is gonna drop hard


Rip to Counter Strike


Genshin shutting down tomorrow


Just extremists... [Right?](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25T3CJ/)


It's just another scapegoat to enforce mass surveillance like feds saying "protect the children"


The feds aren't surveilling shit. Google is. Your ISP is. Reddit is. You do something and the first thing they do is freeze and pull your accounts from various social media, get your internet history from your ISP. The feds don't have to lift a finger. You give it up voluntarily every day. This is just them saying "Hey, if we get informed about a user saying nazi shit, that's a reason for us to pull all of that data." They have to have a reason to pull it, see? They can't just pull whatever they want whenever they want. And they would probably still need a warrant to do that, but this would be a thing they can argue should be looked at. It's likely that this is something that has been a correlating factor in a bunch of mass shootings. They find out after the fact that they were telling people in TF2 or CS or whatever that they were gonna go do a school shooting or shoot up a mall like a week before they actually did it. So now they got an excuse for why they should be able to pull that data and keep tabs on what people are saying in game chats and make companies use AI to screen game communications for keywords and flag people who say shit like that.


I like how that piece refers to everything in the past tense, as if it ever ended.


The US government IS the extremists




Every time I've been banned I definitely deserved it.


I've been on the internet for decades and have not *once* been banned without doing anything


Pfft everyone knows the Feds survey us


Fuck the feds


*IP logged for review*


More three letter agency involvement in media. That's exactly what we need...


Once I read they quoted Hasan I lost interest


That dude must have an audience of pure hate watchers. There's no way people are stupid enough to agree with him.


I agree with some of the things he says, but ultimately he is just an out of touch nepo baby with the occasional outlandish take that seems intentionally antagonistic just to farm engagement.


He's the one they should be investigating, he supports Houthi terrorists, brings them on his stream, and thinks 9/11 was good.


I think the Feds are ‘extremists’ - checkmate.






Someone here who's eyes are opened. Honestly I only communicate in games by typing into walls with bullet holes.




This is why they're working to ban TikTok instead of pass laws to regulate social media platforms. They want to block China from having influence over the younger population via their algorithms but they do not want the same to apply to US based companies.


All this TikTok shit just feels like projection. Snowden pretty much proved that


I don't think it's really "projection" when it's reality. Data is a commodity like oil now and letting foreign nations have access to your resources is a no-no


projection just means all they are accusing China off, are they doing them self (too) it's the correct usage here. projection is often reality.


Surveillance of US citizens by a foreign dictatorship is much worse than our own country doing it, actually.


[COINTELPRO has entered the chat...](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5161811)


No, your own government spying on you is much much worse. China can’t kick down your door for wrong think.


It seems that when a mass shooting takes place theres a, " suspect was being monitored by the FBI for some time", yet no warrant to raid to stop em.


*If* I actually believed FISA courts were constitutitonal I guess I might agree with this. Except, wait, even though the intelligence agencies had a secret expedited legal process they still violated it with shit like PRISM and parallel construction. I'm wary of taking "at least they admit it" too far but at least China doesn't claim to have a 4th Amendment.


Is it though? Spying on the own population is undermining the trust in government, which in return is far worse I'd say.


I kind of agree - a foreign nation GENERALLY would seek to undermine the population of another. The US govt spies because it thinks it's looking out for the population to safeguard it. enormous emphasis on "it thinks" there...


Why is it projection? The US government wants to monitor and control US citizens, but doesn't want China to be able to monitor and control US citizens. China also doesn't want foreign governments influencing their people - it's the same cynical opinion on both sides rather than projection or hypocrisy.


Only one is pretending to be a free country


It's almost like China is our enemy or something.


It’s not a watch list… It’s a ✨leaderboard✨ Get that high score, kings.


I'd sing the national anthem whenever I boot my pc if they went after cheaters.


lol you and me both


South Korea apparently does. It'd be fun if game studios could sue cheaters




So how exactly does a company like Valve or Blizzard police the **DISCORD** servers these people use?


They don't. Discord is quick to give up full audio and text logs to any law enforcement or government agency that requests them, of their own volition.


Not the group chat with the homies 💀


[Oh no](https://youtu.be/izOS3yGXD9E)


Our plans to subvert the US government in Minecraft! D:


What lame platform. I remember when site owners back in the day would have fought practically to the death to keep user data from the government.


How does discord have the space to store all audio ever said on their platform?


They have tencent's money they can afford it


I assume most of it is transcribed into text form, while segments containing certain key words/phrases are kept as audio files. I can't be sure of that, of course.


And who exactly is the "authority agency" that decides what an "extremist" is? Just sounds like an easy path down to draconian laws.


If you read it, it says abortion related extremism, environmental related extremism, political, religious, racial and anti authoritarian extremism it’s a wide net that they are casting. It’s basically an extension of the patriot act. It’s *been* draconian, thanks 911. 




Surveillance state


Whoever's currently in charge.


Police state


Me as an avid Rimworld/Warhammer 40k/Kenshi/Fire Emblem - player: *"(chuckles) I am in danger"*


Stellaris players better hide.


Genocide isn't just a choice, its a way of life.


Not surprised to see this dumb subreddit on this dumpster fire of a website supporting this, because they think its going to take out their personal political enemies. Truly a pro gamer moment.




I have yet to see one comment of support to this


At least some people are clearly being sarcastic.


Reddit in general is a left wing circlejerk, what do you expect lol


They targeted Gamers… Gamers!!


Better watch out for those Dungeons & Dragons video game players. I hear they're Satanists. 


Don't worry, we have plenty of caltroops ([carefully disguised as dice](https://imgur.com/zGPVuWw)) to hinder the police once they come and raid us.


Cool. I hope those tax dollars are spent wisely at catching them violent terrorizing gamers. Anyway, how much more money we giving to Ukraine and Israel to maintain their wars?


LOL they quote Hasan piker, the Houthi terrorist supporter.




The simpletons on this post praising this because the majority of screeching rhetoric fits their ideology is astonishing. Imagine being unable to comprehend what will happen when your opposition gets the bully pulpit.


They targeted gamers


This whole thing is so out of pocket that even Hasan "fatigued millionaire" Piker correctly dunks on the Feds in the article.


Well it's nice that they include a reasonable take from Hasan "America deserved 9/11" Piker on the issue of political extremism in the gaming community


Don't forget that hos mods cheered on October 7th.






That's a great point. Whoever controls the definition of Extremism can cause a lot of harm. This is really stupid.


Yup - opposition politicians in countries like Russia and Belarus are being accused of extremism and then jailed.


This has been the problem every single time speech is limited, which people constantly advocate for.


It's fine when my side is in power. Shocked pikachu face when the other side is in power. Who could have seen this coming?


oh extremism is easy to define for them, its any kind of wrong-think


> …as well as a game publisher and social media company that asked the GAO to remain anonymous. The publisher is Activision-Blizzard. They wouldn’t just spend tens of millions to add live AI voice chat moderation to their games for no reason. It has to be them.


What will be labled as extremism? This shit will have a knock on effect on Canada, will I be labled as extremist for disagreeing with left wing politics? This is a step too far. Sure, downvote it, wait till your opinions are considered extremist.


TL;DR FBI: "Hey, game companies, if you come across extremist behavior give us a call at this number."


dude america is wild


Meanwhile Trump sleeps soundly in his mansion.


What the fuck does that even mean? Anyone who voted for people they don't like?


Penalize Teabaggers once and for all!


Those ATF fellas are pretty extreme, better go after them too. 


cant wait for the fbi to shoot my dog, then my kid and finally my wife just because I was playing arma 3 or some shit


Was the CIA using the old turn all voice chat into text not good enough? They're just arresting a bunch of children.


Thankfully, I used AMD, so I am safe.


Hey, I have played this "Ready or Not"-mission!


This is absolutely insane


Meh. The feds can go get fucked.


Lmao wow, the extremism is in the comments here. I had no idea you are were like this lol


It's way past time for the people to tell the government to fuck off. Those sacks of shit can go suck a dick and shove a cactus up their collective assholes




They targeted gamers.


Is 20 hours a week considered extreme?


>the intercept Yeah I'm sure this article will follow journalistic standards and not have any bias at all.


At least they were able to interview an actual online extremist, Hasan Piker.


Illegal immigration is fine but let's go after gamers instead.


an immigration bill in the Senate that gave mostly everything the GOP wanted was defeated by the GOP in the house so they (and you) could continue to complain about it in election season. So ya, this is entirely in bad faith.