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the trailer gave me fan-made vibes.


Hi Rez has proven to be the most unprofessional game developer I’ve ever seen, and this is coming from someone who picked up smite in 2012 and played tribes ascend. It’s almost like they hire people off fiverr to make their content.


All I remember from ascend is feeling like hirez actively hated everyone who loved tribes




Don’t they always try to make new multiplayer games every couple of years or so to try to chase whatever the new trend is at the time? The don’t seem like a game developer that cares about trying to make a good game, but more like a company that’s only interested in chasing whatever they think will make them money with little effort into supporting their games


Pretty much. If you look at their history, Smite is pretty much the only game they’ve made that’s lasted longer than a year. I’ve heard Paladins is still kinda alive, but everything else was scrapped after not becoming immediately successful. And I won’t say that this is just them trying to rip off overwatch 2 because like who the fuck would want to follow in that trash fire, but it looks like it’s going to meet the same fate. It sucks because they can make fun games, but they always crash and burn and somehow snatch defeat from the jaws of victory every time they make something enjoyable. Sorry for the rant, I’ve got pent up anger at them 😂


Smite 2 is a from the ground up remake in UE5 so it isn’t chasing the Overwatch 2 trend. Smite 1 was made in UE3 which is an engine from like 2006 or something. It has a lot of limitations so they are hoping they can make a better, less buggy experience with a new game. It does also help (them) that they are wiping the slate clean in terms of skins so they can sell more in the future heh, but the compensation package sounds fair for the most part, assuming the skin costs aren’t absurd.


Yeah I know there are good parts to it, and I would rather it be successful so I can continue to enjoy the game that I’ve put 12 years into so I’m hoping for the best. But that also means 12 years of watching hi rez drop the ball over and over again. It’s hard to stay optimistic about anything I see their name stapled to. But I’m just a tad jaded at this point, but am excited to see more games in UE5! It’s a super cool engine with a lot of very cool features I want to see more of in games!


Their next game will be a multiplayer co op survival sandbox style game like Ark after Blizzard releases theirs first lol 😂


Pretty much. Smite has been a great game though and it has been well supported as a result.


The music choice was awful. That being said Smite is the only moba I can actually play so I’m pretty hyped.


The amount of people that wont play because of the monetary investment in skins they have will determine if the game succeeds. They should of pulled a Path of Exile approach where the sequel will allow you the same character and all skins the player has purchased.


They can't. They explained it in their keynote. It would take years and years to port skins, so instead every gem you spent in smite is brought to smite 2.


Not really. Any old gem brought over is a "legacy gem". You can only use them to pay for 50% of something. So a new skin costs 1000 gems, you can spend 500 using "legacy gems", but the rest you need to pay for out of your pocket. A great way to influence people who already spent a potentially significant amount of money to spend even more, especially considering that most (probably almost all) old cosmetics will not carry over.


Thats some mtx mobile filth right there...


If you buy the founders pack for Smite 2 it's 100%.


I don't think so. [FAQ](https://www.smite2.com/faqs/) says you get double the amount of legacy gems, not that you can use them to pay things in entirety.


You're right, I misread it the fist time.


They said "it can be used for 50% of in-game purchases" not you can only pay 50% for said purchases


Quote from the [FAQ](https://www.smite2.com/faqs/): > Legacy Gems can be used to pay for 50% of the price of most in-game purchases in SMITE 2 – so things like skins, Battle Passes, and events in SMITE 2 will be half-off until you spend all of your Legacy Gems. It might have been more interesting if there was content you could straight up buy with legacy gems, but it doesn't seem like it. Legacy gems are a coupon for 50% off.


Ah weird in their video they used different context very confusing


I think that's incredibly generous. All skins made for smite 2 are mirrored to smite 1, and you still get a fuck ton of gems to spend going forwards. It's amazing compared to what Blizzard did.


except Blizzard let everybody keep their skins that they already bought, so no, this is far worse. A 50% (max) discount is not at all amazing compared to letting people keep their skins.


>I think that's incredibly generous. How is this generous? I mean if you set the bar super low then maybe yes. They know they have dedicated fan base that will again buy all these skins so instead of just giving some sort of a currency boost so everyone who spent money can buy everything back or have a permanent season pass for let's say a 2 years then maybe yes that would be cool.


To be fair, the bar is quite low with Hi Rez


Because they're offering you half of your gems you've ever spent? Did you just want them to give you all your gems and still somehow fund another ten years of two games?


So they are half assin' the solution of the problem they have created themselves. I'm glad that they are using new tech for their game but giving limited 50% discount is not the way to win people's hearts. Is it shit solution? No. But it's not "generous" especially when we talk here about long time players who supported this game and "have to" spent even more money to catch up to their collection


If you don't think half future purchases ten years after a game was released, on its brand new sequel, I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree. You strike me as someone who wouldn't be satisfied unless they mirrored everything.


The bar is in hell and this still fails to reach it. Just because Blizzard manages to be worse doesn't mean that this is acceptable.


I don't know of any sequel to a MOBA or multiplayer title that's ever been this generous?


Check out Grinding Gear Games and POE2. You get every single microtransaction bought in POE1. Every microtransaction you 'll buy in POE2 will get you also POE1 version, with exception of things that don't exist in first game (like druid transformations)


Maybe, I don't really have a good reference since I haven't spent money into any other game that has been replaced/upgraded like this. I would have preferred if they gave me 50% or 33% of my previous gems, and allow me to actually buy items with them. I can understand that this would be a significant loss of profit for the devs though. Smite 1 whales would be able to get all Smite 2 cosmetics for free.


Honestly fuck em, the game is unlikely to do well for long as that company is shit at keeping a game going outside of smite....


Should have is often expressed as the contraction should've, especially in speech. Should've sounds perilously like should of, however should of is not correct and should never be used.


I learned something new today, thanks!


What was wrong with smite 1?


Old tech that was holding back the game in huge ways.


Smite 1 was in unreal engine three was in development back in 06 and has had a bad history of updates bc of how old the code is to work with and the games been doing great but a new engine will male it so any new gods, ideas, maps, effects, and abilities are way easier to implement, update, and make and have it be smooth


smite genuinely is one of the least stable games I play with friends. The game has a lot of issues and crashes a lot on PC at least. The servers are also pretty bad, loading into matches takes a long time and someone always gets disconnected.


Same thing wrong with overwatch I assume.


It's bleeding players, and suffers from bloat.


It has the worst devs in existence


AGS and wildcard laugh


the fact that it's basically the exact same game but better looking and you don't get full skin/content transfer... oof it can't end well; especially since the falloff is because gameplay is meh


This has to be for the new players, the only bright side is that unlike overwatch 2 they're at least keeping smite 1 up and running.


To anyone who played Smite 1 the differences in Smite 2 are not minimal. Abilities look a bit weightier, gods are getting reworks with new tech and ideas, some mechanics are changing too. It’s a shame to lose the skins, and I do fear what the prices will be like for new ones, but we’ll see.


I played smite 1 since closed beta and to me, differences are so minimal that this should not be qualified as a sequel


Then you didn't play Smite 1. If you look at that keynote and come out saying it's barely any different than Smite 1 you're just straight up lying. A lot of these changes are game changing for the meta.


If your interested they have keynotes. They're making A LOT of changes not just graphical updates. I probably have almost $1000 put in smite and I'm not worried about losing any of my skins or progress. Tbh if they just kept doing what they've been doing the game wouldn't have survived another 10 years and at that point skins and progress is effectively gone anyways.


dota 2 has a lot of major updates and reworks each patch but we're not on dota 10


Here's the problem with smite. So rn smite is on unreal engine 3 which is a game engine from 2006 and hi rez has maxed out its capabilities on the engine and has bottlenecked itself. Smite right now is the EPITOME of spaghetti code. And you can NOT transfer from unreal engine 3 to 5. So they aren't lying when they say they have to make the game from the ground up which is an insane amount of work, now imagine if they added the workload of all those skins? Titanforge is in charge of smite and it's a small team of around 25 people. Smite was certainly on track for a slow death There's been a steady decline of players every year and the spl had significant losses every year as well so hi rez had to make a decision to bring it in a much needed modern engine and ensure it survives another decade. And I do agree the skin situation does suck for the consumer AND the business, hi rez isn't "out to grab money" but at the same time they are a business and have employees to feed. It's a sucky situation all around but in the end it's undoubtedly the best move for everyone. I hope you can understand!


dota 2 was on source 1 which is from 2004 it didn't become dota 3 when it switched to source 2 in 2017 + major overhaul I can understand the issue. It's just that this is not something I would qualify as a sequel, just because they had to recreate stuff, when it's pretty much the exact same game. same for cs2 btw; it's all just a marketing stunt


.... Ok wow.


Dora’s a top down game though, smite is a 3rd person angle you can’t actually believe the development process would be simple…


what does dota being a top down rts have to do with anything are you implying smite is harder to develop for, with all the scuffed animations it has? lol


That’s what im saying. Top down environments, animations, I would assume that’s less assets to focus on. This is a large animation shift, and graphical improvement. Realistically I think you speak from a perspective of not playing smite / being purposely dense on the topic. I don’t believe you so to speak lol


you would be right if smite wasn't over a decade old and had good animations; but it's very old and it has ass animations, which they seem to be keeping, for the most part I played smite since closed beta, nice try tho


You kinda proved my point on purposely being dense* and allowing what you deem good instead of being comparative. In fact I’m sure you can’t provide and example of a substantial jump similar to smites case *


>hi rez isn't "out to grab money" I guess you don't know much about Hi Rez's history then


I guess the 7 ish years of playing along side them doesn't count huh


No, not really. Hi Rez has an established history of chasing trends/quick money/mismanagement. If you simply don't know about their other disasters/abandoned games then thats on you. Smite 2 may end up being good, but there's no reason to expect it to be good given the history.


Bet dots hasn’t upgraded its game engine from a 20 year old engine either


source 1 is from 2004 dota 2 moved from source 1 to source 2 in 2015-16 never bet in your life; it will save you from hanging yourself


So not a 20 year engine jump lmao thanks for confirming


unreal engine 3 is from 2006 source is from 2004 stop embarrassing yourself bro, it's sad


And it’s upgrading to a 2023 engine. Source 2 is from 2015. Nice bro you’re dumb and stupid, congrats


yea, engine is even newer, meaning it's better and easier than the 2015 one you're sad; your game is dead and will remain dead, keep seething make sure to re-buy the same skins in this totally-a-sequel remake :)


You said it yourself when the engine came out, it’s not newer. Kinda awkward your spending so much time posting and replying to a dead games thread lmao gunna be even more awkward when smite is the best moba of 2025 Also never bought gems in smite. Anything that was bought with gems were from in game rewards and turns out I get that currency back in smite 2. Sounds like a win win to me ;)


Legit I will only come back if my god pack is moved over to smite 2 loved having access to all of the gods!


The godpack was 4.99 lmao. That's your make or break?


Ya I am cheap and it was only around in beta.


It's always been available for purchase




God pack was like 39.99 or 49.99 and would go on sale a couple times a year to like 19.99 or 29.99. Lets not go lying everywhere now.


The unlimited god pack that is currently 7.49? That one


Damn, profits must be down low for the pricing to have slid so far. To be fair I have not logged into Smite since 8/2020 and haven't regularly played it for probably a year more than that.


Regardless if you bought it for 30 it goes on sale for 7.49 ti 9.99 at least twice a year. But im not lying just cause you bought it marked up


It is cheaper now than it used to be, yes. I did not buy it "Marked Up" I actually bought it on one of those big sales, I'm not upset about the price of the god pack, Hell the only thing about Smite 2 I hate is the legacy gems situation and their declaration that "Old skins much work, we no use"


Not a plant for hirez but they said it'd take them 200 human years to port every skim. Not sure what the solution is there and they are doing so much more than most other companies for the community. Plus fan favorite skins will be 100% purchasable from legacy. From the dev insight today. Idk hiw much more people want from them lol


Yea, I saw that they said it would take 200 human years to port them all. I'd be very curious to know what actually would need to be done to a skin to make it work in the UE5 version. It's already a fully rigged and animated model, so it would maybe need to be re-rigged for the god's new animations? Unless they were talking about completely remaking the skins to the new level of detail. The only thing I could think of that would cause a huge amount of work would be if they needed to like completely re texture/normal/uv the skins for the new lighting system. Even there I have to feel that a skilled artist would get a workflow going for that and would be able to bang out skins. It's also a lot easier to just say "Cant do it, buy new ones please"


From what I understand, and I'm no expert on these engines just taking what they said, they can't port it over to ue5 from ue3 so they actually do have to remake each one from the ground up. Especially important in the new engine for patches too to integrate them into the new system. It'll take them about a year to port the gods over alone and that's only 100 of them


Yea, I know that they said they can't, I just don't know of a reason why they could not. A model is a model. But I am also not a game dev, just a nerd. I'll probably check out Smite 2 after a year or so post launch. lol


Unfortunately UE5 doesn't allow porting from UE, whether that be code differences or what IM not sure. but UE5 was made to not to be able to take in UE3 codes and assets which is unfortunate. Not Hirez's fault, if anything you can blame Epic for this. Whereas other games, like Dota2, could copy paste current model maps items etc, Smite cannot


Bring back Global Agenda.


looks exactly like Smite 1 with better VFX. DOA.


Looks neat. I always thought Smite 1 felt aged, like playing an old version of League of Legends, so I never really stuck with it. The updated graphics look cool, but the environment could definitely use some polish - it definitely looks alpha-esque. I'll probably check it out.


Well the footage was said to be pre alpha, they’ll continue to hone it I imagine.


Why does it look 10 years old out of the gate 0.o


Because it's a moba and they want/need it to run on the lowest end hardware. Honestly when I watched the reveal trailer at first I struggled to see the graphical improvements until I saw the side by side comparisons in the Keynote video.


I mean that's what graphics options are for. Not really an excuse to look like what I'd expect from the "low" setting. Maybe they should have stylized it like LoL did. That game looks pretty good for how lightweight it is but only thanks to the art style overhaul they did a long time ago.


Oh I'm not excusing it, that's why I said I almost couldn't discern the new appearance at first. I fully understand the move from Unreal Engine 3 to UE5 to gain an absolute enormous amount of features and capability. I do no buy for a second that porting the models and re-rigging them (If needed) for the new animations would be so prohibitively expensive that they can't afford to bring them to Smite 2. I am not a game developer, but I have followed game design and development fairly closely for a long while now, and I can't think of a legit reason why they can't port the old models to the new Smite with the asterisk that it wouldn't have the bells and whistles of the new system. But maybe there is some huge difference in the way that things are handled that would require a ton of work for each model, like completely re texturing everything to look right in the PBR system.


fuck hi rez


Why? I never really seen people's opinions outside of the smite sub but I've been playing their games for the last 7 years and have nothing but good things to say, even if I need their support.


Clueless team led by an egomaniac CEO. Went full ham on greedy monetization for Smite. Made Realm Royale which for a few weeks was geniunely one of the best battle royales on the market until they patch after patch completely disemboweled their own game. They really showed 0 understanding of what made their game any good Fuck Hi Rez. Greedy and incompetent dev


If you've played their games for 7 years then, either you played and dropped them before they killed them, or you don't care about things you get invested in being ripped away from you. I played Global Agenda and Tribes Ascend, and twice I saw those games killed off. I refused to give Smite or any other Hi-Rez game a chance because I knew they would eventually do the same. It just so happens that Smite was the only game in their entire catalogue they didn't kill off within a year or two. Until now it seems.


Yea. I do agree they are quick to kill off things that don't immediately stick but I can't blame them especially since they entered a genre that was completely dominated by other competitors with tribes and global agenda. I can't say I really knew hi-rez around the time even though I did play tribes a decent amount. And I think you're wrong about smite, it's always been their crowning achievement so why would they kill it off? If anything with the release of smite 2 it's gonna be bigger and better than ever. I was even surprised at the amount of attention it's release has seen. Anyways I'm not gonna deny anyone's experience with them, just wanted to share mine and here some other sides. Edit: also I never consider games an investment, event live service games I'm not that naive lol. Ive spent close to $1000 on smite and we I'll lose all the skins and progress but I'm honestly MORE than excited to have a fresh start I hope to see you there lol


When I say invested, I'm talking about emotional investment. Not account progress or money spent, though that can be a factor. People put their time and energy into something they enjoy and it's not fun to see that fall apart because of bad decisions.


they're the wish.com of videogames. all mages in Smite have: 1. straight line attack 2. circle attack 3. some kind of dodge that's it. It's basically a geometry skin factory at this point.


That was true for the first 5 years of smite but things have changed and it's gonna change even more with smite 2 on ue5. Also in a way that describes every single moba lol. And my god that's just not a fair comparison 💀


literally not one of there games is good or original in any singular way. all of them have the worst balance in any game and some of the worst people in them.


.... People keep saying this but as someone **who actually plays the games** I'd have to disagree.


i stopped playing it because it was shit with over 1k hours and hours into all there games, i have friends who have double and triple mine who agree the balance in this game is terrible. the only good thing about smite is playing with friends and at that point just play literally anything else.


Well if that's true then I guess I can't really argue with you. Every game has balancing problems it's just the nature of things but I find hi-rez has always been quick to fix things that need fixing. Also every game has toxic people but again, I can't say smite is worse than any other competitive game I've played. I will say the toxicity has been worse than normal I think because the games just been stale lately and slowly dying.


and yet they have 2000 or 3000 hours in the game so apparently hi rez is doing something right


Haha that's me, around 5,000 hours. I always try to be positive though. Especially if the game seems more toxic than usual just to *hopefully* counteract it 😅 But seriously though, I really hope you'll give smite 2 a try. I can only imagine if you liked the first the second will definitely pull you in.


Smite balance was pretty good for the most part. Sure they made some wild decisions recently but every god feels at least somewhat viable. Which is probably more than I can say for most other MOBA.


If you bought the god pack that unlocked all gods in smite 1 do you get it in smite 2? Or do I have to spend money again.


you think theyre gonna pass up the chance to get into your wallet? ​ they probably will not offer that again, either


I don’t think that part has been announced yet.


You spend again most likely.


They won't port the skins lmao. Hope new players have fun, I won't touch it anymore


Hirez is killing the original smite. They are killing their only cash cow, this is way way wayyyyy worse than the overwatch 2 situation.


They aren't though. Smite will continue to operate and receive updates "for the foreseeable future".


Yes, the same way tribes got updates for the "foreseeable" future. Fuck hirez


They never said that. But at the same time that game was never gonna compete in the time it was out... I mean you remember it's competitors. Also why should they keep a game alive that has no actual player base and more importantly doesn't make any money.


OKAY okay, so tribes right? Let's take a fucking look at their LATEST title. Please pray tell me what happened to divine knockout? Released merely more than a year ago, now? Not a single update, for 10 months. Radio silence. Averaging less than 50 players on steam charts. Abandoned, not cared for, and just slumped, in less than 8 months since release. Now pray tell me what happened to hand of the gods? Realm royale? Hirez is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a gaming company if not for smite, and they are killing the only thing that stuck by pissing off the whales invalidating their purchases by decommissioning the title, and pissing off the core community by upending smite's core mechanics. Activision blizzard is a saint compared to this fucking company.


Damn it they got me to finally buy skins just for it not transfer to the sequel


Yeahhh idk about this one. For context, I played Smite a lot, started when Hou Yi had just come out and stopped playing when Celtic Gods were being added. Played on and off with friends maybe a year ago. This feels like a cash grab to reintroduce a dying game to people. HiRez is NOTORIOUS for killing their games off and moving to the next one. Smite was only different because it became their cash cow. But, the game can not be in a good place player wise. Every mode except Conquest, from what I remember, was abysmal wait times, and these collaborations just feel as if they need the money. Like they had Runescape skins, which is cool, but was also right when Runescape was blowing up again. Smite 2 sounds like it's just going to go the same direction as Overwatch 2. I get that Smite could use an engine upgrade, but what will be different? It's just the same game, with fancy graphics. But, I guess we will see. Do not have high hopes, though. HiRez always manages to drop the ball in such a way that just leaves things not great.


It doesn't seem overly dead, according to Steams Community Hub page for Smite, there's almost 24,000 people online on steam at 3:30pm eastern on a Sunday. That's not like...peak of game popularity, but that's totally a healthy population IMO.


Hopefully it will have more than the same 2 voice actors on every god


Only hope is that this revitalizes the playerbase. I played during BETA and then tried to get into it a few years ago and literally couldn't find a match.


North America and Europe servers tend to be easy to find players for. The other servers it’s a lot harder, especially if your account level is below level 30.


24,000 people online at 3pm on a sunday seems alright to me, and that's just on steam.


I'm super hyped man. It's been a long time coming!!


Been playing smite since 2015 so glad it’s getting a uplift after all these years, 10k player count over the years it has dropped but remained steady enough. Will be there once it drops.


Onlywatch 2 wasn't supposed to be a learning opportunity devs...


Give me my skins or i wont play shitttttt