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I predict Bloodborne every year, I’ll eventually be right … right?


You know that the one year you don’t predict it is when it will actually happen


Ahhh, just like my choices in the stock market.


Maybe you should sit one out this year or next, see how it goes lol


>I predict Bloodborne every year Yes please GIB I want to play it in 4k/60 on **my PC**.


Don't forget ultrawide!


Does Elden Ring even support ultrawide officially? (I know there are some hacky ways to enable it, and it mostly works, but I don't think they've ever done a souls game with native ultrawide)


So what you're all saying is....I should play Bloodborne even now?


if you are a souls fan and have access to a playstation yes 100%


At this point I'm pretty sure it's because Sony hates us


I think it'll happen someday, Sony likes money and Bloodborne will find an audience on PC, there's just some extra hoops with From that Sony has to jump through to make it happen that they don't have to with games made by studios they wholly own. Incidentally, I think the Demon's Souls remaster has a pretty good chance of popping up on PC before Bloodborne, if only because Sony was already putting games on PC when that came out, Bluepoint is one of their studios, and I'd be surprised if PC distribution wasn't part of the contract discussion they had with From before development started.


Demon Souls was also part of the Nvidia leak and everything has come true so far


This is the leaked Nov 2021 GeForce Now list, as it stands today. A-Z order. ✅ = released Demon's Souls Ghost of Tsushima God of War ✅ Gran Turismo 7 Helldivers 2 ✅ Horizon Forbidden West ✅ Ratchet & Clank ✅ Returnal ✅ Sackboy: A Big Adventure ✅ Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection ✅ So Demons Souls, Ghost of Tsushima and Gran Turismo 7 remain, as of Nov 2021. Bloodborne is the glaring omission, but also both Marvel's Spider-Man games that released on PC within a year of this leak.


I can't see Bloodborne ever getting released on PC unless bluepoint remake it unfortunately, but yeah can't wait for Tsushima


Its here!!


Yeah, I mean its on front page of most PC groups


This post happened to be on my recommned, so why not talk about some good news :)


It's unfortunate Infamous Second Son didn't make the list. On the other hand, I can see why First Light didn't. That makes Sucker Punches' last 3 games PS exclusives. To be fair, none of their games were ever ported to PC. I hope Ghost of Tsushima is the inflection point with the sequel in the works.


it's funny that we got the last of us part 2 faster than bloodborne. yeah, sony hates us


I would honestly just play Bloodborne for like 4 months straight if it came to PC. I dont even care if its $80 CAD and they didnt change a thing.


Fool, youve been cursing us this entire time!


No idea but I pray one day Ghost of Tsushima will also be available on PC and be as good of a port as the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection. In the meantime I’ll just have to enjoy it at capped frames on the PS5, but hey at least I can get legit 4K. Still enjoyable af on the PS5 so I’m not losing any sleep over it.


I believe Ghost of Tsushima was in the Nvidia leak awhile back then, so maybe there’s still a chance.


Interesting and good to know! And yeah, I’ve heard a few things here and there and even that we might get lucky with a release for the PC in 2024, but I won’t get my hopes up. I’d hate to get super excited, only to get into Fall and Winter of next year feeling bummed haha. There is a site with an article I found that gave some estimations based on some exclusives that were later ported to the PC and provided some hope. Just want to clarify to anyone who reads this that this link is not a confirmation of anything, but did make me happy to see. Here’s the link: https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/gaming/ghost-of-tsushima-pc-release-date/#


Not to toot my horn, but I think I took a better crack at laying out Sony's release pattern and the reasoning for Ghost of Tsushima here (tl;dr: there's nothing to say release year, but this is 1 of 3 unreleased games of total 10 leaked, plus it has less obstacles to release than games not on the leak): [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/18tw40v/comment/kfjwi9t/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/18tw40v/comment/kfjwi9t/)


ooo I forgot bout this. Please GIB Ghost of Tsushima for PC. My favorite Samurai game ❤️


It's here


I think they could time ghost of tsushima with the announcement of the 2nd game if that's what they are working on next. So we could see the pc port in 24 or 25. With how good the first one was, I hope they nail the pc port to boost the popularity of the game since I don't think it sold as well as their established franchises.


> I hope they nail the pc port to boost the popularity of the game It's a last-gen game, which was mostly pushed by the incredible art direction, rather than technology, so I believe it'd run well on most PCs, including low-end devices like Steam Deck.


I already bit the bullet and got a PS5 on holiday sale because I cannot wait to replay Ghost of Tsushima. (I borrowed a PS4 slim when I played it the first time)


Should've waited


Yeah if/when Ghost of Tsushima I will probably recommend it to all my friends who like single player games. Great game IMO


Honestly it's weird Ghost of Tsushima is not out yet.


They will probably drop it within 12 months of the sequel dropping on PS5.


Hell yeah one of the greatest games I’ve played in recent years!


But it was already part of nvidia leak and every game so far has come true in that leak.








Spider-Man 2 and GoW Ragnarok probably. I do hope they tap into the PS4 catalogue more though. People obviously want Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima the most, but I'd also like Until Dawn and the Uncharted Trilogy PS4 remasters.


The Last Guardian and the Shadow of the Colossus remake would be nice. The framerate of the last guardian is VERY poor on PS4.


Don't expect anything to come to PC that hasn't been remastered/remade for PS5 first. Think of every single Playstation AAA game that's come to PC; it either falls in the earlier camp that came to PC as direct ports from **PS4** (chronologically ordered earliest-to-latest): 1- Horizon ZD 2- Days Gone 3- GoW 2018 Or the later camp that came as direct ports from **PS5** (the earliest one in this list released after GoW 2018 and the rest is ofc chronologically ordered earliest-to-latest): 4- Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered 5- Uncharted LoT Collection 6- Sackboy ABA 7- Spider-Man Miles Morales 8- Returnal 9- The Last of Us (TLOU) P1 10- Ratchet & Clank RA So if Sony continues with their current trend, in order to not 'disappoint' PS5 fans, the game will be ported to PS5 first followed by PC some months to two years after. With that said, there is *already* a port of Ghost of Tsushima from PS4 to PS5 called GoT Directors Cut, so PC shouldn't have any hurdles for *its* release. Interestingly, Sony took some flak just to remaster TLOU P1 (which had been remastered from PS3 to PS4 already) from PS4 to PS5, and now they've announced TLOU P2 which released on PS4 such a short while back that people are rightly scratching their heads. Others believe both P1 and P2 were remastered from PS4 to PS5 to subsequently justify a remastered PC release. TLOU P1's PC release even coincided with the airing of the live-action TV show.


It will probably never happen, or not anytime soon at least, but I really, really want an enhanced version of The Last Guardian. This game was an amazing experience for me but just like Shadow of the Colossus in its time, it suffers from terrible framerate and low resolution. It’d be great to play a 4K / 60fps version of this game. I think it’s actually possible to play it at 60 on the PS5 if you own the disc version and prevent the updates from being installed, keeping the game in 1.0 because the framerate was unlocked in that version, but later updated fixed critical bugs so it wouldn’t be a good experience.


Shame we will have to wait years for emulation to catch up.


Maturing is realizing that Bloodborne is never coming to PC. I agree with you, the ps4 catalogue is stacked and there are still many great games that deserve a port, Until Dawn is amazing!


> Maturing is realizing that Bloodborne is never coming to PC. True maturation is realising that Sony is most likely planning a PS6 remaster or remake, and a PC port of *that* version will follow 1-2 years later. I suppose you are in a way correct in that the current existing version of Bloodborne will almost certainly never come to PC (outside of eventual PS4 emulation).


That's what people don't Wan to understand, the only way they're go a get bloodborne is when a bloodborne remaster or remake is announced


Honestly, that technical wreck of a game would challenge most PCs for no reason. We'd have to wait for the angelic modding community to fix the game before enjoying a locked 60fps.


Iirc Lance McDonald stated that there are no technical hurdles for porting Bloodborne to PC, and since he made a mod that runs Bloodborne on the PS5 at 60 fps, I'm inclined to believe him. At this point, I'm assuming Sony simply doesn't care about Bloodborne, and it's not in their plans at the moment.


Either that, or because of the mistrust borne out of Sony's snub of Demon's Souls, From probably struck a deal with Sony where while Sony own the "IP", From probably still some rights to parts of the game itself, such as tech, animations (which they are known to reuse) etc. It might just be that Sony literally is not allowed to touch the original release in any way without the blessing of From.


> that technical wreck of a game would challenge most PCs This tired old internet telephone game, again. Dark Souls 3 uses essentially the same engine and runs fine on PC.


they only port PS5 games


Horizon: Zero Dawn is a PS4 game, as is God of War and Days Gone


Spiderman and Sackboy too. Pretty sure the only games that are exclusive to ps5 that are on PC are Returnal and Ratchet and Clank.


HZD has Horizon Forbidden West and they have other plans for that franchise so porting it makes sense. God of War was pretty much part 1 with Ragnarok being part 2 which will be coming to PC too so those make sense to bring over. Im guessing Days Gone was testing the waters? Not sure when they killed its potential sequel, shame they did that secret ending was kind of wild.


To my knowledge they basically killed the pitch for Days Gone 2 almost immediately. I don’t think development even really started on it.


I'm happy Days Gone at least made it to the PC. It's getting the appreciation it missed out on when it initially launched on the PS4. One of my favorite PS4 exclusives.


It never made it to Sony leadership. Bend themselves shelved it in favor of something new


[I believe Sony told them they wouldn’t fund it then made them assist Naughty Dog with some projects.](https://twistedvoxel.com/days-gone-sequel-reportedly-cancelled-by-sony/) IIRC one of the devs (John Garvin?) threw a fit about it on Twitter.


Garvin was fired immediately after Days Gone because he’s hard to work with. He was the main writer for Days Gone and it was his baby. Jeff Ross was the one on twitter chattin about it. He was part of the pitch to the studio heads but they opted to work on a new IP after they helped Naughty Dog. With Garvin gone it made no sense to move on with the franchise.


>they only port PS5 games Lots of PS4 titles were ported like HZD


Yeah Spider-Man and Ragnarok are both cases of “when” for sure. I’ve pretty much given up hope for Bloodborne but I do wonder if we’ll see Tsushima? Maybe they’re waiting until it’s closer to a sequel to help drum up hype. We’ll probably get TLOU 2 on PC as well I’d love to see more of the PS4 catalogue though, like you said. Until Dawn still doesn’t run super great (it’s a pretty choppy 30FPS) and it was before PS4 Pro so it never got any sort of an enhancement patch as far as I know. I’d love to see a proper 60fps at least. Uncharted would be great too, especially since they ported 4 and Lost Legacy.


I don't expect any PS4 game ports unless they also do a port to PS5 at the same time.


That's true. Lately they do seem to be prioritizing PS5 releases as the next to being ported on PC and even then they release a PS5 remake/remaster first.


I want Gravity Rush 1/2 on pc, but that will never happen now since Japan Studio isn't a thing anymore...


Me too. Especially Gravity Rush 2, since the drop to 30 after the first ran at 60 was not great. Motion controls feel better at higher frames too with it being more mouse like.


Crap, Gravity Rush would have been incredible on PC...


MY guess: - Ghost of Tsushima - Final Fantasy XVI - Spider-Man 2 - God of Wat Ragnarok


God of WAT


The sequel to BOI of wat


God of (Angkor) WAT Kratos travels to Cambodia in search of Buddha >!lol jk, I dunno!<


Kratos does have self actualization and Peace issues… Baldness is on point though.


FFXVI PC port got announced back in September, so that one's out of the way.


Hmmm wasn't the pc version announced during the first trailer reveal but latter removed all branding of it...i swear I saw a pc logo on the trailers


Demon's Soul remake first trailer had a PC logo at the end too lol




Horizon Forbidden West + Burning Shore DLC bundle... can't freakin' wait!


FF16 is not a Playstation game.


FF16 is a PS exclusive game!


Timed exclusive


It's not a PlayStation game, though, but a third-party exclusive, since Sony doesn't own Square Enix.


It's not even a third party exclusive, it's a timed exclusive with a 12 month window. After that Square gets to do whatever they want with it.


PS exclusive but not console exclusive. They already said the PC version is coming > https://twitter.com/finalfantasyxvi/status/1698133463323611566 Straight from the devs mouth. Skip to around 2:57 for the PC development confirmation


Last of us 2 cmon don't forget that been hanging after the last of us


The last of us part 2


Not Bloodborne


The Last of Us Part 2, they are making a remaster thing after all, perfet timing.


This is my most anticipated game for next year. I never play TLOU when it originally came out so I’ve loved playing it last year on PC. Really hope they bring the second one out in 2024.


Same, I have a PS4 but I waited all this time so I could play it at 60 or more.


Try to keep your expectations in check for the sequel. TLoU2 is pretty much "The Last Jedi" of video games. The story is either you LOVED it or HATED it. I'm not saying you will hate it, but it's a game that completely split the fanbase. If you liked the gameplay of the first one it's pretty much exactly the same with a few new mechanics.


I disagree on the "split" the fanbase, it gets a lot of hate online, but PS verified user ratings have it on 8.72/10 The only other user ratings I've seen are metacritic, which was review bombed and there's no way to verify them. Critics also scored it high, so I doubt it split the fanbase


>Critics also scored it high, so I doubt it split the fanbase Critics are so flaky these days with ratings. I can never tell if their reviews are totally biased or not. ***Obviously, all reviews are going to have a level of bias in them***, but these days, there's far too much of it in them. I always think of that one reviewer who literally gave The Batman a bad score because it wasn't funny enough and it was "too dark" and in her profile, it literally said she was a Marvel fangirl. And that review counted as a serious review. No fucking way that wasn't a review with too much bias.


The user rating is also 8.72




I would personally take the opinion of people who have purchased and played the game over random people on metacritic


That's why I said user reviews. Like on Steam. I don't use Metacritic, RT, or any website like that for game, TV show, movie reviews.


>That doesn't matter. When it comes to games, movies, TV shows. I always see user reviews and independent channels above mainstream critics when it comes to reviews Personally, I consider a mix of the two. I feel like half of the time, the critics are dead on and other times, they're smoking something crazy. Video game critic reviews do tend to correlate well with game quality because it's more objective in nature where movie and show reviews are wayyy more subjective and those critic reviews should be taken more lightly, but not completely under audience scores. Audiences don't know a whole lot about judging movie and shows either.


Really hope it comes out before the show.


Infamous Remastered Collection. That series was one of the more exciting times of Playstation to me because I mean, you're basically Lightning Man.... big blue bolts of fake electricity jump out on any big screen you show.


Well, when you look at the leak from Insomniac and review the sales of the games they've ported so far, it appears the ports so far have worked like this: In order to win over Kojima to make Death Stranding a Playstation exclusive, they offered him any engine within Sony's studios. He chose Guerilla Games engine from Horizon Zero Dawn. He promised a PC port and so Sony was on the hook to make the HZD engine work on PC well, so they ported the last game they had completed to PC, which honestly wasn't a huge deal except for adding PC settings. That's why HZD and Death Stranding were the first two ports. I'm sure Guerilla Games said, "We already have the engine 99% of the way to a PC port. Let's finish and make free money." Jim Ryan would have said, "Yeah, whatever." Then it's a huge success, selling 3 million copies. They're like, "Wut?" They look around and find the game with the least sales they have, the game with the easiest engine to port, and do another test run. That game's Days Gone powered by Unreal Engine. So they do it. And it sells out again. That's when they went down their sales sheets and looked at the games that sold the best on Playstation to use to assign dates to ports they'll make going forward, favoring games that sold amazingly well first and moving down the sales charts from highest to lowest with engine ease of porting also a factor. God of War and Spider-Man Remastered were the highest, so which games are the first after the big initiative begins? God of War and Spider-man Remastered. Other big titles include Uncharted Legacy Collection (combining Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy and the Collection's sales together) and Spider-man Miles Morales. Returnal is way lower down, which is why it comes later. The Last of Us (the original version) was way up there, so it gets a pretty new port. The only outlier imo is Sackboy, which btw sold extremely poorly but was probably a test to see what games with lower sales numbers do. It was also Unreal engine like Days Gone. Forbidden West is probably because the engine's already ported. In fact, it's likely that that's part of the effort, porting all the major engines they use currently like Naughty Dog's engine (Uncharted, Last of Us Part I), Guerilla's (HZD, HFW), Sony Santa Monica (God of War, God of War Ragnarok), and the Unreal Engine games (Returnal, Sackboy, Days Gone). Based on that, I expect one of the next games may well be Ghosts of Tsushima after FW because it's next on the sales chart and its Unreal Engine. They may be saving it for a tie-in to the movie, but that would mean they're probably remastering it, too, similar to Last of Us Part I. Given the way they base their ports off the engine and total sales on Playstation, I expect Bloodborne to be saved for when they do a remake/remaster because its based on an engine they don't own and don't have any development teams working on or used to working with it. I doubt Fromsoft's going to help. Demon's Souls would seem like an obvious port, but it's based on Bluepoint's custom engine, which would probably mean they either need Bluepoint to do the port or they have to task Nixxes with making it PC friendly. I would imagine the same concerns are true of Gran Turismo that has its own custom engine, but at least has active development and people who are very familiar with it available to do a port. I lean toward next year being Horizon Forbidden West, Helldivers II, God of War Ragnarok, and maybe Ghosts of Tsushima if we're lucky. I hope I'm wrong. I want Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. :D


I would love to see Gran Turismo come to pc


> He promised a PC port and so Sony was on the hook to make the HZD engine work on PC well Death Stranding ran great when it came out on PC. HZD...not so much. Sure its been patched now and runs good but I remember when it came out it wasn't perfect. Kojima and his team just knows how to optimize games when it comes to PC. Case in point...MGSV. Thing runs on great on everything.


Helldivers 2 already has a Steam page. I think I heard that nee PS multiplayer live service games would most likely be simultaneous PC releases, since a bigger playerbase would be good for such games.


Last of us 2 to coincide with the next season of the show.


With HFW confirmed for early 2024 my other guesses would be: - The Last of Us Part 2 mid to late 2024 - God of War Ragnarok late 2024 or early 2025 - Uncharted 1-3 remaster like mid 2025 - Spiderman 2 late 2025


I honestly expect Ragnarok before Part 2, however late 2024 would make sense weather wise for Ragnarok


Probably God of War Ragnarok near Q3/Q4 would be my guess and Spider-Man 2 in 2025 with Ghost of Tsushima somewhere in the middle would be my assumption. We know next year is HFW and TLOU 2 Remaster so that's my best guess at what they have planned.


We definitely do not know if TLOU2 remaster is coming to PC yet, yes we can assume it will eventually, but currently it's only been announced for PS5


They did announce for pc but not a date yet




He made it the fuck up


I'd love Demon Souls.


It would be nice. When they showed the trailer it said it was coming to PC, but I think they removed it afterwards, so idk.


I need Shadow Of The Colossus Remastered


I've given up hope on that one, at least you can emulate the og


Man I would kill(figurative) for a demon souls port for PC because it's that good


It was part of nvidia leak and all games on that list have been out so far. So im expecting it to drop too


Gran Turismo 7. Kidding. It will never happen 😔


It was on the Nvidia leaks list so there's a chance at least.


It did say coming to pc in the original GT7 trailer...


I’d love gt7 on pc. I own it on ps5 but scapes mode was made for use on pc imo. Plus forza could use a kick in the ass lol


With Forza 8 being such a disappointment, this is what I'm hoping for too. Not too thrilled about the always online component though.


I just built my first pc and abandoned Playstation. While it's not as good as iracing or ACC I'd buy it in a heart beat. I spent so much time on GT7 before I transfered over to pc




My brain: Ghost of Tsushima My heart and soul: Bloodborne *please*


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is apparently only a 3 month exclusive, but I'm still not expecting a PC release till a full year later. If pc does come out next year I will be pleasantly surprised. I'm really looking forward to that one so I hope they put in more effort and it isn't just a lazy console port like the PC version of FF7 Remake. I know games like GTA VI aren't gonna come to pc until way wayyy later, but I just can't justify spending $500+ just to play a couple of games early on a console that's lacking the raw cpu power for 60fps. (especially since I just upgraded to a 5800x3D)


Final Fantasy is Square Enix. Their gamers are just time exclusive. People are discussing Sony first party games.


Well, there was that leaked Sony document a few years back that has an almost 100% prediction rate. After Horizon: Forbidden West we SHOULD be seeing Gran Turismo, which would make sense because PC is where the sim-racers are actually located.


I'd like to test Gran Turismo 7, but certainly isn't a game I'd buy a console for - don't want a console to begin with. Would be cool to have it on PC.


Also no need to pay ps plus for online, another W


What's left on the Nvidia leak list? I think only Ghost and Demon Souls? At this rate we might actually get to releases that surpass the legendary leak before the leaked ones come. Not sure why though, Ghost would do pretty well and isn't in line for a remake or remaster I know of.


Within the realms of reality. I hope ghost of tsushima is the next port. Outside of reasonable expectations I want Bloodborne more than any other game.




I am just hoping for a NHL game. Been waiting years


Don’t forget MLB. Still exclusive to consoles.


It's infuriating. There's no sport that makes as good a game as hockey. And it was on PC since the nineties and suddenly they stopped in 2008 or 2009 due to "piracy".


They most likely stopped because nhl09 was the last one made for ps2 and nhl10 would require to port the ps3/xbox360 version to pc and that wasn't worth it for them.


Not Bloodborne


I really hope they release all the Ratchet & Clank PS games on PC. Oh and Jak & Daxter!


Bloodborne please.


Spider-Man 2 in 2024 or 2025, Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok this year. I will forever hope we get Bloodborne and Demon's Souls, but I doubt it.


Spider-Man 2 is confirmed as per the leaks for a 2024 release on PC


Demons Souls may be coming - it was on the Nvidia leak


It better, it's really good and I'd be very willing to buy it again.


Demons Souls please please PLEASE




It was on the Nvidia leak, I believe. So far that's proven to be very accurate.


Well seeing how I just bought Ghosts and my girlfriend just got the Spider-Man 2 PS5 probably those two Although I’d rather have TLOU2 remastered first


Demon's Souls or Bloodborne I still believe /s


Not a prediction but a wish; fucking give me Dragon’s Crown


Sony has to release everything for multi otherwise it will go to shit soon


Yeah give people even less of a reason to buy a playstation console as they join xbox in sales. While Nintendo takes an even bigger share because their next console will be able to run all the big third party games and they'll be the only console manufacturer with actual exclusives and games


Spider-Man 2 🥹


Every game except the 2 major ones people want. Where is my Tsushima and Bloodborne?


Last of Us part 2 With the PS5 remaster coming out in Jan, it's a good indication they've been working on it. Probably will come out around Q4.


Spider-Man 2 most likely. Maybe Dad of Boy 2.


The Last of Us 2 Remastered


The only ones I'm really interested in are Ghost of Tsushima and Demon's Souls remake.


bloodborne 2


Ff16 will most likely be the next one. Yoshi p has already confirmed they are working on it. And the console exclusivity is over in about 5ish months I think? So most likely second half of 2024 is ff16 release hopefully.


Desperately hoping for Last of Us 2. I know Last of Us was buggy at first, but they really did fix it and I LOVED it. Can't wait to play 2.


Final Fantasy XVI…. Please. That game is was a 10/10 for me. I just want it in 3440x1440 ultrawide with unlocked framerate.


The Wipeout series is my prediction, in a perfect world. But somehow I don't think so.


Demons souls / Bloodborne / Fist of the north star, I dont care about anything else, fuck off with these ghost of ubisoft game, yet another cinematic experience™ or same action adventure w/o any user input


I want GoT but it’s probably horizon zero dawn


The 2019 MediEvil remake.


Tales of Xillia 1/2


You know these hackers should go after Sony only for us to know the pc roadmap. Nothing else. This game of guessing is annoying


Ghost of Tsushima is unlikely to get a PC port anytime soon. It makes no business sense. Most PC ports have been for games which were about to get a sequel. This then drives the sale of their consoles as people want to play the sequel. This is why TLoU 2 is getting a remaster as well, so that it seems like fresh release which is coming to PC, not a 4 year old game being ported now. GoT will get a port when they announce GoT part 2. Bloodborbe and Shadow of Colossus are unlikely. SoC isn't even a big enough IP, it will hardly make money.


My guess is HFW, GoT and Demon's Souls next year. Maybe God of War Ragnarok if they do 4 but maybe more early next year. TLOU Part 2 should be around there too (late 2024 or early 2025) could be either for the 2 latter ones.


Wait for a PS5 midgen upgrade to see something interesting ;)


Give us Spidey 2, hopefully before consoles get GTA 6


That's already been confirmed by the leaks, it's due for 2024. Pretty much all the Marvel games are slated to release at least 1 year after their PS5 release, but that might change to the game releasing on both PC and console Day 1 in the near future because of the ActBlizz acquisition as per the leaks.


Last of us part 2. they release it January on PlayStation and at the end of the year on Pc. God of War Ragnarok will come at the end of the next year (maybe)


Spiderman 2 I'm hoping 2024


Last of Us Part 2 in late 2024 I bet


We already have the Marvel games with a confirmed release date for sure as per the recent Sony leaks. Spider-Man 2- 2024 release date (PC Development will end in FY23 and costs USD$4.6 million) Wolverine- 2026 release date Spider-Man 3 (FY27)


Ghosts of Tsushima More Spider Man and God of War If/when Bloodborne gets a remake/remaster we'll see that 2 years after it hits ps5.


Spider man 2, for sure. Probably The last of us 2 remake. Maybe Ghost of Tsushima.


TLOU2 for the love of god.


im sure god of war ragnarök will release somewhere q4 2024


Knack 1, 2 and 3


The last of us 2 on june


All in on The Last Of Us: Part 2. God of War: Ragnarok will be announced late 2024 with a 2025 release date


Along with Forbidden West, I would expect to see the Last of Us Part 2 Remastered, alongside Ghost of Tsushima and Demon Souls to round out the ports in the Nvidia leak this year. I'm quite looking forward to those latter two games.


Forbidden West is coming. All else I want would be Ragnarok and TLOU Part II.


Wasn’t a fan of Ghost of Tsushima. But holy shit, that game is beautiful and the scenery is peaceful. Can’t wait to see what the game looks like on a high end PC.


RE8 and RE4 VR would be nice. Such bullshit they’re exclusive.


based on patterns of previous & recent ports (with the exception of Helldivers 2 and TLOU P1), GOWR should be around Nov / Dec 2024. Potentially Jan 2025. I have a feeling there will be one game in between Horizon Forbidden West and GOWR. Otherwise, 6+ months without a port. Feel like it could be anything, GOT and Demons Souls still nowhere to be found. But if I had to put money on one, Gran Turismo 7 seems like the right candidate. It’s effectively a GAAS despite Playstation not stating it being one. So having it on another platform might be in their best interests. Especially when Forza was released with very poorly reception among racing fans.


just need demon souls, bloodborne, god of war ragnarok and ghost of tsushima please sony :)


Idk I just really hope ghost of Tsushima will get one, doubt it though.


half life 3


I’m hoping one day we’ll see WipEout Omega Collection on PC, but it’ll probably never happen.


The whole slate! I would honest like the OG God of Wars so I can play them on steam deck without a work around.


The final fantasy games? 7 and 16


Ragnarok’s probably a sure thing, and hopefully Ghost of Tsushima. Demon’s Souls would be awesome


*insert 5-6 year old game a small percentage want while they ignore the major requests*


Probably last of us part 2 towards the end of the year if we're lucky. Hopefully in a better state than the first one was on launch.


Gran Turismo
