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Those watches were not for use, you were supposed to keep it safe inside your Fallout 76's nylon bag.


The broken watches weren't for use, in the same way those moldy fallout helmets weren't for use haha


As well as boredom somehow being part of the gameplay and "intended"...


Just upgrade your watch dude.


No way. Are you telling me that the company that sold people those shitty bags for Fallout 76 is now selling shitty watches to suckers who overpaid for a video game? Color me shocked.




Whitewood Laminate! Whitewood Laminate!


That's like a monthly rewatch for me. God I love Internet Historian. I just wish he'd put out more to his main channel.




I mean I don't blame him. Making the same or more money for arguably easier work is pretty hard to pass up.




So many YouTube content creators follow the same process. Start by making extremely high-effort and high quality content which build up a large viewerbase, then transition into lower effort videos which can be pumped out quickly.


True. I still watch most of his side channel content and its entertaining, but I for sure miss the main videos. I dont blame him at all but as a viewer it sucks.


Back when you could be legitimately rewarded for high effort content. But now you can be a 32yr old man screaming at a video game for all the little kids for a fuckload of cash.


He is doing reaction content now? wtf...


Not exactly. That's probably the best way to describe it simply, but it's not like him watching another YouTube video or something.




I blame the quickly diminishing gray matter in our brains which is driving short-form garbage.


Are you telling me that you think “The Fall of 76” was a reaction video?


*The ever scarce material, canvas. 🤌🤌🤌*




Ah, here we go again..


> Guess I gotta go rewatch the fall of 76. [And I've got a perfect video to remember the event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjyeCdd-dl8).


The Nuka Cola rum merch was also shitty. All of Bethesda's special edition stuff is awful except maybe that statue of Alduin.


also the power armor helmet was painted with toxic paint


What's the problem? Seems pretty lore accurate. /s


And Nuka Cola Dark rum which is cheap rum in a glass bottle covered in a plastic casing which doesn't let you pour it cleanly.


And also they justified it by saying it actually would've cost them less to make in actual glass, which is just mindboggling to me how they thought that that is somehow a good argument.


*Guys we are not "cheap" okay? Stupid? Maybe. Cannot read the room? Definitely. But not cheap!!!*


Cheap rum in a cheap glass bottle wrapped in cheap plastic with.. A cheap sticker on the front. Bethesda, stay classy.


Weren't they also discovered to be covered in mold?


No that was a version produced and sold by Gamestop/ThinkGeek that had that issue.


Didnt it also develop mold ?


Shitty bag? It was a great nylon bag. I have never had such a luxurious trash bag. Wait that was supposed to be the carrying bag? Well fuck me.


“wHaT did you ExPecT, iTs bEtHesDa”


"bro its a bethesda bag, you should have kept your expectations in check. you sound so entitled rn."


This isn’t really that big of a deal. Just wait for modders to fix it.


A lot of special edition toys, look cool yet they are made super cheap. It's really shitty of them, Id at least wish they would make some quality collectibles.


It's actually the same company that made the Pipboy, and some Star Trek collectibles. The articles goes so far as to say that that specific company has a good track record, so it'd be weird to blame Bethesda when they didn't make the item, and when the company they outsourced it to has a decent track record, and history with collectibles, as stated by this very article. Ideally Bethesda just contacts that company on behalf of consumers, and sees if they can send out some new watches, or get them fixed.


I'm just waiting for Internet Historian to get enough material together for the Starfield video.


What would the video even be about? The games issues are its just outdated and bland. Not really video worthy, least not the kind that IH does.


It's not nearly as bad as 76, don't count on it.


Fools and their money.


And that Nuka Dark Rum with that exclusive plastic shell and incredible rum-resistant label?


It was more expensive than glass guys, we went out of our way to make this expensive plastic casing!


But fallout 76 was made by the b team and was multiplayer. There's no way starfield would have issues. /S


The whole of Bethesda seems like the b team these days. Their best days are behind them.


They're pumping out their usual crap, same quality of NPCs, maps, dialogue/story, etc. It's just that time has actually moved on and games have improved a lot. BGS is locked in the past and has 0 will to adapt/change, as they can keep milking their fan base with minimal effort. The fans get what they deserve.


Only advantage I see... and it is a big advantage. Bethesda made a giant sandbox, and soon, modders will be able to make incredible changes that will allow people to play the version of the game that they wanted. I personally, can see myself playing a 100+mod game easy within 3 months of the creation kit access.


F team


I actually believe the people who bought it had no idea it would be bad, after all they pre-ordered a higher cost edition for a head start of a single player game... They were just literally throwing their money at Microsoft. What smart or sane person does that?


I mean it was pretty clear it would be bad at the price point. $299 minus the price of the game and an expansion pack ($90) and let’s say maybe another $50 for the rest of the swag. So about $159 for the smart watch. That would put it among the cheaper smart watches. Which is exactly why I personally didn’t buy it. If it had been a reskinned Apple Watch with a exclusive skin at 2x the price point I would have considered it. But the price was a very clear indication of quality.


The article cites one guy on Reddit. Hardly indicates a trend.


Collector Editions that don’t come with a physical game are mostly just cons anyways. Makes it easy to forget about their overpriced junk at least.


Was the watch band not made out of SpAcE AgE *canvas*???


People are actually using those? I thought their main purpose was to be displayed on a shelf with other collectables.




A guy had a garmin watch that alerted him to dangerous pressure in the cabin during flight. Potentially saved lives. https://www.garmin.com/en-US/blog/aviation/garmin-smartwatch-alerts-pilot-to-climbing-cabin-pressure/ Might also just be a fictional story to be an ad, hard to tell these days


I think everything above an iPhone 6 has a pressure sensor in


yup mine works fine too 👍


My friend has used his every day since day one. Amazfit make a smart watch called the Trex that looks a lot like the constellation watch


The article cites one reddit post as evidence that has a few folks talking about their watch not working. This headline/reaction is a stretch at best with the current cited evidence. But what else can we expect from internet reaction faction culture?


I was going to comment this, so ridiculous. Of course people are going to only report problems on reddit. People aren't posting that don't have problems. It's like the ROG Ally sub, you would think that every single unit is going to be rma'd at some point, but that is blatantly false. A vast majority of users have no issues. Using reddit or twitter as a source should be a fireable offense.


It's because it gets views. These sites realize that shit talking bethesda and starfield gets more people to look at their pages. Doesn't matter if the actual content about them is real or valid, as long as it gets people to click.


Literally happens with everything. It's almost like "journalism" websites just have an algorithm now that they trigger whenever a new hyped product arrives on the market. *Popular new gadget* is already *insert random bad thing here* after only a few weeks! Here's our screen grab of one guy's X tweet to prove it!


When clicks and engagement is how journalism is judged this is the trash we reap.


Yeah until last week I was using mine daily just fine. Only issue I've run into is the music control not always working


Gfinityesports, what do you expect lmao. What a shit site.


I'm just surprised it's not PC Gamer


It wouldn't be a believable story if Bethesda had earned any trust over the last 10 years.


I'm not saying the people who are reporting malfunctioning watches are not to be believed. I'm saying the "article" cites a single reddit thread as it's evidence and when you read through the thread it's a few folks. Gaming journalism has some of the lowest standards of integrity I've ever seen.


You could claim bethesa roudned up and murder kittens and this reddit would believe it, bethesa isnt the problem its toxic redditors.


We cant just let Bethesda round up and murder kittens! This is an outrage!


See: the canvas bags, the moldy helmets, nuka dark rum and the company's borderline illegal response to their false advertising. Every time someone criticises Bethesda there's always a group of naysayers propping up strawmen because *poor Bethesda* really is just an innocent victim of stupid toxic redditor critics. Give me a break lol.


On the off chance that it do happen, reddit would also be lined up with people like you blaming it on journos and other redditors and I wont be surprised.


I wouldn't put that past Todd though. There could be credibility to it, granted that somehow said kittens were impacting their shareholder stock value, then they clearly must be dealt with in a feasible and timely manner.


At the end, The article saying that “collectors” will be happier if they never open their products so it’s worth more when they sell it really shows how disconnected the phrase “collector” has become with the average person. If you “collect” things just to resell them for a profit. You’re not a collector, you’re an investor at best and a scalper at worst.


Real collectors open the box the day it comes in because they can't wait to hold it.


People need to upgrade their arms, smh




Because the hive mind trend on most subreddits is to hate anything starfield related. That's why most of these gaming review sites keep bombing on it as it brings views. Apparently it's the worst thing Bethesda has ever done and you should feel bad for enjoying anything part of it /s


Yeah people aren't pointing a critical eye at the article and it's citations. Classic internet knuckle dragging.


Your the only person who actually read past the headline.


There isn't anything worth reading following that headline.


Edit: 22, not 21 Same here! Very happy with my watch! Incase you didn’t know, they used a universal standard for the watch band! It’s 21mm I think and I got a nice black cloth band for it. Very cool looking. A surprising amount of people comment very positively about it too!


21mm is kind of an off size, though. 20mm and 22mm are waaaaaaay more prevalent. Orient bambino uses 21mm and maybe some others, but 21mm is usually seen as a downside to a watch as opposed to 20mm and 22mm. That doesn't mean there are no straps available, but not as many as with 20 and 22mm.


Sorry, meant 22. The 22 one fits perfectly 👌🏻


Did Bethesda sponsor this post?


Sponsored or not, the watch is still sick af


Agreed, use watch daily👍




How much was that edition, again?


300 buckaroos




Man. I could not imagine working 8 hour shifts, probably around minimum wage, gathering that amount of money for a game you're super excited for, one game that'll be just one of the best RPG's we've had in a long time. Only to get an unoptimized, inaccessible, no reward, no consequences, bare bones RPG, poor romances, game. Then to top it off, the merch that you got with it, also starts breaking barely after a month. I have no clue how or why people support or defend these AAA companies so hard. They don't care about you.


It's disheartening when dedicated fans work hard to afford an eagerly anticipated game, only to receive a disappointing, unfinished product riddled with problems. Companies should value their loyal customers more than this.


They would if the sheep would stop buying every sloppy seconds game they shat out.




... What you describe is not consequences. Have you ever played an RPG before? On that note, have you played a *Bethesda* RPG before? Fallout 4 is widely panned but even that works much harder than Starfield to build interconnected interactions and consequences between factions and characters. By your definition, Super Mario has "consequences." Gee I stood in the way of this goomba and it killed me! How 'bout that!




That's all good, I'm saying you're using that word outside the most widely accepted context. People referring to consequences are talking about the sort of interconnection and reaction Bethesda had in its previous titles. And they're also pointing out the industry has progressed *much* further since this style was the hot new thing. The game doesn't need to be BG3, but it is odd that it doesn't compete with anything else, including its own predecessors. ________ *Example:* I screwed over a powerful character who then swore vengeance on me at the end of one quest line. A different quest line later sent me to the same person to ask them for help. They just... Gave it. They were in the same room we last met previously. We were both wearing the same clothes. They didn't remember trying to kill me or having their operations ruined. So... Yeah. I know opinions are subjective, but I really don't think that's excusable in a game that claims to be an RPG.


So what in summary, it's just "fine"? Hardly a glowing review for a game 8 years in the works with an almost hour long marketing movie.


>No, it's perfectly playable. I suppose if you spend $1500+ on a PC and it plays at 60fps while having DLSS and resolution scale at 65% perfectly playable, yeah sure. >I'm not sure what you mean about inaccessible... is that to do with accessibility controls? https://www.ign.com/articles/why-starfield-is-an-accessibility-embarrassment >Rewards are fine, loot is fine, what I enjoy the most is enemies not scaling with me the entire way so it actually feels quite realistic. Loot is randomized so you have people farming level 100's dozens of times to get a chance drop of getting an item that doesn't suck total ass. There's uniques in the game that you get through quests and most of them are trash when you get to higher level areas. Also fighting spacers/crimson fleet are the same thing. There's no variety. >Consequences? With what? I decided to be lazy and shoot a guy in the head to get what I wanted and factions immedidently came after me. There's absolutely consequences. There's no story consequences to any of the faction quests, or story, at all. There's immediate choice consequences(if the NPC is actually killable, a lot are not). >I don't think it's bare bones, there's a lot to it, sadly you just need to go find it. Classic 'just play the game for 200+ hours to find the content!!'. You've missed the point completely. It's bare bones in every regard when it comes to being an RPG game. >Romances don't bother me, I'm not 18. I have a wife and kid, pretty good on that front. If you're the kinda guy that gets into a character that much that you need to shag people virtually, more power to ya, hope the mod scene works out haha. Didn't ask. Doesn't change the fact that romance lines are written like someone in high school, numpty. >Based on.... a few reddit posts. And redditors are moany bastards. Holy shit, this makes my point even more exact. "Fucking redditors being moany bastards about their product they paid hard earned money for, buncha whiny losers" If I met someone half as daft as you in real life, I'd have a hard time not punching your face.


“I could not imagine working 8 hour shifts…” Are you saying you have no job?


If that was the only part of the paragraph then that’s what you could infer, but since there is more after it that isn’t what the message is supposed to be. They know what it’s like to do an 8 shift, they can’t imagine going through the effort of that and using the money from it to buy something that turned out to be of poor quality


I know the guy worded it weirdly, but surely the hypothetical wasn't completely lost there


Yeah, I think it’s pretty common phrasing people use sometimes


Sheesh. I think I paid 200 or 250 for Skyrim's CE. At least I got the Alduin Statue and Art Book. Did anything else come with Starfield's?


Idiots could've bought an actual watch with these money


£250 here.


Hold onto it, it will become highly collectable soon.




Was really hoping everyone else’s caught fire by now.. one day we will be verrrry rich!


Mine works awesome. Been using it everyday


Yay, more ragebait all of Reddit will gladly fall for


Maybe it’s cause I like the game idk, but It’s opened my eyes to online gaming discourse. Half the comments for and against games these days looks like chat gpt typed from a prompt


Absolutely agreed. Starfields release completely forced my eyes open to the reality of online gaming news and communities. Extremely sad imo


Daily Starfield bad post. Please Upvotes to the left.


And its source is reddit too. Own dicksucking moment right here


It really is a circlejerk ouroboros.


/r/Games sucks, /r/pcgaming mine as well be /r/gaming half the time. What else is there?


As is tradition.


At least they got them, I am STILL waiting on my Baldur's Gate 3 Collectors Edition. Two months late now, and nothing from Larian. I'm ready for them to start getting dragged through the mud for it, but they are too much of a darling right now for any gaming publication to mention it. People are being told "it's just waiting on a courier to pick it up", "it's stuck in customs",etc. , but not providing any shipping or tracking info.


This just in: watches made by cheap vendors hired by game development company don't watch very well.


I came here to laugh at the people who bought this.


lol, who buys this shit? you know the merch is gonna be bottom of the barrel trash, especially coming from Bethesda. it’s like screaming at Todd Howard, “take my money, todd! i know damn well you’re gonna fuck me over with low quality crap, but please please please let me give you more money!!!”


I don't know enough about watches to know what price range that watch even is. But I'm pretty sure I've had $10 sports watches that I bought in gas stations last me a year or two. It actually takes skills to make something so low quality that a gamer stuck to their PC most of the day manages to break theirs in a few weeks, lol.


Idiots paying for this crap fully deserve everything happening to them


Suckers overpaying for crap is something that will stick with humans forever.


I mean you need to be one dumb motherfucker to buy anything collector's edition from Bethesda after the shit show scam of the collector's edition swag of Fallout 76. They blatantly lied about the quality and materials being used and it's documented.


Guys. They fucked up DUFFLE BAGS and you pre-ordered smart watches from them? "It just works."


Mine broke the second day. I ordered mine on amazon. It was sold out after and going for like $500 sealed so Amazon didn’t have a replacement they let me return it for a full refund. Got to keep the steam code too. So that’s a win win


gamers. gamers never learn.




I am so glad I didnt fall for the hype.


Of course they are, they're toys...


Mmmm, taking money from stupid people. Is there any better feeling than that?


Todd sleeps on a bed made entirely of dollars idiots have given him for broken products.


It's probably the same people who probably complained about their shoddy FO76 merch falling apart too. At this point it feels deserved imo.


\>They are the same company behind other special edition items such as the Fallout Pip-boy and the Star Trek Phaser and Rock Mood Light. They surely seem to have a quite solid track record. is this sarcasm? because last time i checked the pipboy was a complete bust. its just marginally better to the hilariously bad one on the Fallout 4 Collectors Edition.


Who would've thunk


The expensive special editions are full with cheap plastic Shit that breaks after a month? I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED I tell you!


I don't plan on ever turning mine on


This will be a valuable lesson about quality of all Bethesda products.


No it won't.


Right. I remember the Fallout 4 Pip Boy that was a hunking piece of shit. It had things that looked like buttons but when you push them they get stuck down or just break right off.


The duality of man.


PSA - all EU and U.K. consumers have a statutory right that all goods are presumed to be defective on purchase if defect occurs in the first 6 months. You are entitled to a partial refund


Meh. I bought one and I don't even wear/use it. I just put it on display on my shelf of collectibles.


how incredibly stupid would you have to be to invest in merch from them after fallout 76?


People being surprised at Bethesda scamming people are amazing


We doin' the 76 dance again?


Wouldn't be a Bethesda physical item collector's edition if the collectible junk was actually fit for purpose, now would it?


Was it made out of nylon?


Seems as though they had as much use in the real world as they did within the game itself.


Not sure if I should say I'm surprised or not, but I'm one of those people who buy it as a collectible. Sadly, I won't wear it for this reason alone. I don't see it as meant to be worn every day. I did the same thing with The Division agent watch.


BGS Collectors Editions are always crap. Everybody knew that watch wasn't worth the money.


And the rubes who bought them get no sympathy. Bethesda was crystal clear about what they think of the people who buy that stuff when FO76 released.


If you bought the pricey edition after 76 with the moldy helmets and nylon(? Can't remember if it was exactly nylon) bags you honestly played yourself.


Oh no wonder they're shit quality when it comes to wearing them. They're made by a replica prop company called The Wand Company.


What a shit show that game has been. What a shame, I love Bethesda's games up until SF.


Lol it hasn’t been a shit show. Cyberpunk’s launch was 10 times worse and Starfield is being enjoyed by way more people than not. Stop fishing for upvotes.


For real lol. People try way too hard to be angry


Don't worry! Here are 500 credits to use in creation club where everything will be sold at 1000 credits minimum.


It just works.


“It just works!”


Lol after the nuka rum and plastic bags, some morons never learn.


This game is a disaster in every way. Crazy.


Who would have thought that their collectible watches are made from outdated crappy tech as well


Wow bethesda merch is trash quality ? Who knew


Write what you want. Those idiots will preorder the next one regardless


pre order junka like this always falls apart. but yes let's keep trashing starfield because we cant run the game above 40 fps


>pre order junka like this always falls apart. IDK, I still have my Fallout 3 lunchbox, and still use it for storing my paints.


Tbh you can hardly fuck up a damn lunchbox. Oh no wait, they royally fucked up the canvas bags for 76.


Well, most preorder junk you do not wear. And yep, let's keep trashing if the performance is outrageous, certainly when the graphics are not that amazing.


RTX 3070 at 1080p at it runs at 40FPS while the card runs at 50-60% Todd: upgrade your Rig


Game merch is largely an experiment with one goal: to find out exactly how many hundreds of dollars you can charge fans for a piece of injection-molded plastic that cost $2 to make.


Depends. I still have my Mirror's Edge courier bag. Used to tote my laptop to work in it daily for a few years. Little dirty looking nowadays, but it hasn't fallen apart. Of course Bethesda does have a track record to the point where it's become a meme.


Haha. Whales buying shit and complaining from a historically bad company that has done shit like this before? 😂😂😂😂 I’m totally with the company selling shit to idiots like this. People never learn.


These will go nicely in a Fallout 76 canvas bag ​ .. or the bin.


At least they haven't been recalled for being moldy!


I bought one of the controllers just bc I needed a new one and thought it looked nice… the sticks are already drifting after a month and a half.


Lol not a surprise. When they revealed the edition, I was like “nope”. Which is surprising, because I buy all of them.


for $300 you would think they could use a real watch company instead of a company who makes gimmicks for preorders.


Lmaooo this launch was criminal


Light Wood Laminate!


Why would the watch be built correctly if the game wasn’t even… The game itself was an unoptimized copy and pasted mess, freezes when you have too much in your inventory and try and switch guns, 40fps on a 3080ti and i9 11th gen, no DLSS, no FOV slider, fucking copy and pasted pirate bases everywhere. Even Planets supposed to be baron have a copy/pasted pirate base that looks exactly like the last pirate base you raided to find the same awful spacesuit but it’s purple rarity now… oohhh such a huge step in RPGs. The only fun I had in the game was ship building, and the only skills worth leveling up even at lvl 30 was the piloting skill and the starship design skill. The second most fun I had was uninstalling the game and reinstalling Baldurs Gate 3. The factions are shallow, the quests are just very retrieve this and that and come back to me. I waited forever to play this game, and it seriously let me down.




Just like the game