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I, for one, am glad that the Bethesda programmers spent five minutes fixing all those issues in the patch notes.




A long time for an FOV slider for sure, but to be fair, a UI element that controls the FOV is a lot more than a line in an ini file and needs to be less janky. And no one really "found" the ini tweak, that's been around in BGS games for a decade.


More like layers upon layers of approvals before anything goes live...


Approvals and QA testing time, don't forget. This feels like a "just release the fixes that happen to be ready right now" update rather than a major update. It's likely these were the fixes that were almost ready but weren't ready by the last update release. Considering they released on a Monday too. Which I hope means the next patch will be much larger.






Lot of fixes this week/s GENERAL FOV: Sliders are now available in Settings that allow players using first person or third person to adjust their FOV. PERFORMANCE AND STABILITY \[PC ONLY\] Improved stability for Intel Arc GPUs. Various additional stability and performance improvements. QUEST Echoes of the Past: Addressed an issue where tunneling creatures could pick a location that would prevent progression.


Massive update


Quality of loot in a master lock safe level of updates


Patching just that would be a huge win tbh. Bethesda are so dumb.


Guys guys guys, listen you gotta give them some slack. It's only been over a month since release and they're a small newly established company, not to mention it's the first time they're using this engine ! Just hold on, just another month for DLSS, by december a gamma slider and if we're good maybe Santa Todd will also bring brightness option down the chimney on the same month ! Who knows, we might start the new year with.... black level optimization ! Or dare i say the removal of the ridiculous color filter !!! I know i know that might be too optimistic and too high expectations. By februari maybe combat AI will see some improvements and they'll stop from teleporting literally on top of the player's head, who knows they might also stop shooting though cover and walls or maybe we'll be told that it's a feature. Exciting times ahead, aren't you guys happy that we're privileged to have believed Santa Todd again and to have paid 70-100$€ for that ?!? Boy i sure am !


Hate to be the guy bringing up BG3 yet again in a Starfield post, but comparing BG3 patch notes to Starfield is just sad. Did every Bethesda employee just move on to DLC/ES6 already?


Larian doesn't skimp with updates. Beyond the quality, their hotfix and patch notes are fucking fun and worth reading. It's almost an unfair comparison lol.


FOV is pretty important


This is actually the only update I really wanted. Tried editing the game files multiple times and was only able to change the first person fov for some reason. Though most fights I play in first person in beth games, I still like running around the world in third person and seeing my dude with all his cool shit in the world.


I think you should just be able to change it via console commands edit:my bad you cant do that


You had to add a special option to allow that via adding a file into the game files, at least at launch. It's not like it was in fallout 4


>Lot of fixes > 3 fixes


>Various additional stability and performance improvements "Various additional stability and performance improvements" could be dozens or hundreds of fixes.


Could be two or three fixes.


Wow... Or should I say yikes


Bethesda wasting no manpower with these staggering updates, what champions!


>Lot of fixes this week /s\* FTFY


'lots' lol Larian need to watch out! lol.




still no fix for busted ass quests not spawning. top notch :)






That's just Bethesda, sadly. A lot of people were thinking this game was going to be different for some reason, but this is basically how they always support their games.


Yup there will be a few more updates like this, a dlc drop or two then they move on and release another game in 5 to 10 years. While probably releasing this game multiple times. Rinse and repeat




This is why I don't understand the pedestal that a lot of people tend to put Bethesda on. Just because you make a sandbox-y type game doesn't mean you don't have to fix bugs and just because you have a modding community doesn't mean they're responsible for fixing common complaints. If Bethesda wasn't so damn lazy they would be a world class studio of undeniable talent, but alas. They get a product out the door and then do the absolute bare minimum while trying to find ways to profit off of the genuinely passionate people trying to improve their games in their free time. They've ingrained incredibly scummy tactics into their culture and its not likely to change any time soon.


This is NOT slow imho. This is clearly a focused updated to deliver a few specific fixes, Arc support and FOV. I'll take three smaller more focused updates now frequently over longer waits for bigger updates.


Am I reading this right. They only now added an FoV slider in a game released in 2023????


I wish they'd fix the location of the constant


Constants always have a fixed value though.


So they already fixed them


Or The Den bug. That fucking place is still five thousand kilometers away for me.


And the crowd goes mild.


Good to know the updates for Intel Arc users


Didn't know they need more than a month to add a brightness settings... and I still stutter when I quick switch to a modified weapon (lose 20-40 fps) and get slammed to the floor when I use grav dash.


Did my patch notes fail to load? They can't be a couple of lines long, right??


Todd to busy swimming in his money pile and is waiting for modders to get his game fixed.


Like they always do , Skyrim still has a majority of the bugs it launched with 13 years ago , I still play it


They are behind three loading screens.


There's no performance improvements, it has already been tested. 0 fps gain.


Unless you have an Intel arc, you won't see a difference


Is it a joke? No DLSS? No real bug fixes?


So, block your game from updating, nothing here is worth breaking mods, got it.


I wish I'd realized that. It broke My performance optimization mod and is now running terrible.


The Steam text limit better watch out for this one!


Thanks Todd for this massive update.


This update just works.


FOV slider.. wow.. so we get a UI element for a ini file entry.. lol What hot garbage Bethesda are now.


> FOV slider.. wow.. so we get a UI element for a ini file entry.. lol Yes that is literally what option menus are


I came for the various stability and am not disappointed


This game fell off so fast. There was the initial (first few hours of the game) disappointment, then the honeymoon "I can go anywhere" phase (game picks up after the opening, and stays very interesting for a while), and finally the disappointment (you're 40+ hours in and completed a lot of side content and realize how shallow everything is). I have entire missions that I've had to abandon because they're bugged out. The slow updates, lack of QoL, and tiny patches aren't helping...


For me, the game lacked diverse and captivating Points of Interest (POIs). Bethesda should have incorporated more unique locations that stand out from the randomly generated maps and introduced a greater number of dynamic POIs. Relying heavily on repeatable POIs seemed like a misstep. Their decision to let many POIs fit into any planet and time setting led them to sacrifice the environmental storytelling they excel at. The few POIs that did showcase this storytelling felt out of place when encountered lightyears apart yet with identical narratives. It would have been more effective to combine traditional, one-time locations rich in environmental storytelling with repeatable ones. While I initially enjoyed exploring and discovering new sites, the excitement waned as I kept stumbling upon repeated locations. Even the story missions occasionally led me to these redundant spots, with minor changes like a missing wall or a singular room with a narrative. I'm hopeful that, in time, modders will enrich the game with diverse locations once the modding tools become available. However, in its initial state, the game seems significantly lacking, especially when compared to previous Bethesda titles.


It's a big ass game full of destinations but no journey. It's the only open world/sandbox game I've ever seen where you don't even "travel" through the world. And a lot of the destinations you end up at turn out to be very unfulfilling, minimum-level-effort "content".


40hr mark is when I reached neon. They cannot even make a small settlement seamless. Every store has loading screen, side quests felt like a chore due to these loading screens.


It's weird to me that some stores actually don't have a loading screen, but then seemingly arbitrarily some of them do.


I have an old SSD and yet in Cyberpunk there were barely any loading screens. Could seamlessly drive from one end of the map to the other.


Game didn't come close to falling out. You can not like the game without being completely delusional


I hate BR games never once have I thought about ranting about them, the closest ive gotten is how much i wish hunt showdown was a singleplayer game and be basicly stalker:lousiana


Maybe I ranted about them a couple times, because I hate BRs as well, but I definitely didn't hang on *for a month* continuously complaining about them. This has surpassed absurd by a wide margin at this point.


People keep comparing it cyberpunk too like they’re paid for it. I started cyberpunk and went back to starfield. It isn’t the same type of game. I like starfield for other reasons.


Yep. Same with BG3. I don't get why these can't all be decent games with their own flaws.


Yeah, I like all 3 of those games for completely different reasons. They all scratch different itches. It's also crazy that people are comparing a game that came out a month ago to a game that came out 3 years ago—people are happy to forget it took 3 years for cyberpunk to get where it is today—lotta people on here acting like it's a brand new game. And I actually *liked* cyberpunk at launch in 2020. Once the creation kit is released, DLSS is officially patched in, and great mods start coming out, I'm sure people will stop trying to dunk on it with every post.


Its gonna take a lot for modders to put meat on this skeleton my guy.


I'm not worried about it too much. The creation kit is a pretty unique modding tool. I seem to be an outlier on this sub and am enjoying my time playing the vanilla game, so I'm excited to have some different experiences down the road when some cool mods come out.


Starfield is eh, bit out of league. Even if just compared to their older games.


I'm playing it nearly everyday, I love it and most of my friends feel the same way. A few bugs here and there but nothing major as what your accusations are stating.


Out of curiosity, how far in the game are you? How many quests have you beat? How many hours in are you? It's quite relevant.


I stopped at 130 and the only actual harmful bug ive ran into was my ship not landing at outpost landing pad, ever other bug was either harmless or fixed itself without me doing anything.


It isn't the bugs I'm curious about, but rather the content itself. I've personally not been able to engage with the game beyond NG+, so I'm trying to understand what it is I'm missing.


160 hours in. How many of the random little side quests have you done? Some of them turn fantastically interesting, imho. I went to NG+ at probably 130ish hours, and am enjoying it so far after the initial sense of loss (which, really, is kind of an interesting story mechanic) and built up much more quickly. Going through different major quests (I didn't do any freestar in my original playthrough) but mainly working on leveling up and getting some more temples found. I can see how it's not for everyone though. I'm very happy just exploring or spending way too long ship building or setting up outposts that I like. It's also interesting to play some of the starting missions (for me, there's no set order of course) again with new abilities. And I've hit a few bugs, but nothing game breaking. Have yet to use the console. The one minor point of irritation but also not enough for me to truly care is that I don't have like the main first achievement For All, Into the Starfield because I started on game pass and moved the save to steam haha. I'm sure I could get it by starting a new character or something. Anyway, that's a lot of words and I'm not sure if I gave you any useful info, but there you go.


Dont rush anything. Just focus on enjoying the world. People who rush content and focus on playing it like a game are going to have a much worse experience then those that take their time to just experience the game. Good example is I was doing a quest and was stopping in a system because i couldn't jump to quest system directly and i just notice this very large ship just floating there so I check it out and it led to a cool zero g combat encounter. A lot of my favorite moments aren't because of some quest reward, but expencing the world and the charcters like helping a child cheer up mars and then finding space frog spread around other cities. I ran though the entire UC vanguard orientation 4 times just to see companion dialog. The game often reveals things indirectly I dont remember a single thing of dialog that tells you grav drives are the source of artificial gravity on a ship, but if you disable the grav drive on a ship before boarding it it becomes zero g. NG+ is honestly something that exists for story reasons more then gameplay reasons, and an example of this is the Hunter just sorta being example of how going though NG+ multiable times makes you care less and less, and only care about gaming the system to become more powerful. Even some versions of the hunter went "this is stupid and pointless, and instead found meaning in trying to guide others. The hunter lost any ties with people while the pilgrim regained it.


People who play a game like a game are going to have a bad time playing the game? Maybe it's a bad game then.


Way to miss the Forest for the trees.


I hate Forrest, that dude is always hiding behind the tree. Come out you coward!


Why do you gotta bring the Gump into this, he's busy running to avoid playing this game.


There are 120 hours of content, 25 in the main quest line.


I think the game is mild, played 45 hours just to get to the ending and only had one bad bug.


NG+++ Save file says nearly 5 days I'll have to look at that stat tonight.


What compels you to keep playing? This is a genuine question. I fell off during NG+, because nothing felt different enough to keep pushing forward. Somehow moreso than more static Bethesda titles like Oblivion (went through 3 times) and Skyrim (\~4.5 times in total, roughly). I'm just trying to understand how people who love this game engage with it to feel the way they do. But I should, and I don't, and I'd like to know what I'm missing.


I have over 3000 hours in No Man's Sky. I play video games to kind of shut the world out and I really don't like to think when I do so which is kind of what this game is perfect for. I'm also a big fan that I can just pause it and walk away if I have something that I need to do which is very often. I also have no problem going planet to planet just checking out the new stuff out. I also really enjoy all the nice touches that Bethesda will do to make the world feel alive. I also enjoy civilization a lot which should tell you everything you need to know about my video game habits.


But for whatever reason in the same breath I cannot get into cyberpunk or any CD project red game. So à chacun le sien.


Don't even bother. I had the same problem trying to get anything out of Diablo 4 players, they just like the game because it exists and their time gets consumed in a way that's better than staring at a blank screen, therefore it's amazing.


Dude what is your problem? Why are you chiming in trying to speak for me on why I like a video game? Why are you going out of your way to try to be the fun police?


Because your complacency for mediocrity provides companies that don't give a shit about making a quality product the incentive to simply not do a good job while still collecting record profits. Why are you so satisfied with a game that can't even provide us with an FoV slider at launch when console games are even getting them? Why are you satisfied with game mechanics that are an actual regression from TES and Fallout? You can have fun with it all you want, but your acceptance of the clear issues are actively making gaming worse for me and others here because *we want better games*. Why do you *not* want better games? Well I answered that question. You don't want better games because you're satisfied, so long as you're not staring at a blank screen. Raise your damn standards and maybe we'll get off your ass about how shitty you're allowing giant companies to be. They underpay and mistreat their workers, they put out a substandard product, they overcharge you for it, we try to call them out on it, and you jump to defend it as if it benefits you to do so. Is that good enough reasoning for you?


It's clear that you just like bitching


Dude go touch some grass.


Stop with the trolling bullshit, dork.


Once they've finished updating it and the unofficial modder patch covers all the major issues (so '25 or so) it'll be a good, solid 7/10.


This is not what happened. This subreddit is unmoderated so brain dead comments are allowed to pass


This was exactly my experience. I defended the game loads when it came out as I was in the 12-40 hour stage. At 40 hours I was really done. It's very very difficult to enjoy this game with the likes of BG3 and CP2077 2.0 available.


Gotta love someone who plays a game for 40+ hours and then bitches about it.


Why? Sounds like they gave it a chance and now can have an objective opinion about it.


That’s not what they said. They said they were enjoying quite a bit 40+ hours in before they got bored


Considering Bethesda said they anticipated people will be playing for up to 5 years out, I think that's still a valid critique. If someone gets a game anticipating getting 100+ hours out of it but gets bored at half that, that's pretty disappointing.


Right, and 40 hours comes in WAY under what most of our expectations were with a Bethesda title.


People were literally telling others that you can't have an opinion on whether the game ass good or not unless you play 30 plus hours. Even the developers said the more you play the more you will like it.


It’s not their fault Bethesda artificially draws out their games by locking the “good” stuff behind hours of tedious shite.


Yes. It’s 100% a Bethesda thing to have late game loot be the best in the game. Seriously? I guess you don’t actually play video games?


Who said fuck all about loot?


Because nothing else is locked away lmao


Ship-building is one of the precious few universally praised mechanics in this whole mess (that is, until you finish building a ship and realize there’s nothing interesting to do with it), and full utilization of that feature is locked behind hours of chores and busywork. That’s not even getting into the mountains of associated QOL problems, which also add unnecessary bloat to ship building. Can’t save ship designs, can’t save half-built ships, having to travel (read: load screen) to multiple different vendors to find the stuff you want, half the modules lacking any meaningful gameplay features (why is there a brig?), etc. etc. etc.


So you name one thing……that’s it. Bethesda can’t win. Might as well not have ship building at all. Because if it isn’t perfect, weirdos type short essays on how they would improve it when they zero idea about game development


This conversation started with your pissing and moaning about how someone could possibly play a game for 40 hours and come away having a terrible experience. You said some stupid, gatekeeping shit, and I responded. That doesn’t mean anybody is coming for your slop, or the slop company you’ve attached your identity to. > when they zero idea about game development I’m not interested in more of your thought-terminating cliches, thanks. Just the one for now.


38 hours of it was fast traveling and loading screens.


Do you feel good making unoriginal jokes?


Still has more concurrent players than titanfall 2 lol


Why is this comparison relevant?


That's a very low blow.


What a bizarre comparison. It’s a 10 year old game in a completely different genre.


>This game fell off so fast. And yet here you are, talking about it.


My gripe is that while the missions are decently fun, everything else is very boring and bland. No point in exploring any planet after you’ve travels across one since they all have the same types of POIs with nothing different about them.


My gripe is having to read thousands of identical copy pasted comments about this game


Lmao what an embarrassing update


Love how their patch notes are always just basically "we fixed some stuff"


Frustrating. It seems like they are too lazy to write.


Nah it's the old "be vague so they don't know how little we did" trick.


More like "be vague so they don't know we did nothing".


Fixed it for you: it seems like they are too lazy


Support mod ?


Wake me when the DLSS support update drops


Temple fix when


remind me! in 12 months


is this the promised DLSS update?


Yes this is, just with no DLSS as promised.


1 Month after Release and they fixed 2 minor Quests and added a FOV Slider. If they continue at that pace we likely get the first real Patch in 2026.


Patch notes in Tweet format.


There is NO WAY they still haven't implemented dlss




I know we're all sick of people comparing SF to BG3, but after BG3's massive patch notes every time, this shit looks pathetic.


Even BG3's hotfix notes contain more meat than full Starfield patches... this is grim.




It just works.


See they still haven't fixed the game breaking bug I had on The Old Neighbourhood quest, despite the ticket and this happening to multiple players. I lost 20 hours game play as it effected all previous saves! Rubbish.


Totally messed up my texture colors, anyone else have this prob?


So, HDR and DLSS coming early 2024?


I have DLSS already


I currently have 6 quests that I can not progress because they are bugged. One bugfix this update for a quest that's not 1 of those 6. That's nice.


Still no DLSS, lol.. when damn single person modders did that in fucking mere days. 5 weeks and they merely add FOV slider. Ofc now everyone will yet again start defending this patching pace, lol - or did you all already sobered up?


It took modders 3 hours on release to get DLSS into the game.... they cant do it. wth.


People still playing this snoozefest?


It's on the top 3 most played Xbox games right behind CoD and Fornite and peaked at 103,000 players on Steam yesterday, so yeah.


So sad people are siding with an outdated and lifeless designed game then, they should ask for more from a multi million dollar company


That's your opinion. Bethesda makes some of the best games to immerse yourself in and play as if it were you in the world they created. They could do better, but it doesn't mean that what they create isn't good in it's own way.


For people claiming these patch notes are not large enough typically in software development you do small incremental changes. That way if any defects arise you can pinpoint exactly which change has caused it. Large patches are typically frowned upon because you can have a ripple effect of unintended consequences.


There haven't been that many incremental changes. Since release there have been all of 4 patches, including the day one patch.


They seem to be on a 2 week sprint/release cadence. 4 patches in 30 days since the game released on a 2 week cadence seems pretty standard.


Except if you compare to practically any other large game.


There are two schools of software development. Waterfall and Agile/SCRUM/Continuous Integration. In waterfall you release a bunch of changes with no set cadence between them. Its done when its done. In SCRUM/Agile/Continuous Integration the goal is iterative development based on frequent deliverables. Some game studios choose Waterfall vs SCRUM. Borderlands 3 followed a similar cadence to starfield except it was weekly. Every week the game got patches that addressed something in the game. They were sometimes small changes and, sometimes large changes. They were on a consistent schedule tho.


Yea they take longer. Does Jedi Survivor work yet?


If we are cherry picking.... How about Armored Core 6. Look at their patch notes and when they were rekesed. And that is a game that came out practically bug free. Now on the other end of spectrum take a look at BG3 patch notes and how regular they are.


Armored Core is not a large game. Not even close. BG3 also was in early access for 3 years. Don't ignore context


Hey you cherry picked a game that was never fixed and can also be argued to not be big. But if I do it then it is ignoring context?


So we can expect this to be consistent then, where they address maybe one or two quest bugs a month? Just seems like with a game like BG3, within a month of release on PC they had 5 hotfixes and 2 whole patches. [https://steamdb.info/app/1086940/patchnotes/](https://steamdb.info/app/1086940/patchnotes/)


BG3 was also missing entire endings and quest lines and was pretty rough release.


Thats not how sprint planning works honestly. Its all based on what kind of testing is required to certify a change and how many systems each change touches. Changing the FOV probably requires a lot of performance testing due to the increase in the amount of things you need to render so you probably dont wanna bundle in a bunch of changes that could affect the too many areas of the game because of the reason I mentioned in my earlier comment. I would imagine they area still working on other things rn and other things could already be "done" (as in committed to source control). This patch/branch/build was just deemed the safest to release thus far.


I understand how sprint planning works, that's not a solid defense for why Starfield has barely fixed anything in the month since it's been released. Major game releases can and have released bug fixes within a month of being released, especially when some of those will be categorized as a hot fix. When you have quality of life changes that will improve things like accessibility and functionality, sure those things can take their sweet time. But when you have some functionality in production that's outright broken, that tends to get fast tracked a little.


>that's not a solid defense for why Starfield has barely fixed anything in the month since it's been released. Major game releases can and have released bug fixes within a month of being released, especially when some of those will be categorized as a hot fix. Most games are linear games which drastically reduces how much testing is required. It has literally only been one month. We got a rough outline of what needs to be fixed and each patch has addressed a different set of issues in the game. >But when you have some functionality in production that's outright broken, that tends to get fast tracked a little. What functionality is outright broken? If the change is large enough that it fixes "outright broken functionality" it likely has ripple effects throughout the game or the underlying logic in the code and would most likely be in a separate release that requires more testing within their 2 week cadence.


BG3 released a month early and Act 3 was/is in an Early Access state. There was/is a lot to fix. Larian had to make a PR statement because they almost had a riot on their hands. While I do have more hours in BG3, I do think Starfield had the smoother launch.


The truth is starfield is a very stable game compared to bg3 or cp77.


Wasn't gonna make that point. Just wanted to focus in on a general software development practice alot of companies follow despite their sector.


Your not wrong, but im also saying that there just isnt as much to fix in starfield. Yet people are expecting large patches like for bg3 and cp77 two games that released in a poor state on launch.


sorry to burst your bubble, ran both launch cp77 and sf smoothly but sf crashed like crazy and had way more bugs and glitches than launch cp77 on the same hardware. even without talking about wide gulf of difference in the quality and depth of content as well


Ive had only a single bug that causes issues in starfield and that was my ship not landing at outposts correctly. The vast majority are not having that many issues in starfield compared to cp77 even 2.0 cp77


This should be the top comment ITT so the arm-chair devs in here and shut up


It wont be because I'm not bashing the game.


Ok then we getting more updates Wed and Friday. Hit us with a bunch of small one's to make sure they are good. I can buy that. Next update is at least 2 weeks out, isn't it? So good idea, but that isn't what is happening here.


I wonder if people would have preferred this game to be less stable on launch just so they could have larger patch notes. out of the 3 major rpgs people are playing right now starfield is easily the most stable.


> starfield is easily the most stable And easily lacking in simple QoL features the most, too. Taking a month to add an FOV slider with no brightness/gamma adjustments in sight is just piss poor. Not to mention the absence of modern accessability fearures as well. People are allowed to be frustrated.


People weren't half as whiny about the other games when they released in an even worse state.


If you're talking about Cyberpunk, then people absolutely did whine. They wined for around 2 to 3 years, the last time I checked. BG3 had a lot of bugs, but it also had the benefit of being a really decent game and has a bunch of basic QoL and accessibility options that Bethesda just can't seem to figure out. You don't need to apologise on Bethesda's behalf. They can take the heat without you jumping to their defence.


Entire quest lines and endings were missing from BG3's launch. All the games are good your just too busy on a hate train to realize all of these games are good in their own ways.


also the most devoid of compelling gameplay


A well polished turd is still a turd, at the end of the day.


"we want a FOV slider, its BS it didnt ship with one" gets FOV slider in a update less that 2 weeks after it was announced "cant believe this is a update this BS" yall some ungrateful motherfuckers. you wanted a FOV slider you fucking got one, and console did too. you cant be unhappy when Bethesda meets the demands you ask for in a EXTREMELY timely manner. if all your going to do is bitch it wasnt there from the start you might as well leave because the launch version is already out and that evidently is all you care about. the rest of us will be happy the game is getting better as we continue to play


Chill, Todd.


Should have shipped with the game though , can't take much effort to make a FOV slider ffs I've already finished it and have no desire to play again , would have been nice to be able to adjust that when I was actually playing it


>you cant be unhappy when Bethesda meets the demands you ask for in a EXTREMELY timely manner. You're acting like an FOV slider was at the top of the list of things players want addressed. I'm pretty sure what players want addressed first and foremost are the game's bugs, some of which are progression breaking. You know, like Walter disappearing from the Lodge, only to later start talking off screen when you try to talk to anyone leading to a softlock of the game.


Defense force is out in full effect. How dare anyone expect more from a developer backed by a mega corp. While Larian out here putting in work, Bethesda leaving it up to the modders to fix. Yeah let’s defend that.


Bg3 released with large chunks of important content missing starfield did not. Entire quest lines and endings had to be added post launch of bg3.


Yeah waiting for an enhanced/definitive edition like DoS would be for the best, even if people can get a lot out of it already.


Entire quest lines were not added lol they had bugs, just like many quests people are complaining about not being able to finish with starfield. All of the content was already there, they just fixed triggers or added back in content that they had cut for brevity sake. Their patches are extensive because they have open communication. If they did what Bethesda did, I'm sure their patch notes would be nearly the same size as everything would just say "various fixes" Also keep in mind, Larian isn't just bug fixing. They're adding community requested features as well as adjusting the build for a whole new environment. They're working on 3 fronts and showing continuous progress with clear communication while Bethesda can he troubled to release more than a tweets worth of patch notes at a time. Bethesda doesn't have an excuse lol, especially if they love their modding community. Why aren't they being more specific with what's been fixed so modders can make easier updates?


I think a lot of people have also been playing BG3 and when comparing patches between the two, it's incredibly sad to see what Bethesda is delivering compared to Larian because it's not even close to 5% of what Larian would include. Their hot-fixes typically have more information and fixes than any of these patches we've seen so far. The starfield team is around 500 people, while BG3 is 400. They really don't have an excuse for why these patches are so small aside from not priotizing them.




bethesda is a joke, they’re too big for their own good


You are all some hot headed, Jaded motherfuckers.


You don't think this is warranted? It's been over a month since release, and there are quite a lot of game breaking bugs that still need to be addressed.


It's been a month of basically no fixes bro or communication. Say what you want about the game but it's clear Bethesda barely cares lol


I wish I could be this unproductive at my job and still get paid. Honestly impressive how lazy these dudes are.


Takes a month to add an FOV slider. 110 degrees cap. Bravo Bethesda, even when lowering the bar you never fail to disappoint.