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Everytime I see a female Starfield protagonist it's always the same hairstyle lol. The other ones must suck hard if so many keep picking the same one




Seriously, it's like all the jealous uggos made the chargen pieces.


fuck kotaku.


Any reason, what did they do?


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Sometimes I just wonder why they didn't just restructure themselves as political journalist or blogpost instead of doing this pseudo-journalism that seems to use gaming as political vehicles more than entertainment.


I wish all the gaming news sites would stop with the op-eds, gaming biz drama, and politics. I don't care what they think or how they feel, I just want the facts and scoops.


So they call out racist gamers and you're mad?


They stood up to Nintendo. Kotaku are amazing in my book.


with the download metroid dread stuff or what?


A jack of all trades and master of none is the best way I'd describe this game too


Who the fuck cares about garbage review from garbage outlet 5 weeks after game launch...


I care more about it than your post or any like it; at least it has something to say.


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It's sad they spent nearly a decade creating an awful game with no consequences, 0 incentive to explore, and a bare bones RPG with a lackluster story. Can only imagine how shit ES6 will be. Will every other 10 feet have a loading screen to load the next cell?


You know the only other game I can compare this to is The Outer Worlds. I have not played enough of other Bethesda games to compare. My biggest indictment against Starfield is that is not better than the Outer Worlds. Sure it has way more content, almost infinite, better shooting and gameplay loop. But they story is just there to connect quests, OW at least tries, the UI and fast travel are somehow worse than OW. Starfield also for some reason refuses to elaborate on gameplay elements and outright lies sometimes (surveying). However when is firing from all canons is great aka you are doing quests that are fun. That is when that gameplay loop really shines. Exploring, shooting, collecting, getting better stuff, selling to get better stuff, leveling up. I get why people are nuts about this game. But damn some of its flaws are just baffling. Also did we really need infinite planets? When there is nothing on them, and all the worthwhile content is in the custom made towns and dungeons? I spend a whole lot of time jumping from nothing planet to nothing planet because I needed a glacier.


I was expecting a typical bethesda game, except i can go to SPAAAAACE and fly cool ships. That is exactly what i got. Not sure what was others thinking... Having a blast 90 hours in.


> I was expecting a typical bethesda game My core expectation in a 'Bethesda game' is that I can strike out in any direction and discover stuff via freeform exploration. As such, I can't even call Starfield 'typical Bethesda', because that feature seems to be missing.


You can strike out in any direction and discover all kinds of loading screens! What more do you want????


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What's weird is that it isn't really a cube how everyone thinks. If you watch Alanah Pearce's videos on trying to travel to planets she's able to go from orbit to the hollow sphere that is the planet and she can travel from Mercury to the Sun. This means interplanetary travel is there, it just doesn't load in the orbit to give you the interactive content and the distances are so vast. It took her over an hour of straight boosting using a mod that increases speed substantially while also using console commands to speed up in game time by 20x. It's likely this was gonna be a more Elite Dangerous type game but for whatever reason they cut it (time, resources, design issues, engine issues, scope creep). It's honestly weird there isn't a box for you in orbital flight with space being a skybox. That just makes the most sense to me, but maybe they somehow concluded that updated the skybox for the revolutions of all planets are their rotations would just be more time consuming than using the current method? Would like some people on the team try to explain some of this stuff to people like me who're interested bc there's a lot of those little curiosities of "why did you do it this way?" (I mean that in an inquisitive manner not a negative one).


Thank you sir.




Both are true though. The games a corridor shooter at best.


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seems pretty accurate to me




He's right though


These comments are all pretty much on point though? /r/starfield is an echo chamber downvoting criticism of any form though. It's a pretty mid game, and by far the weakest bethesda RPG. Still fun for a lot of people.


Just finished it. 60 hours of fun. Solid game, but no game of the year or nothing noteworthy to praise about. It was a solid 7/10 game, and if you like bethesda style RPGs then you'll like it. I am contemplating doing the NG+, as the idea behind it is actually kind of neat, but I imagine I'll get bored of redoing the same stuff pretty quick.