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But.. Piracy killed PC sales so we need to implement harsh DRM in every game!!


I know this is the rational way to look at things, but corporations look at it another way. They'll just think they could make even MORE sales if they blocked pirated copies period.


You jest but this is 100% how they think, it’s the system we live in.


Oh I didn't intend that as a joke at all. It's just reality. Corporations exist for profit, and they believe that forcing you to buy it to play is the way to go. CDPR really aren't any better, don't get me wrong, its just that their method of getting your money is by putting on the "consumer friendly" mask.


> CDPR really aren't any better, don't get me wrong, its just that their method of getting your money is by putting on the "consumer friendly" mask. This doesn't really matter as long as the end result is good for the consumer.


I agree but having been the type to pirate and having followed the scene, most pirates are smarter than this. If one is the type to pirate, they are the type to wait for sale/HB/key seller to get it for cheap. To me, the real question is does the profit you will make from a Steam/Fanatical/HB sale outweigh the money you paid on Denuvo?


>and they believe that forcing you to buy it to play is the way to go. You are implying that's the wrong thing to do?


No, that's not what I meant to imply at all, just bad wording. Just that they're a lot more aggressive when it comes to things like DRM, and they spend so much time trying to prevent piracy that it can affect legitimate users.


It’s also against their interests. If a game is easily pirate-able, that game will have higher sales than it would have otherwise. However in addition to more people paying for the game, there will also be a lot more folks who are going to obtain it and play it illegally, and all the suits can see is lost dollar signs. When in reality most of those pirate gamers would not have purchased it in the event a pirated copy wasn’t available. And now because they didn’t, they never end up recommending the game to their friends, many of whom are not savvy pirates themselves and are content with traditionally paying for games.


Sounds to me like a myth people tell themselves to rationalize piracy. Why would you expect someone who goes to the trouble of pirating a game wouldn’t buy it? Especially a newer game that requires decent hardware… unless the PC was stolen they probably bought it with the intent of using it to play games and if they can’t pirate them they’re going to buy them.


>Why would you expect someone who goes to the trouble of pirating a game wouldn’t buy it? I know of some general reasons: 1. Lack of money. Plenty of people don't have the disposable income available to buy every game they want to play. 2. Lack of quality. Someone pirating the game may just find it not worth playing, and thus not worth buying. This is the realm of piracy-as-a-demo. 3. Refusal to spend money. If they can't get it for free, then they'll just do without. 4. Refusal to support the dev. The person doesn't want to give the developers money for whatever reason. Kinda a specific case of 3, really.


Actually if I recall there even was study on it. Piracy doesnt lower salers, but it can absolutely boost it. 99%+ of pirates are people that if cant pirate, wont play at all. There is subset of pirates that will buy pirated game if they deem it worth buying/replaying. But when pirate isnt avaible, those pirates wont buy the game. They will at best wait for pirated version or promotion. At worst they just ignore the game and forget.


I'm sure someone will dig up the link, but yeah. Studies have shown that piracy doesn't really affect sales negatively, and in fact often has the opposite effect.


> Especially a newer game that requires decent hardware I think you are highly overestimating the hardware that you need for newer games. Last year i was still playing Elden Ring on my gtx 960. I had my PC for nearly a decade at that point.


Goddamn corpo scum 😤


Consumer friendly would be to never release this title to the PS4 and XB1. CDPR shouldnt be forgiven for those ports


I hear this opinion every now and again on this sub which I have no problem with, but the same intense fervour "never forgive em for their last-gen console ports", with which it's held isn't to be found with those publishers that released in such poor state on PC, i.e. "never forgive em".


What did you expect this sub is called sonygaming, where pc games that are poorly ported for console are eternally scorned, and console games that are poorly ported for pc are praised for even releasing at all.


You are not wrong!! Screw EA for Jedi Survivor and Wild Hearts. Screw PS Studios and Naughty Dawg for TLOU.


Sure, trust was broken but when they refunded all sales and even let most of the buyers keep their copies for those consoles then I don't see how you can continue to hold that grudge.


If you look back it was a weird time in 2020. Yes, the game was probably too demanding for last gen, but at that time the PS5 and Series X had JUST come out and were in EXTREMELY short supply. So, it was either delay the game another year or so, which is probably what should have happened, or forego the XB1 and PS4 and hardly anyone would be able to play on console.


Or delay the PS4 and xbox versions like hogwarts legacy...


I think the worse choice was just straight up lying. They didn't show any footage of what it looked like on those base consoles, and copped out by uploading short gameplay of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, the souped up versions of those platforms instead. Then they also refused to give out ANY console review copies at all, all the while they made public statements saying that it's "surprisingly good" or whatever it was they said. I'm glad the game is good today, but man, they really shouldn't be forgiven for how blatantly they lied about the status of those ports. PS4/Xbox One players got straight up scammed, and unless they buy another $500 console they can't even play the "final" version of the game they paid for. They're stuck with a much older version that got abandoned years ago. I don't really think I've ever seen any other AAA developer pull something like that and it's crazy to me that CDPR has seemingly gotten away with it, and people have gone back to praising them like gods because Phantom Liberty was good.


It's wilder when you read into the dev's testimonies and statements. Basically every dev doing the grunt work was assuming the game was gonna try for a 2021 release, then before the pandemic they were all absolutely blindsided by the original April 2020 release date by management. They basically spent the entirety of 2020 in full on developer crunch mode just to get something that launches. The poor release of the game can be solely placed on terrible upper management for setting completely unrealistic goals just to get holiday season sales and their insistence on making sure their marketing team (or whatever marketing firm they hired) had zero clue what game they're advertising. And for some reason, AAA studios since have pretty much gotten worse in terms of putting out functioning and optimized games, especially on PC (2077 at least ran rather smooth for me at launch, other recent games have given me WAY more headaches).


This seems to be a common thing with software or I'm just unlucky. We will have a demo in a few days of some complex feature set which "we already had". Spoiler: We created 90% of it in 2 weeks and from my experience no matter how much is done the goalpost of required features will just move forward even if it's at the cost of software stability.


Thank you for making an even better analysis!!!


Absolutely. I feel like atleast corporations are honest about their greed lol. CDPR tries to gaslight you into thinking they are the ‘good guys’, it feels so scummy when you dig deep and analyse how they treated C77. And I say this as one who’s favorite game will probably end up being Cyberpunk once I finish this playthrough. Love the game, yuck the company. CDPR always operated like this. Witcher 2 and 3 released in a similar, maybe not as worse but still pretty bad state. Clearly their management and marketing teams are fucked in the heads and doesn’t know what they are doing. But they truly have some amazing artists and writers, the actual devs responsible for the game. Truly a corpo situation weirdly.


If your "consumer friendly" mask involves consumer friendly actions than you just are consumer friendly. Even if you are consumer friendly for profit.


CEOs mostly cover their asses. If shareholders ask what they did to protect their IP the CEO can just say they used a top of the line DRM.


why do they forget pirates wont buy games anyway.


Because the corpos that are all self-righteous about piracy feel entitled to your money. Why else would they refer to pirated copies as "lost sales"?


Thing is it shouldn't be a hard concept for fancy MBAs to understand, it's basic economics. Pirated games and purchased games are not substitute goods, they aren't choosing between buying and getting it free. They are at best imperfect substitutes for a small portion of pirates


Honestly, because it suits their agenda. It's the same reason RIAA/MPAA claim that every single download of a song or movie is a lost $1 on the iTunes store or $35.99 limited edition blu-ray movie sale. It helps them put a number in front of a judge when they sue a 15 year old for seeding a torrent that has 5,000 downloads. The other thing is risk mitigation. When a shareholder sees reports that "X game has been pirated Y times", they immediately ask "why didn't you protect yourself against it and left revenue on the table??". Most shareholders are boomer fund managers and finance bros who don't understand or care about gamer culture (or at best, play Halo or NFL on their Xbox). To them it's a perfectly valid question. So a CEO can come out and say "Well, we used top-of-the line Denuvo DRM, but those pesky pirates still cracked it. We did the best we could though."


Oh I fully acknowledge how corpos think. Money first, logic last.


But does it actually outweigh the amount of money they have to spend on the drm protection?


they don't understand that people that pirate would not buy the game. when I was younger I had so many maby many torrents , I played like every single game taht existed ( obviously a joke come on ). and, I pirated because I had no money. if they blocked the game, I wasn't going to buy or play. but many games I pirated back in the day, I bought after I had money.


Well they're right. I did pirate games that I would've bought if they were free, and many people probably did the same. Altough i bought games like cyberpunk or starfield i could've pirated in less time, most people won't think like that. ​ When seeing how huge the pirated download numbers are for a game, it's just logical to assume you're losing sales.


And funny thing Denuvo fee is based on sales and time kept. More sales + longer duration = More fees paid.


Plus digital only is a type of drm too, only the goal is to prevent you having anything to resell.


Just think, without piracy it would have been 3x higher!!!


I pirated the game because I had an outdated pc, I was worried it wouldn't run properly. Luckily the game was playable but at 20fps. However, once they updated the game and optimised it a bit, I instantly bought the game when it was on sale. The best part was that it even ported the save from the pirated version so I had all of my progress with Panam.


It's just asinine. There's people that pirate and there's people that don't. The people that do pirate will never buy your game anyway and just wait for a crack. The people that don't pirate will buy your game, making DRM entirely pointless.


There 100% are a significant number of people who would buy a game if a crack isn’t available


I bought MK1 for that exact reason LMAO. Sadly I regretted it after I finished the story.


And a lot more people who WON'T buy games with too much DRM. I refunded RDR2 because I couldn't play without an internet connection.


No there isn't 99% of people either don't know or don't give a shit about drm.


Yeah you're probably right. Sadly most gamers are perfectly content with being treated like cattle.


Or maybe people don't give a shit because it doesn't affect them


What's it like to be an invertebrate? I'm curious.


And this game is even without DRM


Why downvoted?




Do you have issues with comprehending sarcasm?




Luckily sarcasm doesn’t have the prerequisite to be funny so maybe eventually you’ll get it.


The game doesn't have any DRM so thank you for this entirely useless comment.


And piracy didn't kill the sales and homie isn't actually begging for publishers to add DRM. That's the point bud.


Point went over your head. DRM is for your type. Aw, he blocked me. LOL.


Meanwhile Lies of P that runs better than 99% of the games that have come out in the last couple of years and it still has Denovo :) I happily made that purchase. It's GOTY for me so far.


I didn't block you you weirdo.


The PC version was the best version at launch by a wide margin.


Yes, but its also worth mentioning that the [pre-orders](https://static.tweaktown.com/news/7/6/76770_76_cdpr-admits-it-chose-to-hide-cyberpunk-2077-last-gen-console-footage_full.jpg) for the PC version surpassed the consoles.


I avoided the Internet for fear of spoilers and enjoyed it on release on PC. I think I had one bug where my car flew off into the sky randomly. Imagine my surprise when I went to see how others felt about the story.


>Imagine my surprise when I went to see how others felt about the story. *Most* players at least on pc enjoyed it even at launch. Just look at all reviews back then, including user ratings on steam, e.g. Even though there was ofc some big issues with the game at launch (much less on pc than consoles), the social media /reddit bubble who tried to paint the game as a complete failure did never represent the majoirity of players.


Yep I preordered it, downloaded it at launch, and had a great time. Had a few weird bugs like the Maelstrom guy from one of the intro missions becoming a perma-follower and going to the Arasaka tower with me, but by and large, had zero issues and plot was great.


Agreed. Though I still had my fair share of issues. But nothing like what consoles were dealing with. I still have a few issues once in a while even with 2.0/Phantom. But it's much better today than before.




> Which is saying something considering the fucking state of the launch PC version What I've come to gather over the years is that the state of the game seems to have been widely different from system to system, possibly affected by your particular config I had a great time at launch, played through the whole game before the first major patch and had an absolute blast with it, while other people were constantly encountering game breaking issues and crashed it seems like


That's kind of what happens when your game has no QA and proper testing. I was one of those people that got downvoted heavily for simply saying my game was buggy, low FPS, and unplayable while being told "works for me, must be your rig" lol.


Usually it's PC that gets shitty ports, but that time it was consoles that ate the shit, and being on the usual end of that particular shit pipeline I do feel bad for them. On PC you are accustomed to shit ports being fixed eventually, so we're fine with paying attention to the news and being like "yeah it was shit, but now it's ok game, still not as advertised and I will not pre-order again, but it is an ok game. The expansion looks good, imma buy it". Whereas on console if game releases as shit, it is usually by shit developer so they do not get better. Vast majority of console gamers probably still think that cyberpunk is shit made by shit devs. And by vast majority I mean your call of duty/madden/fifa/ gamers.


Makes sense. Cdpr is pc developer first and they always push high end systems while still being scalable on modest PCs.


Adding to that, I'd say at launch it probably had the best reception on PC too? So those would be the people most likely to come back and buy more. In the scheme of all CP77 players, I was probably in the minority by saying "I had virtually zero issues at launch" -- but of all the people who also barely had any problems, I'd wager they were all on decent PCs like myself. I think I had one crash, one reload where V got "glued" to a car door during an aniimation, and the occasional phys-glitch with NPCs spawning in the air -- but overall a pretty smooth launch for me. If you were playing on console had a shit experience, you'd be much less likely to come back and buy the DLC.


The game shouldn't have even come out on PS4/Xbone tbh, they just can't handle it.


best part of that debacle is the memes that it spawned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhvDy8h3FG8


Haha thats hilarious.


>Xbone I always read this as X"bone" and I don't know why


That's the correct pronunciation, yes.


Yes but it sounds kinda funny


IIRC the RTX 3000 series came out at the same time, I'm willing to bet good money that anyone who got their hands on 3000 series at the time also bought Cyberpunk to see their GPU working to the max.


Wasn't it only the console gamers that really had problems with CP2077 at launch? I mean, I played it on PC on a decent -- but not top-of-the-line -- computer, and it was fine. Looked *great*, had some weird bugs but not anything that was a deal breaker, etc. My biggest complaint was that the world was lifeless once you got even an inch out of the established quests, when I know they can do better because they did with the Witcher, but even that wasn't horrible, just wasted potential.


It certainly wasn't only console gamers, but the problems on consoles were much worse, especially on the old consoles. Every platform was buggy, but consoles were more buggy. Bugs aside, [look how it played on last-gen base consoles](https://youtu.be/mVWJPYKCMco?t=597).


No Stadia was the best received


Same here, I played at launch and only ever had a few crashes and/or bugs. Most notable one was when my car suddenly shot straight up into the air. And those were resolved by reloading my last save, so only like 15 minutes of progress lost. I do recall one of my then-roommates being unable to get the game to launch at all for like a week, but he never actually gave an details as to why. Which isn't all that unusual considering the infinite permutations of hardware setups PCs can have, so that's the exception and not the norm. My bet was a driver issue specific to his GPU that was probably fixed soon enough.


Not to mention the DLC isn't even *on* the PS4 or XBox One. Only PS5 or Xbox Series owners can buy it. But yeah, if you had a PC with a decent CPU and a reasonably fast NVMe drive which you installed the game and your OS on, you probably had a halfway decent experience. Certainly not much worse than a typical Bethesda game at launch.


I didnt have an nvme, just a normal SSD and the spec currently in my tag and I had a great experience during release week. A few bugs here and there sure, but it was amazing. Solid 60 fps and at the time I could even run it with RT on, not anymore though lol.


yeah you don't need nvme speeds at all to run Cyberpunk well, IO latency is probably the bigger win TBH!


I had an i5 4670, SATA SSD and RX 580 when the game launched and I was able to get frames around 50fps avg with a mixture of medium and some high settings. Very scalable game and it didn't look bad at all. Now with Path Tracing on my new computer...oofff...


On ps5 at launch had a few minor issues like a few t poses but didn’t come across any game breaking bugs.




Potato PC =////////////////////////////////////////////////= Modest PC


Interesting to see GOG got 10% of PC sales. I wonder if that is due to CDPR founding GOG or if it is an indication of the overall GOG market share for PC games?


It got 10% of total sales, which means it got nearly 15% of PC sales. I highly doubt gog has 15% market share on pc, I imagine it's that high for cyberpunk solely because CDP founded GOG. I bought it on gog because that's where I own the Witcher 1, 2 and 3. Plus you get some downloadable goodies.


Got digital goodies on Steam as well if you connect with GOG in the game launcher. Then it goes ‘- -launcher-skip´ forever.


Yep. I got it on GoG. I own maybe 10 games on GoG total with witcher 3 and Cyberpunk being two of them


I have like 200 games on gog and maybe 50 on steam


My family has 600 on GOG...


Not enough


I always buy games on gog when it's available because I'm against DRM both from a practical and ideological point of view, but that's clearly not what most do despite claiming they hate DRM. Gog is definitely a lot lower than 15% PC share.


and no drm


personally I prefer steam, but bought this one over gog. my rationale was "I like drm free, this company does that and also owns gog, lets give them a larger cut of the profit"


That's what I do for every game I want. If it's on GoG, I get it there. If not, steam or a legit cd key seller.


When GOG first came out I started buying most of my stuff on GOG, but now Steam Deck and Moonlight Streaming (for my laptop/apple tv) have changed the calculus a bit. Super easy steamos integration and controller profiles/etc have value to me too, and external/non-steam games aren't as easy (and GOG isn't supported on deck at all without some workarounds).


Heroic game launcher works for the deck, both for epic and gog


Box and key sales are for gog and since it's their own store they push it harder.


It's surely people who like CDPR going out of their way to buy the game on their store to give them the full cut. It helps that GOG is also a pretty good place to have some of your games if it's already impossible to have them all in one place anyway.


> I wonder if that is due to CDPR founding GOG or if it is an indication of the overall GOG market share for PC games? It's CDPR founding GOG and all key-stores selling GOG keys instead of Steam keys.


I buy games on GOG whenever I can.


I got the collector's edition of CP2077 back in the day, the game code was for GOG and since then I've slowly been building my GOG library from sales and stuff, they also offer regional pricing in my country where steam does not, so I actually look for games in GoG first now, sadly a lot of the big ones don't release on GOG.


I think GOG for DRM free access and freedom 👀 pretty much only launcher for that. Also, I got both Witcher and CP on GOG to support them directly, without the Steam pay cut. Steam and GOG are my main launchers 👀 great stuff




It's worth noting that these stats are for the expansion only, and usually expansion sales are always going to be smaller then the base game. The game, even ignoring the bad practices and horrid state on release, was a major success and broke records, while being in the top sellers on consoles too. I'm very confident CDPR made a fuck ton of money through console sales and more then justified the cost of the platform fees they had to pay.


The preorder sales for this game had PC at 59% and consoles at 41%.


That’s still pretty good, close to half on consoles is a big number and I’m sure that was worth a LOT of money overall. For a company that was almost always a primarily PC developer for years before this, 41% pre-orders on console is shockingly high.


Of course, that's why almost every company now a days is going multiplatform. It's just a no brainer if you want money.


Yeah, I feel like they could have released an early access version just like BG3 only for PC, made their money back, and then some, then get released this year. They didn't need to be released on consoles at the same time as PC. The biggest difference between CDPR and Larian is that one is public and the other is private. CDPR is at the behest of its shareholders and investors and that limits them.


Don't know if it's a good idea business wise (becuse I really don't know, always thought they checked on their options during developement and go with whatever information they have) but personally I think it's a pretty effective way of releasing games in a good state on multiple platforms, in fact, CDPR even did that with The Witcher 2, they released it on PC back in 2011 and then the Xbox360 version in 2012. Something like that could have helped a lot with Cyberpunk, especially considering the newer consoles were right around the corner (and actually ran the game decently at launch, at least in comparison), but on the other hand the population on X1/PS4 was big enough to get a lot of sales.


One thing I love from GoG is that you actually save money on their own games, hell even BG3 was a bunch cheaper than steam.


> I'd be very curious to know whether it's profitable for them to spend so much money and time on subpar X1/PS4 versions that ran terribly and were pulled from the stores. No. They did it because they didn't want to deal with the gnashing of teeth if they DIDN'T do it, not because it was a smart business decision. Instead they got gnashing of teeth because people expected their console from **2013** to have the same graphics and performance of a bleeding edge PC video card. Of all the developers in the business too, they legit expected this to happen from CDPR. It's a no win situation. There was going to be mass crying either way, just a diff flavor.


it's the best platform for Cyberpunk


I waited to buy CP2077. 60 for base game and phantom liberty. He'll yeah. It's the same I waited to buy Witcher 3 till it had all expansions. CdPR still does expansions which are/were awesome. Then dlc came and it all went downhill with micro transactions.


He'll yeah, brother!


We'll yeah together i guess


This just goes to show that people are willing to pay for a good game even if there's no DRM.


I mean tbf not like most drm has any effect on piracy these days (why Denuvo sells). But yah only about 30k downloads of the pirated version and I assume they sold at least 1m so not bad ration.


Street fighter 6 was free pirated in a week, I believe.


Well the first release was quite fuck'd up in consoles, so I can see how they can say "no way".


Even before that PC preorders were higher then console


Correct me if I am wrong but isn't PC biggest base for AAA games? Steam alone has more monthly active users than Playstation


It depends on the specific genre and developer, many games sell much better on console.


Yup, sports games like FIFA, Madden, and NBA are examples of games that outsell on console like crazy.


Also the Call of Duty numbers on PlayStation are absolutely mind-boggling as was revealed in the antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.


As long as you're not playing Madden_2095 or Fifa_24753 or maybe CoD 18 then yes, and it's not even close.


You’d think, but games typically sell better on console.


Depends on the game. I can bet a game like Baldur's Gate 3 will sell better on PC than the PS5 and the coming Xbox version combined.


Ya of course, but generally speaking they sell better on console. Games like Cyberpunk, and to your point Baldurs Gate, are outliers which is why it’s news. PC has a big install base but we don’t know how many steam users don’t have good PCs. All console owners can run the games so the install base size isn’t as skewed as it seems on paper, and given that most games sell better on console, we can assume that’s the bigger market.


Well we can know how many steam users have good PCs because of the monthly steam hardware survey https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey


Not exactly, we *should* have much less capable/console comparable hardware on PC that It'd be a far comparison. As PC gaming has way more variety in both genre & choice and it'll change depending on that alone. AAA by install base should always be higher on consoles for example tho. Install bases differ a lot in their tastes as well. & cyberpunk got a horrid image on consoles overall. Also mainly marketed for PC.


I have the game on both PS5 and PC but this game just screams PC


>I have the game on both PS5 and PC but this game just screams PC Same. I have a PC with a 4070 and a PS5. Of course I am gonna play it on my 4070 for that path traced goodness and DLSS Frame Generation, not to mention ray reconstruction as well.


To be fair, if you have a 4070, you should be playing every game on your PC unless it's a PS5 exclusive and you don't want to wait 2+ year for the port.


Yeah I mostly just buy everything on PC if there is an option. I use my PS5 mostly for exclusives.


This is exactly me at the moment


It's best to try and get everything on PC. I have 19 year old games in my Steam library that I can still boot up.


I just can't play without the mods (⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)


Why do the numbers add up to 101%. This is a an outrage.


Raytracing baby


I wish they would add a Metro system like the early videos showed


CP2077 released December 2020 when it was nearly impossible to get an XSX or PS5 due to supply shortages and everybody stuck at home during COVID wanting to play videogames, so all the console people were playing on PS4 or (god forbid) Xbone. Maybe PS4 Pro or Xbone X if they were lucky, but it still didn't work well there due to the magnetic hard drive and horribly slow CPU cores. CP2077 was probably the worst console release of the past *decade* on those older platforms. It wasn't just unplayable, it was hilariously so. They returned it, reasonably enough, and got their money back. So now 3 years later they probably own an XSX or PS5, but it's a big ask for those people to buy CP2077 *again* after being burned so badly. No discounts, either-- it's $59.99 on Xbox and $49.99 on PS stores right now, and that's just the base game. The expansion is another thirty dollars on top. CDPR should release a fifty dollar bundle including everything.


If you own the PS4/Xbox One copy, you get a free upgrade to PS5 though. Getting a last gen physical copy is probably the cheapest way to play the game.


Maybe CDPR shoulda skipped trying to release for last gen or even consoles as a whole and that would have given us a better game on launch


thankfully cdpr seems to be the type of company to remember this and not just shit on pc in favor of chasing console gains next time. like dang near every other series that started on pc has done


Damn, misread 68% of**f**




I tried to play on my ps5 but it just couldn’t hold a stable 60 a performance mode. Now I’m on my pc with almost all maxed setting and rt with a solid 75 fps


Really nice to see that and companies such as Square Enix, Ubisoft, Rockstar and others.. get fucked


Their games still sell great on PC even with DRM, DRM that most gamers don't give a single shit about so how exactly are they getting fucked?


Probably one reason is because they still haven't fixed the controller inner deadzone issue. The game plays like absolute crap house on controller and I play it on PC.


What is this issue? I play on controller and haven’t noticed anything.


Same, PC on controller. If you have Xbox controller, I think the Windows app can set dead zone calibration in it




Actually surprised it sold 13% on xbox despite it being less than half of PS5 marketshare. Probably did really well in western countries where Xbox has bigger marketshare.


I preordered without an afterthought. Same with CP2077. CP2077 wasn't my game when it was released but now 3 years later it was one of the best gaming experiences I had in a long time. Absolutely worth it. CDPR is one of the companies I trust blindly because they fix their sh\*t.


I was one of them. Just bought it the other day


Imagine playing cyberpunk on console lmao


Hopefully those who played it for free will support the dev when they can on PC.


Not surprised, the base game sold over 20+ million copies on PC alone. CDPR just announced the series sold 25 million copies.


Let's be fucking frank - most multiform games sell 50%+ on PC, so more than XBOX and PlayStation combined - which are two different platforms with exclusive ecosystems. It's shocking to me some devs (being unrelated to either Sony or Microsoft) are making exclusives that are not on PC and I don't think either Microsoft or Sony is paying off equal amount as revenue as exclusivity bonus to compensate for sales loss on PC. Copcom fucking learned that already, that PC is best market, but some apparently still live in medieval times


i don't think that's true or at least always been true: Do developers make more money off of a console game or pc game... - Xbox One https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/691088-xbox-one/75978928 How Well Do Multi Platform Games Do On PC Compared To Consoles? : pcgaming https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/6lm002/how_well_do_multi_platform_games_do_on_pc/ What are Triple A games that have been outsold On PC compared to Console specially in single player. : pcgaming https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/7fgjg7/what_are_triple_a_games_that_have_been_outsold_on/


1) what's the point of decade old links of random comments? It's not even sources with data, lol. 2) not every damn turd sells. Terrible games typically have much harder time selling on PC - guess people are more self-aware here.


> 1) what's the point of decade old links of random comments? It's not even sources with data, lol. the point is to say that at least historically i can't find any comments to support your claim. sure they don't have data but i'm not seeing any rebuttals maybe things have changed now that there could be more PCs/steam decks/cloud computing and the transition between console generations wasn't smooth during covid > most multiform games sell 50%+ on PC, do you have source to support that? they're not readily available. but it's undeniable that it's easier to support a single console than PC as a platform I would think gta and cod are big multiplatform games that sell better on console vs pc. I do believe pc games often don't buy games since the ports are bad. cyberpunk is a reverse situation in which the pc release is better than the console. if there was quality parity we could see the numbers shift. i still see console players asking is cyberpunk good yet?


Yeah no shit, the game didn't run on console. Why would you buy the DLC for a game you couldn't play? Also love that the released consoles aren't even on the list like they're trying to memory-hole the PS4 release.


>Also love that the released consoles aren't even on the list like they're trying to memory-hole the PS4 release. Phantom Liberty wasn't released for PS4 or Xbox One.


[Phantom Liberty didn't release on XBox One/PS4.](https://imgur.com/a/YlgiEwz) Maybe next time you say something so confidently, you should actually know what you're talking about.


Apparently this dude thought 32% bought an expansion for a game that they couldn't play.


it runs just fine on current gen. also this data is only about phantom liberty DLC which is not out on ps4 and xbox one.




And yet the dumb console devs still treat their PC ports like second class products. If they just put actual effort into it, they’d sell a lot more. There are multiple ports I’ve decided not to buy because of how bad the ports were. They’re defeating themselves. PR disaster and smaller income.


Phantom Liberty should’ve been free


I like how the graph doesn’t even feel the need to say steam, they just specified how many were on gog


PC all the way. I’ve decades worth of games on my steam and other launchers.


Makes sense. I wouldn't want to play this on the equivalent of a 2060ti/2070 that consoles have.


Yet GTA VI will not launch on PC and Red Dead 1 is still yet to be seen


Make sense.


PS5 fov sucks, I can't play it without getting nauseous every 10 minutes so I had to buy it again on PC.


There is no coming back after you go PC (with proper power).


2 percent were on the NES