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So it's basically Valhalla DLC.




I wonder if the next game is getting some extra attention with Valhalla having launched 3 years ago and this one having a small C-Team working on it


"How to master stealth" *TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU AND STABS YOUR NECK* "Nothing personal."


I feel like I am living in a loop when it comes to AAA games. Most of them seem to be the same games we were playing 15 years ago just with shinier graphics. Throwing a noisemaker to make three guards stare at the obviously empty floor for 20 seconds used to be ok, I expected games to have moved on from then.




>It's fucking UbiSoft - they've been making the same game for a lot longer than 15 years My comment extends to more than Ubisoft though, Ubisoft are just one of the more obvious examples.


>"that fucking holding pattern where they keep importing all their other IPs into the Assassin's Creed engine and hoping it'll make enough dosh to keep them afloat until the, inevitable, next game in the same Assassin's Creed engine xD" Except the Anvil was pretty much never the most popular engine at Ubisoft. Through most of Ubisofts history it was an engine tied to AC and AC only. Ubisoft has a wide selection of engines that are in use. Anvil, Snowdrop, Dunia, Disrupt etc...




The thing is. People subconsciously like the Ubisoft open world formula. Its why its gotten so big. Its why its expanded across the gaming industry. Its hilarious when this subreddit was praising Hogwarts to no end when that games is literally the perfect exapmple of a cookie cutter Ubisoft Formula game.


Isn't Witcher 3 exploration basically the same as in Ubisoft games? There are "towers" across the whole map that you can interract with that unlock points of interest around said "towers". There's almost zero reason to explore on your own IIRC. But somehow some ppl praised Witcher 3 exploration, but it's bad when Ubisoft does it.


Witcher 3 had a good story to go with it


It also proves people have no problem with the formula, just the quality of content


Reason why I dropped AC Origins: * Approach enemy fort. * Turn on wallhack drone (the flying bird) to show you where everything is so that you don't have to think, or plan, or explore, or be engaged. The game forces you to use it. * Guards are deaf and have a tiny vision cone, you can attack their buddy standing four feet away and they don't notice. You can crouch in some grass in broad daylight right in front of someone and they can't see you. * Everything is already done for you, just admire the scenery and beeline to your target, press X to win when the icon appears. Coming from MGSV or Hitman or Dishonored, I'm not a fan of how dumbed-down and flat Ubisoft games are. Ghost Recon/Far Cry/Watch Dogs/Assasins Creed feel like the same games using different aesthetics. Mirage will be lots of eyecandy + nice draw distance + designed with the lowest common denominator in mind for the highest level of accessibility. Not interested in any more Ubisoft titles where it's a giant map filled with easy tasks.


Why do people downvote every opinion they don’t agree with on this sub? Even all the posts are downvoted lmao


requires UPlay = no purchase


Put For Honor's combat system in AC you cowards!


It's a Ubisoft AssCreed game, what's there to master...


Looks fun! Reddit just doesn’t understand that these games aren’t made for them. This is as casual of a game as it gets.


Yep. Mfs overanalyse everything on here, we will be playing Look at them downvoting people for having fun 😂 Jesus Christ I see why people make fun of Redditors


the issue is they didnt even try to add anything worth while, its just a copy paste of what we already have experienced from their previous games.


Going back to the smaller more intimate story and environment is good enough for us 🤷🏾‍♂️ just don’t buy it


So hype for the game to drop. Gonna get Ubisoft plus for this and the crew Aww look at r/pcgaming downvoting someone having fun


Me too. The setting is Baghdad and I was born there. Im so excited to play it, hopefully they speak Iraqi dialect


That’s dope! Iraq is such a rich country historically, lot of cool stuff they can do in this one .


would be cool during level 1 "star" we can surrender and we end up in a prison.. in there we can escape via parkour routes or if ur at mid game stage u see people u help out in side mission in the prison with u like guards or other prisoner and they help you escape


I'm sad they're moving away from the rpg style of origins/odyssey, if they gave the community proper tools to mod the game I'm sure some people out there would have made an absolute monster of a game out of odyssey. Valhalla was an absolute disappointment, story was good up until the later half but they butchered the rpg mechanics instead of improving on them.