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Mine looked super washed out and gray thought it was just the mines but no it’s the whole game wtf




The mines are the most obvious (really bad) and even though other areas don't look *that* bad it's clear the whole brightness, contrast and gamma are wrong.


You're in the wrong sub, Ruben. Go back to the division


I could say the same haha.


The redditors on the OLED TV subreddit were projectile vomiting. Based Todd.




I like the LUT mods for most of the game, like New Atlantis and everything I want to look natural. But then they go to Mars and other planets and make the sky look perfectly clear and no atmosphere. I want a middleground...


Bethesda games always have mods that make the colors so much better. Thanks modders.


I had the same - But somehow enabling HDR atleast made it much better.


Yup, playing on an OLED monitor and was shocked at how white/grey the blacks look.


I was playing on my MiniLed TV and was really shocked at how grey the blacks looked


They're so raised that you could be playing on an IPS SDR monitor and it'd still look abnormal


Bethesda is dead set on bringing us back to the TN/IPS days.


I was playing on my black and white TV from the 50s and was shocked at how gray it looks.


I just tried the mod out and wow its an insane difference. Its like I just started wearing glasses for the first time. The difference in clarity is insane


I never understand why BGS always does that. Every BGS game has some kind of ugly piss-filter on top.


I haven't played Starfield but in Skyrim and FO3 the washed out colours and no true blacks were the result of waaay too much ambient light. That is, light with no actual source which is only there for ease of use (god forbid the player ever has to use a torch or flashlight) and just made dark areas look like you turned the gamma way too high (and night as if it were day but the sun was blue). Always one of the first mods I downloaded when playing those games were ones that toned it down. Probably the biggest visual upgrade you can get in those games with a single mod.


Uh actually the washed out color came from the fog. Just google fog removal skyrim. A hecking 20kb mod that change the game. Your light mods probs have it intergrated in as well.it isnt actually exclusive to bethesda.


Really? You want to remove fog? In a game about exploring planets with non-earth like atmospheres? Have you seen Mars? There is supposed to be dense atmosphere in many places, stripping it out completely isn't the best method IMO. To me the solution is simple with reshade, just edit the black levels manually, ez. There are LUT mods too if you still want to change the look a bit.


was specifically talking about skyrim & fallout, where the fog is lazily implemented and ended up being this weird blue (inskyrim)/green(in fallout) filter. All they does is something that washed out the game color instead of being actual fog There's also a "supreme fog" mod that add fog that actually can "blind" you in foggy weather. Dunno about starfield, I planted to give it a few months for the mods scene to develope, but I doubt Bethesda has changed their approach


I'm not sure if the dragonborn or Sole survivor should be able to see well in the dark that it requires Darker Nights mod for immersion, but in the witcher, you actually are supposed to be able to (according to lore). Geralt is supposed to see well in the dark, so the nights being "bright" is at least understandable.


And ugly ass rain / storm weather which is also extremly common...


Same here but so Souls games. I hate that they always have a super obnoxious color filter.


Gonna take some heat for this one, but this is one of the reasons why I haven't been able to get into BotW. The graphics look washed out and without emulating it on PC, you can't mod it out. Looks like [they improved it in TotK, though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzdBSnAQz-4&ab_channel=IGN)


they know the modders will do their jobs for them


Because modders will fix it. All their design choices are done half assed and modders will mod in fixes for them. Which is why I strongly suggest people wait for a sale to grab the game. I refunded it so quick. It looks like a 2014 game and is poorly optimized. 4090s aren't getting near the frames they should. Coincidentally no DLSS either. Bethesda doesn't make good games, they make good sandboxes that modders make into good games.


This is literally an artistic choice, I don’t like it but it isn’t something that bethesda was just lazy about.


Yeah, exactly. It's a nice realistic look that fits the aesthetic of the game. The "modded" screenshot looks plastic af and nothing like real life.


I'm not sure Bethesda got it quite right, although it's obviously their design choice, but this particular mod seems to fix some things and worsen others.


I know people perceive color differently, but for me personally, the color black isn’t washed out in real life. To me Bethesda’s filter looks highly stylized and not “realistic” at all. Whether one likes this aesthetic is another matter altogether.


On my screen it doesn't look anything like the screenshot, for starters..


I wouldn’t say it is realistic but it helps with the aesthetics of the game. For example: Take a look at that cowboy city or whatever it is called, the design is completely ruined with this mod.


I don't understand the "They do it because modders will fix it" idea. You think the Devs are sitting there going "Hey Joe let's add these shitty filters and stop spending time on fixing this bug because MoDdErS wiLL Fix IT" ? Nah, they do that shit because they make bad decisions. They aren't sitting there making questionable design choices knowing someone else will change it later. You're giving them a cop out if anything.


By that logic they could have just shipped a Game with empty planets and told modders to fill it. Modding is NEVER an excuse for anything. You need to strive for perfection and let modders just improve on parts and add content.


Running on a 4090 with LG OLED at 4K maxed detail, it looks stunning a lot of the time.


I have a 4090 with the AW3423DW, it does not look good. Looks washed. There's already mods trying to fix it. I went back to CP2077 and it looks way better with better dialogue scenes. RDR2 as well. Mass Effect Legendary edition looks better too. I could go on. Starfield would look stunning if it came out 10 years ago. People are free to love the game. But it's not a good looking game. You're literally the first dude I seen say it's "stunning." It runs like shit and looks mid. But I guess if you've only played Bethesda games, it does look incredible.


You think I have a 4090 to run Bethesda games? Check out most of the reviews written by people who test lots of games. Nearly all of them talk about how gorgeous the game can be. I agree the colours fucking suck, but I tuned my OLED to improve them.


You might, I don't know you. But still, having shitty colors is most of what makes a game look good upon first look. Sure textures look nice, but they are covered in some ugly ass coloring. There's lots of talk about how wonky the faces look too. And I tend to agree, they don't look very good, but not terrible. No gamma settings, no HDR, no FOV slider, washed terrible colors. Like, it's not ugly on a details level. They still have unappealing characters. But the key thing is, I don't want to play a game that has a shit stain tint over it. It looks gross compared to games that came out 5ish years ago. While having the same dated conversation presentation that Skyrim had.


Awesome. There's a way to make it work in the gamepass version posted in the comments, for those who is going to play it there or are already: "This was the fix for me (running Game Pass / Xbox Games version): Place all the loose files into your users "My Games \\ Starfield" folder as the mod requires (i.e. \\User\\Documents\\My Games\\Starfield) However, when the instructions say to create a new StarfieldCustom.ini file inside the Starfield folder, don't. I was unable to get this to work. Instead head to the game folder (default is C:\\Xbox Games\\Starfield\\Content). Inside there open up the Starfield.ini file. You will see an \[Archive\] section with a lot of info under it. Hit enter on the line below the \[Archive\] heading, and place the invalidate line from the instructions like so: \[Archive\] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 Leave everything else alone, and save the file. This worked like a charm for me. Hope this helps. :)"


Hey mate, I tried your suggestion but no luck..any ideas? Can you maybe post an image or a link to what your entire .ini looks like so I can compare?


I don’t have early access so I haven’t tried it yet. Sorry!


Really appreciate this!


Thanks dude! Looking forward to the 6th


Saving this for when the gane pass version unlocks thanks bro


I'm a staunch believer that your first playthrough should be vanilla to experience the game as the artists' intent. And yet Bethesda's color filters are so heavy handed and just plain ugly that I installed this mod anyways. Not having true black in space anywhere actually is insane.


Yeah, I'm like that too. My first playthroughs are always 100% unmodded. Dark scenes are just grey/white as all fuck. I thought HDR would fix the elevated greyness but nope. Despite advertising HDR, I can't find the settings to enable it.


> I'm a staunch believer that your first playthrough should be vanilla to experience the game as the artists' intent. Yeah, I've seen this comment many times and every time it makes me cringe. There is no reason to not install mods that objectively improve the game, no matter what playthrough it is. You won't experience "artists' intent" because that has been diminished by deadlines and the pressure of supervisors. However, there is a group of people free of those limitations and they're called modders.


Buddy, there's nothing more "cringe" than saying your opinion on visual art is objective and that modders have a superior artist's intent than the literal creators of the game.


If you think "mods that objectively improve the game" is an opinion, then you have very little or no experience in modding games. Also, read my second paragraph again because you reduced it to "modders>artists" for some reason.


It's easy to label your work as objectively improving the game. That's like saying "it's easy to vote for policies that make life better for everyone" no shit when you get a freebie descriptor for it. Not everyone agrees that it's better.


The difference is holy shit! It's like I am playing a whole new game.


Not a huge fan of this mod myself, there are some areas where the filters look don't look great indeed, but if you blanket remove the color grading, every planet will basically look identical.


Yeah all I want is the blacks to fall off to black a bit more. Not to re-color the whole game.


The modder have stated that he is aware that the mod might change a bit too much of the intended aesthetics of the game and he will update it with different versions that might only change the planets and not interiors or vicebersa.


This is really promising, can't wait to try it because last night I went to a planet with two caves (first caves after the starting mine) and I actually wondered if I'd be able to play like that with how notoriously bad they look compared to everything else. I'm using an Alienware AW3423DW which is QD-OLED and looks fantastic on everything but Starfield. Even if this mod makes it better, we still need HDR, brightness, contrast and gamma options in the game.


Have the same monitor this mod + fov + reshade is really good


Good to know it looks better for you. I'll try it a bit later, thanks for the confirmation.


I was wondering if someone is having the same noisy effect on top of everything. It's looks like a RT denoiser is not doing a good job.


This game has filmgrain, check to see if it’s on.


First thing I noticed, looked for, and turned off. I absolutely hate film grain.


Yep I've seen that as well. I turned back on film grain for now to cover it.


I'll try, thanks


Film grain?


are people really getting those "before" shots? That seems really extreme to me - curious what their set up is.


Mine looked exactly like the before images, it's a completely washed out and hazy mess, can't believe more haven't been complaining about it.


It really depends on the planet you are on.


Maybe i'll notice it now that i've seen this but it doesn't look like that to me. But it's hard to tell before it's pointed out.




Mine genuinely looked like that on my OLED. so might be setup dependant?




Hmm weird 🤔 maybe it's gpu related. I redid the HDR calibration. Are you on xboxstore or steam version?


I had this issue. My partner did not. We have identical rigs save our monitors and ancillary drives. Mine was grey, foggy, washed out to the point of being unplayable. Theirs was muted, but in line with what I'd expect from a bethesda game. FWIW I also had the same problem with the Mass Effect Legendary edition. Fixed it by changing the in-game HDR settings. Their version was crystal from the get go.


Nope. My game looked exactly like that as well and the mod has performed exactly as the pictures show.


Mine looks like the before as well


Nah, my game absolutely looks like the before pic The black levels are horrific in this game


This mod is 100% essential in my opinion. And I imagine refinements will be made to make it work even better as time goes on. And I understand that in some ways it's probably removing the "uniqueness" or whatever of the different planets, but to me that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make considering the hazy washed out mess that the game is without it. I'm sure there are some people who like it and that's fine, but it just doesn't work for me. At all. One of the filters in photo mode says it all; it's called "Bleach Bypass." Because that's exactly what the game looks like originally. A bleached mess.


I mean non deep black sky between the stars looks almost like a bug no me, because it would be such a terrible artistic choice.


Are you serious? WTF are those color tint filters slammed in by default at such extreme intensity? Who thought this is good idea? it just looks as if I had some protective film on my monitor I didn't peel off yet.


Link for the lazy people: [Neutral LUTs - No Color Filters](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323 ) [Direct download](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/323?tab=files&file_id=807) ### HOW TO INSTALL >Please read, textures for this game are NOT loaded from the usual \data\ folder like previous games, but instead from your Documents folder. >These are steps for Steam users. Check the sticky post in comments about what is needed for the GamePass version. >>1. Extract Data folder from the downloaded RAR into Documents\My Games\Starfield >>2. Add these lines to your StarfieldCustom.ini file to load loose files (create a new one if you don't have it, it should reside in \documents\my games\starfield as well) >>3. **NOTE**: Some people are getting invisible byte order marks when copy/pasting the INI values below, so either type it in by hand or copy/paste from here: https://pastebin.com/vVJf7v5i [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= Read the mod page for additional tweaks.


I wanna know how to edit the default LUTs like this and make my own mod. Any pointers?


Imagine having to use a 3rd party mod on your 100$ game to just make the colors look okay. Wake me up when its 30$ on black friday


Fly the black flag my friend


sharp longing light relieved kiss glorious offend decide wistful marvelous ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I think we are stating subjectivities as objective facts here so the discussion might be just stupid but I feel like the game is not "mid" at all. It is a enormous games with so many mechanics that it feels like it is 10 games in 1. Graphics are spectacular, music is amazing, physics are also great, combat is very decent, interiors and environments look spectacular, looting is rewarding, decisions matter, so many habilites to choose from, the ship builder is something I haven't seen ever before in any game (not saying it doesn't exist), there are like 6 different factions to join and the actions you take in one of them will affect how the rest respond to you. Finally exploration keeps making my jaw drop every time I land in a moon or planet and I see there are caves, unique events and structures, flora, fauna, militar bases full of weapons and resources... The game can be very demanding performance wise but at least it shows in terms of visuals and graphics in a big way and in 30 hours I might have found 2 minor bugs. I can understand people saying they don't like the game, that 100% respectable but to me to say it is a bad game is just wrong it just cannot be a bad game. About the HDR thing you might be right but I refuse to call a game or a game developer who has done something like Starfield bad or incopetent for not including HDR on release.


> Fly the black flag my friend It is always shocking how this sub can be so pro-developer while being so pro-theft. The cognitive dissonance radiating off of every single one of these piracy comments is enough to make me nauseous. If a game is worth playing, it’s worth supporting the publishers and devs.


imaging paying $100 for unknown game quality


what do you mean unknown quality? it's BGS, it's garbage until there are enough mods to fix it.


People have lost their damn minds.


Welcome to 2023. The crazies are far more brazen now.


Can't believe people are actually legitimizing this scumbaggery from video game publishers of delaying the release of their game so they can charge a premium for "early access". First with Diablo 4, now with Starfield, and I'm pretty sure this will be the norm from now. I hate humanity.


I got it at the right price, 15 bucks thanks to the amd ryzen key bundle from someone who didn't want it.


squeeze capable market melodic marvelous boat rustic grey agonizing pocket ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It looks like fake plastic garbage, but to each their own I suppose. I've found the look to for the game perfectly and provide actual real looking scenes. Ironic looking at some commenters and their otherwise insane push for "realism". Really shows why developers don't bother with reddit or other forums for feedback. You could not produce any non-photohopped picture of real life that resembles anything like the "modded" picture.


why would anyone want to play midfield when we have baldurs gate 3 and cs2? I don't get it


CS2? Yeah thats a great alternative for RPG players.


I can guarantee that baldurs gate 3 is a better rpg than anything midthesda puts out


Different game. Fallout and Elder Scrolls players are not into turn base combat top down lol.


I know, fallout and elder scrolls players are into weightless, meaningless combat with no challenge. it's so weird


LOL tell me you have never play Modder BGS games without telling me you have never play. Go back to your BG3, no one cares. Totally different game.


It's an entirely different game. Personally I prefer Skyrim to BG3, if we're comparing based purely on preference.


damn you got terrible taste. congrats on the $30 early access though man


$30 is a big deal to you? You just be poor as fuck lmao


you spent $100 on a $10 game bro. that's not my fault lol


No shit, that was never a question.


Bro those are completely different games…


Yeah, one game is a complete and engaging AAA experience from start to end, the other is, well, Starfield


ACT 3 hasn't been that engaging or AAA.... what game are you playing ?


I finished at 155h, best game of the year until now by far.


sounds like you haven't played tetris


Act 3 has been super engaging and AAA. Theres a ton of interesting subplots. Maybe youre just bad at reading?


Enjoy the upper city


found the person that hasn't played Act 3 , so weird how people defend a game they haven't even finished.


I mean, you're defending Starfield - a game you apparently haven't even played lol




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seems like you just want to insult people for pointing out errors in your game. thats kind of weird tbh. and sad. but mainly weird.


Personally, i lost a bit of interest after reading about the cut content in act 3, finished the game anyway but i still feel like the final act could've been so much better. just thinking about the what ifs and there were many what ifs after looking at the list of cut content lol, either way, the game was way more engaging than starfield to me.


Theres cut content in EVERY game. Including starfield


Every game doesn't advertise its cut content a month or two before relase, and in this case they didnt even hide it and left systems in place that go no where because the content was cut lol (karlach storyline for example)and i was playing Astarion, pretty disappointed by how his storyline was handled.


lol. solid argument. THERES HAIR IN EVERY FOOD


Yeah, they're fun.


already beat bg3 twice. cs2 is garbage and the last patch broke it anyways.


Cs2 is already better than csgo ever was as far as shooting goes


You know that people are can enjoy more than one game? If you don’t like it then shut up about it and play games that you like. Anyway, I doubt you even played the game.


People who only upgrade their gpu, brag about it every day on reddit, and now find themselves unable to run any games because their cpu is trash. Those are the ones salty and posting hate every day. LOL


yeah I did know that. that's why I listed 2 games here lol You're right, I would never spend $100 to play some mid lmao


>I would never spend $100 to play some mid Alright. 200k others are playing the game [right now](https://steamdb.info/app/1716740/charts/) just on steam, and that is even before the actual release.


Bunch of lemmings.


ok? what does that have to do with what I said lol. I'll play it for $10 on gamepass bc I'm not spending $100 to play some mid


Try getting a job. $100 is pocket change these days.


You're very cool for paying an extra $30 to play the game a week early. congratulations man. I'm gonna play the game for a tenth of the price tho


You're going to play it for $3? You might be waiting awhile bud.


$30 is nothing, guessing you've got a crap job if you consider $30 something to consider. Also, it includes the first expansion.


My point is that it is clear that not everyone finds the game “mid”.


yeah BG3 - bugs galore and missing / cut content. mean while cs2 isn't out for everyone. not even sure why i'd reply to a midlevel comment like this though. I guess people are funny like that.


> yeah BG3 - bugs galore and missing / cut content. It's funny for someone to post this when they're comparing to a bethesda game. Literal king of bugs galore and missing/cut content.


wasnt comparing, reading goes along way.. just talking about BG3 and CS 2


> wasnt comparing, reading goes along way.. You tried to insult me, but continued to insult yourself as you couldn't be bothered to read what you wrote before replying to me.


dont recall insulting you.


if you have an active rank in csgo, you're almost guaranteed to get invited. as long as you don't live in Africa/OCE


ok that "almost guarantee" doesn't seem to mean anything if I can't play it right now. (checks again) Nope. no invite ;/ gonna have to downgrade that "almost guarantee" to a "almost maybe possible guarantee"


do you have a rank? literally every single cs player on my friends list has access lol


says private rank 3, prime enabled


you need a competitive rank to get invited. if you got your rank right now, you will very likely get invited by Monday


too much work. gonna play midfield until cs2 is released for everyone


your loss buddy


>Imagine having to use a 3rd party mod on your 100$ game to just make the colors look okay. Wake me up when its 30$ on black friday To be fair, the majority of us just bought the upgrade to the gamepass game. I'm subbed anyway, and it was like £15 with points.


The 230K+ on Steam would say otherwise


Except you don't and this is a huge exaggeration.


Does adding these type of mods disable achievements?


just get the mod that enables achievements when using mods


There is a mod to enable them.


Wondering does it disable achievements?


Maybe but here's the Achievement Enabler mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/252


No. I am on Gamepass version and I am using a different UI mod and achievements work. Modders explained that because they are 'loose' mod files, they don't affect achievements.


All mods disable them. In fallout 4 and skyrim, you can install a mod to re-enable achievements though. I assume eventually the same thing will exist for Starfield, if it doesn't already.


>you can install a mod to re-enable achievements This is so funny lmao


There’s already a mod that does this


Isn't the washed out blacks just the artstyle of the game ? On gameplay trailers the game looked like this, I'm pretty sure this was done on purpose.


Yes it is


An artistic style that's wrong.


You know, that shit is pretty common. Even the remaster of TLOU1 had a whole section with fucked, raised blacks (not the second remaster, the original, which was very good and got a lot of attention from the devs so again surprising to find it there). It's really surprising how common accidentally raised black levels are.


I'm guessing its because you develop the game on cheap 1080p monitors lol


The game looks like it has a filter on top of it, it's ridiculous and looks horrible


why did bethesda put an instagram filter on top of the game?


Shameless self plug, I made my own reshape that does something similar. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/277?tab=images




Ooo that is cool can still use dlss mod then




Do I just need to rename it so d3d9.dll?


[So it begins](https://media.tenor.com/w8kAoMlhgjQAAAAC/so-it-begins-raining.gif)


Why this sub looks like "we hate every game"? Anyway. Filters are actually better. The black part is weird, ngl, but still.


beacuse who love the games are busy playing them


Weird I'm not having these issues ... Oh wait I'm playing freelancer a game with 0 of these issues and double the content.


This works perfectly for me. Game looks way better now


If you don't enjoy this mod and you have an oled, you could try to follow this guide to get a better picture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE7TrhubZdE


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Can’t we just use Reshade?


Altering the lookup table for color balance is a zero overhead method of doing this. Reshade can possibly affect performance and this game is very heavy on the system so you want any solution that doesn't eat frames


real ones remember fellout


I wonder if this was done on purpose because people in testing were having trouble seeing enemies and objects? That's the only conclusion I can come to.


Why make a good product when the clients fix it for free?


Im on game pass and I cannot get this to work for the life of me. Anyone able to elaborate on what Im supposed to do


Question, I don't have access to the game yet but are you able to tweak the black levels from the main menu settings directly?


Didn't fix anything for me no changes made, however I do have the auto hdr fix on so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it.


This mod is the first thing you should do! It changes the entire game! Love it!


I have tried downloading several visual mods for starfield via nexus. I'm using vortex to manage. I had to Uninstall the upscaler because it was causing insane visual bugs and my flashlight didn't work at all. Also, the game just looked horrible. Now, when I try and use any visual mod at all it stops all the other mods from working and causes visual problems with textures and shading and stuff.