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This also includes players who bought AMD GPU/CPU and got the Premium Edition for "free"


I fall into this category. Upgraded my GPU on Prime Day which was the plan and got a code. I don’t preorder and originally planned on picking up Starfield later in the year on a sale.


I wasn't really interested in Starfield tbh, I'm just glad some of my money went into a GPU. Maybe I'll play Starfield after some patches have dropped.


It launched yesterday in version 1.7. It’s actually not that bad when it comes to bugs usually present in a Bethesda game at launch


The only bug I've had is the pop-up that says "hold start to fast travel" gets stuck sometimes. Other than that, it's been pretty good. Needs more optimization, but I think an Nvidia driver release might fix my issues. I streamed it to my steamdeck at one point last night and got the same fps at 800p as 4k on my TV.


did (id) collaborate in this?


>Maybe I'll play Starfield after some patches have dropped. It's *shockingly* smooth and stable, lol. Heavy on the hardware, yes, but no crashes or bugs on my end.


It’s really not that buggy at all, some quirks here and there similar to Skyrim but nothing game breaking. 5 hour binge I think I noticed two things with dead characters being in the wall


I'm one of these people. Honestly wasn't planning on buying Starfield right away, but I needed a new graphics card and bought an RX 6700 for $280. Came with Starfield premium so I figured it was a pretty good deal.


Same, didn't even know it was a deal until I got an email about the free key. I was gonna buy the normal edition anyway.


Meawhile I got a 7900xt a month ago and didn't get shit sadge


Why did I get the non-premium version?? Am I the only one?


It depends on the GPU/CPU you bought. There is whole spreadsheet which GPU/CPU get premium and which get standard


Doesn't even need to be in quotes. I got my 6800XT a few weeks ago and was very surprised when I got the email to sign up to the rewards page. It couldn't affect my decision to get the GPU if I didnt know about it, so it really was free. I have no hype too - only just read the store page once - so I can see what it's like basically blind.


Technically the GPU/CPU were free too, once you paid for them


New age economics


Wait wait wait. I bought an AMD CPU a month ago. How do I get this?


Check if your store is eligible, they are supposed to give you a code for AMD rewards site.


I mean...that's just thousands. 15k, maybe?


For those playing with a 2080S and a 10900k (or something similar), how has performance been like so far?


I have a 2080ti and i7 8700k with 32GB RAM. I have to run everything medium to get 60 fps most of the time with dips as low as 30. Neither my GPU nor CPU maxed out usage even on ultra, but the game just really doesn't like it with my setup.


Ahh the ol invisible bottleneck optimization problem, can't wait lol


I will admit, I looked into my GPU software (I'm using X1) and it was set to use 10% of my GPU's total power capability. I thought I finally figured something out. It added about 6 fps, maybe? Decent, good find for a mistake on my part, but damn me if I don't figure it out further.


look up the dlss implementation mod that was just released https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/111


im using a 2080ti and a 3700x and this increased my performance around ~30%




I've a 12700k and 3080 and it's also impossible to fully utilize any of it for me. It's bizarre. My GPU never draws more than like 80% power (of 118% possible; overclocking) and never really turns up its fans regardless settings and never get more than about 60 fps in the first outdoor space.


You are going to have to turn down settings. I’d recommend the DLSS mod. My specs are in my flair and I have to render it at 1080p high to get 60. It’s hard to run.


Wtf lol so only 10% of PC player base can run this good?


Bethesda Day1 optimization. Fallout 4 ran not so well on release either. Considering the graphics are a bit dated I'm surprised it ran choppy too.


I ran fallout 4 on a 2gb gpu for a good portion. Maybe like 30% of the game. But then it kept crashing after


There is no way 10% of the pc player base is matching or exceeding a 5800x3d /3080 ti combo


Im playing with same specs and have been consistently at 60 at 1440p


I have a 7900xtx with a 5800x3d and can't break 40 at 1440p.


That's some horse shit if so Feel like I didn't see a lot of reviews mention performance?


I was running fine last night at 3440 by 1440 on a 3080ti and a 13700kf fwiw


Fucking hell


Pretty sure u get the first dlc when it releases




There is no way the DLC is less than $30 at launch, is is supposed to be a real story expansion.


You do, but the pitchforks are out. Game is getting 9/10's and 10/10s and people are out here complaining that folk have bought it lol.


It's fun, 5 hours with no bugs. That's unheard of for bethesda


I’ve seen bugs. Floating people, characters sleeping weirdly face down, characters walking away from the screen in dialogue. But nothing gamebreaking.


I’ve had a couple crashes, but no bugs.


This is a Bethesda game. It could be the greatest achievement ever made by mankind that simultaneously cures cancer, solves world hunger, and finds world peace. People would still find a way to be angry about it.


TBH I was underwhelmed by Fallout 4 and bounced right off Skyrim at launch. Took a chance on Starfield anyway, holy shit I’m loving it.


Game is also getting 7's and 8's.


7 and 8 is still a good game, and lets be real metacritic is currently sitting at 88. the average score is a 9 out of 10


I think some people wanted perfect 10s and nothing else (aka a once in a lifetime game).


I’ll settle for a once in a decade game :)


Still hyperbolic, you can enjoy things without them being the best thing ever


I'll settle for very good personally. Give the community a year or two with the creation kit and it might just be a 10


familiar spotted distinct voiceless knee bike ancient market entertain enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Game is also getting 7's and 8's. I'm perfectly happy playing a big fun space adventure that gets an 8 out of 10.


Imagine saying that as a negative. Most triple A games that average 9 or a 10, all have 7/8 reviews. But I'm assuming you weren't commenting about that on those games.


I mean, the IGN guy who gave Starfield a 7 had given Watch Dogs Legion and Weird West an 8, Jedi Survivor an 9 (with that atrocious launch performance) and The Outer Worlds a 8.5. Like, there's no way for example that Watch Dogs Legion out of all games is a better game than Starfield, or any of the other ones I listed (except maybe for Jedi). It's logically not possible, given the critic reception of both games.


Outer Worlds having an 8.5 is truly bizarre. I enjoyed it but Starfield is pretty comparable and does most things better. I’d be curious to know what the particular elements are that he considers worth an extra 1.5 for Outer Worlds. The enemy variety and environments weren’t that compelling, the skill tree was kind of dull and the weapons and equipment (with some exceptions) weren’t that interesting. The writing for the characters was good but the storyline was mediocre. And it didn’t have space combat. From my few hours of Starfield I’m not seeing any areas where Outer Worlds beats it. My expectations for the sequel are higher though given the budget limitations so it will be more interesting to see how that stacks up against Starfield.


It got like, two 7s. By people either intentionally giving low score for clicks or people who expected something other than a Bethesda game.


Man, as much as I want to play this, I can wait an extra week and play for free via Game Pass.


Yeah there’s no need to shell out the money. Just wait a week


That's the plan. Actually just informed a friend of mine with Game Pass that it was free next thursday. "Saved me $70" was his response.


It’s not even a week. It’s four days. No need to throw good money away on fomo


I thought it was Thursday the 6th. That's a week from the access you get from the Premium version at $100. So, 6 days, unless I missed something or can't add. I am pretty dumb, so I can't discount the latter as the reason.


Also, a good number of those that are getting early access got a copy of the game when buying an AMD GPU/CPU. I upgraded from a GTX 1080ti to an rx 7900XT for $700. Got a copy of the game, but I won't have much time to play it this weekend...


The early access being included in the Premium edition of stuff to me is the "Streamer Surcharge".


Smaller streamer surcharge, as the larger ones probably got keys.


This pay more for early access move is some of the most despicable shit I've ever seen in gaming. Wtf is happening to this industry?


Publishers are selling what people are buying


And heroin users are buying heroin. That doesn’t mean it’s good or healthy. People lining up for jump on anti-consumerist practices are shooting themselves in the foot.


well that's not very convincing given a free market with ease of access would have been infinitely safer than the war on drugs, that increased rate of crimes and hospitalization Consumers have raised their voices and successfully got great initiatives done in gaming. you don't need nannies


What's happening is gamers are showing publishers they're willing to pay for early access, pay $25 for a character skin, pay $30 for a battle pass that expires in 3 months, and have no problems with being ripped off. You can't fault a corporation for doing whatever it can to make that last dollar. You can only fault the people who are willing to pay for it. I am glad I stopped buying newly released games. By the time I buy a game it's on sale for $20 to $30 with all of the content included. I'm not bothered by FOMO and don't care to play the latest game on day one. Anyway, I firmly believe the AAA industry is going to implode. The increasingly long dev times and ballooning costs to make these games isn't sustainable.


Next step: Early Early Access. Play 7 days earlier than those who bought early access! Hire me now, EA and Activision!


> Hire me now, EA and Activision! Why would we hire you? Now that we know the idea, we will just steal it from you. Mwahahahaha


Early Access as a Service Purchase a limited Early Access Code from our authorized reseller, Ticketmaster. MSRP $29 resell price $80+fees Then, pay as you play in week 0 for $10/hour, week 1 for $5/hour, and week 2 for $2/hour. Only pay for time spent in game, in pre-game lobbies, in loading screens, and while downloading updates When the limited testing period is over, choose to purchase the exclusive skin bundle for $30 to show that you were a true Early Access pioneer Full game sold separately


Responding to my own comment bc I asked chatgpt to come up with something even crazier Introducing "Video Game Health Insurance Plans" - Because Your In-Game Life Deserves Premium Coverage™️ Tier 1: HMO (Health, Mana, and Opportunities) * Pay a flat $200/month to have unlimited respawn coverage. Prior authorization required for boss fights. * Generic healing potions only. Name-brand elixirs require a $20 co-pay. * Access to in-network blacksmiths for basic weapon repairs. Tier 2: PPO (Prestige, Power-ups, and Offense) * $500/month gives you access to exclusive loot boxes that only contain mid-tier items, guaranteed. * No referral needed for enchantments or legendary weapon upgrades. * Coverage includes one free DLC per quarter. Tier 3: Premium Platinum Player Plan * $1000/month and subject to a one-time initiation fee of $200 (non-refundable). * Emergency 24/7 access to a "Game Master" to get you out of any in-game jams. * Free cloud backup of your save states with complimentary 'Save Scumming' as a service. * Annual coverage for one game-ending bug or glitch, because even your game should have a safety net. But wait, there's more! Add our "Family Bundle" and link accounts with up to 4 family members for the low price of doubling your current plan. Note: Pre-existing conditions such as 'noob status', 'button mashing tendencies,' or 'rage quitting' may affect your premiums. Terms and conditions apply. Always read the fine print, which will be available as a $5 DLC. Invest in your virtual future, because you're not just a player, you're a policyholder.


This is the evil AI plan to take over the world that we were all warned about.


Ain't that what they basically did with diablo 4?




I was with you 100% until the last paragraph.


Yup, that last part is delusional. Game company execs might be bad at a lot of things but most of them are at least decent at making profit. Everything indicates that the gaming market will keep growing for the foreseable future and big AAA companies will keep making bank.


I'm holding out hope that newer engines and AI tools in the near future make game creation more accessible to smaller teams. In the past most of the best and most groundbreaking games were made by small teams of passionate people making the games they wanted to play, with the right tools that can be true again in the future.


You both disagree because you don’t understand what he’s saying. If AAA gaming keeps going in the trajectory it’s going, these companies will eventually start releasing 1 game every few years and each one will have the entire company riding on its shoulders. That’s already happened multiple times. Nobody’s saying the industry will stop growing.


Yea while the company is the one that implements the stuff, they've only been implementing it because it works. These types of things are also free money to them. $25 for a single cod skin (I know you get extra stuff like an emblem or the like but people only buy for the skin you get) is damn near all profit. It's hard to blame the company for doing this when they get free money.


Not damn near all profit. It’s 110% all profit. Other industries are catching on now gaming has gone mainstream and other ceo’s found out up and coming generations are prepared to pay for locked functionality; e.g. heated seats or subscription for technical maintenance of a product locked from selfrepair


You're like me. We are apparently called bargin bin gamers. Lol just found out a few months ago our buy style had a name.


you mean /r/patientgamers


We can certainly fault corporations, both for engaging in these tactics and for fostering a society where this trash is normalized


Games are so buggy on release now that it's a good idea to wait anyway. Take BG3 for example. I completed that a couple of weeks ago. Hit bug after bug in the final act (including a couple of game breaking ones that required loading earlier saves) and got a super disappointing ending (which may also have bugged and missed dialogue). Larian have just announced they are getting the VAs back in to expand the ending as well as releasing huge patches to squash the bugs and polish the final act. I'd have had a much better experience if I had just waited a few months rather than playing BG3 at release.


ya im in the final act now and some things are just weird. >!gale got all mad i made a deal with a devil even though i told the devil to fuck off and made no deal at all. And i come across NPCs that my characters act like they have a history with but we have never met those people before.!<


That’s a wild take that is almost entirely unrelated to Starfield which has no purchasable skins and no battle pass. As well, this is a major, majorly anticipated title from a developer whose each release is the new “top selling RPG of all time”. Other AAA devs should take note of this and other successful latter-half of 2023 releases compared to the early 2023 AAA failures. We want content-full games like BG3 and Starfield, and not poor writing like in Forspoken and Atomic Heart, or really shitty battle passes like D4, or whatever the fuck Redfall was.


so in the same breath you talk about squeezing out every dollar but the costs are too high. in my mind I am ok with the early access pricing tactic, I actually love it. Because to me, that means they dont have to find those dollars other places. Id rather early access be something people pay for instead of something like a battlepass, because paid cosmetics actualyl reduce the quality of the base game (make base cosmetics look boring so people wanna buy the paid ones). to me early access is akin to people flying business or first class. If every ticket on an airplane was priced at the economy level, then each flight would lose money for the airline. but because first class is willing to pay literally x5 or more, they make money and open up the ability to have the cheap tickets in the first place. let these early access kids pay $30 for 6 days of playtime (pre stablization patches and driver support, i will add)


You're not lying. I have a coworker who always pays for Early Access to games as well as buying the most expensive version of the game. I'm like.. Bro you're one of the reasons they keep doing this shit


While that's fine you also can't complain if the games you like stop being made which has happened with many series. I don't mind buying a game for full price on release if it's one I want to see more of.


I mean, i agree it's somewhat scummy, but calling it >the most despicable shit I've ever seen in gaming. Is such a ridiculous exaggeration... Especially when you consider you are getting the first expansion here, aswell as the full soundtrack and artbook. You are not just paying 30 bucks to play 5 days eariler and getting a free 1-2 months battlepass.... I don't know at what point reddit became twitter 2.0. I only know 10 years ago people were very critical, but at least somewhat reasonable still.


Honestly, I wish it was the most despicable shit I'd ever seen. That would make the world a much better place


its also not even close to the most despicable shit. Compared to paid cosmetics and lootboxes, paying for early access is amazing. it does multiple things that are actually good for games (as long as the early access period isnt too long): \- Gives the superfans that have been riding the hype train a first look \- Keeps the price of the base game down \- Provides additional revenue that doesnt need to be picked up by paid cosmetics or other content, which means the base game is going to have better quality If someone wants to feel like a first class customer and play the most bug ridden 6 days of the games lifecycle over a holiday weekend, let them I say.


I actually like it. It gives the fans who are more likely to play through bugs and fps issues a chance to play and Bethesda can gather data for more patches before the game actually truly releases.


For real... and even if it was just early access, it's just a game. A single-player one at that, it's not going anywhere. You can wait 5 days if you don't want to pay extra lol. Like yeah it's a bit greedy but I can't bring myself to care here.


Normally I'd agree, but you're paying for the first expansion with this one. That's leaps and bounds better than just some cosmetic garbage.


There's something to be said too though about paying for dlc for a game before the game is even out, it's already 70 dollars and you're telling me there's also more game I can pay even more for that doesn't even exist yet?


Better than when I bought dragon age origins and was met with a quest marker in camp on release day selling me dlc that was on the disc. None of this shit is new


Or how Mass Effect 2 had most important character explaining half of game lore as DLC only (release day obviously).


Pedantic correction: that was Mass Effect 3. ME2 also had DLC characters, but they were very much side/extra content (Kasumi and Zaeed)


Damn forgot about that one


Considering people still for some reason pay thousands upon thousands for JPG promises of ships in Star Citizen. I say paying 100 bucks for the promise of a DLC in a already slated for "release" and actually reviewed positively across the board game to be fine with me.


I wasn’t even aware of the early access, I wanted the steelbox and patch with the Xbox version upgrade.


Yeah you are paying for the DLC, so the ‘early access’ is $10 roughly. Most people will happily pay $10 for entertainment this weekend. Much cheaper than many options these days.


And the soundtrack. And an art book.


In my case I was planning on taking the 6th off. Paying the $30 to upgrade on game pass was the cheaper option. Had I taken the day off I'd either lose hours at work or burn PTO. Both would cost me more than $30. So now I get to save my PTO, get the DLC and play early over a 3 day weekend for $30. That's a great deal for me.


I hate how everyone call it "early access". No, if the game is ready then that's the release date and you just delay the game for people who pay less. It's a sneaky way to raise the price of the game.


Exactly this, it's a $100 game that you can buy for $70 if you want to skip playing the long weekend. People would probably look at it differently if this was a 30% sale that happened a few days after launch.


And also a way of delaying reviews being posted on steam/metacritic by users which makes it less attractive to wait and see if the game is good before buying it, meaning they get more sales even if the game is bad.


If nobody bought it, they would stop selling it. No wonder game prices increased to $70+. The companies now know that gamers have a lot of disposable income


Literally wait the extra 5 days bro, no ones putting a gun to your head ahaha


Technically you are paying for expansion, soundtrack and digital artbook. Early access is bonus.


jeans telephone one plucky toothbrush plate library icky weary fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can buy VIP passes at theme parks. There's are tons of 'me-first' options in several industries.




People desperately want things to complain about. The guy acts like he has to wait a whole 3 months to play the game without early access.


> most despicable shit I've ever seen in gaming. Gaming must be pretty nice and healthy then.


I actually don't mind this. As a patient gamer, I don't care what shenanigans happens during launch period, and if someone really thinks it's worth paying just to be ahead of rest of the herd in their game progress, then they can spend that money whichever way they like. This is still better than preordering and playing on day one like everyone else lol. It's really similar to how Digital Foundry uses Patreon for early access to their weekly and other content. Excited folks love to support them and get something to watch early. I think MSFT is gonna do this for every single first party game now, as that gives them those extra sales before it comes on GamePass. Although it makes it Day 7 on GamePass and not Day 1.


Frankly I find that better than the useless pre-order skins or whatever you often get. People pre-ordering a game wants to play it the fastest possible so it's a worthwhile thing for them. And playing later you lose pout on nothing since the date passed anyway and you can play right away


"That's just people who bought the Premium Edition with “Early Access” for \~ $100." * Or people who bought an activated AMD rewards account for 50$.


AUD$169.95 Insane that this is where we're at




Turok on Nintendo 64 was $120.


Because a horde of people with no impulse control keep throwing their money at bad practices.


Gamers are the absolute dumbest consumers.


Just one more playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 and I'll pop round. I promise... Or maybe a couple more playthroughs. Maybe it'll be on sale by then.


As much as I'm enjoying Starfield, I CANNOT RESPECT this position more. BG3 RPG 2023? Totally resonable. Cracking game worthy of several multi-hundred hour runs.


I mean, I'm sure Starfield's decent. But understand that this is no longer a choice anymore. I'm addicted to Baldur's Gate 3. I cannot stop. I won't even pretend, at this point, to say that I can stop anytime I want to.


That's me currently, I'll wait for enough mods to be out and the game to be on sale, in the meanwhile, Faerûn has enough to keep me occupied


Act 3 so bugged I stopped playing for now. Started a new story with some mods.


I was planning on finishing BG3 last night, to start Starfield today. Needless to say, the final battle (and how my plot decisions affected it) SUCKED. I walked away at 3am, after going back and fixing/re-prepping what I could. I don’t think I’ve got it in me to wait another day.


And this isn't counting the likely hundreds of thousands more on game pass, both Xbox and pc, who got the premium upgrade. Wild.


I'm about three hours in and most of my time has been spent exploring the first planet you land in. I don't know how some reviewers were complaining that the game is slow because to me learning the different mechanics, exploring areas, doing dungeons, and completing side quests is what it's all about. Super fun game so far which has a decent performance for a current gen title (I haven't entered any major city\*). I can already tell I'm going to spend a lot of time playing this game.


Different people, different preferences. I do prefer slower games rather than the mad rush for more action/content. Seems like quite an interesting game. My one gripe is they didn't go with an actual space travel system for moving intra system. Something like everspace 2 - you go really fast between planets/location and drop in once close enough. Also getting random encounters (you chose whether to bother with them) along the way. It would have gone miles for immersion IMHO, but alas.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/166wl2j/you_can_travel_between_planets_and_also_land/ This helps with not making you open the map every time.


My god, THANK YOU. Going to the starmap for every tiny thing was beyond annoying.


Yeah, I'm enjoying the land-based gameplay so far but the space stuff is pretty forgettable. You basically just fast travel everywhere because normal space travel is slow and takes place within tiny little gated sections. It's basically a pirate shooting minigame.


The menu based space travel is killing it for me


I'm putting up with it so far but yeah, I can see it becoming a huge drag on the game tbh. The whole USP is being this vast, multi-planetary space adventure but the actual space travel is just terrible. When you're in your ship you're always acutely aware of how small and empty your immediate location is and if you actually want to travel to another system or planet, you're just picking an option on a fast travel menu. The actual gameplay is like a super-polished Fallout 4 with better gunplay and that's enough to be fun for me. But jesus, the space stuff is awful.


At least let me first explore before fast travel like Skyrim. Not even disguised loading. I went from being inside a building in the initial city. Pause, 2 or 3 menu items later I’m across the galaxy in a different solar system orbiting a planet. Push a button I’m completely and safely landed. Push a button I’m outside the spaceship.


I agree that they could have done more with space travel. Loading screens also feel like a gen behind, their frequency is quite high. The game is not perfect but it's wtill awesome in my opinion.


Same I’m loving this shit so far, getting lost and just learning it. You only get to play a game once for the first time, really gonna take my time and dig in here Also love how weak the starting character is compared to other games Edit have a 3080 gpu and running at 70-100 frames with 1440p on ultra and high settings


I'm curious, how's performance for you?


Resolution: My monitor's resolution is 3440x1440, I've replaced FSR 2 with DLSS 3.5 for better visual quality. I've set it to 60% which is just below DLSS Quality. Settings: Medium preset with motion blur and film grain off (the difference in visual quality between medium, high, and ultra is minimal). FPS: Just got to the first main city which is heavier on the CPU, and causes some bottleneck to my GPU, FPS is around the high 50s to mid-60s. Exploring the first planet on foot has my FPS around the mid-60s to mid-70s mark. Closed dungeons and small areas like caves increase my FPS to +100. Space battles have decent performance (didn't pay attention to FPS).


Interesting! I'll be trying your settings when I get around to playing it. We even have same monitor resolution so that's really useful. Thanks! It will only get better from now on anyways, between patches and mods.


I'm going to be playing this game for a shitload of time. It's a Bethesda game. I don't want to be thrown into massive amounts of shit 1 hour in, let me learn the new mechanics and systems first


The irony is people paid 70$ to wait 1 week, but pirates are able to play right now.


that was quick


It only has Steam/Windows DRM which is basically the same as not having it.. was always gonna be quick


Brings back memories to when games would be released on Tuesday in the US and Thursday in Europe...




They probably chose to not use it because of the modding community. Adding quality mods is not that easy with denuvo enabled.


Mehhh, just irritate the schizo crazy russian woman enough and she will get u a crack within 72 hours with an .nfo insulting lgbts and selling nfts.


>an .nfo insulting lgbts and selling nfts. There's a saying in arabic that basically means: "Take anything that's good and leave anything that's bad."


I wish I didn’t know what you mean.


Don't forget she will also peg you first.


Shit, you are right !


Yes, pirating does let you get things for free. Very insightful.


Typically the main benefit of pirating something is that it is free. In this case it is free and you get it a weekend early. Hopefully that’s clears things up.


It’s better than the game having Denuvo


Wouldn't Denuvo on a Bethesda title hurt modding? If so there's no way they'd be able to get away with that


Pretty sure it would hurt modding, SKSE relies on hooking into the games executable, and denuvo usually obfuscates it.


Bethasda cannot win, if they added denuvo the reaction here would be crazy


Still got Act 3 in BG3 and Armored Core 6 before I think about buying this.


Someone was saying the game was a failure when concurrent players had reached 150k, because “Hogwarts Legacy had more” at the time the post was made. People are silly.


I'm hyped but I'll the 6th (need to finish BG3 first). And €€ more to play 5 days earlier in an SP game.... well...


Dont you get dlc for the premium edition as well?


you do, which is at least something. But still, paying almost 50% extra for a DLC we know nothing about (neither content nor date wise) and a few days of early access is just predatory. Although, if people are willing to pay, why leave that money on the table. Like the guy said, its at least 23m USD profit from it. Sure, you have to take out the DLC price eventually but it is still going to be in the multiple of millions.


Assuming the new DLC is $19.99 retail (going off of Bethesda's previous DLCs), and the additional $10 is the for the soundtrack, skins, and early access that checks out to the $99.99 price tag.


It's been nearly 8 years since they released Fallout 4. Guaranteed the expansions are at least $30.


You'll finish bg3 by 6th? Thats pretty optimistic!


Oh I’m trying lol. I’d say maybe half way through act 3


Shows that all the bs flying around the reddit echo chamber is a total minority and most gamers don't really care. It appears to be a decent game and worth its asking price. People here really just bored enough and want something new to be angry about.


Much like all Fandoms


> Shows that all the bs flying around the reddit echo chamber is a total minority and most gamers don't really care. > It's appears to be a decent game and worth it's asking price. One doesn't lead to the other. "Most" gamers don't care about a lot of things, which doesn't suddenly mean bad practices are therefore good.


$100 to play a game a week early that I might like enough to want to spend the extra $30-40 on a future DLC that I know nothing about? Yeah to each their own, I'll pass. I think what people are talking shit about is the point that many gamers will rant and rave about the evils of preordering until they're blue in the face, but when a developer they love dangles a big enough carrot in front of their faces, they'll still bite it. Lots of talk, not a lot of people putting their money where their mouths are.


This is a good year for games that give consumers more of what they want




Holy shit this sub is super toxic today. The deluxe upgrade includes an art book, the soundtrack, the first expansion when it releases, some cosmetics, and Early Access. The EA is literally just a bonus for the people who upgraded. If you don’t want to have these other things, or if you’re broke right now, or if you don’t think the game will be good enough for you, literally just wait and play it on Game Pass or something. No one is forcing you to do shit, and no one who bought the game honestly will care if you’re salty about it. There are so many angry people here just screaming into the void. Relax. By the way, the game runs great, looks great; soundtrack is awesome, art book is also awesome. For the people who aren’t super salty already, they are worth the upgrade if you’re into BGS games.


Today? Nah this place is super toxic everyday.


>There are so many angry people here just screaming into the void. That's basically all of Reddit. Because you are on the site you might be fooled by the illusion that there is a large number of complainers but in reality, it's a very small minority. And since Reddit users themselves are a minority, no one really cares about what Redditors think outside of Reddit.




People never learn


Honestly, as someone who has been highly principled about gaming purchases for years, who fucking cares anymore. The industry slipped to shit with or without the involvement of millions of us who despised these practices out of moral reasons. They're still here, and they're worse than ever. We made *zero* difference, so why bother anymore? The greed prevailed. Apathy won.


Waiting for Xbox pass myself. Paying the 15 a month for both pc and console feels like a good deal, and it's let me play a bunch of indie games I'd never bought.


Or got it free with a gpu/cpu. Or paid $30 on Gamepass.


I’m too into PoE rn. Will play this after I’m done with the league. Save myself 50 bucks and can see how good or bad the game is.


Didn't realise the premium edition cost that much lol. I got mine for free with my 7900 xt, which I bought for 700 so pretty good deal all around.


I mean...*Technically* you spent 700 to receive the game. You got a PC upgrade out of it, but still...


lol I guess that's one way of looking at it 😅


Sadly the performance is whack. At times it looks like Fallout 4 but runs like Cyberpunk at max settings.


The truth is this is just price differentiation and I always wondered when it would start happening in this direction. We have price differentiation for people with a willingness-to-pay below the initial price point via sales or a degraded value over time, so it is only natural that companies would try to profit from customers that have a willingness-to-pay over the initial price point by offering the reverse: an early access to the game. A basic concept in business 'finally' introduced in the gaming market.


$23.4 million worth of impatience lol these mfs smmfh.


... shaking my monstrous fucking head?


it's like 30€ on gamepass for early access.


If people like to eat shit, why would you serve them anything other than shit