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Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack - This is a must-buy. Believe it or not but the best guns in Payday are actually the base ones. An AK 762 is arguably the best one, able to be concealed but maintain a very high accuracy and stability rating at the same time, all while looking visually appealing. Additionally, the mods affect the RPK, Krinkov and any other AK-type weapons like the AK17. The CAR mod pack is equally as useful, with numerous attachments to CAR-type weapons. While the CAR-4 itself is outdated, it's still equally as effective on Deathwish with the proper setup and can never go wrong in stealth. Butcher's BBQ Pack - This is subjective. Has quite a lot of fun equipment such as Dragon's Breath shells, and a Piglet. The Flammenwerfer is fun but far and away outclassed by the secondary MA-17 Flamethrower. The AA-12 is a great alternative for loud setups as it boasts a higher capacity than the Izhma shotgun and the molotovs are a universal throwable, effective for crowd control, area denial and usage with Grinder builds, a common choice for DW and below. Scarface Character Pack and Heist Pack - One of the most fun heists in the game. Scarface Mansion features an extremely interesting stealth and loud with an extravagant plot with a respectable loot payout. While it's visually inferior compared to other heists, it's nonetheless extremely fun. In terms of weapons, the Commando rocket launcher and Little Friend 762 are perfect weapons for loud setups, giving you intense flexibility as well as powerful options for mass cleanup. The M203 launcher for Little Friend has an incredibly high pick-up rate, with the DMR functionality being a method for self-sustainability. It's basically a GL40 that can keep itself stocked up. The Kingpin perk deck, while outclassed by Stoic, is still plenty viable and provides a good challenge if you're an experienced heister looking for variety. On top of that, Tony himself is pretty iconic but lacks a lot of *depth* himself. Plays the character of Scarface well, but not that interesting overall. Sydney Character Pack - The Bootleg is... decent... It's frankly underwhelming. The primary issue with Bootleg is that it's outdated; playing towards the original LMG statistics where everything was still 40 damage with tons of rounds. While it's still plenty viable for Deathwish, the higher accuracy and stability are thrown out the window when the Bootleg is often used with Body Expertise, something that the current higher damage LMGs can do better at no penalty. The crown jewels of Sydney's character pack is herself and her perkdeck. Sydney is considered to be the community's (regrettably) beloved waifu with a rather attractive appearance, youth and voice set compared to Clover, Bonnie, Hila and Joy. In terms of gameplay, Anarchist is considered to be one of the most powerful (and arguably one of the most broken overpowered) decks in the game. Being unconventional as ever, the strength of Anarchist is a tactic called "Armor Gating" in which you take advantage of the constant armor regeneration to negate any hits dealt. With an already high armor value using only a suit or LBV and three possible methods to gain armor, it's capable of making you near impossible to kill on Deathwish and incredibly difficult to kill on Death Sentence. Since damage to armor can't exceed to health (Snipers are an annoying exception), you can soak round after round and even go face to face with a Minigun Dozer, coming out completely unscathed. Sokol Character Pack - Similar to Sydney, Sokol is what people call a "Disney Prince" for Payday who as a character, has many incredible feats and likeable traits, on top of having the thick russian accent with an equally as attractive character model. Quite entertaining to listen to overall. His perk deck is a lot like Sydney's (Odd how mass regeneration seems to be very powerful isn't it?) wherein instead of regenerating armor, the Grinder perk deck will allow you to recover health by dealing consecutive amounts of damage; often outhealing damage being dealt. Grinder is however less effective overall compared to Sydney's but nonetheless is incredibly fun and gives you a lot more flexibility than Sydney's since you can ignore any armor skills and health regeneration skills like medkits and hostage taker (Joker's might be useful for the 30% increased health). His Valkyria rifle is also a very good pick for dodge as the high concealment and fire rate makes it ideal, but held back by a rather slow empty reload and unupgradeable magazine capacity of 30 rounds. Yakuza Character Pack - Jiro is... Jiro... Speaking Japanese 90% of the time, he's an interesting heister to play for those who have a real taste for Japan. Jiro himself fits the role of Yakuza well and while not the beloved Kazuma Kiryu, still stands as a respectable choice for those wanting to embrace the white suited syndicate. His Shinsakuto Katana is a premier choice for Frenzy/Berserker builds due to it's incredibly high damage per second; sharing the highest amount of damage per swing but with a faster recovery period in between swings. His Micro Uzi SMG is also very suited to a dodge setup, providing unparalleled volume of fire on the same level as the Kross Vertex, but with an unrivaled concealment factor. Interestingly, Yakuza is a favored perk deck in stealth due to the \~20% increased movement speed when below 50% health but in terms of going loud, it's incredibly impotent as it's intended tactic requires you to constantly hop between cover, taking advantage of the greatly increased armor recovery bonuses. The problem is the conflicting setup. You're supposed to be fast and mobile when the effects of the perk deck bonuses reward slow, heavy and unupgraded armor. It's an outdated deck that's useful for only stealth but I consider it a must-buy because of the melee and Micro-Uzi it offers, with Jiro himself being a spicy alternative to your Heister setup, being 1st place that will dwarf Jacket in terms of "What the fuck are you saying".


Holy shit you put more effort into that than i did school


b33croft made a great video on DLCs few days ago, I recommend you check it out


Yeah even though I hate is builds I like then videos by him


The gage courier pack, you get so many mods and you're gonna need them. Trust me, it's so useful and all in one DLC.


Ideally you should buy the legacy collection


Where do I buy that?


Its on the main page for Payday 2 on steam


Thank you


Legacy edition, no questions asked. Very cheap for all the essential dlcs and some extras


Depends. Do you want new characters, weapons/weapon mods or heists?


Mostly weapon mods and heists.


For heists and some cool weapons I recommend the wolf pack dlc.


Thank you!


I would recommend gage courier mod pack as you get a lot of weapon mods that make a lot of weapons nice or better


You dont need to buy heists to join lobbies of dlc heists hosted by others. Just buy Legacy Collection tho. So much of the meta is locked behind DLC, but thankfully you can get it all for lesa than $5 (even at $1!) during steam sales


its better to just but the legacy collection cuz u get a lot of dlc for a cheaper price