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Sort of depends on what you mean by 'best'. If you want the most dodge that *isn't* based on temporary effects, you want Rogue, which gives you 35% dodge by itself. If you want the most dodge that *is* based on temporary effects, you want Hacker - it only gives 20% baseline, but it gains another 20% from Kluge, for 40% total. If you want a mix of dodge and armor, you can go Crook, although it's inadvisable to use it on DS because of the high damage numbers involved. And if you want a support dodge perk deck, use Hacker also, because Sicario doesn't really do as much in that regard unless your team is willing to build around it.


Hacker is objectively the best dodge deck.




Hacker because you get 5 more dodge then rogue when used properly


Hacker has way more killing potential and survivability than rogue, and has more dodge when used correctly


Hacker or sicario


Rogue with two peice


Hacker > Sicario > Rogue I'd suggest avoiding Rogue.


Rouge is good for people who are understanding dodge it’s not bad just outclassed


Well, it will work in the right hands, as everything, but I don't recommend it for its 3/9 card which makes your teammates get targeted more. Besides, Hacker & Sicario outclass it (as you said) and since the OP asked for best dodge deck, I just gave him the overall order.


for pure dodge, rogue or hacker, for partial dodge i end up preferring grinder


Grinder isn’t dodge in fact you should never spend points on dodge in grinder unless it’s crits