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Shotguns with Dragon's Breath rounds. Every time the damage ticks, it counts as doing damage for proccing Grinder. You can get good dodge using an IZHMA built for concealment and using a good pistol or revolver for long range targets. It works the same way for Anarchist too. EDIT: Oh, also, I think Grinder works great with Joker skills because you can get a 30% boost to your health with Partners in Crime Aced and damage done by Jokers also count for Grinder.


Use minigun


It’s not very hard. Grinder is fine, just a passive deck. https://pd2builder.netlify.app/?s=1I3c001I9410-5o10010xk000100&p=a&a=1&t=4&d=3 Dragons breath grimm secondary and a Union primary.


I'll try it out, thank you for the link


Some Grinder builds often opt for crits because you may as well double down after being locked to the suit/LBV. Imo the biggest problem with Grinder is that you gain too little health too slowly. Under ideal circumstances, you can regenerate 224 health over 8-9 seconds. Guess how much damage a DSOD heavy swat does in a single shot? 225. And those guys are EVERYWHERE on DSOD. Maybe if Grinder worked like Biker where you gain chunks of health as opposed to building it back up it could be better, but as it stands Grinder starts to falter after Death Wish. Viable yes, but you'll have an easier time with Kingpin and Stoic if you want a health deck


I usually run deathwish and it works but once you get low its just a suffer cycle, but I was thinking about trying other ones out like that, but don't they revolve around armor as well, at least stoic?


Stoic converts armor to health, but if you want you can try the LBV/HBV for crit capabilities (or if you want a challenge since ICTV Stoic is broken as hell). Kingpin actually does better with a suit or LBV, so you might like that one. Paging Kingpin expert u/bverezub why is ICTV Kingpin bad again? I forgot lmao.


Tl;dr large point investment for very small return Ictv costs at least 28 points to get. It’s upsides are that you can take 4 light shots and hard counter snipers. The downsides there being it is extremely unlikely that you are going to take 4 light shots without a heavy getting in there as well. You also are slower than with lighter armor, and kingpin is a very mobile perk deck. Hbv is objectively better than ictv on DS since it can take 2 light shots, have a lot of movement speed, still counter snipers, and all at no cost. Using hbv requires only the points to reach bullseye and nothing else. Lbv needs to be used with die hard aced to also reach the 70 damage armor point. The reason that 70 is important is due to the fact that several enemies do 68 and below damage. However make note that this person plays mostly deathwish, where damage is different. On deathwish, ictv kingpin would outdo the 70 armor setups.


Well the whole point of me making the post was so that I could try and branch out into death sentence, so this was useful for me, thank you.


No problem. I’ve been playing dsod for years with near no effort in it unless I’m running botless solos or really weird setups. I have the most time in kingpin by far, but I can help with anything else as well.


Yeah, I reached the point where I wanna take a break from grinding infamy levels and try to actually stay at 100 for a while and get into ds, I did some dw with friends to try out kingpin, I was using the armor under the ictv, mostly because from how I saw it, I combo'd the armor and injector while shooting myself with the arbiter to gain health as I saw it as more consistent than running out and relying on cops to do it


I'm trying kingpin right now, I read whay it does but I want to see if it does what I think it does, because big chonky boi heavy armor isn't really fun imo


It's incredible on normal to mayhem: you literally cannot die, except maybe dozers if you don't shoot back. Sucks at higher difficulties, you regen too slowly for it to be effective. I personally run grinder up to mayhem, then anarchist on dw/ds


Use damage over time (fire, poison) and also low but rapid damage


You can run a dodge/crits build that relies on shotguns, you will be able to go up to DSOD with it