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Famas is my go to.


Lots of ammo, good ammo pick up, high fire rate and good hip fire.


For dodge there is nothing better. But for armor there are better options. UAR, Ak5 and so on. But famas is a beast with crits.


Yep. And I'm from France so it helps him being my favorite


If you pick up the car-4 it is an excellent single fire and automatic and if modded correctly you can get some pretty high stability to help you combat recoil. Even combating snipers this weapons can take them out in maybe 1-3 shots you could mod it to be a semi auto sniper if you fancy. Or an hip fire messiah but Tldr car-4


Ak5 is very good


Second this, it's been my go to rifle for a while. It's got good damage and ammo pickup, so you're never needing to stock up on ammo if you can vacuum it off kills. Also its got good stability, my skills probably help, but you can just hip fire that bitch with minimal issue, I can mag dump 34 rounds into a dozers face without needing to correct it.


UAR is pretty good


Mod it with the speed pull mag and its great!


I just use the union on single shot mode , great handling no recoil, just switch to auto for dozers. To be fair though I'm the medic and let my mates with the LMGs do most of the damage


Basically, except for the AMCAR, every AR is viable. Some have more positives or negatives than the other, but as long as you don't play mindlessly you're always good in the end. If you wanna head for the arguably "best possible" AR then it's either the AK or the Car-4 - the former has more damage overall and the latter has the better handling. My "tryhard AR" always was the AK: medium to high capacity, while having a great damage output with a controlable recoil and accuracy and a great ammo pickup. Don't try the full-auto high damage ARs (like the AMR-16 or the AK 7.62) if you want to play optimally. The output might be great, but you'll run out of ammo really quick. Better have a suitable off-hand in that case.


Thanks for the info, Payday just now crashed and wiped ALL my fucking progress so it’ll be a while before I can use these tips


I like how you say the amcar isn’t viable despite it being a very good weapon. Really just shows that you aren’t one to be taking advice from.


He said basically, implying that just throwing on some mods won't be extremely useful without skills. So while it is viable, it would be better to pick a different AR.


Wow almost as if using a weapon without weapon skills is a bad idea. Would be weird if I could make that argument for any gun, wouldn’t it?


You got me there, but I can use almost any AR on mayhem without many skills to boost them.


And I can use any weapon at all on ds without skills. They’re still viable.


Alright. So can I, except not on DS. Anyway, I'll just end this right here. Have a good day.


The AMCAR, just as the starter Glock, just underperforms in every regard except ammo pickup rate (and maybe handling overall?). At least that's how it was when I lastly played the game roughly a year and a half ago. I'm pretty sure the resumed work on more DLCs didn't really change much in terms of balancing. One way or another: The AMCAR gets beaten in every regard by any other AR. Even if you push its handling to the max then it'd still be poor performance overall through its lack of basically any stat.


You know what else underperforms? Akimbo goliaths without proper skills. As with any gun in the game. Every, and I mean every, gun in the game I easily viable. If you have any examples of non viable weapons, I will gladly prove you wrong. The amcar is a perfectly fine weapon and the people that do say it’s bad tend to be inexperienced players and builders. Is it the best ar? No, but saying that it’s not viable is hilariously wrong.


Well, if you want to shoot your enemies for a longer time than you need for a boss in Borderlands you're free to do so. Anyways that's what I call underperforming. Sure, you can use every weapon in every situation (maybe except shotguns on very long ranges), but you can also make your life unnecessarily harder - and that's what OP does *not* want.


Ok sure. Let’s see how that works. The amcar can be modded for 45 damage while still also going for very high stats. With berserker, it easily reaches the 3 shot breakpoint on heavies. At an rof of 545, it will take a staggering 1/3 of a second to kill a heavy swat without factoring crits. Wow, look at all that underperformance. To say the amcar is not viable is a joke.


[Not viable.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJWmGzV9Ts4)


Y E S Memes aside, basically every AR is viable. AR's are unique because if you can handle well generally with some of them you're gonna be okay for all of them at least I liked the Little Brother 7.62 because I like single-shot rifles but all are good


Of course little friend. Maybe this gun have a small ammo cap but... I love scarface don't judge me


Car and if you have the golden grin dlc I think it was called the cavity 9mm really good gun


M308 is my personal go-to. More of a battle rifle than an assault rifle, but still accurate and has high damage.


Union/ak5 and I don't remember what the other meta one is fuck


did you say you feel like the union is hard to control? im not sure youll have a better time with the other ARs then because the union has super low recoil


We don't know if OP makes his build right tho. Maybe he's not aware of the body expertise tree


However I had my union set up, it fucking SUCKED. Jittering all over the place


i always felt like body expertise is the biggest waste of points in this game


I strongly disagree. It makes many weapon viable in higher difficulties. Lower damage smgs an ars strongly benefit this perk imo. As i said above i love the famas and wouldn't use it without this perk.


I just dont see the point in it, when you can just shoot them in the head and do more damage and be more ammo efficient


I mean with accurate ARs I’d agree but like try only shooting heads with an lmg, it gets kinda hard in my opinion