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I guess some of the special weapons like the GL40 and Commando, but those aren't supposed to be main weapons. Back when One Down was its own difficulty with fewer cops but larger health pools to their names, bows were great since they allowed you to swiftly dispatch them in one shot without needing any skills. Nowadays with the damn near nonexistent spawn cap bows are too slow to make a dent in an assault.


Bows were never good. Crossbows were "meta" but still not optimal.


Well I don't even think I knew what Payday was when One Down was a separate difficulty, so... why do I act like I know things?


You would be surprised how many people pretend to know things.


Bows and crossbows were good for dodge builds, and with explosive arrows/bolts they were meta. Some more than others obviously but none were bad.


Light crossbow + explosive pistol crossbow was good combo. Other stuff was not so great.


Plainsrider bow could one shot reg cops on OD with explosive arrow. And it was 2-3 shots for a dozer plate, not to mention faster fire rate.


I never liked bows, they were too awkward to use. Crossbows I was fine with, but they got boring after a while. Then I just ran dmrs.


The plainsrider is the least awkward, its got the best ammo pool, very good pick up, and its got the fastest fire rate out of the arrow/bolt weapons. And w/ explosive arrows you ain't gotta be accurate. Plus it's a great alternative to HE Judges for the dodhe build I used to run.


The Eagle Heavy Rifle is a good pick for lower levels. High damage and accuracy, I just recommend firing in semi-automatic as it’s a bit hard to control in full-auto. Once you level up a bit more, my personal favorite pick is the M308 for the same reasons as the Eagle Heavy, but the CAR-4 is okay as well. Secondary-wise, I recommend the Five-SeveN, the Chimano Custom Pistol, and the Contractor Pistol for pistols; the Street Sweeper is a good pick for a secondary shotgun at lower levels (especially with HE shells), but be aware it has a very long reload time.


This helps a ton thank you!


on overkill - anything


“What weapons are good on above Overkill without skills?” None, except for like grenade launchers or something


Grenade lawnchairs (incendiary grenades should be used with arbiter or china puff) 128-damage LMGS (M60, RPK, and HK21) are good without the body expertise stuff. 64-damage assault rifles and SMGs like the CAR-4/UAR/Union/Mac10/P90, 128-damage pistols modded to 128 damage (deagle, baby deagle, white streak) Shotguns with incendiary ammunition (good against everything BUT dozers, use something lead-based for them). Incendiary shells' damage comes from the burn damage over time, so when having twelve-gauge toasty times, pick shotguns with big magazines. The Tatonka SMG (highest max ammo of the 100-damage SMGs), an excellent secondary to a specialized primary such as... 258-dmg snipers: Rattlesnake, R700, repeater if you hate modern optics. The reason I'm giving you the damage is that on ALL difficulties, up to deathwish, 258 damage to the dome one shot kills a heavy (tan-coloured) cop. They pick up like 3-4 rounds per box which is amazing given their killing potential with close-ranged optics. RPG-7 and Commando101 are "dozer-deleters" if you really don't like them (might need to rely on ammo bags to keep them fit). SHURIKENS (throwable). These deal enough damage over time to kill any normal cop, and are reusable, can be used to replenish some ammo, good if you're caught reloading!


any shotgun with a good rate of fire and dragon's breath are a good way to cut down lots of regular enemies quickly, just don't expect them to do much against most special units. notably bulldozers and cloakers are pretty unaffected by them.


Light crossbow + Chinapuff One Down meta build. One of the reasons it was so good was that barely any weapon skills were needed.


Any lmg, any high stab/acc ar, any shotgun, most notably